imnday-, March -20, 1030. You can buy Salada quality at three cups Sor a cent ems itt 'Fresh from We recently secured Prep and are now featuring a complete line of scientific Valaze Beauty Treatments for every type of skin. Literature on request. ws Jul 7w Pioneer THIRD AVE. 0 SIX I n ST - Three Graduate UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Mllnc I rum rVIno Buorrt r YAM 01 AMI, VI1TOHIA. Muinton Hay. Ilutrtljle. Oeqan In I Is. Alrrl Ikit. rlr.. TurMlaj, I: JO p.m. rnr VAMIIUUIl, tICIOKM. Iluli-Ujlf. Alfl Hay. Mr., FrMr inldnltht lor AMCC A KM, ANVOX, NTK.WAKT, Nuu KJirr. I'ert Slmp.i. fun- day. t.W p.m. KS inH Avmiie It M SMITH fnt Prliif Itupfft. I ('. Urolith Hckfl" void to Victoria anl 8iltlr jtnil brir ihkf() thrnch tu rlrMlimlon i b,c coast steamships WAl tvn. w B. C. Coast SAILINGS To Ketchikan. larch 8, 19, i. To Vancouver March 12, 23. Princess Mary Ocean Falls, etc, Vancouver and Victoria, every Friday. iu pm. Agents For All Steamship Lines W. C. Orchanl, General Agent, 3rd Ave- Prince Rupert, Plionr 31 1 Canadian N jc Largtft T&ilitiay Splcm in America STEAMSHIP AM) TRAIN SERVICE Fallings from PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, S! ATTT.E and Intermediate points. Thursday & Sunday 10 p.m. I'o ANVOX each Wednesday at 4 p.m. 1 or STEWART eath WednesJay and Saturday at 4 pjn. I or North and South Queen Charlotte Islands fortniihtly. PASSENGER TKAINS l.B.WB PKIM'K ItrPEKT UMIAV. WI.IINEHDAV anil HATt'ltHAY It ll'Sii a.m. for PKINI'i: i.i:o:;iii:. i.iimomon, winmphj. nil iini irrn rniLi. iiiiti Mulra. ll;.M V A IX OCEAN STEMNIIir !iy Ticket Office. 528 Third Ae. Prince Rupert Phone 2G(i COAL! PEMBINA EGG Delivered, per ton $12.00 ALBERTA EGG Delivered, per ton J2.a0 ALBERTA LUMP Delivered, per ton ...... 13.50 Special Prices On Your Winter Supply WOOD JUST aimmvi ii vmv SHIPMENT OF BIRCH AND JACK PINK ' MILL ENDS Per load BOX CUTTINGS-Per load HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 PHONE 580 Buy the real Coafi-our famous Edson and Cassldy-yVcllington In any quantities. Also nulklcy Valley Hay, Grain and Robin Hood Flour. r nee Rupert Feed Co IMIONES 5S AND 558 ma wd the gardens' the local agency for,' ' nsresn s arafions Dmacisf TtLEPMONFS ? f,20C Pharmacists Steamship Service FROM PRINCE RUPERT Wrangell, Juneau, Skagway Victoria, SottMw. t ATI0NAL COAL 1 $1.50 3.50 TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIRY FOR S KEEN A BRAND Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FRESH PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM DAILY Early Delivery Throughout the City Local Items Dentist. Dr. i. R. Gosse, Phone C8l. Rupert East United Church March 21, at 8 p.m., pictures by T iestra and vocal musifft Admission 25c. 61 The annual general meeting of the Hoys' Band Association has been postponed from March 20 to the evening of April 1. 67 Robert Gordon attended his first meeting last night a member ot the board o directors of the Prince Rupert General Hospital and was duly welcomed to his seat by Jas-mes II. Thompson, the president. Taking the place of the Princess Mary which, has now been laid up at Victoria for annual overhaul, C. PJl. steamer Princess Royal will bo here again tomorrow evening on Uhe Prince Rupert-Ocean Falls- Vancouver route. The house committee was authorised at last night's meeting of the hospital board to lnttal cupboards or some such storing space i for old records of the hospital. In answer tp questions, Dr. J. P. Cade .said that It vpt necessary to preserve all records of the hospital , ever from th'flrst since it might be necessary -years afterwards to