Page 6 e HE reason that Fire Insurance Companies insure | 7 your property co cheaply is because they have a great number of properties insured in a great many | localities in many different cities. Thus their risks are subject to the law of averages. The individual who earries his own risk (in other words does not have hig property insured) cannot possibly so diversify and scatter his risks as to bring the law of averages to apply to his property. Therefore the insurance companies can carry your risk cheaper than you can, H. G. HELGERSON, LTD., are writing insurance carefully and in thoroughly reputable companies. Phone 96 and we will be glad to quote you the rate on your risk. > Prince Rupert Ory Uock & Engineering Co. LIMITED Vessels of any size Docked Repairs of all kinds in wood or steel. Several boats can te docked together on one small section, making fees light. Large stock of repair materisis is being laid in. Foundry Work Castings in tron, Brass, Bronze, Etc., made at Reasonable Prices. Machine and Boiler Work of all kinds Business of Industrial Plants, Mines, Mills and Canneriés Solicited. Designs and Patterns Made and Furnished. | Tite’s large stock of fan-y }@00ds and toys opened up and at For Sale jyour service, i | Carpet squares, Congoleum a rugs, floor civerings at Special SNAP For Quick Sale-—Lots 5 and 6 prices, Barrie's Fyrniture Store. Block 45, Seetion 8, $60.00 Each. ® e ‘ 5-Room steam heated modern house Tite’s Christmas Drawing. near drydock, $2,600, Terms. Every $2.00 cash purchase e )- titles you free to a ticket. First prize, brass bed, coil springs feit mattress and pair of down pillov’s. Second .prize .ladies’ desk and 4-itoom house, Section 5, $1,750, 4-Room house on Fifth Avenue in section 5, $1,600, Terms. 7th Avenue, Terms. ~ WEEK END SPECIALS | Jonathan Apples, per box $3.00 i Wagner Apples, per box $2.75 Vranges, per doz, (30-60-60 7h rable Pears, per doz, (35-40) 60c¢ Fiorida Grape Fruit each ibe Lemons, per doz 40c Terrace Turnips, 8 ibs. 2b¢ RB. C. Carrots 7 ibs. 25¢ fh. ©, Cabbage per ib 6c GROOERIES Pacine Milk .. 9 for $1.00 Seal Brand and Nabob Coffee in 2-1b tins : ; 81.15 Canned Pumpkin, 2s, 2 for abe Libby's Spinach, per tin, 25¢ See our Windows for other lines not advertised, MEATS AND PROVISIONS Our fresh meat business has doubled The price and quality is right Pot Roast, per ib . Qic Rib Roast Rolled, = Ib 35¢ Boiling Beef, per tb ike Round Steak, per Ib. 30¢e Corned Beef, per Ib) iBe Beef Liver, per Ib. 10¢ Veal Stewing, per Ib i7e Veal Steaks, per Ib. 30c Leg Mutton, per Ib. $3c Mutton Chops, per Ib 8c Shonider Mutton, per Tb, 28c Stewing Mutton, per Ib 22c ork’ Spare Ribs, per Ib. 20c Pork Shoulders, per Ib, $7¢ Breakfast Bacon, sliced per Ib. 55« Sugar Cured Hams, per Ib. ... 50¢ Sugar Cured Hams sticed per tb. 55 Pienic Hams, per Ib 38c Lard in Bulk, 3 Ibs for 81.00 Ontario Cheese, per Ib 35c Brick Cheese, per Ib 40¢ Alaska Salt Cod, per Ib. Se Rupert Table Supply Co. Phones 211, 212 WHIST TOURNAMENT Following is the standing of the teams in the whist tournament Ww L Pet Knights of Pythias 3 1 750 Oddfellows 2 i 667 St. Andrew's 3 2 60! Sons of Canada i i 500 Sons of England i 2 333 Valhalla 0 3 000 Beautiful new Hudson seal 268 coats at Goldbloom’s. cre Cee RH Be EE ee Tu SUBSCRIBERS Subseribers to The News are asked to pay the de- livery boys each month when they call, except where payment has been * « tiade for the year in ad- the boys when collecuing carry official re- ceipts which should al- ways be preserved. * * * * * * * vauee, see eee ee eee oe se * * Fe CSRERSH EE ES & LAND REGISTRY ACT Sectiongy 36 and 134. @ Lots, 6th.