PAGE FOUR PAYFOR STUDENTS Aid. Macdonald Thinks That Pupil Nurses Should Be More Adequately Remunerated Higher salaries for student nurses which he felt would be more in keeping with the standards of the profession were urged at last nifhtfs meeting of the hospital board by Aid. S. D. Macdonald. With the meagre stipends now paid. he Silt that it made student nurses a 'privileged class. It prevented ihe daughters of the ordinary working men from aspiring to the profession. True, Miss Randal, registrar of nurses, had not approved of this suggestion when he had advanced It some years ago but he felt that conditions had changed in the way with other hospital in the province and ascertain what their scales might be. Miss Jean Harrison R.N lady superintendent, thought that it would be found that this hospital was paying its student nurses high-er than any other hospital in the province. It would, of course, do no harm to find out definitely. Even if the scale here were the highest, Aid. Macdonald felt that Prince Rupert might well lead the AT YOUR SERVICE ALAUNIA ANDANIA ANTONIA ASCANIA AURANIA AUSONIA (ron Montrtol (and Qubc), irom April 26lh onwordt ,ett Ihrovah Tho pomd lino, (Tlft Symour 3648 9). or osy iltamtblp ogoni. f-C3 Pimples On Face Thought Eyeryone Was Looking At Her Miss F. Foster, Xanaimo, B.C.. writes: "I used to suffer, something awful, with pimples on tar face, and new-frit' asifI ntcrHe'ofltp-ft n.'", li? -p.iX; looking to Development for Raising I thooeht everyone was at me. "A f rtend ndriscd me to use so I pot a bottle and it worked wonders, ana aner osing tie second one to look at my face one would never think I ew had a pimple." Pot up onlv br The T. ililburn Co., uKuieu, loronto, UHC of incieased cost of living, etc. He urged that, as a preliminary step, ni 1 1 A J i the secretary should get in touch aMlOUlU AQVCrtlSC In Local Papers This Course Should Have Been Followed in Calling For Hospital Cook Applications, Aid. Macdonald Feels Aid. S. O. Macdonald, at last night's meeting of the hospital way to a still higher standard. A ; board, criticized the course that matters stood at present, he felt! had been followed recently In ad that student nurses, considering vertlslng in- the Vancouver Province the long hours they worked, were knd not in the local papers for ap-lnadequately paid. I plications for a new hospital cook. Frank Dibb referred to an article !"e believed that, when help was which had appeared recently In the Vancouver Province wherein the nursing profession was dealt with in detail. Some hospitals, it was stated, could be operated morefthe local press and, by so doing, cheaply by employing all graduates Instead of student nurses. President J. H. Thompson stated that a Doralnlon-wide survey of wanted by a local institution, local people should be given the opportunity of applying. It would cost only a few dollars to advertise in complaints that local people had not been given a chance would be eliminated. . Miss Harrison, lady superinten- n ursing conditions in Canada wastdent, stated that she was probably. now under way. jto blame. She thought that all lo- Miss Harrison explained that an cal women who might be at all endeavor was being made to have 'suitable knew that the position was nurses' training discontinued in open and had, accordingly, sug- some of the smaller hospitals where students were used merely for the work that could be got out of them without giving them any vestige of adequate training. Another object of the commission was to allocate nurses to fields where they could stated that they had secured for be best used and most readily as similated. For instance, instead of so many nurses going in for special private work in the large cities, they might be encouraged to take gestfd that the advertisement be placed in the Vancouver paper. The position bf hospital cook was a difficult and exacting one and more than mere household experience was required to fill it suitably. She the position a woman who had for merly been cook in Grace Hospital, Vancouver, and one whom they thought would prove very satisfac tory up public health nursing or some) Frank Dibb agreed with Aid. such