refer to any 6t them. i Dr. J. c. Dunn of Massett had a , letter before the hospital board at its meeting last night, stating that Kirs. Dunn and daughter were now '. progressing well. Dr. Dunn expressed appreciation for efficient treatment that they had received ! while patients in the local hospital. iTo this he ascribed their satlsfac-jtory recovery. I The regular monthly meeting of the board of hospital directors of the Prince Ru part uoae fal.Hospl-! tal was held i: fltheJE osoital last night. Those et&; Jame II. Tnompsonjr pri ma entG. J Tinker. Aid. W. M rownrAWt ,D. Msfedonald. O. V Wilkinson C L. Monroe. R. E. Benson, Robert Gordon. Frank Dibb and Dr. J. P. dkWdlMCiOfii MlssL-IeaaUlarrL- nrrS? nrwH H W Birch munaelnc seferetarv JJ pfin ildren's Colds Chs !;ed withou "dosing." Rub o APoRurt HOTEL ARRIVALS Central Hotel l'NIEU NEW MANAI1CMENT Slniin llratrd: Travrllrra' Samplr Itnoinn: llnl and Cold Wntrr I'rrr llii' Mwl All Train and IWutlH Rates S1.H3 and Up ' M'ECIAL MONTHLY ItATfcS C. R. 1IIGOART & A. DONALD Pronrlftora PHONE 51 Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading family hotel. Hot and cold water In all rooms A. J. PRUDHOM.ME, Prop. Cor. of Fraser and Fifth Sts. New Royal Hotel J. ZarH!l. Iioi. THE HOTEL MOUTH WHILE Hut t Odd Water; Steaui Hat 75c PER MAY AND UP Ti'lpplionr SHI White Lunch Has Reopened UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT i Dr Alexander PHONE 578 IIF.NS'KR 111 OCR ENTIS1 TITE DAILY NEWS PAGE.TITREE Rheumatism23Yrs Discovers Way to Banish ail Pain "Had rheumatism for 23 years. Hospital iald incurable,. Wag In bed when 1 took 'fYult-4-tlves.' They have done wonders. Can do my work and no more pain." Mr. A. N.- Field, Wynyard, Sak. Juit one of thousands who ay rhetanatum, neuralgia, ' neurltu fly away quick with 'Prult-a-tlvea." Chronic constipation and liver troubles end overnight. Bad stomach, biliousness, Indigestion, heartburn, gas vanish like magic. Kidney and Wtddor lUa. pain In batk go In hurry. Nerves, quiet, aound.aleep at once, , Ten St nature'! greatest remedies combined In handy little tablet. Marvelous dtocavery of famous Canadian doctor. Speedy results. Oet "FriMt-a-tlves" from druggist today. Bleep fine, wake up great. This afternoon's train, due from the East at 3.30, was reported this morning to be on time. A. T. Harrer, well known Smith ers mining man, arrived in the city on this afternoon's train from the Interior and will sail on the Prince George tonight for a bus iness trip to Vancouver and elsewhere in the south. D. B. Finn, director of the Prince Rupert Fisheries Experimental Station and Secretary of the club, was the speaker at the regular weekly luncheon of the Prince Rupert Rotary Club today: President G. A. Bryant was In th chair. Miss Jean Harrison R.N., lady superintendent. In her report to the hospital board at its meeting last night, that new cutlery was needed for the Institution and also a new lighting system in the operating room. Miss Harrison was empowered to purchase the nec essary cutlery and the matter of the operating room lighting was referred to the house committee ;for report. The report of the finance com - mlttee presented bv the chairman, preSent-d by the chairman. O. P. a- p- Tinr at last nihfs hospital ooara mironn. snowna a qciicu oi $118151 for the month of Febru - y JCruul u 605.40 and, expenditures. $5,785.71 (hicludlng $1.79750 in salaries. Thp.jmittee for consideration in connec heavy expenditures had been due part ta the fact that conid"-- able Supplies had been purchased in bulk. During th month ther'is prominently identlf led with the