-Avenue, Section “9 chair, mahogany finish. Third $650 each, Terms. prize 24-inch Kewpie Doll. tf Hery, Gibb McCaffer y, Gibbons M M Gi h oe Stephens iH & Doyle, Ltd. 18 a Dake Notary Public Conveyarcer Plane #1 : jrd Avenue lusubaice iieal Estate ' Rentals. 2 CA + all . —assaboaascessassssasapsacssres. 3} , , $j Oe } © atine ‘ DENTISTRY 3} Sevcn-ro-med House ‘ ; rot, Hit : } Don’t neglect your Teeth }| wih twa Lo's, om Graf Hil! > ” One decayed or missing tooth 2; lowers your efficiency | Closed in sleeping porch, fireplace ore and range, concrete pillars and By DR. BAYNE ” wall in basement, and stationary Office Hours--Morning, 9 to 12; } tubs in kitehen Afternm n, 1.30 to 5.30; Satur- | dvy, 9 to 2 ae mani 3, ‘Bo —---—- —_—__—_ - — Tuesday, Wednesday an ri- | day, from 7 to. 4M. M. Stephens DENTAL NURSE IN ATTENDANCE : » . : af : : seine 160 Gan apeeurtemet | fieal Es.ale Insurance Financial Ageni E —_—_o , A ou a at Hel eproot Hosiery Holeproof Hosiery has been off the market for a long time, and the few dozei s we received last week wee the first for many months And they will sell: fast: a: to obtain some, you musi fe get busy at once. We have them in six shades, besides black and white. . We have also reeeived a shipment of te . Crepe de Chine and Georgette Blouses ‘ in Black, White, Navy, Coral, Mauve, Pink, Belgian Blue PF and Brown, in the most beautiful styles. Pa 3 = ib he Liat _. || Jabour bros., Ltd. . Corner Third Avenue and Seventh Street te Application No, 11318-1 File 6,259 TAKE NOTICE thai application has been made to register Attillio Dominato. of Prince Rupert, B.Cy\ P. 0. box 68, as owner in fee under a Tax Sale Deed from the Collector of the City of Prince Rupert bearing date the 23rd day of October, 1919 if ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parce! r tract of land and premises situate, |y ing, and being in the city of Prince Rupe/t nore particularily known and described as ot twenty (20), Block thirty-seven (37), ection Five (5), (Map 923. You are required to contest the claim of the tax purchaser within 35 days from the date of the service of this notice whieh may be effected by publication in he Daily News, Prince Rupert, B. C.,) and our attention is called to section 36 of the Land HKegistry Act” with amendments, and to the following extract therefrom “and in default of a eaveat or cer tineate of lis pendens being fied be fore the registration as owner of the person entitied under such tax sale all persons so served with notice, . and those claiming through or onder them, and all persons claim- ing any interest in the land by virtue f anv unregistered instrument, and all persons claiming any interest in the tand by descent whose title ts net registered under the provisions of this Act, shall be for ever es- topped and debarred from setting up any claim to or in respect of the land se sold for taxes, and the Regis trer shall register the person en titled under such tax sale as owner of the tand so sold for taxes."’ AND) . WHEREAS application has been made for a Certificate of Indefeasible Titi to the shove-mentioned lands, in the namic f Attillio Dominato. AND WHEREAS on investigating the itle it appears that prior to the 9th day f October, 1918, (the date on which the sail lands were sold for overdue taxes you were the assessed owner thereof PURTHER TAKE NOTICE that at th me time IT shall effect registration tr pursuance of such application and issue a Certificate of Indefeasible Tite to the said ands in the name of Atitifo Dominato, un THE DABLY NEWS Qe tt ee ee Pe Local News Notes ——— © tI me ee es ee For Messenger phone 