1 'skH 1 'IsBiB it IpHflHH' . i 'ft- PAGE SEC THE DAILY NEWS Tuesday, jmy , Sdld at all Government Liquor Storec This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board o by the Government of British Columbia. Rainbow Washer $98.00 Fast, Thorough and Quiet in Operation DEMAND The Rainbow Washer Is the world's bast washer value. Simplest construction. No oiling. Fully guaranteed. Let us send one up lor Monday's washing. No obligation. Prove to yourself that at last you can purchase a washer at reasonable price, to fill all requirements. Third Avenue Kaien Hardware Co. Telephone 3 "Rupert Brand" ipper: VTHE DAINTIEST BUEAKFASTiEOOU Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. ritlNCE RUPERT, B.C. ooooooeo oo 400000000000 aaoaaoQaooawtotyooxm 00 000000000a Want Ads Let Them He Your Broker in Uuying . and Selling Somebody bewailing. to buy that house or bedroom set, or coat you have to sell. Somebody is waiting to sell that car, or typewriter, or whatever else It Is you are in the market for. Get the habit of shopping through the Want Ads. You'll find undjeamed of bar gains undreamVd of opporti Ui roughs thrae coIunyyUonc pleasant illss uuuc HEAD and s. Dolour shopping uw proiitaDie ana USE PRINCE RUPERT DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS Phone 98 "If it's fully told it's quickly sold" POOOOOOOOOOOCicJOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOUUOOOOO TERRACE BAZAAR .Catholic Ladies Staged Very cessful Affair Las Saurdy TERRACE, July 29: After five years of complete silence ladles of the Terrace Catholic Church held a revival bazaar on Saturday in the Canadian Legion Hail. It proved to be a great success, a very substantial net profit being realized, which will go a, long way towaTfd defraying the expenses Incurred in improving the church building and the dwelling house In connection with it. A large and beautifully dressed doll and a wonderful cake were raffled during the afternoon, the first being won by Miss Marjory Doll and the cake by Mrs. Elder. The hall was prettily decorated by the ladies ana stalls had been set up around the big room in which fair members of the younger set were on duty to dispense a great variety of merchandise ranging from candles all the way to white elephants. Crowds of people pleas-anly Jostled each other about the hall and among the dainty tea tables where the clinking of tea cups mingled with the gay chatter. Pretty waitresses darted here and there carrying trays loaded with light refreshments from the beautifully decorated buffet in the centre. The weather was lovely and this no doubt helped to bring the crovd, especially as It was Saturday with the boys coming from the camps and the business community counting their gains cf the week. The bazaar, which was officially :pened at 2:30 p.m. by Rev. Father Leray, O. M. I., came to a happy ;nd late In the evening, and it was generally felt and expressed that ;uch an enjoyable and profitable iffalr should take a regular place In the general life of the THE WEATHER Port Simpson Clear, calm, 62. Terrace Clear, calm, 64. Itosswood Clear, calm, 64. Alyansh Clear, calm, 04. Alice Arm Cear, calm, 66. Anyox Clear, calm, 69. Stewart Clear, calm, warm. Hazelton Clear, calm, 72. Smithers Clear, calm, 60. Burns Lake Clear, calm. Vanderhoof Clear, calm, 68. Eighth Cabin Clear, calm, 72. STEEL ARRIVES The tug Spray arrived In port at the first of the week from Seattle with two scowloads of steel which will be used at the local dry dock in the construction ol a new car barge for service of the Canadian National Railways between Port IMann and Sydney. Work on this I contract is commencing at once. Progressive mercnants advcrttsi SPECIALS Bananas 3 lbs. for ... . Ashcroft Kctchuj per bottle . . 40c 25c St Robin Hood Cake Flour 1 Si Bowl free. QCi 2 pkgs. for Peek-Frcan's Biscuits Any assortment CCn per lb, ,.. Dutch Maid Salad Dressing ?0brottle3 $1.00 Dutch Maid Mayonnaise ?0brott,C3 $1.00 Apricots for preserving j cratQn ;tvk.r9v$.