was a total 16W hospital davs at Vancouver General Hospital, hao a cost per hospital day of $3.51. Irtated that oi! was not proving ANNOUNCEMENTS Moosoheart Bridge, VAVhist and Dance, Friday, March.21. Eagles Whist Drivwand dinco April 2. Presbyterian Easter Sate April 3. Moose Whist Drive ntti Dance, prll 4. Eagles Smoker April 7. First United Church Easter Sale April 10. Ridley Home Bazaar May 8. LINDSAY'S Carfage and Storage Phone 68 Cartage, Warehousing,, ana Distributing. Team or Motor Service Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize In Piano ana Furniture Moving. L Msr.iiUJCTwiia,Bitfffli;iamiJi ATTENTION! Steam Baths and Massage Treatments are particularly effective In r rWaW'one' of Athff Vfrt Pains, Colds. Rheumatism, Skin Trouble. Nervousness, Insomnia and Neuritis. A Trial will convince you PMNCE RUPERT STEAM BATHS Cor. Second Ave. &, Shrill St. Phone, Black 7Q4 4 a Taxi Phgrje 4, Rig 4 Taxi, tf Radio meeting Friday 21 at 8 p, m. in City Hall. 68 Glasses fitted By registered op tometrist at Hciibroner's Store, (tf) Don't forgett Daffodil April&l Jn?I.OX).E..HalL Dancj The death occurred last month at Mission In the Fraser Valley of the father of Dr. J. P. Cade of this city. Mrs. J. G. McNab and Miss Marie McNab, formerly of this city, have returned to their home Jn Vain 8 couver alter spending ane nasi two months In California. ,' Oscar Hanson, on a charge of keeping liquor for sale, was re manded until tomorrow on appear ing this morning before Magis trate McClymont In city poller court. Robert Wiggins was able this week to leave the Prince Rupert General Hospital where he under went an operation as a result of which his health Is considerably Improved. A donation of $5 from Henry Prevost of Metlakatla was report-! ed to the hospital board last night by the finance committee. The donation has already been suitably acknowledged by the secretary. P.. F. McNaughton, CNH. district passenger agent, and Harold Mc Ewen. division freight agent, will sail on the Prince George tonight for a trip to Vancouver on com pany business. The condition of Carl Johnson who has been a patient In the Prince Rupert General Hospital for several weeks suffering with pneumonia, is reported as still being critical. In a letter at last inght's meet lng of the hospital board, Alex Macdonald suggested, In connec jtion with the proposal to change the heating system at the hospital I from coal to oil. the merits of an ! automatic coal burning systcn u"i v nia otti installed in tne ; summit Apartments where it was vt goon sawsiacuon. ine ici : ter was referred to the house com Mon with the Investigation Into varlo is neatmz systems. It was ' mentioned that J. H. McVety. who sausiaciory in nospitais. 11 was suggested, however, that Mr. Mc Vety might be somewhat prejudiced on account of being so well aware of the inroads that oil was making on the coal Industry. Steamship Movements For Vancouver Sundays ss. P. Rupert 5:30 pjn. Tuesdays ss. Catala .1:30 p.m. Thursdays ss. P. George 10 pjn. Fridays ss. Prln. Mary 10 p.m Fridays ss. Cardena Midnight Mar. 12 ss. Prln. Norah. 