f AGE SIX LJell CfcO ..BHJill ppilP Xi I WEATHER J" L Dominion Telegraph Service JX A U Chocolate Frosting thah never fails made in a jiffy IN COFFEE Try Baftle Brand instead of cream Jul njgjr. Deliciou. t RECIPE: 1 squares unsweet-cned chocolate. 11 cups Eagle Brand 3 milk. 1 tablespoon water. Melt chocolate In double bollrr and add the sweetened condensed milk, stirring until it thickens. Add water. Cool cake before spreading frosting. (If bitter-sweet Icing desired, use 4 squares of EAGLE BRAND RECIPE BOOK FREE The Borden Co. L4inlt, I lamer Arcd B1J(., Vancouver, Dept. A. Please send me, free, Eagle Brand Recipe Book. NAME ADDRESS 1se it alike ForBreadand CaHes'ToulL notice the difference at once.... Purity Flour has been giving success in Canadian homes for so many years, you can use it with your best recipes wilh full confidence. , Your grocer has iu If you lose anything, try a classified ad. Prince Rupert Clear, calm, temperature, 24. Haysport Part cloudy, 25. Port Simpson Part cloudy, calm 24. Hazelton Part cloudy, calm. 15. Smlthers Cloudy, calm, 15. Burns Lake Cloudy, calm, frosty Vanderhoof Cloudy, calm, 2. Quensei Clear, calm, frosty. Fourth Cabin Cloudy, calm, zero Eighth Qabln Clear, calm. Terrace Cloudy, cairn, 20. Rosewood Clear, cairn, 16. Aljmnsh Paift simty, $alm, 16. Alice ArnvPrt.clq'rjjr, 'calm 22. Stewart dear,, calm. 48, ' A letter tnwl Mk E. O. Lenox which was read at the meeting o! the! -hospital board last night, enclosed a donation of 610 from th? Christian Woman's Society of St Andrew's Japanese , Mission toward the building fO, a rpew hospital. Hope was eeqsein ,tfc letter that the new building might ma- ; teralize before long. Week-End Specials Granulated Sugar i 20 lbs. j Cream of Wheat J Per pkg, TUlson's Jioalth Bran i Per pkg B. & K. Pastry flour 10 lb. eaOk Heinz Chill Sauce ; Per bottle Libby's Asparagus Tips 2 tins Royal City Ooiden Bantam i Corn Per tin i Columbia Pure Strawberry i Jam 4 lb. tin Fraaex Valley Apricot Jam 4 lb. tin iMalkln's Best Pure Honey i 4 lb. tin .Clark's Tomato Catchup 2 bottles Row&t Worcester Sauce I P botUe 1.35 25c 15c 55c 35c 65c 20c 60c 50c 75c 45c 15c Canada's Pride Pure Maple Qftn : Syrup 2 Vis tin Wis Sunnybrook Creamery Butter 3 lb. brick Eggs Fresh Extras, . largest sjse, 3 doz Palmollvc Toilet Soap j; 12 cakes . Sunlight Soap 2 pkgs. Royal Crown Washing i Powder 2 pkgs. .81.25 $1.25 95c J45c 45c Alberta Market j P. GAMU1.A. Proprietor I ifth Street. Phone 20H THE DAILY NEWS RAIL PLAN IS Hospital Work THROWN OUT: Under Review ' 'Report of House Committee Caused Aioeria uovernmcnt noes soi ia-, Discussion at Last Night's vor Bcaverlodgc-Narawa Route For Teacc Uiver EDMONTON. March member to vote No." i on. v. v. amun, mmi ;truction. The 78 miles he said vithln the Alberta bounds would ! carry the road only to the British Columbia boundary, but that the company had made no arrangements to proceed beyond that ;olnt. Railways Keep Faith Mr Smith also pointed out that ince their Joint purchase of the '.'ortliem Alberta llne3 the C.P.R. and C.N.R. have been keeping faith ..nd have done even more in the vay of development and improve-nont than they agreed to. At a .ojt of $2,000,000 or more. 65 miles f new construction will be undertaken this year, new steel will be :ald on 100 miles, some eight or ten i-.ew stations arc to be built thk; ummer, and an extra passenger train will be put on. An Intensive survey of the whole north country has also been undertaken, involving an expenditure already of $366,000, and the railway companies have been making every effort to find out what really is In the country. The promoters of the Beaverlodge project have neither made any such survey nor submitted any plans ot that sort. The estimated cost of the pro- . posed road is too low, Mr. Smith believed, and he was more than doubtful as ta th(C possibility oi low i ra clients over a large part ot tlr fpute. Premier Sect no Motion Premier Brownlee also took a hand at the kMllng, seconding Mr "Smith's motion not to proceed wi;:i the bill and pointing out that the legislature is in honor bound t !ce?p faith with the railway com panics to whom the provincial linr vere sold and wtyh whom an agic .nent was made and ratified. "We have no reason to complain, wid Mr. Brownlee, "of the tr.;at ment given the Peace River country by the CPJi. and C.N.R. in thi 3lght months since they took ive: the northern lines. They have a i good program of extensions, and a ! longer opportunity should be givei jthem to wo.