PAGE TWO DAILY EDITION The Daily News prince rupeiit British Columbia Published Every Afternoon, Except Snnday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue SUfeCRIPTON KATfcg 4 By mail to all. other parts of British Columbia, the British Empire aftd United States, pafd itt advance, per year GaJu By mail to all other countries, per year . ......... 7.50 By mall to all part of Northern end Central British Columbia. paid in advance for yearly period .'.......'........ 3.00 Or four months for .. - I, 1.00 For leaser period, pafd In advance, per montfa i . ; ,,:": -50 City delivery, by mail or Carrier, yearly period, paid in, advance $5.00 TranSierit advertising on front page, per inch" . . .SO Local readers, per insertion, per line 25 , Transient display advertising, pet inch, per Insertion" 1.40 Classified ftdverltalmr. nr insprttan. rr xtnA w . . ft? Legal notices, each insertion, per agate line 15 j Contract rates on application. Advertising and" Cfrcnlatftrff Teleflhoria 58 Editor and Reporters' Telephone ,86 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations Saturday, May 17, 1930. SPLENDID NEWS The Announcement yesterday that the 'local shipyard had been awarded the contract for another car bargeVas very welcome news to the people of Prince Rupert. It means that there will be a continuous payroll and an opportunity to sustain the good reputation of the local dry dock for good construction work. The railway is to be complimented on its effort to utilize its own yard for its own work. DISPLAY OF FAITH Prince Rupert people sometimes fail to realize the destiny of the city in which they live. It remains for eastern people with eastern capital to come in here and make an initial expenditure of over two million dollars as a coldblooded business investment in order , to put the city on the map as one of the progressive centres of Canada. It is a great thing to see the work that is going-f orward and to realize that at last the city is about to makes progress. A USELESS ANNOUNCEMENT Yesterday we announced that there would be a radio broadcast of the arrival of the R-100 airsjiip and that it would be sent out oyer ' froth Vancouver and Edmonton stations. But what use is th&knowledge to Prince Rupert people?' ai i3(wu voits and for city use 2,-300 volts. There will be-'llO volt rPHlLUPS: Tor TrWi due to Aeld INBIOtSTION ACID TOMCH Smithers Man Died Monday John Iforrlgan Had Lived In Central Interior For Dozen Tears and Was Weil Known John Horrlgan, who had lived for mote than 12 years in the central interior, making his home variously at Smithers, Bums Lake and other Bulkley VaUey centres, died In the Smithers Hospital on Monday of this week from pneumonia. He was born in Oxbridee. Ont.. In lfifts nnd had been employed on government and 320 volts single Phase for supporter ot outdoor snorts ngnung and 220 volts thrje phase The funeral took place on Wed-J . . ... . lor motors. - : h. - h ti T.T ; ! "aay a inoon in amimers unflerj " " -w ouua me auspices of the Native Sons or a substation near McClymont Park' Canada of .which deceased was a but this has been abandoned: charter member at Smithers. Uidesfln Whst most people fll fnifpettion Ii uiuilly ezceia acid in th itomich. The food bti wured. Th initant remedy it an alkali which neutrallui rld. But doa't uj crude btlpa. Use what your doctor would adriie, The beat iielp It Jhi)li(ia' Milk of Migfteili. For the 60 yean tince itt invention it ha remained ttandard with phyiieiani. Toil trill find nothing elie ao quick in its effect, to harmlcii, o Qicient. Immediate Relief! One taitelfti ipoonfal in water Btt trslitet mtny timet id tolume in aelL The rrtulti are immediate, with no bad alter-effecti. Once you learn thia fact, you will never deal with exceu acid ia the crude wayt. Go learn how why f nisi vnttlltAif I- mt. r r tvrlou mm idaby fe" m: ii n ii i BABY'S OWN SOAP ACTIVITY IN MINES OF NORTH Depressed Price Conditions Little Effect t'port Operations of Major Companies Edward Hdnkltis n nveManf .r the c Fort iUtfc George uru8c district