5 p.m. Mar. 33 ss. Prln. Norah .A pm. from Vaneourer "1 , Sundy-a. Catala . -4 pjn. WodV-ss P. Rupert 10.30la.m. Frlday&ss. Cardena ......'k.p.m. Fridays ss. Prln. Mary; ..14 nm. Satt. ss. P. "Charles ..10:30(n.m. Mar 8-ss. Prln. Norah'- ..L..ajn. ' Mar. 19 ss. Prln. Norah 1 Mar. 29 ss. Prin. Norah ajn. lor Naas R. and Port Simpson 1 Sundays ss. Catala 8 p.m i From Naas R. and Port Simpson-Tuesdays ss. Catala 11:30 a.m. For Stewart and Anyox Sundays ss. Catala 8 pjn. Weds. ss. Prince George 4 pjn. Sats. ss. Prince Rupert ....4 p.m. From Stewart and Anyox Tuesdays ss. Cataia .11:30 a.m Ttiurs. ss. Prince George 8 pjn. Sundays ss. Pr. Rupert ....5 p.m. 1 rout Ocean Falls-Weds. ss. P. George 10:30 p.m. Fridays ss. Prln. Mary, 4 p.m. Fridays ss. Cardena pjn. Sats. ss.Pr. Charles .10:30 ajn. For Ocean Falls-Sundays ss. P. Rupert 5:30 pjn. 1 Tuesdays ss. Catala .1.30 p.m. Thursdays ss. P. Oeorge 10 pjn. Fridays ss. Prln. Mary 10 p.m. For Queen Charlotte Islands-Mar. 8 ss. Prince John 10 pjn. ! Mar. 22 ss. Prince John 10 pjn. Froin , Queen Charlotte Islands i'lar. 6 ss. Prince John .....a.m. Mar. 20 ss. Prince John ajn For Alaska-Mar. 19 ss. Prln. Norah ....a.m. Mar. 29 ss. Prln. Norah ... a.m. From Alaska- Mar. 12-ss. Princess Norah p.m. I Mar. 23 ss. Prln. Norah ,p.m . For quick results try a "want-ad" .in the Daily News. i i:!a:ciiii:HEBi!i9rja:iai!iEi:siiX!B;fii WATTS' GROCERY .Quality Right Prices Friday and Saturday Are Dollar Days Note These Prices on High-Quality Foods. Phone Your Order Your Choice - 6 for $1 Assorted or All One Kind PORK & BEANS Heinz, Medium Cans SPAGHETTI Heinz Medium Cans PEAS Sieve 4, Royal City Brand, No. 2 Cans CUT GREEN BEANS Royal City Brand, No. 2 Cans SPINACH Royal City Brand, No. 2 Cans TOMATOES Royal City Brand, No. 2& Cans EGGS B. C. Pullet Extras- Special 3 doz CORNFLAKES- Quaker or Kelloggs SI 11 pkgs S m id H 1 1.' $1.00 Combination - - $1.00 1 JAR DUTCH MAID MAYONNAISE. 8 Oz. I JAR LIBBY'S QUEEN OLIVES, 18 Of. 1 Lb. PACKAGE CHATEAU CHEESE The Three For $1 SOAP APRICOTS- Pearl White Laundry Soap Q- Rosedale 24's Uns O-f Big Value 25 bars V 3 i0r ?X CARROTS ONIONS LETTUCE Fresh Bunch Ap Okanagan QZf Fresh & nrm Per bunch 6 lbs per head We Are As Near As Your Phone Try Our Service .mraxivmrntaram eskb is mm m txmmm c aterDiiiar IN THE KUI i Kin virKiiJ Buimsttam ;Jj Selling Connections: g 2 London. New York. f Leipzig, Chicago, 5 Montreal. ji RAW Trappers and Fur Collectors I have just received orders for future delivery of Two Thousand Beaver Five Hundred Red Fox Five Hundred Cross Fox Five Hundred Otter Five Hundred Lynx Qnc Hundred Small Dark Fisher r One Thousand Wolf As I am selling my furs direct to the manufacturers, I can afford to do business on a small margin of profit and do not fear competition. Ship your furs to me for hljhtr prices and quicker returns. If desired I will wire my offer or will remit by wire. T. PAPPAS BUYER AND EXPORTER OF RAW FURS PRINCE GEORGE, B.C. , hi in ! m nil raiisuar.1 tsrmt'VM tiurr ri'Kimt stst ot tu rnni C. R. Holdcroft, who vas sent a few months ago to Tranqullle but who Is now In Vancouver, had a e"er before .ihe hospital board last night expressing his deep ap - ipreclatlon for splendid treatment 'he had received while a patient In the local institution. XIIalXIIW'IBXIBIiBiiSXDllSiiCKnxiBiH ;mmmmmmammmmmmvM Right Phones: 55 and 56 NOW! CORN Golden Bantam, Royal City fi- Best Quality 5 cans vl PORK & BEANS Royal City, Large Tins f -t 10 for 99 WOODS It pulls bummers, high wheels, sltlihs or wagons, it trails chutes, builds I05-gin; roads, hauls supplies or pulls down trees. The "Caterpillar" Is a hardy, dependable machine built to sustain the heavy demands of roujh hard work the year 'round. Send for joar free copy of "Logging with a "Caterpillar." Jpferenccs: sf Royal Bank of Canada, Or any other bank In Prince Gorge, B.C. a FURS s Si a a n m James Falrbalrn, agent for Mao Yukon Territory, for the Yukon li White Pass Railway and Navigation Co., was a passenger aboard the 1 Prlnc?-s Norah ytstei.lay return- Ina to his duties in the north after having spent the winter in the south.