APTU 24. 1930. i ODAK TIME IS HERE " m ' n HI : ... V, carry a full line of Brownies and Kodaks ;.r prices to suit every purse from the Brownie to the Cine Kodak and Films to fit them all. Daily Photo Finishing Service Ormes Ltd. Z7fie Pioneer Druggists HIRD AVE. 0 SIXTH bT. - TELEPHONFi 82200 Three Graduate Pharmacists B B I. X RUM 02 Bi Kl B1 El tl B I SI Kl B.f Kl BUI 1 1 B I M 1 1 0J I g For Happy Bake-Days Use "The World's Best" Satisfaction Guaranteed By B. C. Coast Steamship Service SAILINGS FROM PRINCE ICUrKICT hips I To Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau. Skagway ril 9, 19, 30. To Vancouver, Victoria. Seattle April 2, 13. 23. Princess Mary Ocean rails, eta, Vancouver and Vtctuiia, evety r iiuay, lu su Agents For All Steamship Lines W C Orchard, General Agent, 3rd Ave, Trlnce Rupert, I'bonc 31 W..ATS l7JaJ0t 1 1 ' . I vi lawavi usj Ani4 ... mum w yar r m m sa si m LI W way I IfaTari B f A IX I M IS- I lWUfiftto?tM P.m. SUNDAYS, THURsBaYS ANYOX. STEW ART qffi ElmSm TP m v ... . f m - si m ?t EDMONTON, WINNIPEG AO 1n! Ei't'" fo-io.M, Vmtnl ftlntt GARDEN SUPPLIES s MtES. SPADES WI1F.E L-BAKHOWS, GARDEN SEEDS FORKS, TKOWLS,. SHEARS. THOMPSON HARDWARE Co. Ltd. a FIVE ROSES I FLOUR Lake of the Woods Milling Co. Ltd. Manufacturers of Highest Quality Mill Products 3 Local Representative TLos. McMeekin Prince Rupert .sal b KOimBiax mm s li tat a in sztmcm n t in razx i UiNiON-SXEAMSUIl'S LIMITED tlWf. ' rom Friar Buprrt M t;vi:n. VICTOklA. UUH...W. .1.' rt Uaj. tie TuewUy, S 30 p.m I . SMOltliK, VIC I OKI. nulftMlr. Aim IU;. r . riU inldiuiM ( Ai.K t .(KM. AMOV ft1KAkT. Ku. . fwl HhBP-va,-?.un'' o.i i.WI p m o'M'SON and WAI.E8 ISl.AND. Ihurjj pm " -1 A-nur H M SMITH Sttul IT met Kuprrt. II C limited (rkrt old Ui Vktacla bj Mttl .and tuuimr tbrcJtrd 'tu nti to rifttlnmloK .... . MM Local Items Dentist. Dr J. It. Gosse, Phone G8G. , Fipr higher prices arid prompt re- turrtyship ydur raw furs to T. Pap-.' pas. Prince George, B.C. tf Mrs. P. G. Dawson will sail to- night on the Prince George for a trip to Vancouver and elsewhere in the south. All Moose requested to meet at Moose Hall, at 7 pm. Sunday, April 27, for parade to St. Andrew's Cathedral. 96 tt 93 W. A. Wallace, surveyor of the British Corporation, arrived in the city yesterday from Vancouver to make a survey of the new C.N it. steamer Prince William, which is about to take up local service from this port. Paul Tickoles, well known interior prospector, who has been working recently at the Porcher Island mine, is in the city and will proceed by Saturday morning's train to Houston where he is engaged in the development of promising mineral claims. Union freighter Chllllwack, Capt. J. Muir, having completed dis charging of cargo here and on the Skeena River, loaded a cargo of cpttonwood logs at O.T.P. wharf No. 1 for delivery to the Laminated Ma te rials veneer mill at New Wectmln- ted and sailed this morning for the south. Galvanized Iron, Pipe Fit tings, Belting, Etc. Full line of new and used Oalv and Hack Pipe and Pit tings; rt Rubber Jelt. l to 13-tnch: also pyramid Hair 3elt, best English make, very durable: icw Corrugated Iron. 8, 8 and 10 tt heU. always In stock; used flat Oajv Bbeats. 80-lmcb by 10 ft. Pull took of at Split PuUeys; Potato tnd drain Sacks; Barbed Wire; Wlr-lope: CaJnru: Doors; Windows Roof-ng Pelt; Garden and Air How: Boom Thalna: Merchandise and Equipment f all description. Enquiries solicited. 