&i5 Bing Cherr'es "' ' VAC ft 2 lbs. for 0 Fresh Fruit and Vegetables ! Arriving Every Boat Mussallem Grocery Co. ; Limited 417-423 5th Avenue East PHONE U AND 84 HEALTH PROBLEM IS SOLVEDJOR MANY They Eat Kellogg's ALL-BRAN Daily Constipation is the most common menace to health today. It is extremely dangerous in itself and is the source of many other complicating ailments. There is no permanent relief in, pills and drugs. Many of them are dangerous. Kellogg's ALL-BRAN is positively minrnntppd to relieve and to cunsuuuuuu. 11 i money will te refunded. "... Kelloee's ALL-BRAN is . rough age. And roughage in food helps eliminate the possibility of constipation. Most modern foods do not contain roughage. Two tablespoon-fuls of Kellogg's ALL-BRAN daily is the proper amount. In recurring cases, ALL-UKAis snouia De eaten with each meal. It is an essential ALL-BRAN 'Improved in Texture and Taste.' District News TERRACE The Imperial Oil Co. Is Just com pleting the erection of a warehouse and a twelve thousand gallon gas tank near the C.N.R. station. T. II. Betait is In charge of the work. The Rupert Boy Scouts were met and escorted round town by the local scouts before" leaving for Lakelse Lake where they will camp 'or a holiday. It was raining when the boys 'arrived but there was sunshine since, much to the de-light of all. Haymakers In the district are busy during the fine weather. Rev. Canon Marsh, who has been very 111. Is somewhat better. Mrs. Parquhar is remaining with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. McKinnon of Var-narsdol were visitors in town on Saturday. Mr. McKinnon is preparing for a trip to Prince Rupert and Vancouver on Thursday. Dr. Bricker, Mrs. sBrlcker and little daughter motored over the Cariboo Highway to Hazelton then by train to Varnarsdol to visit their nephew Mr. W. II. Shannon. Dr. Mills has been indisposed the past week being confined to bed with a heavy cold. Dy McN. Lowe, C. E., had tho misfortune to Injure his ankle while surveying the new road to the Hot Springs. He went to Rupert on Sunday to have an X-Ray. Miss Jean McLeod left on Friday to spend two days with Mr. and Mrs. Berner In Prince Rupert. She will be Miss Cleo Mussallem's guest for a few days. ! Mrs. Mltzemberg from Varnars dol went to Rupert on Sunday, for medical and hospital attention. In the entrance exams, here fourteen of the eighteen pupils writing wore passed. One was also recommnded on account of Illness. T. S. Baxter from Vancouver spoke on Thursday evening at a Conservative meeting, to a fairly good crowd considering the heavy rain which kept many away. O. W. Nickerson of Rupert spoke at a Liberal meeting also E.. Ken ncy to a a large crowd. Mr. and Mrs. Henry with their children from Smithers are spend-) lng a month at Lakelse Hot Springs. Several are now camping at the Lake. The S. 8. boys of United Church spent five days at the Lake under leadership of Mr. Allan. The girls are now out with Mrs. Allan and Mrs. Moore in charge. The Golden Keys leave on Wednesday for four days with Mrs. James Smith In charge. GIANT SHIP BOYS HAVE MAY ARRIVE! GOOD TIME Scouts at Lakelse Lake Arc fcn joy-Meet Visitor to City Says He Is Here to Themsclws Thoroughly Big Zeppelin AoUst8 on or About InCTmp 'fh vrorfnrii.wh.ifpn rprpntlv com- eneci mat raeraosrs ui iimce ,u- Northerners Are Visiting in City Partv of Four Yukon Trappers and Prospectors Sncndlnz a Few Days in Town K. McMillan. A. W. McDonald, J. Kelly and C. Carlson, a party of Yukon prospectors and trappers, are visitors in the city! from the north. They are all located about 400 miles north of Telegraph Creek on the Mackenzie River divide and for some of them It is the first visit to civilisation in years. They are guests at the New Royal Hotel. FISH SALES Summary American 73,000 pounds, and 5c to 12.3c and 6c. Canadian 89,000 pounds, and 6c to 10.9c and 0c. 10.2c 9.9: American Constitution, 16,000, Cold Storage 10.0c and 5c. Celtic. 40.000. offered 10.2c and 6c, .went to Seattle. Lituya. 22,000, Cold Storage, 10,-8e and 6c. Unimak, 8,000, and Glacier, 4,-000, Atlln, 12.3c and 6e. Discovery, 14,000, Pacific, 11.9s and 6c. Blue Bird, 4.000, Booth, 12.2c and 6c. Viola, 5,000, Atlln, 12.6c and 6c Canadian P. Dorcen, iiftooyhiSyal, 9.9c and of. a 6C. Embla. 