TOMORROW'S TIDES Friday, March 21, 1930. High ..: 5.49 a.m. 18.0 ft. 19.25 p.m. 14.6 ft. Low 12.56 p.m. 7.1ft.r Vol. XXL, No. 07. NEW VTTAWA Mnrrh 90- fr J W Scouts' Association of Canada, died Joction w we measure w ...m that It was of monopolistic nerc lasi nignt. ue uu u- - - man of the Canadian Red Cross nature. Society and to him were due many of the elements of Canada's natlpn- ! al life which are now accepted as part and parcel of the country's general activity. These are varied In their range, extending from such purely humanitarian services as the Victoria Order of Nurses and the post-war development of the Red Cross Society to other exclusively economic features that have their most durable expression In the agricultural colleges of Ontario and Quebec. LOCAL JOB NOW DONE Work of fabricating steel for the Okanagan Lake steam tug and car ferry Job which has been In progress at the local dry dock since January 1, has now been completed and at the end of this week some Little Girl Is Buried Today Ella Olga'Enockson Who Died , . at Mctlakatla Monday v -. Vf - Hinchcliffe Measure To Impose Two Mills In Outside Districts Intention Is to Make All Persons Using Schools Contribute to Payment For Same Would Benefit Farmers VICTORIA, March 20: Amendments to the School Act introduced in the legislature yesterday by Hon. Joshua Hinchcliffe, minister of education, set out a new tax on personal property outside school tax districts at two mills on the dollar. The tax will also apply to personal property within school districts where a school may be closed. The purpose of the next tax is to make persons outside school districts who use schools o.f adjoining dis-trictspay something toward the cost of this service. The tax is signed .to cover costs of rebates to farmers as previously announced and is expected to total about $200,000 annually. BOY SCOUT HEAD DIES : Dr. J. W. Robertson Was Chief Commissioner For Canada Also Red Cross Chairman FISHERIES 15 ILL IS FINALLY PASSED VICTORIA, March 20: Fin- al endorsement was given in r the legislature yesterday af- ternoon to the new fisheries bill of Hon. S. L. Howe after Liberal members had made a last minute effort to have the bill killed as it emerged from S0LL0WAY TRIAL ON Cross - Examination Rritijts Out Testimony Favorable 10 i raua Defendants CALGARY, March 20: Admission by Kenneth J. Morrison, .chartered accountant, that the terms nf "lltnev broker" and "wash sales" did not necessarily suggest dishonest or disreputable brokerage nnemtlons and that the accumti- ilated profits 0; Solloway, Mills & Fabrication Complete. Steel Tug Co. mentioned In Tuesday's evl-and Car Ferry to Be Assembled dence might be accounted for by a At Kelowna large turnover with moderate pro- I HIS III U lv UUUiyanj J were made in the course of a stiff cross-examination by A. A. McQll-llvray, chief defence counsel, at the preliminary trial here yesterday of I. W. C. Solloway and Harvey Mills on charges of conspiracy to defraud fourteen cars of the steel will tje.the public. shipped to Kelowna where the two cralt will be assembled. A dry dock! crew is already at Kelowna to work jO L M A II on the assembly Job. 1 J A The tug and ferry are for me use of the Canadian National Railways on Okanagan Lake. 1929 LOSS Deficit of $55,814 For Year An-... nouncedilii; Report, Tabled in Legislature, PI? nf fi.VR44 was shown in tne opera- . ada finals for the Allan Cup, emblematic of the- , amateur hockey championship -, of ..jCan-ada. .)T tiucI Ji; uh-i 1 -rH-rint.aXM Canon W, F. Rushbrook interestingly Before Parent b. Johtuaon Oo.) Amulet. $1.48. $1.47. Dome, 8.75, P.10. Falconbrldge, 4.70, 4.75. Hol'lngcr. 