field that was not overcrow- 'Macdonald that local applicants ded, thus making a more equitable distribution of employment and less unemployment through crowding of nurses Into certain fields. should be given a chance R. E. Benson Inquired if a man cook would not be as suitable as a woman but was told by Miss Har- No action was taken bn Aid. Mac- rlson that there was no accomoda donald's suggestion. tlon for a male cook. yOUB VALET FOR A WEEIC I I sT Issflssl flis, &rK$mL Born to H ... as all good1 valelt arel And bred to it . . . climbing the rungs of Cunard service till he became a steward in his own rlghil The Wnd of man to anticipate your wants ... alert, anxious to make you WssUyioilings lo Enropt comfortable. His services cost you little enough! . Minimum Cabin Cla roljfrom Montrwl by Cunard now only $130 M NortH British Po'rn, 133 to Chgnn.l Porli. Rdu1lon of UK aft round trip Cobln booklngidur-Ina tho ton off-sooion monttit. Touriti Third roltt alut odjuit.d. ' 4AVCUNARD CANAOIAN SERVICE CABIN TOURIST THIRD CABIN THIRD C1ASS SERVICE OF RED CROSS Experience DuringYvUme .k?ads Status of Ilomemaking In Canada TORONTO, March 19 With the recent establishment in the Ontario division of the Canadian Red Cross Society at a Visiting Housekeepers' Service for the province a second most important step has been taken along a trail leading to a raised status for housekeeping and home-making- in Canada. The first step forward was made m Toronto nve years ago, when a unique service voi this kind was initiated in that city by the local Red Cross Society, The Housekeep ing Centre then established being an experiment arousing widespread interest throughout the Dominion and in the United States, where a few simitar enterprises are being tried out. The original Canadian under taking arose from war experience among philanthropic and- social service workers generally. During the years when so many men were overseas, thousands of families of soldiers were visited by member of regimental auxiliaries or other agencies. It was found by workers at that itme that one of the most urgent requirements was the visiting trained housekeeper who could not only assist, but advise. Funds. however, were lacking for the es tablishment of the necessary train- ng school and centre, so that it was not until several years after the cose of the war that the Tor onto Red Cross was able to put its theories Into practice by starting an experiment which ha pro ven sociologically most valuable. In 1924 this society grasped at the opportunity presented by the proposed -abandonment by the city ofjtheld.BAwly Street Nursing Mission iVtilch Had been conducted for'WttyMyearS In an old roomy house donated 16r the purpose In earlier days by Goldwln Smith. The use of the mission building was acquired, the house equipped for the purpose and pla ced under . the management of Miss 'Denne; a household science! spejfMIBt, wTio opened the centre In'lTCSlthimufa-dozeii trainee Service a Success ount from the Toronto Red Cross. and a guarantee from the Federation for Community Service to carry all deficits. The bulk of thosa helped are unable to pay adequately for the service provided, which alms at assisting underprivileged and more needy families, irrespective of their ability to meet the full cost of the scientific help extended them. Extended to the Province Having in mind the general need which has been so convincingly demonstrated in the Toronto experiment the Ontario Red Cross hasmow initiated';a provlncialen-terprise under the directorshlgjsf iMIss' Margaret McCready, whoTs&t the head of the Visiting House keepers' Department which alms to bring the service to all communities applying for it. Already under Ml McCready's direction the Hamilton Red Cross Is establishing a Housekeeping Service fn March, with four trained women provided by the Toronto Centre,, and It Is anticipated, that within the next two months both Drantford and St. Catherines will tnz daily stm Sport Chat The Oxford University lacrosse Itcam will sail for the United States on. March 22 for, a. four weeks'seaf, son. Games will be opened April 3 against the navy at Annapolis. Ne gotiations are