PAOE SIX THE DAILY NEWS .VEGETABLES ATTAIN NEW DIGNITY I AND. DEMAND NEW COOKING SKILL No longer are vegetables in-ddental to the meal. They an the meaL And because they are so essential a part of a well-balanced diet, because we depend upon them for minerals, vitamins and rourhaee. we tat V Vl have learned to build a whole new series of recipes about them. We serve them not only as side dishes but as the main dish creamed on toast, au era tin or scalloped. Because each day s requirements of three vegetables should include one raw one, we devise delectable new vegetable salads. Also we cook them better than once we did, using little water, cooking them auickly to prevent loss of minerals and extraction of vitamins, saving the water for soup or sauce. Most important of all. we seize the opportunity which vegetables offer, to combine with them part of the day's requirement of milk. I have given two recipes here which show what delicious-ness can be achieved by such combination. Of course, much of the goodness of these recipes depends upon the Carnation Milk used in them. It is so richly creamy, so pure, so uniform in quality, and so fine of body due to the breaking up of the cream particles that it imparts this richness and smoothness to every dish in which it is used. I wish you would try Carnation Milk. You will find that it not only gives better results than ordinary bottled milk, but that it is the most convenient, economical and dependable form of milk available. Write for the Carnation Cook Book It ia free. Address Car- DEMAND "Rupert Brand" Kippers "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD " Smoked Daily by kkkkktl nation Co., Limited, 134 Abbott Street, Vancouver, B.C. Carnation Lima Beans en Casserole 3 slices of bacon, 1 medium onion, I green pepper, 1 No. 2 can lima beans, 1 cup Carnation White Sauce. 1 cud bread crumbs stirred in 2tbsp. melted butter, salt and pepper. Pan broil the bacon; remove from pan and add diced onion and green pepper ; cook until soft. In greased casserole place layer of beans sprinkled with diced onion, green pepper, bacon chips, salt and pepper, and layer of white sauce. Repeat until all is used. Cover top layer with buttered crumbs and brown in moderate oven; Serves 6. Carnation White Sauce H tbsp. butter, 1 tbsp. flour, i tsp. salt, few grains pepper, cup water, J cup Carnation Milk. Melt butter in top part of double boiler; add flour and seasonings and mix thoroughly. Add Carnation diluted with water and stir constantly until smooth and thick. Continue cooking over hot water for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Carnation Spinach au Gratia 3 tbsp. butter, 3 tbsp. flour, tsp. salt, tsp. pepper, J cup Carnation Milk, 1 No. 2 can spinach. I cup spinach liquid, J cup grated cheese. J cup dried bread crumbs stirred in 2 tbsp. melted butter. Melt butter; add flour and seasonings and mix thoroughly ;add Carnation and liquid drained from spinach. Stir constantly until smooth and thick. Add grated cheese; when melted, add spinach. Put mixture into casserole, cover with buttered crumbs and brown in moderate oven. Serves 5. PRODUCED IN CANADA Carnatioh Milk is simply the best of whole milk, evaporated to double creaminess and sterilized for safekeeping. You will prefer it for all cooking. And you'll rejoice at the way it saves on cream and butter. (See recipes tbove) The Safeguarded MJf COAL! COAL! PEMBINA EGGDelivered, per ton $12.00 ALBERTA EGGDelivered, per ton 12.50 ALBERTA LUMP Delivered, per ton 13.50 Special Prices On Your Winter Supply WOOD JUST AKRIVEI). NEW SHIPMENT OF BIKCII AND JACK PINE MILL ENDS Per load $1.50 BOX CUTTINGS-Per load 3.50 HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 PHONE 580 Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, R.C. If your paper docs not arrive, telephone the office Minister Run-Down In Health, Gains 7 Lbs. In 3 Weeks Rev. W. H. Taylor writes, "After '. a 7 weeks' revival campaign I- was etui rap 4 Yeast a 3 'weeks' trial. After 2 i weeks I found ,)ny strength return- 14, Miss Jean Harrison R.N., lady superintendent, Informed the hos pital board at its meeting last night. , i, Arrangements for the xfsdal exercises were left by the board in the hands of-Mlffi IfrttBoi Week-End Specials Granulated Sugar 20 lbs Jircle (5) Picnic Ham per lb Brunswick Sardines 4 tins Shredded Wheat Biscuits 2 pkgs Eggs Fresh Extras Q-f 1.15 -f r 3 doz tJJ.JLU Eggs Fresh Pullets 3 doz Royal City Pork 4: Beans 2's, 2 tins Sunnybrook Butter 3 lb. brick Columbia Apricot Jam . 