14,000, Cold Storage, 10.-3c and 5c. I Aiken. 8.500, Royal, 10.4c Snd 5c.' Oslo, 15,000, Cold Storage, 10.VC and 6c. Pair of Jacks, 5,500, Atlln, 10.5c and 5c. i Copt Swain, 7.000, Booth, lOc and Sc. Livingston, 9,500, Booth, 10.5c and 5c. Relief. 10,500, Pacific, 10.8c and 6c. sr H Hfti'tihtifl put ! ifiiiirTi ntrrmnTt'll ; iiii BSXKKKKVriXBlB 2 Mon. & Tucs. PJ airship,' Word Is received In the city to the g Stating that a new giant veti T"P- Bov Scoutfi- wl) are ,n 'pleted at Fredcrlckshafen, will fly R !to New Jersey and. thence to Chi- camp at Lakelse Lake with Scout-jcago, Winnipeg and following the master P. C. Miller in charge, are ;c. N. K. route wni cross me moun-1" " a n i nw 'tains by way of. the Yellowhead : mlng and boating on the lake arc1 'H AwU IpVJ HltX tflav Pit. VHri prevent both temporary and recur- j n.- r) .beincr being nartlcularlv particularly enjoyed enioved. --:- .rasa Pas3 an(j Uliu ye uc up uu ui at i-unv Prince Rupert; imiv, . :::: l:::$:i:::i TWO SHOW'S aim V4 ::::::::t:f'V i"fy. Hi :,.U5T- ;'r;"!;!fL. ..- ; r::i:::::i::v;s-i Also Ihe De Luxo Vhhky DMIIIod, Blended and Bollled 411 1-. jlieiorlsman's $1 iA',i I' :i nam at so PROTECT IT ACVINST FIRE Green forests ensure an even water; burned timher means muckly torrents in flood time and stagnant pools In dry weather. The good sportsman, in his own Interest, Is careful with fire In the woods. Ik. . in n luued by luthorjr 1 loiwuraMtChatUtjSltMTt, Minlattr m m EXTRA SPECIAL LIQUEUR Ramon Navarro In the All Talkinr, Sinji6. ' r If it does not, route the Qrlenti charles A on Sunday hundreds of . Terrace Son .... Hits. Romance Tcm It, . ru.. xr.n, New ' nrnnlp people mntnrrd motorca out out to to Lakelse iweise Lake uae m and Drama Willi M-,-... .. D. Burk of Ventner. City, Jersey, Is spending a few days in the city. He says he is going ,to make the trip to Skagway and will ! return here to meet the airship about August 8. Mr. Burk talks of airships, air- in any reducing diet. In addition, .planes, Oriental routes, millions of the blood builder. It is the original ALL-BRAN, proved effective by millions and recommended by physicians. Cellogfrs ALL-BRAN has an appetizing flavor. Eat it with milk or cream, in cereals and fruit juices, in soups and in cooked foods. Your grocer has ALL-BRAN in the rcd-and-green package. Made by Kellogg1 in London, Ontario. 1 dollars and such things as glibly as If his every day occupation had to do with them. He says that it is j planned to establish a regular airship route this way because of the 'low mountain pass. he equable climate and the comparatively short distance. He declare that he advised the use of tills route and is giving a little help In locating a landing place for them. IJe thinks" this an ideal location for a centre, Committees of Rotary Club of Prince Rupert President Syd Johnston Made Appointments Before Leaving For Aberdeen, Wash. . President Syd Johnston of the Rotary Club is away this week attending a conference of presidents and secretaries at Aberdeen, Washington. James Lee will preside at the weekly luncheon. Before leaving Mr. Johnston appointed the following standing eomrHU'teWtt " 1 ",Mttr" the year: Alms and Object T. II. Johnson. George Rorle. Dr. W. Tl Ker-gln O.eorge Woodland, Jack Nicholas. Club Service George Rorle, Fred Mathers, Dean Gibson, Jock Little, Harold De Wolf, Home Alexander. Harry Pullen, Wallace' Orchard, Allck McRae. Vocational and International Scrvhe George WoodWntt,(Cjfn,r McLean, Harry Pullen. '"" f"' Community Service Dr. W!"t. Kergin, Don Finn, Glen Gullck, Weldon McAfee, Paul Armour. and many of them visited the boys, Frank Dibb sailed las evening on the Prince Charles to make the round .trip to Stewart, Anyox and Massett Inlet. ana uoroiny Jordan. Cartoon "Michev's Choo cd PARAMOUNT SOlXDNEff1 Election returns S Admission tixKtniin'r: - 2tclt In Scotland B-7 I his advertisement is not published or displayed Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. by t. mmm tntetlor. MS If you lose anylhinf, try a classified ad.