PACE TWO The Daily News PWNCE KUPEKT BRITISH COLUMBIA v Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally Ntws. Limited, Third Avenus H. F. PULLEN Managinjr-Edltor DAILY EDITION SUBSCRIPTipX KATES 7 Ujg By mall to all other parts of British Columbia bfa, the British Dire and United States, paid in advance, per year ,98 .86 Em- 4... 6.00 By mall to all other countries, per year i ".50 For lesser period, paid in advance, per month ,5 By mail to all parts of Northern and Central British Columbia, paid in advance for yearly period ,.....,v,..'.tl. . 3.00 Or four months for 1-00 v ' Contract rates on application; Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters' Telephone ....4...... Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations Thursday. March 20, 1930 LECTURES ON MINING The course of lectures and other instruction on mineralogy and geology which will be held here next week should have a very wide appeal in Prince Rupert. This is the centre of a very large and rich mining country and everyone should know something about the mining profession. One way to get it is to attend the classes. George E. Winkler is a mining engineer of repute. His classes have been well attended at points in the interior. In Prince Rupert high school students and young men in many walks of life should be sufficiently interested to. take up the work and gain an insight into the problems bf the prospector. We strongly urge as many as possible to make it convenient to spend a week in tho study of this fascinating subject. EARL BALFOUR Earl Balfour, one of Britain's greatest aristocrats, who was so big a man that until almost the close of his career he refused to accept a title, was one of the last of the old school politicians who refused to rely on newspaper publicity as a means of winning political battles. He was one of the men who made Britain great. While he relied largely on oratory to put over his campaigns either on the hust-ingaor in the House of Commons, he never stooped to the pettiness of the usual run of party orators. He was a great Conservative but his liberalism carried the Conservative party over many a difficult period. He was above, party politics although he used his party as a means of carrying out his policies. AS FOREIGN SECRETARY Balfour s work as foreign secretary will always be re membered for one historic, document. It fell to hihi to engage in negotiations for the settlement of the debts contracted by the allies during the war. Great Britain had not only found it necessary to supply her allies with money herself, but she had had to stand surety for them with the United States. Great Britain had to promise to repay to the government at Washington money she gut from the. government to enable France, for instance, to continue the campaign. As the nations engaged in fighting Germany were fighting in a common cause, there was a wide-1 spread feeling that war debts should be regarded as part ' of the common sacrifice; and tfyat thq best way to settle them was by cancellation all round. The United States government would not listen to the suggestion, however. It took the view that, if the European powers could afford to maintain big armies and navies after peace had been declared, they could afford to pay their war debts, Nego-tatipns were, therefore, set on foot for the funding of the various dfihts on a scale, and at rates of interest, which tho states concerned were likely to be able to pay. Great Britain set the world an example of generosity and public spirit in the matter. In what has ever since been known as the Balfour Declaration, she announced her willingness to demand no more from her allies in the shape of debt repayment than would suffice, together with such sums as she might re-reive from Germany by way of reparations, to cover the amount she herself was called upon to pay to the United States in the shape of interest and debt redemption.-Through all the negotiations which have taken place since then, including those with which General Charles fi: Dawes and Owen D. Young were so closely associated, the declaration madeby Balfour, as British secretary, ha lmnn ln.lnJ 1 ...til. 11 J 1 .7 . uccii me siuimmu vy wnicn an discussions ana proposals have been. measured. AT WASHINGTON CONFERENCE In 1921 Mr. Balfour again visited the United States in order to represent Great Britain at the Washington Conference on Disarmament. At that conference he gave dramatic proof of the sincerity of the British desire for world peace by his prompt and unhosituting acceptance of the project for the limitation of armaments set forth by the United States Secretary of State, Charles Evans Hughes. He described Mr. Hughes' speech as opening "a new chapter in the history of world construction," and, speaking of the proportions" of naval 'strength laid down m the scheme, ho-said: "With the broad spirit ifi which it ileal with those fleets, with the proportion of disarmament which it lays down for those fleets, the government of the country which I represent is in the fullest and heartiest sympathy." A contemporary account of the incident says that Balfour s speech, which is said to have been made without notes save a few words scribble on an envelope, "made a s great impression as a lucid, eloquent, and dignified pronouncement, and it evoked prolonged applause." R.A.C. HENRY, t who has resigned as Deputy Minister of Railways and Canals to become. Vice-President and General Manager of the Beauharnois Light, Heat and Power Company. Mr. Henry was formerly Director of Economics of the Canadian National Railways. As Deputy Minister of Railways he had a place on the Board of Directors of the National System and he will remain on the Board, where his intimate knowledge of the affairs of the company will be of the greatest value. v ty; .. .. .ajpr--. rnti :it..lto dlV !'