Phone 99 Open Day and Night New Management Northern and Central British Columbia’s Newspaper “a ~Ohe Daily News PRINCE RUPERT TA XI Phone 75 and 35 We Never Sleep PRINCE RUPERT AUTO 707 Second Avenue M. H. LARGE | TE as = _- = ee eee —— a ————————— wig Be RS PEE a __ PRINCE RUPERT, B. G., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1019. . . Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Nickerson returned from a trip south on the Famous Railway Bulider was in France and Now Has Contract in Okanagan. Brigadier General Jack Stewart. formerly of the firm of Foley, Wéleh & Stewart, arrived in the city this morning, and was wel- cot@ed by his many friends here. General Stewart was in charge of he light railway eonstruetion in Prance and he made a great nathe for himself, surprising the British and French people with n° speed at which he was able to get the railway building done. His name became a byword fo: Speed and efliciency and his work wae one of the great determining factors in the winning of the war General Stewart has been givdn a contract for the constrauc- tion of a railway from Kamloops to Vernon and has sublet all the work to returned soldiers. GRATUITIES QUESTION IS UP IN AUSTRALIA (Special via G.T.P. Telegraphs.) TORONTO, Novy. 1t4- ing to press despatches Sydney, Australia, the federa! election campaign has _ been launched and a hard fight is go- ing on for the soldiers’ vote. The battle is being waged over the promised gratuities totalling £25, - 000,000, Accorsl- from LIONEL HOLTBY HOME Lionel Holtby returned to Prince Lupert ths morning on the Grand Trunk steamer He has served vVerseas since 1916 and sustained serious wounds which have con- fined him to hospital for months. His mother, Mrs. A. R. Holtby, just arrived in the city last Wednes day. There were many friend: on the wharf this morning te creet him and welcome him home again after his service for the country. Mr. Holtby was former- ly freight agent at the G. T. P. wharf. (Special via G. T. P. Telegraphe CORK, Nov. 14-—The Celtic Cross erected in memory of Cort koldiers killed in the Boer War, was damaged by high explosives placed by Sinn Feiners. Mrs. F. F., Mr. and Schellen- here returned from a_ ten-day visit to the southern cities this Prince Rupert this morning ss >” ee. ae aa. Gi WH Former Premier Frederich and to a stable government since the in control. PARIS, Nov. manian troops began evacuating tion In order that those whe have not opposite the G Open each night this FREDERICK —TAGGART nhown Scottish Baritone city. C. L. Peters, of Hyder, is in the} (Special to The News via LONDON, November {5.—The formation of a coalition min- istry in Hungary headed by Count Julius Wolascitz and including Riosidane -A Braces VICTORY LOAN CAMPAIGN Victory Bonds may do so The Office of Mayor McClymont rand Trunk office on Third Ave,, whieh is the headquarters for the campaign, will be and bonds may be purchased there morning. ROUMANIANS EVACUATE BUDAPEST: a ©. oe COALITION MINISTRY 1S FORMED IN}: in . ‘ fifty couples attended and the au na OO.UMM HUNGARY UNDER NATIONAL’ ARMY o. 7. P. Telegraphs.) with Count Casky as Foreign Minister, is reported in a wireless despatch received here, There seems to be every indication now that Hungary may settle down Bolsheviki element is no longer st despatch says that the Rou- that city yesterday morning, the National Army holding the bridgehead as they left. The evacua- was complete by ten o'clock and the National Army was vceupying the city and was in complete command of the situation. had an opportunity of Jpurchasing week until 11 o'clock rerr i. PRICE FIVE CENTS ny Prince Rupert Buys Bonds for $233,000 Secretary Douglas Sutherland Hopeful that Quarter Million Will Be Sub- scribed Before Midnight, when Campaign Closes Up to noon today Douglas Sutherland, secretary of the Victory loan Campaign for this city, was able to report subscriptions amounting in all to $233,000 and a number of reports had not been received at that time. He said he was very hopeful that before midnight they would have secured a quarter of @ million. Phat was their aim. Every effort is being made by the canvassers and the loeal result is much better than was expected. Port Simpson reports having raised $13,350 and Hazelton #37,100. Other places have not yet sent in their records. The nrayor'’s office on Third Avenue, opposite the Grand ‘Trunk ticket