5 80, 5.85. Howie. .85, .88. Hudson's Bay. 1145, 12.00. Imperial Oil. 25.76. 20.00. Ink Nickel. 41.15, nil.-Manitoba Basin, .06 ft. .07. Mining Corp., 2.83. 254. Mclntyre. 18.25. 1835. Norando. 39.50, 40.00. Sherrltt Gordon, 2.71. 2.75. Sudbury Basin, 3.32. 3.40. Teck Hughes. 655, 635. Treadwell Yukon. C.00, 6.10.' Ventures, 1.76. 1.80. Wright Hargraves, 1.C6, 150. BIRD LIFE DESCRIBED Teachers The regular monthly meeting of the Prince Rupert Parent-Teachers' Association was held last evening in the auditorium of Booth Memorial School. 'Mr. R. Blance presided. . a ti-u VIUTUU1A.,fh fnllnu n pnnvpnprg - or of the Pacific areat Eastern, s v m... v.. - tlons street Bchool Mrs Railway for the year ending "e-Cox; Bootn Memorlal school, Mrs. ccmber 31 last.accordlng to the i n- n B Eastman; vvestvlew School, miai rmort which has been tabled ... T r, nraAV v n.iihv was With Rev. John H. Hanson of St. m he legislature. . lappoihted membership convener Paul's Lutheran Church officiating. --rVT j1 . 'WlJodth -Memorial School. - Um funeral took nlace at 2:30 this ri J - . i f 1V :i . "in ntxnUiu nf th f-vpnin was afternoon from the chapel of the Canon W. F. Rushbrook"who B. c. Undertakers to Falrvlew addressed the meeting on the sub-Cemetery of Ella Olga Enockson, ANOTHLK tui Qf )Blrd Ufe Jn prlncc Rupert seven-year old daughter of Mr. ana and on Qur Western coast." As the Mrs. Alex Enockson Seventh Av- ch 20;The Speaker Intimated, the purpose of enue, wnosc aeam uccuu ... -r ,'.. mnfi. .fiii j. the address was to encourage, par ii- itnAn nanK OI r-nsiauu la&uwu uii iiuim'j. i . ,,.., . , .j .i ii,. nr. -l .nntfior put today in Mrs. Hanson presided hi vc v..v. --.. ... j, Votina Died Recently ' imo do Riv ra former director of Ep:iln Plan Is To Establish On Queen NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 1930 CAPILAN0 ATTACHED Still Another Claim WMade Atalnst VSritVVVtV-ShriTWhlch Was --'StrWsterday 3EATTLE, March 20:- Anolher ; t ichmenk '10.000, has been made against he steamer Chief Capllano, which was seized in the Straits of Juan de Fucr. 'ytesre rdayV'tind' jvhlch Is now uoored at Port Townscnd where . .. . ii l r. l 1 sne was laKen or uimru oiuics thorifiaLTlQ latent action Is ta ken bv tneWrerf&riFUnd Insur ance Co. to whom the Robert bollar Co Charlotte Islands Great Elk Reserve; Animals Here Today factors will gradually shape them selves harmoniously, with geogra phy and enterprise the governing factors as to what port or ports the traffic will find. A dos-in-the- manger policy seldom pays. Towns and cities do not grow by Indulging the parochial outlook, but rather by indulging the' broad cosmopolitan nolnt of view, realizing This elk reserve has been planned ior some ume Dy;or tWo salient facts. The Peace ri-j Bryan Boston Grill LARGE CAHAEET BpcdM Dinner ThUTday and 8aturdj Dancing trtrj Siturdsjr Nl(ht, 9 to 11 Dane Ball for Hlx Aeoonuaodttloni for 1 ltate Partie TAX IS NOW PROPO IGHT OUTLOOK FOR PEACE RIVER AREA Keewatin Power Company Development Norman dam ieveiopmnr v we v.-i outlet of the Late of Woo is. It i owned by the Keewatin Power Company and turns out ! 3 .?7S horse-power TRAIL WINS 0VERP0RTS Fast Moving Brhi&wCoumbla Outfit Takes' Ojiener'Sr Alan Cup Scries PORT ARTliUlitoarcVJO!