1SS Powell St. t- Vancouver. B.C. n. c. ji sk rn. CATARRH of bead or throat la usually benefited by the vapors of V I6KS VapoRub COMMODORE CAFE The latest thing in lunch counters just installed. Delicious Waffles Served by means of very latest Equipment Business Men's Lunches a Specialty Get the Commodore Habit HOTEL ARRIVALS Centr?il Hotel t'NDKIt NEW MAN.WlKMUNT Muni llratnl; Travrllrr' Kaniplr ICmuHs: Hot and Ci.M Walrr tYrc llu Mrrt All Trains anU I Via Is Kates $1.00 and Up rtTI.lL MONTHLY It.tTLS CICBIOGART & A. DONALD Proprietors PHONE 51 Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading family hotel. Hot and cold water in all rooms A. J. PKUDHOMME. Prop. Cor. of Fraser and Fifth Sts. Savoy Mrs. Eva E. Reed and Mrs. Nora Wilaetv Wrangell: Charles Beck and A. Pilling, city. New Royal Hotel J. Zarrlll, rop. Till: IIOTll. UOKTII WIIII.E Hot tt OM4 Water; Steam Heat 75c PER DAY AND UP Telrnliuitr tXI , Royal L. Miller, Ocean Falls: W. Martin and C. H. G. Boyd, Vancouver. TIIE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE Nervous Dyspepsia Bad Liver. Headache of Years Vanish "For years was troubled' wltlt bad headaches, nervous dyftpepsla and liver trouble. Finally tried 'Frult--Uvea' and am once more entirely well." R. A. Bovay,' Trenton. Ont. Yeara-old liver trouble, constipation end orernlght with "Prult-a-tlvea," say thousands. Dyapepala. bilious-now, heartburn, gas, sick headaches go like naah. Nerves quiet, sound sleep at once. Kidney and bladder Ills, pain In back vanish like magic. Rheumatism, neuralgia, neurit! decamp quick". Complexion dears Ten of nature's greatest remedies combined in bandy little tablet Marvelous discovery of famous Oanadlan doctor. Speedy reeulu. Get "Ftult-a-tlves" from druggist today. Be new person tomorrow. Rebekah Whist Drive advertised for May 14 as been postponed. 9G Don't forget the Elks' Purple Bubble Dance, Elks' Home Friday. 96 Public Memorial Service, Moose Hall, Sunday, April 27, at 2 pm. No collection. 96 It 98 Basketball Thursday and Friday, April 21 and 25. Anyox vs. Rupert,. Exhibition Hall. Admission 50c. 96 The meeting of the Ladies' Mu Sic Club scheduled 'for yesterday was canceled. Two weeks hence the annual business meeting of the club will be held. Miss Jean Burns, who has been studying at Columbia College in New Westminster, arrived from the south on the Prince George yester day en route to her home at New Hazel ton. C. P. R. steamer . Princess Alice, due here next Wednesday morning on her first Alaska trip of the season, will have a heavy passenger list including the first of the tourist' movement and 136 fifteen, crew and stewards of theV7hlte Pass & Yukon going north for the season's work. B.C. FRESH EXTRAS vXoU 5f 07 I Special. 3 dozen B.C. PULLET EXTRAS QQp v0" Special, 3 doscn SHREDDH3 WHEAT per pkf MARVEN-S OATCAKES per pkg. JELLY POWDERS Nabob Brand, 4 pkgs. LUX For Fine Laundering 3 pkgs ICINO SUGAR S-lb. , packages; per pkg SWIFTS PURE LARD 3-lb. Palls each i.;..-V-JL- i S-lb. Pills each 10-lb. Palls each 12c 22c 25c 29c 18c 65c 1.05 2.08 CAMP FIRE MARSHMALLOWS-' in 3-lb. Fancy Tins Q-fl 4 l per tin BRENTWOOD PEAS No. 2 tins, sieve 5, 3 tins I SLICED REACHES 2'S Malklns' Best, per tin BAKINO POWDER-12-OZ Malklns' Best, per tin .... " TERRACE CABBAGE Firm Heads, per lb Watts' Grocery Quality nightPrices Hight PHONE 55 GIRLS! GIRLS! GIRLS! How about having your boy frlond take you for a nice car ride? Tell him - Drivurself Taxi Walker Motor Co., Ltd. Distributors of CHRYSLER and PLYMOUTH CARS Glasses fitted by registered optometrist at Heilbroner's Store.