office, will be open until late tonight so that anyoue wish- ing lo purchase bonds may do so before the ¢lose. SES IMAL SPECIAL PRIZE FOR SUBS. Ed. Johnson was fined ten dol- Ten Dollars for Largest Number lars and costs in the police court this morning for being drunk an¢ of New Subscribers Next Week. disorderly. . * > { Mrs. A. H. Lockhart, an old| time resident of Prince Rupert, | arrived in town today to visit with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Youngman. The final special prize of the |Daily News subscription contest es - will be given next week. "The can- Two-reel Mack Sennet comedy Vasser that gets the largest num- at the Empress tonight. First ber of paid in advance new sub- three reels of new serial “The S¢ribers during the week ending Larter Case,” and last episode of Saturday night next will get a Houdini in “The Master Mystery.” | Prize of ten dollars in addition ie ake 37 ito all other prizes and commis- Peck arrived from | sions in connection with the con- He is in | test. Haliburton Vancouver this morning. the eily in connection with a case| Subseription may be for, any involving the Georgetown Lumber (length of time, one month or o., of wheh he is the head, m/more.” The number of new sub- the county count. |seribers is what counts. om * The order of the contestants rhe invitations are out for the | remains the same as at the last ball to be given by the Order of' report, Joe McPhee is leading, the Eastern Star on Friday, No-!with Miss Norah Kenny second, vember 21. The oflicerns and mem-/|and George Walsh third. bers of the order are working} | hard to make this event a brilliant | ie LAKE SUPERIOR AE BO 2 Dele: 8 ee ee et STEAMERS LOST Roberge got back on the| late train Thursday night from a business trip as far east as kd- S. E. Runnels Known to Have Gone Down and Another is Thought Foundered. monton. On his way east he stop- ped olf at several points en route, including Telkwa and _ Prince) George. oe The Princess Beatrice arrived) from Vancouver ahead of schedule | this morning, pulling in before 7 o'clock. The captain reported the weatner rainy and windy on the way north, The steamer leaves for the south at 9 tonight. . . . Mrs. Ewart and Miss Milligan were the hostesses alt a very suc- cessful dance held at Prince George in celebration of Armis- About (Special via Ju. T. P. Telegraphs.; FORT WILLIAM, Nov. 15.—One steamer, the 8. BE. Runnels, is known to have been fost and an- ether as yet unidentified is be- lieved by marine men io have Youndered in the storm that has been raging over Lake.Superior for ten days. BOLSHEVIKS CAPTURE THE TOWN OF YAMBURG (Speciai vis G.T.P, Telegrapos.) LONDON, Noy, 15. —The Bol- sheviks captured Yamburg, a town Rex Oréhestra provided the music. . > > Constable G. P. Logan returned | from the south early this morn- ing. He took Peter La France| ixty-eight miles southwest of down to New Westminster wher: | petrograd yesterday, according to he is to serve a ten year term in|, wireless message received here. the penitentiary. Constable Lo- es gan came as far north as Sur WAR VETERANS ASK Inlet on the Venture and com- pleted the trip to Prince Rupert on the gasoline boat Belmont. Captain Rippon, of the Princess (Special via G. T. P. Telegrapae.) VANCOUVER, Nov. 15.—The Gneat War Veterans passed a resolution asking for a Dominion plebiscite on the matter of in- Beatrice, who is here today, is av eld navigacor on the northern creased grants to returned sol- diers, run with Captain Saunders as mate on the Chelohsin. In those days the old Union coaster was considered one of the safest ani most luxurious steamers in the coast service and used to run fortnightiy exeursions trom here to Port Simpson. ’ * . The second of the Queen Mary Chapter, Daughters of the Em- pine, bridge parties took place at ALTITUDE RECORD (special by 9. 7. P. Telegraphs.) ROME, Nov. 14.—A_ military pilot named Liert broke the speed record for altitude, reaching a height of 5,000 metres in 11 tin- the home of Mrs. John MeRae,| utes. Fourth Ave., E., last evening. The actin tatiana gentleman's prize went to D. H. Toys, blocks, games, dolls, trains, children's books, mechani- cal toys, at Tite’s Santa Claus’ headquarters. tr Morrison and the ladies’ prize to Mrs. D. H. Morrison. The next party of the series will be held on Tnesday evening at the home of Mrs. Geo, Munro, Eighth Ave. FB. B. ©. Undertakers, Phone 41.