."1rn:"d .' laitu tLaM ii .1 Jurt.' I. . fUKf:iUlpt)i 'UU3. lRJ "fill rfif.V v ,:Ill The famous RE-4J Music "fff air or rt cords uitb tqttdllj wonderful tond quality. Price complete uitb tubes $373. Library of Victor Records without additional charge. ; Will Eventually Have Crop of Two ! Hundred Million Bushels Per Year (Continued from pa?e one) lieved that to find a feasrijfcjp& sing of the deep tributarles'tof the peace u would be necessary to steep the north line pretty well, along the north edge of the Peace River Block, though It iould be swung down towards the river in the vicinity of Hudson's Hope, sliding banks would make It difficult to cross, even at that point. By keeping somewhat up out of the canyon a good grade would be found on to Flnlay Forks. But it seems as thdugh It may be very difficult to converge the south and north lines and give them a common outlet. It seems more probable that there should be two outlets, one for the area south and one for the area north of the river and, considering the resources of timber, coal and minerals supplementing agriculture, I expect it will be found in time to come that there will be plenty of traffic for both. Among other factors entering Into she si- Jtuatlon are the divergent claim? of (the three railway systems concern -ted. the interests of the two estab lished ports and one or more others in embryo. All these considerations present a problem that is complex. : "It sometimes seems to me that if Canada is to hold her northern hinterland for the white race she ;must proceed without undue delay 'to people it with the class of people she desires for her future citizens. She should do this not by drum-iming up immigration but by bulld-'ing railways and so ordering her internal policy that people who are here may succeed and that others who cone through the recommendation of their friends may also succeed. We have been approaching our population problem from tth wrong ancle. Preserve For Whites ! Touching on the matter of race, I woold Ukt to suggest that If we idd not fill these territories at a now Thursday, March jq, 7. fhtidue, i m i Tn r t reasonably early date with white men, they will in. all probability go to th yellowby infiltration, at first, of course. Ultimately perhaps, how? If you think the yellow men will not care to occupy these areas, let me point to Manchuria, where million of Crimes are pouring In, growing mountains of soy beans and other products. Let me point to the most famous m usher in the CORDIAL SustalinStrcngtiiais ; Mackenzie Hirer territory Wim. Ih Tor, "fT i ,. v H. yjo ml io& is Natnre'i ; motto and. we should probably nr jbe successful, even were we Usy. I fled, in holding this vast territorr ' I TrtW Cf lift r I en Wig WUk VI UoC. "Let us then unite in m-.. the slogan ef your orKum, til from ocean tit , w " . 1 u(v Dominion rings the mand. 'On to the Peace " ictor Radio nim ELECTROLA equipped4 with a LIBRARY OF VICTOR RECORDS EVERY purchaser of the famous RE-45 Victor Radio with Electrola now receives the instrument complete, not only with all tubes, but with . record compartments equipped with a library of Victor Records, at no increase in price. You too, may now enjoy this marvelous musical reproduce ttoh . . I free . . . both from air land f rbm records. Think 'of enjoying the latest hits and popular dance music, classical selections too, and a wealth of vocal offerings by the greatest soloists of today. Victor is willing to give you a $25.00 free "taste" of records universally loved and enjoyed, to prove to you how good Victor Radio with Electrola' really is. See this marvelous collection of records.' Hear this splendid instrument play records one . rnoment and radio broadcasts the next a ' radio and an Electrola in one. Always music, whether there is something on the air or not. AT NO INCREASE IN PRICE - - - ' v .' '.' Know the amazing truth about Victor's latcst development, know it at our expense, but llsteritto the living voice of Victor and then you, toq, yrill say "Here at last is the finest radio record Instrument in the world." . Your Victor Dealer will put the RM into your liome today for a small down payment. Be sure you ask for the free record collection, as this offer the only one of its kind is limited. To present KE-45 and 46 owners: Find out from your Victor Dealer how you a! may acquire the free record library. $25 free Victor Record offer went into Dominion-wide force in this city, February 20th without public announcement. Purchasers liked it so well that we now give it the widest possible publicity. Victor 'talking chine company of canada limitedMontreal Wm a urn u m -.m -.m m.,. UCWlaXStBASUai M.1B.1 XStUl f 1 14 KI Kr VnsT03 BT 1.1 Kt 3KJmi"TE' Kf KitT?!. ORTIIOPHONIC VICTROLAS AND RECORDS McRAE BROS. LIMITED ti & n tm iaaxsu. tarajai-iri.Kaia? mm m viritMFirarHri av-Bnii.BtitiiEtBtiiirETBEBTBTiirB ml wswswsmvzM: ' VICTOR RADIO RECEIVERS mxmtMsammmrmmtmmmmmiMitU ; -