mm 7, April 17, 1930. TIIE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE ia is a minor expense why not drink the Sanest ft Fresh from the gardens1 Ester rabbits, easter eggs EASTER NOVELTIES Fr Easter Goods Have Arrived and Are on Display Ganongs' and Pascalls' See Our Wndows HAVE SOME PUT AWAY IF YOU DESIRE tines 1M. Hie Pioneer Drucetsts iD AVE f, SIX7 H ST ' TELEPHONFS 8 l 20C Three Graduate Pharmacists UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Mslllnie turn frill r Kunrrt rffct- V ANf'( 'fVEtt. VICTORIA. Butedale. Alert Bay. etc Tuesday 340 Dm lor VAM'Ut, KK, Vl( riUll. lluifiJl. Aim lu. ti. Fn,u. ft ALICE AMI. A.MYOX, HTKWAKT, Naa. Uler, Ifun loitMa. nun uj, a.wv u.ra. IFar n SIMPSON and WALXB ISLAND Thurvtnv D.m UU 4nI Aenue It M SMITH arrnt rnnee Hupert. II. C mm Tlrouch ClfkfU void to VlrtorU aud tfeattlr jiud bacvue checked llhroiifh to dettlimlon II B.C COAST I IrtTEAMSHlPS I B. C. Coast Steamship Service BAILINGS FROM PRINCE RUPERT To Ketchikan, Wrangcll. Juneau. Skagway prll 8. 19. 30. To Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle April 2. 13. 23. Princess Mary Ocean Falls, etc, Vancouver and Victoria, every Friday, 10 pj. Agents For All Steamship Lines W. C Orchard, General Agent, 3rd Ave. 1'rince Itnpert, I'hune 31 J-X"-li r- VWt CANADIAN y S) 0, IWM. -way GARDEN SUPPLIES MS 10.00 p.m. SUNDAYS. THURSDAYS AN VOX STIWART .1 Krflflp n Jn.liM ,S Ivfrf 1 ISLAM BV 1150.AH Mon'tw. V fdtitadny, Saiuniay ?5. EDMONTON, WINNIPEG III poifH Satlirit Canada, Vnikd Stnttt T iwffiwTWOTtwrrrriHaTsa HOES. RAKES, SPADES, WHEET-BAllUOWS. GARDEN SEEDS H.h?Mrchanr supplying it. FORKS, TROWLS, SHEAUS. if H0MPS0N HARDWARE Co. Ltd. LQQd used In the Prince Rupert .General Hospital was subject of KwfjUscuMion at last night's board megtjng, MumiKing Secretary H. W. BjrcHJtated that goods of the hlgh-fstfgrftde were always .ordered. On oniyjone occasion had complaint Ibeenmade, that belpg when a lot of tainted' btlt.t.rr Imri hcun reAAlvori IK e Mme havlnc been madn cood bv ! The regular monthly meeting of the board of directors of the Prince i Rupert General Hospital was held in the hospital last night. Those I present were: J. II. Thompson, president; Robert Gordon, Dr. J. P. Cade. Frank Dibb, R. E. Benson and O. P. Tinker, directors: Miss Jean Harrison R.N., lady superintendent, land H. W. Birch, managing 68U. Local Items Dentist.-Dr. J.K. Gosse, Phone .Fancy, Handbag? tP match your Try Minehead egg coal for kit chen use. Clean arid hot. Phone 771 Distrlbuto CHRYSLER and PMffl " .frr tf Sacred Concert Friday evening at 8 p.m. Baptist Church. Adults 50c, children 25c. 91 A meeting of players and supporters of Canadian Legion Football Club will be held tonight, Thursday, at 8 p.m. in Club Rooms, Third Ave. Entertainment Committee. 91 MIm Jean Harrison R.N., lady superintendent, reported at last night's meeting of the hospital board that work of the institution was running along smoothly. Eminently satisfactory services were being given by a new cook and orderly who had recently Joined the staff. Robert Oordon reported for the grounds committee it last night's meeting of the- hospital board that an, expenditure oi 53- ;naq been made to purchase- bblbs for, planting in the grounds. Liter Mr. Oor- dpp .ald, the committee would be seeking a small grant from the board for further grounds improve ments. Wonderful News for Fits Sufferers New York, N.Y. Most stubborn cases of epilepsy have been stopped by new remedy. Thousands of sufferers have been helped. If you have fits write at once to Renesol Laboratories, 809 Fifth Avenue, New York City, Dept. 1068. for free book- 1 A GIULS! S GIItiMQuL! S! How about having your boy fiiisnd take you for a nice car ride? .. . Tell him . Drivurself Taxi Walker MotorjCo ,td. 3f f UTH, CARS ! TmwffnTi?;lH'Lflw',' COMMODORE CAFE The latest thing in lunch counters jujt installed. Delicious Waffles Served by means of very latest Equipment .Business Men's Lunches a Specialty Get the Commodore Habit HOTEL