-k out their plans and policies. On the grounds or goor faith alone, this house should not give a charter to other interest' until there has been such opportunity or until there has been some evidence of failure on the part of the two companie to live up to their agreement.'' Both 8tr Henry Thornton and E. ;W. Beatty, the respective heads of the Canadian National and Canadian Pacific systems, have been communicated with since the bill was first brought up, the premier said, and letters have been received from them to the effect that they objected to charter rights bein given of the kind proposed. As to the coast outlet, Mr Brownlee concluded, "that will come, we believe. If the two nation al roads are given a fair opportun ity to work out a plan. We are not disposed to sit back and let them have the business of the north country without doing some devel oping, but they are moving, and it would.be a mistake for us to mix the situation again by letting In another competitive element." Hugh Allen For Charter Hugh Allen clajmed that more consideration should be given the Beaverlodge projectJf the route la impracticable, as suggested, It would at least be harmless to give a charter. Mr Allen saw In the pro posed road a solution of the coast outlet problem, and he said the people of the Peace River district are fearful that the north will be developed In the Interests of British Columbia rather than of Alberta. The heavy: weight of opinion In the committee was against the scheme, however, and by a decisive vote the bill was killed, so far as the present session Is concerned. C. N. H. steamer, Prince John. Cnpt. William Thomas, arrived in Meeting Ronnrtintr for the houseiComSil 18: The tM of Which he is chairman, Aid. Beaverlodge Narawa railway pro- Brm,. atatcd at last night's nicet- iJect was thrown out of the railways mg of hospital board that re- commuiee oi ine legislature uu to thfl noor ot the nm Av. will not get ihe 'eharter It asked enue entrance to the hospital and for. The vote was almost unanl- kitchen, as authorised by tho mous, Huih Allen, U.F.A. member board a month ag0 had beenef-for Peace River being the onlyft.d Th .vstm of water ntoe tin the building had also been railways, took a stand against a r. e. Benson innulred by what charter, contending that the route, means the work had been carried iroposed was Impracticable from -out in repairing the floors and If ne standpoint pf economical con- had been asked. He was in fa- vor of such work being done by contract wherever possible. Aid. Brown explained that the nature of the work did not lend it self to caling for tenders since there was so, much preliminary work to be dene in order to ascer tain ust what repairs were necessary. Being in the building a good deal himself at the time, he had authorized L. C. Bby to proceed with the work without formally consult- ng with tlie committee. AkL Macdunald menUb&ed that Aid. Brown had mentioned the matter to him and that he (A!d. Macdonald) had approved of the ictton being taken. He, himself, vas in favor of giving etarybedy a nance on such work wherever pos- lble. Ihe Idea should be dispelled hut all hospital work was going to me 'man President J. H. Thompson thought that, in future, it would be wise for members of the committee wo get together when such work was to be carried out. Suffering from a cold, William Ooldbloom entered the Prince Rupert General Hospital last evening for a few days' treatment. ROBERT ENGLAND, who has been appointed Weitcrn Manager, Department of Colonics-tion and Agriculture, Canadian National Railwaya, Winnipeg. He succeeds J. S. McGowan, who bJ ben promoted Asaiatsnt Director of the department at Montreal. Stop! Look! AT OUR WINDOWS AND THICKS. YOU WILL BENEFIT BY IT. Slue Ribbon Coffee Each tin contains sliver spoon, per lb. Boneless Hams Gainers, Per lb Baker's Chocolate lb. cakes, each Malkln's Best Jetty Powders 4 for ............ ..... Oxo Large size Per tin Fresh Roasted PwttyiU 2 lbs Salmon Vs's 2 tins Christies' Sodas Per tin Hedlund's Meat Balls and Gravy Per tin Peek Frean's Biscuits- Assorted, per lb ..... Snfrwcap Pilchards Small tins, each Snowcap Pilchards l's, 2 for 60c 29c 25c 23c 25c 25c 25c 45c 30c 50c 10c 35c The Economy Cash & Carry I port at 5.30 th morning from "Where Dollars Have More Cents" Vancouver via the Queen Char- Phone 360 319 Third Ave. lotte Islands with a fair-sized . passenger list and freight cargo. 1 ggmMraMBMREBMmfa "Th THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY TWO SHOWS 7 and 3 p.m. Dorothy MacKail! In e Great Divi de" A Itomantic Drama of Mountain and Desert 100 Per Cent Talking, Singing and Dancing Talking Comedy "Wife's Hirthday" Novelty "Connoly & Wenrich Also Scenic Admission, 20c anil 63c; Sat. Matinee, 2:30. Admission, 15c and 40c WW I I1 I'll' I I WE HAVE recently completed arrangement. i ' a long established and nationally known ( a; a dian Investment Banking House which will en;; . us to offer to our clients sound Canadian invest menr securities representing equities in leading and uc-cesful Canadian public utility and industrial tor-porations. We invite vour inquiries. S. D. JOHNSTON CO. LTD. 617 Second Ave. Prince Rupert. B.C. uuzsEnranauBntv LUMBER 1x6 No. 1 Spruce Shiplap $23.00 1x10 No. 1 Spruce Shiplap S25.00 lxG No. 2 Spruce Shiplap $20.00 1x10 No. 2 Spruce Shiplap 22.00 2x4 and 2x6, 8 to 14', S4S, No. 1 Common. . . . $23.00 2x4 and 2x6; 8 to 11', S4S, No. 2 Common. . S22.00 Kiln Dried Flooring, Ceiling and Finish, Mouldings Lath, Shingles, Doors, Windows, Ktc. BIG BAY LUMBER COMPANY, LIMITED FR1NCE UUPERT.H. C. Sawmill and Head Of fie, Seal Cove, Telephone, 361 Itetail Yard, Cow Day, Telephone 423 EaUTIFY your kitchen by giving your etove the blackest, brightest and most beautiful polishing it ever had . . . the quick, clean way, with Zebra Liquid Stove Polish . . . and, as if by magic, that stove becomes as radiantly bright and glowing as the day it was new. Elfc LIQUID STOVE POLISH HECKITTS (Overaeaj LIMlTKI) MONTREAL - TORONTO VANCOUVER 4 Daily News Want Ads. bring quick Results