203, , . , Lon.) oi) | for Fred Taggart, Symphony cert Sunday evening, . . . Capt, H. B, Babington Vancouver last night. left Big reductions in all kinds of: dresses at Goldbloom’'s. 268 :. Ae city from Stewart last night. . . . COMMUNITY PLATE. The gift de luxe, at eastern prices, *t Tith's. tf . . , The “Director” Corset. Manu- factured in Prince Rupert, Phone Blue 92. t! M. M. Stephens was a passen- ger on last night's G, T. P. boat for Victoria. * , . Hyder arrivals last night in cluded R. J. MeDonnell and G. bp Woodcock, . . Geo. A, Young, road superin- Lendent for Atlin District, arrived last night from Anyox. ‘For the home fireside; the eom- = of an easy chair and rocker, i: Tite's store for holiday dis counts. tt . . . Tite's special discounts for: sash until Christmas in our fur- nitune, rug and drapery depart nents. tf . . . Stewart arrivals on the Prince John, which arrived during last night, included W. W. Rush, E. Crawford and R. Haney. Rev. White, of Kimberley, who has been spending some time in this city, left for Vaneouver o the Prince George last night. . * . Geo. Adams, who has been vorking at the North Star mine it Alice Arm, is in the city on his way to Vancouver for the vinter, * * . If the weather permits tomor- ‘ow, the Daughters of the Empire vill be out to get your contribu- tion for the new nursery in the General Hospital. P. Burns & Co., Ltd., was fined five dollars in the police court his morning for having their motor delivery car running on th streets without a tail-light. J. S&S. Pudney resigning his position as manager of the boot and shoe department of the H, 8. Wallace Co. to join the manufac tuners’ agency business of J. F. Maguire as travelling salesman. * * . G. A. MeNicholl, assistant gen eral freight and passenger agent, R. Beaumont, superintendent of Grand Trunk coast steamers, and General Superintendent Mea! eft for Vancouver and Seattle on the Prinee George last evening. is Special reductions in dresses it Goldbloom's,. 268 The first of the Queen Mary Chapter, Daughters of the Empire, bridge parties was held at th» home of Mrs. James Carmichae}, \lfred Street, last evening. Mrs F. G. Dawson was the winner of the first prize and Mrs. Parsons, second. Beautiful new Hudsen seal Macaroni Soup BKotled Halibut Parsley Butter ess you take and prosecute the prope: proceedings to establish “your claim, if|coats at Goldbloom’s. 268 ny, to tha said lands, onetaeprevent such wee action on my part . . Dr. J. 8. Brown returned from Anyox by the Prince George evening. . . . Beds, spiings eno mattresses it reduced priecs at Barrie's fur aiture sale ti ee ee ee ee ee ee * TCO LATE TO CLASSIFY * ew me eee eeerareee OR SALE—Two canaries and cages; also dinner dishes and utensils. Phone 466 or call afternoons, 924 First Avenue. ROOMS TO LET. Apply John Dill man, “Eleventh Avenue, Conrad. neat 26y si wunillingenmampiieajpanneaty r'WO FURNISHED SUITES T¢ RENT in Planitz Block. Apply Mrs. Walters, St. Louis Rooms. WANTED— Maid, three in family. Apply 430 Fourth Ave. W 63 Phone 524 Motor Delivery $300,000, 000. last! Do BUY VICTORY BONDS. For HRISTHAG PIES, Plum Puddings and Cakes The real home made English Christmas fare C Place your orders now with the Smeeton Tea Rooms 309 Second Ave. Cor. Fulton and Sixth National Grocery Co. VEGETABLES A SPECIALTY Prompt Attention Canadians “Put it over” in France They always achieved their object iV .. Our boys made a reputation for Canadians to live up to. Canada’s objective now . anc your bit ie rer Ormes, Limited Two Phones 82 & 200 At Your Service . | Assignee for the Lawrence Estate PELE OOO OOOO LEO CPOE OOOOOOD ‘ Ti _———