ARRIVALS B988BM Central Hotel UNIlKIl NEW MAN.UICMEXT Mlmm llnttrrt; TrnvfllriV Suniplr Uihhhs: tint and (old Wutrr IYw llu Mtt All Trains and liit Rates $1.00 and Up VI'IX'IAL MONTHLY KATES C.R.IUGGAHT & A. DONALD Proprietors PHONE 51 Savoy Hotel Brlnoe Rupert's leading family hotel. Hot and cold water 'in all rooms A.. J. rilUDIIQMME, Prop. Cor. of Fraser and Fifth Sts. ll. C. C. Danbery, Prince George; T. A. Morton Haney, Vancouver. New Royal Hotel J. Zarelll, 'rnp. TIIE IIOTEI, WdKTII WHILE Hot & Cold Watsr: Btsam Hat 75c PER DAY AND UP Telrplim'M- 2X1 Royal J. H. Lave. Tom Jones and F Grultrcvy. Queen Charlotte Islands A. Finnle, city. !t Bad Indigestion and Constipation Disappear Quick 15 If L. "SuKered terribly witlr Indirection 'and constipation, couldn't eat. A friend advised 'Frult-a-tlves' and wax aeon fine and well. They are my doctor when 111." Leonle Paradls. Mont Carmel, P. Q. Letters from thousand, say chronic coiutlpatlcn and liver trouble ended overnight with "Frhit-a -Uvea." Sour itomach, biliousness, heartburn, gas bloating vanish like magi. Bladder and kidney UU. pain In back go In 24 hours. Nerve qulat, sound lp at once. Rheumatism, neuralgia, neuriti. kk headaches disappear In Jaffy. Complexion clears quick. Famous Canadian doctor's discovery. Ten of nature's greatest remedies combined In bandy little tablet. Amazing quick results. Get "Fmlt-a-tlves" Irom druggUt today. Feel great tomorrow. Forhigher prices and prompt re turns ship your raw furs to T. Pap pas, Prince George, B.C. tf City beautlficatfon meeting in city hall tonight at 7-30 sharp. All interested are invited. If you need a loan to help you build we can get it for you. Ilelgerson. 91 Adair Oarss Chapter, L' (X.D. E., will hold annual TaJDay April 19, for the benefit of .Returned Sol diers' Plot. '.-' 91 Oeorge D. Beattie, Queen Charlotte City merchant, .is a business visitor in the city, 'having arrived on the Prince John this morning from the Islands. No settlement has yet been reached in the wage dispute between the carpenter and the Power Corporation of Canada. L. C. Ends in 1 Minute "Ended bum. Itch and twin of Wet CAMPBELL'S 4 tins ! Del Monte Prunes - Large Stee, 2 lbs. HoUrouse" Tomatoes per lb Brlllo The Sure-Cleaner per pkg .". i...... Fry's Cocoa lb.ns. per tlrr ...?St... Seedless Italslns Sunmald pkgs. S pkgs Fels Naptha Soap per ctn Pure Gold Quick Pud a tons Custard, chocolate and Taolooa. 7-ois. Dkn-s each Outdoor Rhubarb 4 lbs Reid's Sultana Cakes Fresh shipment, euch . Brand's Sauct per bot. '. Whole Wheat Fig Bars-New tockj 2 -lbs. . .wwL. Leslie Shaker Salt per cl'hf ; I Itll nt-utwith'SAtttha.SllTl,.'WT!teS f T. Saara, "BlMdiaC tni. PUm I mb vaniihcd. Avoided eneratioa.'' I t latum results tedi. All 4ruuu. I TOMATO SOUP 4.7c 35c lie 25c 41c 78c 14c 25c 25c 25 c 35c l()c ORDER YOUR HOT-CROSS BUNS EARLY Watts' Grocery Quality Right Prices Right See the latest Hats at Wallaces, Glasses fitted by registered op tometrist at Heilhroner's Store, (tf) Full Fashioned Hose, latest shades, from $150. Wallace's. Elks, Old Time Smoker, tonight at 9 p.m. EvcrybodJiiwel-conic Come early and avoid the stampede. 91 Ernest Lewis and his wife each fined $25, with option of thirty days' Imprisonment, by Magistrate McClymont in city police court yesterday afternoon for drunken ness. Donation of a fine new cot and mattress for the children's ward by Hill 60 Chapter, Imperial Order, Daughters of the Empire, was reported at last night's hospital board meeting by Miss Jean Harrison R. N, lady superintendent. The dona tion will be suitably acknowledged by the secretary. ANNOUNCEMENTS Elks' Smoker, Elks' Home Thurs day, April 17., ,. Good Friday Sacred concert St Andrew's Cathedral April 18, aid organ .fund. , Baptist Church Good Friday, 8 pjn., Sacred Concert presentation of "Challenge of the Cross." Daffodil dance April 21 In I. O.D.E. Hall. Moose dance April 21. Floral Cantata In Presbyterian I Church April 22. Jacobs, vice-president of the Pow- er Corporation, is due in