under way for games'Q Royer (MoOM) jail Pennsylvania, Dartmouth, Syracuse and John Hopkins. Three games wil be played each week. A. E. Grauer, president of the team, a Rhodes scholar from British Columbia, was in the Olympic lacrosse team; Japan is going in for winter sports. In this comparatively recent development, the younger element Is showing the same enthusiasm and thoroughness which character ized its adoption of tennis, baseball the west. Pooularltv of Ice eamesi SCORERS IN CRIBBAGE Glllls Koyer High Man for fast SeaortViih'I,onirMarf In Over Bob James R. E. James (Operators) Ill J. Skinner (Orottq) 110 A. Astoria (K. of C.) 110 A. A. McEwen (Cold Storage) 110 J. Andrews (Grotto) 107 E. Delkman (Operators) 107 W. A. McLean (I.O.OJV) 106 A. W. Carr (Grotto)' 104 B. West (Pr. R. Hotel) 103 B. Barrier (Orottol 102 P. E.Wermig (Operators) 101 H. Letourneau K. of C.) ... D. Kennedy (Cold Storage) such, as skating and .skiing has,K Knutson (Moose) ' broadened remarkably In the lastiw Rothwell (Orange) five years. In 1928-29 it was esti- 'H. Harper Seal Cove) mated a quarter of a million per- H. R. Hill (Operators) March 20-I.O.O.F. vs. Canadian Ma? ,Co!d Storage) t"1 T a 1 V V Legion; Six Musketeers vs. Grotto; ,,ac Lelf Seal v- Menzi urouoi Erlkson vs. Drydock; Cove vs. St. Andrews; Moose vs. Elevator. J- Garon ,K- of C ) Billiard Averages G. P. Tinker (CD 23 5446 M. M. McLachlan (O) 17 3962 J. W. Scott (CD 18 4198 W. Mitchell E 22 5101 A. A. Easeon (E) 24 5532 J. Andrews (G) 23 5322 W. Lamble (E) 2 691 C. Balagno E) 25 5736 D. Brown (G) .47 3900 W. E. Wllllscroft E .18 4116 F. Stephens E) 22 4987 Mail Schedule For the East IE. TUllOCh (C.N.R.A.) ... L. Astoria, sr.. (Eagles) (Continued from page ono). 101 101 J. Feasby (Eagles-) 9!) and other warm weather games of j c Hawley (Eagles) 99 ii smtt n i wr w wataii do A . V liUVVSl 7 98 98 98 93 sons travelled the ski runs and H. Skattabol (Operators) 97 skating rinks of the northern pro- ; J- L. Mcintosh (I.O.O.F.) 97 vlnces, most of them an overnight, J- Simpson (C.N.R.A.) 97 journey from the centres of popu-'A. Mcintosh (Operators) 98 latlon. This winter It is believed M. Murray (Orange Lodge) this total was almost doubled. WHIST , R. T. J. Rose (ONJIJU ill. Arney i Moose) jT. M. J. Fortune K. of C.). !R. Anderson (Cold Storage) .... !f. Aldridge (Orange Lodge .... 93 93 95 92 92 91 90 90 90 90 89 89 A. Rogers C.NJl.A. 88 McAuley (I.O.O.F.) 80 J. Wynne (Orange Lodge) 85 237 A. McCorklndale (Sawmill) .... 85 233 iF. Barber (ONJI.A.) 83 233 T. Rorvlk (Moose) 83 232 jD. McLennan (I.O.O.F.) 81 231 1 K. Smith (Orange Lodge) 80 231 j J. Allen (Pr. R. H.) 80 nn' hi n i 229), .229 j 228 227' BILLIARD FINAL " The final session of the city team W. J. Nelson (O) 25 5660 lbH4iardcMmplonshIp between the J. Hlllman G 20 4524 226Urww ana B,K1, PPoned irom G. Waugh (O) 21 4687 223Tuesdav n,nt on account of the furnlshedHS. P. McMordle ACL) 12 2657 221 OCQU ol "re J- "a' The service subsequently provid ed has been unqualified success In times of illness or othsr family stress It has given the best type of assistance to many hundreds of homes by the provision of trained helpers. The Visiting Housekeeper from the Centre knows how to care for children; how to prepare meals of the best from a limited budget; how to keep the house in order, and how to give simple bedside care to the sick. She steps in when the mother Is Incapacitated or there is other urgent need. Her salary Is paid by the Centre, and 11 her work Is done under its superintendence, so that the family has the benefit of conference with an expert social agency which co operates with All other agencies to supply the exact type of assls tance required during the time of stress. ' So taluabie;harthe IlOusekeep ers' Service proven that, in the past year, the Toronto Centre has been adopted as a community affair, receiving a substantial' grant from the city, and an equal am R. Young (CD 10 2159 21rnow DPen scl Ior niTrow nigni. F. G. PyJe (CD 16 3441 215 j m. Anoxews i;j sj w 211 ntnrt j inn jn A. Murray (CD 15 3122 208 Kl K 1 1 I IT K IN A. Donald (E) II 2166- 1971 J. IL Plllsbury (CD ...2 3. Howe (O) 1 380 118 190 118 know something about the useful Mons.. Weds.. & Sats. 10:30 am. and detractive birds which visited From the East here and made their homes In the Suns.. Tues. St Thurs. 