-(tf) Try Mlnehead egg coal for kitchen use. Clean and hot. Phone 771 tf Two level corner lots Section 6 for safe, pnly $100. llelgerson 96 Try a front page classified ad vertisement Saturday. It's bargain day Jn the classified department. A. Stelnert, who has been paying a visit in the city with his mother, Mrs. Louis Trommer, Sixth Avenue West, sailed by the Prince George yesterday afternoon on his return to Stewart. R. Brealey, representative of the Laminated Materials Ltd., New Westminster, who has been spend ing the past few days here and at Terrace on company business, will sail by the Prince George tonight on his return south, accompanied by Mrs. Brealy and sons. Mrs. Eva Reed and Mrs. Norah Wilson of Wrangell disembarked here from the steamer Princes Norah yesterday afternoon and will proceed by train to Reno, Na- vada, where they have" been called on account of the death of their father. On their return north, they expect to be accompanied by their mother. ANNOUNCEMENTS Catholic Women's League Sprlnp Sale April 21 Elks Balloon Dance, Elks' Honv Friday. April 28. Anglican WA. Spring Sale, May Mooseheart Ladles Children'.' Masquerade May 2. Children an spectators 25c Ridley Home Bazaar May 8. Gyro Hocdown Friday, May ArxUtorlum. Leif Brkkn Independence Da Banquet May 16. Leif Erickson Independence Da Banquet May 16. Eagles' Smoker May 19. BEAVER WANTED We have a big order for beaver pelts and also for fox, otter, mink, marten and fisher. We are satisfied to pay highest price as our customers must have the furs. Send them to the OLD RELIABLE W. Goldbloom n 1-an I C I miik twice 1 9Q a as rich as I 1 the ordin- I anp I arykind.lt j I ft improves I IOp II very re- tor ill milk. J Ling n J phone 5C iinw vnetm't w W MAIL COITPON fl TUB BORUbN UJ. Li Ml t IM, m a llomcr Arud Building, n Vancouver, Dept. A. I H would like St. Chatles I H Recipe Book, tne. IS M y NAME. i i. w J ADDRESS... It ii hot much to pay for guaranteed finest quality II ll-CS SAL AD A TEA 'Fresli Srom the gardens' ft. VCUHAR TIT Our Mechanical Department Has been placed in charge of Fernand Rousell Mr. Rousell has been 24 years in the automobile trade, has had charge of some of ,the largest shops in Canada, including: The Legare Auto & Supplies Ltd., Montreal; Webbers Oarage, Calgary; Pacific Nash Motors, San Francisco, U.S., and the past four years with Southard Motors, Vancouver. Realizing the pressing need for a man of this calibre In Prince Rupert and wishing to feel assured that our patrons will get maximum service, has been the motive for placing Mr. Rousell in charge of our shop. We solicit your patronage. Our prices are competitive. ROSS & MOORE LIMITED Chevrolet and Buick Dealers A PERFECT PERSONAL JERVANT AT YOUR SERVICE ALAUNIA AM ft A Ml A How he en,er lnfo ,h ,pirif of ,h5ns$l A UTrki i A ANTON I A How cleverly the improvises your coitu'me ASCAN IA or ,he Fancy Dreis Dance! She is always AURAN I A e,pin9 you ,0 ex,roCt ,he utm0$ pleasure AIICAKII A 'rom your unorc' crossing! She is your own faithful retainerl Nothing is too much Wtltly tailing to Europe from Montreal (and Ouoboc), took rhrough Tha Cunord tin. 422,HatHn4l$UW,Vancil (Telephona Soymouf 3M8-9), or any tloamihip ogtnl. trouble for hsr. For she is a Cunard Stewardess . . . therefore a perfect personal servant, whether you travel Tour'ut Third Cabin or Cabin Class. Nr low rata for Cunard Cabin Qom. Tourist Third Cabin rat alio adjusted. Ask f or Infof matioeu D CANADIAN SERVICE C A I Kl 4 TOUllST THIRD CABIN THIRD. ClASS Dealers Wanted! Well-cstablishcr dealers who want to add a profitable line; who want to cash in on the growing demand for water-craft, should write and ak for the details of our propositionAsk us to tell you what other dealers have done. outboard motors, cnilscys, runabouts. Can be sold on easy Irrms. Small investment needed, to handle the IJocInj; Line of water-craft. BOEING AIRCRAFT of Canada, Limited Vancouver "WESTERN CANADA'S LARGEST PLEASURE BOAT BUILDERS" Daily News Want Ads. bring quick Results