the city! Catholic Women's League Sprin; from Montreal arid It is planned! Sale April 24. to take the matter up with him. , Elks' Bai?.oon.,Dance, Elks' Home Miss Helen Olcen R.N., of Murray- Friday, Aprtt)25.i u ville, graduate of Royal Columbian brie UV wt Hospital. New Westminster, post- Anglican WA; Spring Sale, May 1 frraduate at New York in gynaec- :u , 1 in dlogy and obstetrics and lately a Maoseheart 1 Ladtee Children's head nurse on the staff of Oolum- Mastruerade May 2. Children and bia University Hosoital. New. York, spectators 25c Iwill arrive here on May 1 to Join " j the staff of the Prince Rupert Gen-jeral Hospital. Ridley Home Bazaar May 8. . j Gyro Hoedown Friday, May 9. jAndr;,:;', .. Rebekan.r"' Vfhtot and Danoo May 14. ' . Eagles' Smoker, May 19. Pol a .an ds Checked By modern vaporizing ointment Just rub on VOCKS VapoRub Quality Meats At Lowest Prices GIVE US A TRIAL. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED PORK STEAKS per lb PORK CHOPS per lb SHOULD1R PORK per lb 30c 35c 25c PRIME RIBS BBEF Rolled gQji ROUND STEAK ler lb. SIRLOIN STEAK ir lb VEAL CHOPS Loin per lb VEAL STEAKS - per lb. LEG ROAST VEAL per lb SHOULDER VEAL per lb SHOULDER LAMB tie lb pot'roast beef ' per lb OAINEIRS SUPERIOR HAMS Per lb Mussallems MEAT MARKET 30c 35c 35c 35c 35c 25c 30c 20 c 40c PHONE 53 PHONE 5fi Phones 18 & 81 417 Fifth Ave. E. pKsKimmtfiiim:MmT COATS and DRESSES For Easter THE NEW SPRINO STYLES Coats of Trlr-ntw r?h Broadcloth and Tweeds, in black and spring colors, with new Princess flare, some have shoulder capes and others smartly tailored and trimmed with season's newest furs Priced up from . DRfiS4 iTnat P.ortray the new tfend of the season, embodylnt; Priced u iicw in aic uim cuiur ior spring, ft "1 C Bill up irom t47x.UUV Girls' Ensembles GIRLS ENSEMBLES, Frocks are sleeveless and coats are long. In printed waffle cloth and basket weave. Size (go ftp Cl IIC 6 to 14 years. Price tPeyOand JvD SMART TUB FROCKS, Broadcloths, Percales and Voiles, In tiny checks and dots that are large and small, or gay flower garden patterns in styles that will charm the heart of any girl. Sizes 2 to C hf g 17 r 14 years. Priced fromViJ' toP I tJ New Spring Hats NEW SPRINO HATS Smart hats in all popular shades. 'CfS StZ Priced up from t?utU HATS For little girls and misses. Smart little hats In a host of becoming shapes, (gfl 7? Priced up from tpSLutu Jabour 'Bros.fLtd.1 saaMal8iiBl'llIM Baby Thrives Gaafa Bra : The Borden Co. Limited. Vancouvek ffaaao sand FREE Baby Books to Uua.... US ADM COS-.. . BEAVER ANTED jWecfiare a big order lor beaverpeltsund also tor fox, otter, mink, marten and fisher. We are satisfied to pay highest price as our customers must have the furs. Send them to the OLD RELIABLE W. Goldbloom Si The House of Good Values ndkWm AGLE BRAND Condensed Milk is pure, fresh, whole cow's milk, modified by the addition of refined sugar and condensed by the removal of most of the water. The sugar furnishes the carbohydrates required by all infants. The milk supplies bone and tissue-building materials and growth-promoting vitamins. And in ease of digestion. Eagle Brand can only be compared to mdthcr's milk. If you cannot nurse your baby wc suggest that you and your physicanconsidcrthisfood. EAGLE BRAND CONDENSED BAHY3 VUXAHX Treat mry tkia tnlorr with ear aaliscotie im-Doi, l dis Bos nsrual balm prsesnti (erm iafsction, altars iBSammalioa, rsmnrai all trie of poieoa tod eatures quick, clean bealint KEEP A BOX OF ZAM BPK HANDY I 1 True dyes are easiest to use! Dresses, drapes or lingerie look neid when they're re-dyed with Diamond Dyes. No spotting or streaking; never a trace of that re-dyed look-Just rich, even, bright colors that hold amazingly through wear and washing. Diamond Dyes are the highest quality dyes you can buy bcaut thy'r to rich in pure anilin. That's what make them so easy to use. That's why they've been famous for SO years. 15 cent packages all dealers. DiamoncMVcs Advertise in the Dally News. Hight Quality tor 50 Ytat