3:30 p.m district. With this knowledge and For Vancouver Interest, the young people would be Sundays 4:30 pjn. aoie to nelp ,n the protectlon of ThJSJL -12:32 Dlrd whlh brought so much 11 wold- wtlr and beauty lnto the Mar. 12 and 23 pjn. , r v.,.,,..,. I Wlnt T-to" h as the Junco. Sanaays 4 pjn 'son spa'row.wtnter wren and the Wednesdays'" ZV.VrZio:30 aW blue ly wr described. The Junco itioays .pjn. and seng sparrow could be encour- Satuttky 10:30 p.m. aged to come to the gardens and Mar. 10 and 29 ajn. weuld repay for crumbs not only For Stewart and Premier by their singing but also by eating Sundays 7 p.m. weed seeds and destructive larvae Wednesdays pjn. The blue Jay was. however, harm- onuruay, ,. p.m.. fUl and It to. probably-through this Frim Stewart and Premier ' Vblrd that the song birds arasafe'wl ?rt9 "JiV ; The while headed eagle was next ruesaaya 11,80 "' described. This bird To Naa Wver ana'Port 8 8unds 1 am UP ine-ysung oi-me mat' From Naas River and , ,ard duck and 008e 11 was a von I'ort Simpson TuesdAys ...j.. To Queen Charlottes ;uer, tne speaker added, that there. 11.30 a.m.,was one mallard duc r Bose left March 8 and 22 a.m From (uccn Cliarlottrs ; March 6 and 20 aih. For Alaska March 19 and 29 ..a p.m". From Alaska 4 March 12 and23 rxm. For Anyox and Alice Arm j 8undays ...7 p.m. I Wednesdays 3 p.m. ; si ah so continuous were tne aepreua tlons of this bird. Beverai migratory birds were MAM. JUn.lkJ 1 it.- - , ' concluded by showing the differ nyox am ,u.ce arm- expressed the desire felt by every-lye8dys 11:30 a m- one in the audience, that the asso-Tnursdays 8 pjn.j elation might be privileged In the -' - . -. -' - - . very near future to hear another of Initiate hike services Canon Rushbrooks Interesting ad- Scrtctivlty along ortSanta ?5 these lines Is vlsloncd by the. Red 2.?L SLTu i MCnded Cross for the near future forhu,.bynM tmpung on the ono hind to lugent needs, and 'Rnth f! -WippTy on thesani.. ftnd M1 n.i.u. I A teacher asked her class In spelling to state the difference between the word "results" and "conse-quencea." A bright girl replied: "Results are what you expect and consequences are what you get" ence between two birds which were often confused the Wilson's Snipe and the Woodcock. The former was often seen on the townslte while the latter did not visit here. Miss E. A. Mercer moved a vote of thanks to Canon Rushbrook and ,.. . v, ,v,M- ... .i a mi wwi MJ 4o .41 nnuic aiAbU3 Ul pntpn home-making and domestic help to the level of scientific occupations. young pianist, played a pianoforte solo. A number of new members were welcomed and enrolled, and a very pleasant meeltng was brought to a close by the audience singing the National Anthem. Refreshments were served in the tuuiua of the Home Economics department and -an enjoyable half-hour was spent in conversation. To Keep Your igure- EVERY DAY Eat a little Less Heavy Food and Drink a little More Bovril BOV RIL Builds Strength Without Fat Abtcnlnnindod Faihrr (who nc-et aki ix ( aniiWiUc); "Kowstut'c YiJtkMill f Che kvUiu a distinctive rum fur the WHAT chilJ, thinks Parson Pott., (but. rrallTi no more Jlxinctiv. than the flavour of Rowntrrc's York Milk Chocolate). Bdby Is mother's dirling, of course, but Rowntree's York Milk Is evrrybojy's Civourite. Dihy toay frow op to be Premier York Milk It the nation's choice todjy and every Jay. Rowntree's York Milk is a gooj nam to remember arWays. it stands for the tU in milk chocolate so gooj that it has Kl a new gtandard of milk chocoUte poxlnnt. Who lew me, delicious, perfectly blended, It just melts away in your mouth. There la no other quite as gooJ to eat as York Milk. Try bar. fThrrt It T,N wk vfr " 1333 THE ROWNTHEE CO. LIMTTED. TORONTO AND R EM EMBER fwdarad ItCui ida l Ml,K.J that the extra MM?Tc 'i Ctn you have found that ' o Milk contributes to some extend, to every dish in wjl J used. Try Carnation W You'll seer your cooking. Write tor MuyBU Co CARNATION CO-. UMTT ' 4AkbwtSi. '." T!ic Safeguarded MWi "from Contented Ccvys