uisinn for ior several several) iBiiuuiiic! anu uumvikiun uiuauciisLs are seiuom lOUuj'' enough to be heard in Prince Rupert and Vancouver islarVnd last emPloyi' Jy thej hardlv evpr plpnr nf hnH nnioos Amonn .fnf,, iT""3"" Limber Co. at SnowshoeH heard clearly but Canada's voice is silent so far as we are concerned. What is needed is a national government broadcast from really powerful and modern stations so that the whole country may be able . to tune in and so that the voice of Canada may be heard to the Bouth as well as the north. Substation For Power Company at Cow Bay Plant The plans of the Northern B. C Pqwer Co. are to utilize the old power station at Cow : Bay for a subltatlftn for the new plarit, the power coming to tllev city 'alon McBrlde Street in 66,000' volts and stepping down to the desired voltage. For power plants .such as thu elevator the power will bi be used BS te&mlni fnrpman 1nf M. n last Saturday afternoon' at McBrlde fhen he attempted to board the westbound passenger train as it moved out of the statinn fhM grabbed the last coach but one, lost rus grip and fell under the wheels of the last coach. He was run over by the train. An Inauest was held bv Br. M Trefry. coroner. Prince Oeorge; and it was found fhat the fatality, had been accidental, no blame or, responsibility attaching to anyoheY " Giscome Now v. Has Institute Women Are Organized There With Twenty-Five Members and Mrs. Nichols President ' I A hrftnrh nf th ""iimia Aiiobi" i. tute has been organized at Ollcome m the interior with an ODenirie roiiu worit ana similar occunationsit . kvik in the interior. He was an ardent1mershlp of 25- ot" re as . . President, Mrs. W. K. Nichols Vice-President. Miss OrundaliA ' Secretary, Mrs. Harvie. Treasurer, Mrs. Roberta, ' Executive Mrs. Brown, Hunter and Mrs. Church. Mrs. New Boats Just 20 Years Younger Than Old Paii It Is Just twenty years ago now that the steamers Prince George ahd' Prince "Hupert weredrrnhelr way around uapt Horn irony Newr4r .c&stleon-Tyno to take up1sefv)cjf u "c cuasi ior me urand Trunk Pacific Steamship Services. Now these new steamers for the com pany Prince Henry, Prince David and Prince Robert are ncaring completion at Bitkenhead and will isoon be on their, way here. The .new steamers may b larger and .lie .ur to get the genuine PhllllrV thn lhe W b0t Milk of tlsgncaia pretcribed by pbyVi. ithey can hardly & better service V 7 ,"N"K ut ywyumt man nave fW;ft,r ,M ,uU dlr lasWfSs and nupert these TiTfc DAft? NEWS AUTHOR OF NOTE DIES William John Locke Passes Away in PariIU4 Minj Occupation. , xndlVratelIany Books PARIS. Xtflv'l 17 William J. Lock. aed C7. tvirf!v known Bri tish novelist, died here Thursday night. t Jack of Ail tmriM find mftstet of one this teas Wnitaiii John Locke. 'mathematician, school teaeher. ar chitect and, At last a novelist. W. J. Lock"s life may be deno ted best by chroniclinz it according 1 14 his various occupations. He was I mathematician sit St. John's Col- lese, Cambridge, where he was. ! f . . . . . M t - j ;rauuaiea in lOUi. inougn ne was bom in the Barbadoes. March 20,! Have i . QRl tliai enn nf Tnn T its Ira o THn V"W, vV SVli Ul XJllU UUVt. , , iut- idad banker, much of his early schooling was In England. He was, however, graduated at th? Queen's . Deapite decreased nrlce mndi. Royal College, Trinidad, in 1881. Hons, copper output has been main- AiteT '"dring architecture,, tained and even exceeded durtne 1 1 held the position of Secretary . 