For Sale By Albert & McCaff cry, Ltd. Rupert, B.C. Hums Lake Hardware Burns Lake, B.C. The George LitUOjJUunber Yard Smithers, Ilazelton and ImL Terrace, B.C. . K. S. Sargent, MdTc?-l Ilazelton, B.C. ' r And femem Baby's milk Is always safe if it is Carnation Milk. It is free from all bacteria, high in food value, and more digestible than milk in any other form. Yaty Write lor Afary Bitke Cook Book CASSATION CO, LIMITED IM Afcbwt Smm, Vkmw, B.C Prxforxt UCuxU 1 The Safeguarded Mil1 '"foom Contented Cows" COAL ! COAL ! PEMBINA EGG Delivered, per ton . .$12.00 ALBERTA EGG Delivered, per ton 12.50 ALBERTA LUMP-Delivered, per ton 13.50 Special Prices On Your1 Winter Supply , WO0D JUST AKRIVKl), NEW SHIPMENT OF BIKCII AND JACK. TINE MILL ENDS-Per load $1.50 BOX CUTTINGS-Per load 3.50 HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 PHONE 580 Early Ad. Copy is appreciated The B. C. Packers is rebuilding the cannery at Bella Coola which was destroyed by fire last fall and expect to have the new plant in operation during the coming season. The freighter Chllliwack recently landed a big shipment of lumber from Vancouver for use in the re-1 construction work. i The cannery at Walker Lake, also ! belonging to the B. C. Packers, is) not being rebuilt following its! burning down but on the site is be-ing established a small cold storage plant which will be used in hand ling fresh fish caught in that neighborhood. Both Bella Coola and Walker Lake are in the southern portion of District No. 2 of which Prince Rupert is administrative t Development of Excelsior Group Sensational Fin,d in Portland Canal District to Be Further Opened Up Provision has been made for considerable development work this reason on the Excelsior group of claims located last summer at the head of American Creek in the Portland Canal district. The Ex- elslor was located as a result of nteresting discoveries made by D. Clmball, in association with Mat- ml BDD heal overnight? Sometimes. More often It takes longer to wash out the poison completely and restore a Fmoolh, clear skin. But the burning, the itching, the irritation, are soothed, ooled, Instantly. ORMES LTB. V. J. McCUTCIIEOS, DRUGGIST Week-End Specials WUD ROSE Pastry Flour Pfl-10-lb. sack :tOBIN HOOD Oats With Tumblers, 2 pkgs NABOB Rod Plums 2's per tin MALKIN'S BEST Honey 4-lb.tln ; MARSH'S Grape Juice per bot NABOB Teal-lb. pkg .'. .NABOB Colfce , Mb. tin SUNNYBROOK Cream ery Butter 3-lb. brick 75c 15c 75c 40c 60c 60c tS1.20 HEINZ Sandwich Relish g Q HEINZ Cooked Spaghetti 2s, 2 tins 35c HEINZ Red Kidney Beans OCo 2 tins -w EXTRA LARGE Fresh Eggs 3 doz. FRASER VALLEY Apricot Jam 4-lb. tin ROWNTREE S Cocoa -RvUh 1.15 50c 25c CHRISTIE'S Assorted Fancy A A n nisrnltjl 1-lh nVir ""v " " ' f-r CHOICE Dry Peaches per lb CHOICE Dry Pears per lb. 20c 25c Alberta Market P. GAMUI.A. Proprietor Fifth Street. Phone 208 & ii feeling different ciin alto-gttier. "I, mjvelt, yru terribly bothered with ga on ray itomith which kept awake, night after night, and I kited to see meal tine coming, to I tried the B.B.B. too, and now I can, Mt what I like." Put np only by The T. llilbnm Co, Minuted, Toronto, Ont. ONE FEATHER '80 MAKES NO BED Something Like Advertising, Must Be Intelligently Used April, 2i( 1910. It Remember the old story of the Indian who heard about feather beds and thought he would try one? He took one feather, laid Ii on a plank, and slept on it all night In the morjilng he woke up with a erfek in his bade and growl ed: "White man say feather bed heap soft. White man big fool." Some retail merchants try advertising like that. They run an advertisement once