--Trail defeated Port Arthur Robfrtsenof Toronto, aged 78. .committee for the m toonc last night Jn.the chief ronulssloner of the Boy W$: TWgrouhd of LIbeWtl ob- 1 f uet (tame of (he Western Can- PRICE FIVE CENTS Will Eventually Have Crop of Two Hundred Million Bushels a Year So Declares Director of Beaverlodge Experimental Farm; ; Makes Suggestions For Outlet and Urges Prc- I scrvation of Country For While Men i , i "While all interests are to be fairly considered, not for- getting feasibility of construction and economy of opera- tion, the real key to the problem should be the welfare of ' the settler, who is the basis of all our prosperity, who has I borne the brunt and burden of pioneering the country and 'whose interests should be considered paramount," declared W. D. Albright, director of the Federal Experimen tal Farm at Beaverlodge in the Peace River country, in an address at a dinner in the Hotel Vancouver recently. Regard his Interests in a spirit of hu-o manity and fairness and the other i ffJ f IP "'"' DEBATED tthat their prosperity" must always t VICTORIA. March 20: After u. : , j. j .i ; ... . ui i u Assuming that with n allowance .:lnking in 1028 of the steamer Chief Maquilla in the Aleutian Is lands. their contributing territory and Its basic industries. "Some years ago I was asked to estimate the traffic potentialities j of the Peace. I guessed the area at twenty million acres which many people then thought was wild, but of San Francisco assigned hlch t,heJbC5t, informed nton 11UW UUilWCUCa W m(WV4iiiii,v. Resolution Passed By Legislature For Investigation Into Government's Responsibilities and counter charges of political. in terference and sinister intentions, the legislature yesterday approved of a resolution demanding an investigation Into the government's responsibilities, financial and otherwise. In connection with the University of British Columbia. The resolution was introduced by Capt. James Fltzslmmons, Conservative member for Kaslo-Slocan. Williams, Williams, game game commis-o er itself seems to constitute a n&-. " , - - ,,. af Mpeaks Uioner and one of the best known ber nual fcastcr sale of candy in the turbed nor will they themselves be schdols scnoois on on Thursday, in April 17, and a menace to settlement, for the and send them to the Queen Charlottes. There are said to be about 250 elk in the Shaw Creek reserve In Central Vancouver Island, but they aro preyed upon, by cougars' and wolves. Eventually it is proposed to permit shooting of elk on the Queen Charlottes, but for several years there will be rigid regulations ,u ui, j. enU and teachers to Interest the against hunting of any kind there. wc - . .. .... . -,U. .11. . ...UI.U I. people in tne leamerea iue ciuut whiui mvu gan at the funeral service and. rate wnicn , creatures In the world about and a special baggage car attached to . i Hn n vnrni j. flmn from 4K 10 0T. ...... . , iwi. ...... t..K. t-rm. wim ner nusoauu, puns T duet "Under His Wings I'm Safely Abiding." to enable them to recognize and this afternoon's regular tram from (Continued on page four) the East, were in charge of a mem for summer fallow and feed crops. ,the annual production might be 10 , ! bushels per acre, wc see that we , . . n ("FT "VAT should have eventually a crop ol 111 j! WW A B IS IPJ I two hundred million bushels of lUlvJlVTl 1 kJlH wheat or wheat and Its equivalent j TK d 1 d CTT .in other traffic to move. It will I DSM I SNfr S 3 nrobahlv not be aU exported but; JLIlJV KJUULtU the traffic will be there to move and the population to serve. "Although not a railroad man by birth, training or adoption, I have done much railroading by resolu- One of the greatest elk preserves in Canada will shortly uon. I speik. however, as a layman, t. i ,i n,.nnn Pli..1nfta Tclonrla nonnrrlirnr tn ealUlng the vast complexity of the Fedcral Government Would Have Provinces Assume More Responsibility in Matter OTTAWA, March 20: Steps tak en by the Dominion government v.wV.. uu