1 Mi . . . .... tt . V. a n T .. T)4f.U we uru quarter oi una year as i iwn.uc opmpared with the same three months of 1929 by the Britannia Mining & Smelting Co. and by the Qrnnby Consolidated Mining, Smelting & Power Co.. savs an official statement which has been issued bv iHon. W. A. Mackenzie, minister of mines for this province. Durinc re cent weeks there has been a slight j reaueuon in the latter company's production at Anyox. The Consolidated Mining & Smelting Co., in its annual report, de clares its intention to continue development on the Big Missouri and the department has received no ln formation that It is to abandon work on the George Conner. The same company is continuing devel opment work on its Emerald group oi mineral claims on Tahtsa River in the Sibola section. This property is reported to be looklnz nromislntr It is understood that both Britannia and Oranby also are continuing tneir exploratory work. RUN OVER BY TRAIN AND IS THUS KILLED of British Architects from 1697 to 190? . He was elected to membership in the ar-. chitectural societies of Holland,! Spain, Portugal and the United States. , . j Locke's first novel appeared in 1895 It was "ThS'Gate of Samaria." ' He wrote more than 30 novels. Among those best known to Amert- j can readers is "The Beloved Vaga bond." other later popular works j were "The Morals of Marcus Or-1 deyne," "Stella Maris," "The Won- i derful Year,- "The Rough Road,"; "The House of Baltosar." and "The ! Mountebank." ! 'The Beloved Vagabond" was ! dramatized and produced, at His turn of sentiment. One critic said: Majesty's Theatre. 1908. Other plays . The dnvtr. gforee behind hts stor-were "Mr. Cynic," "The Lost Le-1 ,. w... ... Two American writers had con siderable influence on V 1 rvm' and tntn nf th mrtttsv human UUVAbO " - ..I.IIIW,, writings, according to his own ad- multitude." mission. They were Oliver Wendell , Toward the end of his life the Holmes and Henry Wadsworth novelist lived much in FranM hi Longfellow. I - ' last home being at "Lea Arcades" in Locke has been described as a i Cannes. He was a member popular author with a whimsical number of literary clubs. .t . DOMINION ROYAL f.' a, . Npt one in a thousand ill ever puncture Not one in five thousand 1 lil blow out under . two years or service kJO wonder w use superlotfvei ' In- describing Royal Matters. They have more than made good. Each pasting week sees them win new laurels sees them add to their ever-growing public For surer traction, quicker braking, easier steering, safety, style . . . for years of wear, for mileage records ', . . you can depend on the Royal Master, the greatest tire the world has ever known, built to an ideal instead of (o a price. Royol Masters, Dominion Royals, Endurance ""for light cars and Royol Heovy Service fire are sold by Dominion tire Dealers, conveniently located and equipped to give ttdded mileage through fire service of the highest quality. D0MINI0 of o "Now Baddy, ymi must not forgot yojir Views of Naas Sctnic Picture of Local Interest Is Shown at Capital Theatre Interesting views of aalmou canning operations and village ecenes around the mouth nf the1 MASTERS v Nerve Food55 "Xo IimIimmI I Sleep Well Now 2iiid niti Feeling Fine55 SLEEPLESSNESS is a persistent symptom when the nerves get rundown. You are restless, irritable and easily fatigued and cannot sleep well at nights. This trouble increases as thejrears advance. But there is relief by the uso of Dr. Chase's Nervo Food. It does not produce artificial sleep but restores and builds up the nervous system so that in a few days you find yourself resting and sleeping Women everywhere, know and praise Dr. Chase's Nerve Food as the greatest of restoratives for the nerves. But Dr. Chase's. Nerve Food is good for men and women alike, from youth to old age. It renews the strength, energy and vitality of the whole human system. Dr. Chase's Nerve Foot! ooihea the tired, excited nmti, reatorec nervous energy and maVea you feci well and look well path? with the sttus, foHIea, vanities Naas. River are being shown (ft ' week-end in a scenic rfl at tin IV r,,l Oepltal Theatre. Native lite at Kin- KlVer III rllm1 te tuwd and then u (rtmlnlacent scenes of ancient tri bal customs, such ;i.s h?rte dancing and medicine man curit Ifp dOttbt some of the natives ot tfie flbM win be recognizable ti tboae faaillar wltn i:um 1 Advertise In the Daily Newt X J L - '''' ' ' i. i t J :. -. : SOLE BRITISH COLUMBIA - - v,uuiim DISTItUJUTORS maiKilIUTtJIlS ... ?RH?nart iAIcFcc,y & Vri(r Limited. 99 East Cordova Street Vancouver UC 1100 Government Street, Victoria, li.C; 801 Columbia S?reet, Nw&.dE