wovember 14, 1919. rriday DETERMINED TO STOP TRUANCY Decided ; Board Takes a on Vexed Problem; Basketball for Girls. monthly meeting = sahool povard was held in ‘ a Hall last evening. It was ded 4 this meeting to pur- , basketball for tne girls King Wdward School sea nuage in the popular rhe school board, gen oenized the important 1 athletics were now tak- ihe eduiation of girls as and thus endorsed i ihe deel enase § of the they may gaint era part ng well 45 D0) foe nes epairs are to be made to Science School and it the Borden Street to be put in better shape »mittee consisting of Trus ce j c¢ MeLennan and F, Shaw ' eg perintendent Maedonatd legated to look into the f affairs at the Hays ' x. et jroom that has been had for two weeks on aecount ‘the bad sewer there. Must Go to School. 3t important matter were del Phe hat was discussed at the meeting ’ « howeve the prevalence of ne in the city schools. Angus 1 Macdonald, city superintend- nt. was at the meeting and re- borted tl at the hove wert truants among the eaching too large t, in his opinion, vaste neasures would have to e taken to stop this state of af- airs, After much discussion on t was resolved that ne. Seh Board recommend to he Police Commission that the bw be enforced to the fullest gainst truants. Mr. Maedonatd as instructed to report all cases rawn to his attention to the ce and the police are to stop hildren on the streets during hours and, if necessary, nke them in custody. It was de- ided that an example would tk pade of someone and preeeedings d be instituted against pare ‘ountenancing the offenee, monthly routine ss Was also dispensed witi ye matter nt THER NEW SERIAL AT EMPRESS THEATRE Caricr Case’ Opens Tonight —"Human Desire” at the Westhoime. \ new serial starts tonight at ¢ Empress Theatre entitled he Carter Case.” It is said to a big feature and one that will full of all sorts of thrills and meral interest. At the same W the Houdini Masteg Mystery es, the climax being the big Mm that no one will miss. Anita Stewart is at the Weat- ime in “Human Desire,” a story SX parts, with many dramatic eecls and carrying that human eerest appeal that movie fans so uch desir e ‘dere is also a Burton Holmes Welogue Through China” and Mm New Westholme Orchestrn Nes special music, the overture Zanpa” being on the program, Ar ‘rom Alice Arm state ‘there is now a foot of snov hthe beach there. The tempera- pe has been down as low as gefo . there has been good skating lhe skating does alls Usually come till after Christ "at that point ee” Buchan came in from Smith- S last night QUAKER BRAND ee WAKER BRAND fruits eRrets : s . all OV “ ables are known *r Canada. QUAKED are Dick BRAND Pears ~ *d when they're - and put up while they are fy The Pip sh syrup is ich. « heavy and o it brings out the | sun ripened i the fruit lake Uy thes, £oodness of home a @an and koeod pears; Put up in Britisn Columbia by Dominion Canners, B.C., Ltd. THE DAILY NEWS OU dare not let Canada’s Prosperity Indicator slip back; you must keep shoving it forward. Every dollar added shoves it over that much nearer to Continued Prosperity. Great Britain is prepared to place large orders in Canada, but she is temporarily unable to pay cash for them. Canada can get these orders if sh givesGreat Brite ain credit. Canada can give this credit if you pro- vide the money: to pay the workers on these orders. You will provide the money through your purchase of Victory Bonds. Therefore the more Victory Bonds you buy the more orders Canada will get—the more money there will be to distribute among our workers—the more money there wili be put in circulation for the benefit of all. Canada’s Prosperity will be in proportion to Cane ada'’s purchase of Victory Bonds. There are only five more days. Shove the indicator over into Continued Prosperity. Buy More Victory Bonds See Official Prospectus on Another Page. ] thy Canada’s Vietory Loan ‘ommuartee, in vos, tion with the Minister of Finance oi the Dominion of Cans la ‘f ie im ’ * ee Sbq 8 at 2¢ a5, thy