or twice, and because they do not note a big increase in business, say that adver- .hcw Little and C. M. Bryant, as a i Using Is not good for them. esult of the recession of the gla-ier at the head' of American Creek. Subsequent examination showed 'hese to be of a rather spectacular uture, well warranting considerable development. Bee the news oi he advertisements. tne stores in An itching rash A blemished skin Eczema? ate feather is-all right, but it takt more than one to make a feat er bed. Tie same principle applies to advertising. If intelligently planned and used, satisfaction and profitable returns are certain. Twenty Years Ago In Prince. Rupert A branch of the Union Bank ot Canada is about to be opened at Stewart. It is understood that Ii II. Little, accountant in the local branch, will be manager. During the past week eight inches of rain has fallen in Prlnc -Rupert, this having been the heaviest precipitation since weather records have been kept here. The Bruno, which is on its way from England to enter service ot the Grand Trunk Pacific Railwa" on this coast, will be renamed Prince Albert. Why Not ? GIVE US A TRIAL OKDEK. YOU WILL FIND IT WORTH YOUR WHILE SUNLIGHT SOAP OAn per pkg I.. .. iW' PEARL NAPTHA SOAP Q 13 bftrs CARROTS & TURKIPS OC 10 lbs -WV CUT MACARONI Q VK per lb AUSTRALIAN RAISINS Q C n t IK. UUO CLARKS SOUPS-i Assorted, II tins ...,.. SNOW STORM PILr CIIARDS -Vi's, Satins SPLIT PEAS r 3 lbs. in...:...'.. HEINZ SWEET MIXED PICKLES Per bot. .,. HEINZ PICKLED WHITE ONIONS Per bot. AYRSHIRE ROLL-. - . 1U 3 ' .. ' per in. K-B PLttMS 2t' 2 tins The Economy Cash & Carry "Where Dollars Have More Cents" Phone 3G0 319 Thin! Ave. mini---, Local English People in Fete Last Night For Anniversary; Banquet, Whist and Bance St George's Day was celebrated by the local branch of St. George's Society last evening at the Commodore Cafe with a banquet, whist drive and dance and a most enjoyable evening was spent by about 50 members. The prize winners at whist were: Mrs. Cullin, 147; Mrs. Hougan, 113; I Mr. Walker. 147; Mr. Oakley. 117. ; After cards an enjoyable concert i was given by the pick of local tal- jent. A score of wires and letters were I 'read from branches of the society from all over the world proving that this society informs the world that Prince Rupert is on the map. The program was as follows: Grace, president. Toast "The King," president Speech, "St George's Day," S. M. Newton. , Song, Mrs. C. B. CuUtn. Song, J. A. Tehg. Song, Mrs. J. M. Good. i Novelty, A. FunnelL I Song, Mr. Bradthaw. Quartet Mrs. Collin, Mrs. Chris Perry, H. Lincoln and Mrs. Matting-ly, accompanied by Mrs. Black and Mr. Funnel (banjo). Song. II. Lincoln. Presentation of prizes by the president. Dancing followed. Having Difficulty In Freighting Oil Up to Toric Mine ALICE ARM, April 24: With the frost rapidly going out of the ground, Al Falconer is now having considerable difficulty in freighting fuel oil to the Toric mine. The road on the upper end is in bad condition and the horses are breaking through the soft snow to the ground. There will be an Improvement when some of the snow The Weather Dominion Telegraph Service Prince Rupert Cloudy, calm, temperature, 46. Port Simpson Cloudy, calm. 49. Haysport Cloudy, calm, 48. Terrace Clear, calm, 46. Alvanth Part cloudy, calm. 45. Alice Arm Part cloudy, calm. 45. Anyox Clear, calm, 50. Stewart Part cloudy, calm. 47. Ilazelton Cloudy, calm, 44. Smithers Cloudy, calm. 42. Burns Lake Cloudy, calm. Quesnel Part cloudy, calm. Eighth Cabin Raining, calm. District News VANDERH00F A monster picnic wfll be held at Burns Lake by the Omlneca District