lucuieu un uic njucvu w.au6 vv,-...,, nrfth,-m ,nrotvpd Tffnorance Is ever plans announced by the provincial game board, bix lemaie -t0 incanea be dogmatic. when en-! nvitmg tne provinces w assume a in. 4 i i v,for.nrl na o ni,Q nf tVio . ilarger share of responsibility in herd, the animals having been acquired from the Wain- tation magnates m the country dif-wrieht National Park and reached here today en route to fcr, who am i so say where? ii. sL i rpi i ol.:,.l nf koV,v oil- will fnllnw, Salient Factors not long after the little herd arrives on the islands. f .faff nf Wn nmrnhll. . .1.. . I. l , "' w..v w ui rural division 01 uid kciiiiAjijr uiij connection 1th immigration matters were L id before the House of Commons yesterday by Hon. . LI.. . "1W un.., wiuiuuw &pciMii8 iu i imui- 'jmmlirration eer, let me draw attention to one, ... ' . M . tn --h. 'immigrants destined for any pro- big game hunters and guides in National Park. Game Warden Ed.'jwo transportation zones. A canyon i,."",,..-!,! lc"'"! WnlCul uiiaun. biiviv oic v, itia&tui m vwupav 3UU Or yUU ICel Ocep, WIUI tij, oiiaic predatory animal on the Queen the Prince John Saturday night to and soft sandstone banks is diffi- NQ Charlottes, it is believed that the Queen Charlotte City where they cuu to cross. At the town of Peace 5 them," Mr. herds will rapidly multiply until in will be' liberated. River I believe It used to take one of There was no sale of halibut at time there will be thousands of the animals Us on on the the islands. islands. There Is, TCDJ Apr MAM very little settlement mere, me , fiilfiVXXJLj 171111 chief Industries Being iisning ana 'logging, so the elk will not be dls I the smaller engines then in use to the local Fish Exchange this morn-'draw three loaded cars .of wheat up lng, catches of three boats which I the hill out of the valley. It was as- ; were in being held over until to- .... . . , . rrM 1 . V I 1 .. 8" "11 tali WCSl 01 Iiuason s nope luunuw. nine yuuus wcic. f4"ujr, DAQQkV AW A Vlt.iira was a natural rock crossing 121,000 pounds; J. R., 2,000,ahd 1 flUUUk; rili ni !V;nere the river could be crossed Ringleader. 1,500, the last two be The dooth occurred this morn ing in the Prince Rupert General Hospital of James Burns who came from Terrace and gave his occupa-, Hon. as that of a laborer. He had; been In the hospital since February lth a sin .le-span high level ng Canadian vessels. hinmPnt will Jan"' I,urn Was 69 Yrars of Ae bridge. Bu- Murray Hill, in his re- UT. H..U1 ' i n .1 Ifn.l lv mm n t rt llAanffat . r ... r n . n . 1. a Ua be made from Walnwright later on. and It is proposed to capture some of the elk now on Vancouver Island uvcr a ;ionin (Continued on page two.) 17 and was 69 years of age. Rela- rare i)cath Toll When lives include a niece, Mrs. McKeown ; Rouse in Manchuria Was De of Herbert. Sask. Funeral arrangements are In the hands of the B. C. Undertakers. VANCOUVER WHEAT VANCOUVER. March 20 Wheat MANY CHINESE BURN TO DEATH; stroyed Yesterday DIIUGLESS HEALERS LOSE THEIR FIGHT VICTORIA. March 20: On a point of honor upheld bv Mr. Speaker J. W. Jones, drug- less healers' last hopes of legal Movie rrvnirnltlnn hv the legislature were killed yesterday. The speaker ruled that their com- J. nivimlBA mnaelirA fnrfTAlv pnv. . .. , . . u nn f o MUiujfcr. Ancnur, . ercd the wme urposo as the,r One hundred and thirty Chinese . .... bm h, h Jcc. men, women and children were M b lyate WUs com. . . . -. A . mm mm k V. m I , A WM If AAT A Wfl Q f burned to death at KIrem yesterday was quoted on the local exchange when fire destroyed a moving pic-today at $1.07. Iture theatre. mlttee.