Conservative Association on the occasion of an expected visit :n June from Hon. Dr. S. F. Tol- mie, Premier of British Columbia. The Vanderhoof Lawn Tennis "lub has elected officers for the year as follows: President. Mrs. R. M. Taylor; vice-president, J. II. F. Lacey; secretary-treasurer, R. C. Price; executive. Miss Betty Lamb and Rev. R. C. Steer. This afternoon's train, due from the east at 3:30, was reported this morning mornlnS to 10 be be on n time. tin". iBarite and Ruby i Silver Will Be 1 Busy This Year J ! William Tompkins of Stewart have been arranged to permit re-'' J sumption of development-work this 'J summer on the Barite group, , j j Mr. Tompkins also says that the j Ruby silver is in a posiuon vo con-, , tlnue development this season. . ! Both the Barite and Ruby Silver are situated in the upper Bear River valley. Good Fishing Off Dundas Island Was Reported Today Word received from Dundas Island is that fishing there Is very good just now. Trailers are getting a. lot of fish and they are large. This Is in contrast with the fishing around Stevens Islands where so far not many salmon are reported. HINTS FOR GARDENERS SI1UBBERY AND TREES Shrubbery, rose bushes, ellmben. fruit bushes, fruit and ornamental trees are usually planted as soon as the ground is dry enough to do it. The same rule applies to herbaceous perennials. Once the soil loses the moisture of early spring I a much larger proportion of plants 3 , . . . . t ,1, A J I - 1 t is uKeiy vo oie man u set oui ear Her. t?I.UU fi c-; 29C Varieties of jS QQn f fTSR anyone can mako w AiJis with help of the PJ ! Purity Ilour Cook S 35c' A. v Dook' MaUed 'or B Tb Bwlnn.K Mllllni ;n 45c imri -Jsa- j'B PAGE SIX Thursday, April 24. 1 THE DAILY NEWS Gyproc Makes Summer Homes FIRE-SAFE! PROTECT your family by making your Summer home draught-proof, dust-proof and fire-safe. The new improved Gyproc, that Joes not burn will render you this service at small cost. Use it for structurally strong walls, ceilings and partitions. You can tint, paper or plaster it if you wish. It is easily and quickly applied, is a permanent asset, and is vastly superior to other building materials. Your dealer's name is listed below. Ask him today for full information on Gyp-roc Wallboard or send for interesting free book "Building and Remodelling with Gyproc" GYPSUM. LIME AND ALABAST1NE. CANADA, LIMITED Vancouver ' B.C REBUILD CANNERY Bella Coola Plant to Be Operated Again Br B. C. Packers; Cold ' "' Storage at Walker Lake ! Gas On Stomach Hated To See Meal Time Coming Mrs. B. Ltudek, Fort William, Ont, write: "Mj hnibnd roffered with a bad stomach eoold not eat at all, but on using four bottles of 1 HONORED ST. GEORGE'S DAY ism iisumi . i:n" THURS., Fill, and SAT, lLd! ITLfi, I IN AKU -in- Senor Americano A splendid outdoor picture TALKING and SINGING Talking Comedy "TOOT SWEET' Singing Novelty "HARMONY CLUB" Oswarl "PERMANENT WAVE'' "SCENIC" You should see this program TWO SHOWS, 7 & 9 P.M. Admission 20c and tic SAT. MATINEE At 2 30 15c and 40c iTinipiil I's-t-rri; MORE ALUE FOR YOUR MONEY 1 WIT See the new Ford body lines and colors 4 on view at our showrooms Tlic Canadian Car.' 4 i S. E. PARKER LTD. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. LUMBE Specialties KILN DRIED SPRUCE, CEDAR AND HEMLOCK j FINISH, CEILING, RUSTIC, MOULDINGS, ETC. t i Edge Grain Roat Cedar; Kiln Dried Edge Grain g HemlftclC Flooring i Spruce and Cedar Shlplap, Boards, Dimensions and Timbers i Doors, Windows, Shlnjles, Etc. g Odd lots off-grade material at reduced prices. J 1 ,v j BIG BAY LUMBER CO., LTD. j Lumber Manufacturers Prince Rupert, BC jj