4 lb. tin .....ii.i'.A..,. ... Smpress Strawberry Jam-- fttZn 65c 4 lb. tin i4 "UK, Taultless Corn 2's, per tin Uabob Sliced Peaches 2's, per tin Malkln's Beet Spinach 2's, 2 tins Christies' Butter Crisp 9 Cookies 12-oz. pkg. McCormick's Royal Assorted 4 Op Royal Crown Soap 5 bars Extra Large Oranges, doz. 60c $1.25 28c 25c 25c si.oo and 25c $1.20 55c 15c 25c 35c 25c 75c Alberta Market P. GAMULA, Proprietor Fifth Street. Phone 208 BOV Hospital Finances For March Month Expenditure Exceeded Revenue By $85.95 Total of 1880 Hos- ,pltal Days . month dlTT decided to give Ironfzedf, March amouned to $5499.15 and disbursements $5,585.10, leaving a deficit of $85.95i it' was reported to ing and the tired feeling gone. In the no,,pltal board last evenlng by 3 weeks I had gained 7 pounds and was myself again." Imagine Just 3 weeks to change ,from a "skinny" tired person to a , strong, well-filled-out man or woman. Ugly hollows vanish. Broomstick limbs become round and chubby. Tired feeling disappears. Blemished skin clears. I Only when Yeast is Ironized U ' it more effective for Iron is needed to bring out the weight-building and strengthening values of Yeast. Pleasant-tasting tablets. Safe for everybody. Never cause gas or bloating, no harmful drugs Q. P. Tinker, chairman of the finance committee. There were 1880 hospital days during the month at a cost per hospital day of $3.09. Rupert East Tea and Sale Today Affair Being Held This Afternoon By Ladies of United Church The Ladies' Aid of Rupert East nH,Unfted Chh holding an Easter Go to any h druggist . today and,. . . ... An , get a full size treatment of Iron-; Ttm 'trial you are not delighted, your money back from manufacturer. Graduation For Nurses In May Misses Martin. Dobbie, Mcllae and Gordon About to Complete Training Courses Graduation exercises for Miss Marguerite Martin of Terrace, Miss Edna Dobbie of Copper City, Miss Mary McRae and Miss Olive Gordon, the latter two of Prince Rupert, who complete their courses of nurses' training at the Prince Rupert General Hospital this year. will be held either on May 7 or May decorated for the occasion. Mrs. J. W. Moorehouse is general convener while ladies in charge of the various booths are: Home Cooking Mrs. M. M. Lamb, assisted by Mrs. Frank Warne. Plain Sewing Mrs. J. F. Feasby. Tea Room Mrs. A. J. Squire assisted by Mrs. Robert Murray, Mrs. C. J. Norrington, Mrs. A. Frebourg and Mrs. A. Macdonald. Candy Mrs. C. E. Motte assisted by Mrs. A. Gomez. Mrs. B. O. Beale is acting as cashier. During the afternoon there is to be a musical program which will include vocal solos by Mrs. A. R. Hunter and Mrs. P. C. Miller and piano selections by Mrs. C. J. Norrington Chair Tenders at Hospital Board Tenders for 24 kitchen chairs were opened ajt, fallows at last referred to the house committee with power to act: G. M. Hunt. $1.3 each. Alex Mackensto. $1.40 and $125 each. Barrle's Home Furnishings, $33 f or the lot. G. J. Dawes. $2830 for the lot. EASTER Specials COME IN AND INSPECT OUK PRICES AND STOCK. WE WILL APPRECIATE IT. Fresh Eggs 3 doz Terrace Local Eggf per doz ... Brookfleld Extras-: 3 doz. Gainers Superior Hams 10 to 12 lbs. each, per lb. Gainers Boneless itams per lb .'. Canadian Cheese per lb Ham Loaf ' Machine sliced, pr lb. . Clark's Ketchup .' t 2 bottles Oold Reef Pineapple Large tins, each.,.:.. Economy Coffee Fresh ground, per lb Fresh Firm Tomatoes 2 lbs ; 85c 35c $1.15 38c 29c 29c 28c 35c 30c 40c 45c The Economy Cash & Carry "Where Dollars Have More Cents" Phone SCO 319 Third Ave. in Your Daily Diet Means Strength Without Fat INQUIRIES RE DRUGS Many Questions, Asked In House of Commons By J. C. Brady, Local Member J. C. Brady, MP. for Skeena, has asked a number of questions in the House of Commons regarding drug traffic In Canada and efforts of the government to control same. A return will be made to' the questions by the Department of National Health. The questions asked by Mr. Brady are as follows: 1. What was the total amount expended by the Department of National Health in the administration of the Opium and Narcotic Drug Act in each of the fiscal years 1925-26. 1926-27, 1927-38, 1928-29, 1929 to date? 2. What was the jtotal revenue derived by the Department of Na tional Health in each of the said years, (a) from license fees, (b) from fines, (c) from other sources in conenction with the Opium and Narcotic Drug Act? 3. What was the total amount paid by the Department of National Health in each of the said years, (a) for salaries, (b for the travailing expenses of its officers in connec tion with the enforcement of the' Opium and Narcotic Drug Act? 4. Were any of the moneys of he department charged to the pay-! ment of the travelling expenses of j officers in connection with the ad- i ministration of the Opium andi Narcotic Drug Act actually expen- i tied In paying the travelling expen- j ps of any person or persons other j than officers of the department, and, If so, for whom, and in what amounts in each of the said years? 5. What were the total number of convictions in Canada for offences under the Opium and Narcotic Drug Act in each of the fiscal years 1921-22, 1922-23. 1926-27, 1927-28, 1928-29, 1929 to date? 6. Of such -convictions how many were obtained in eaeh of the said years -through prosecutions instituted byaMofftcer of the Depart--netit Of NatlbnkMlealth. b pro vincial .MttbdrHteat t municipal j authorities, d Royal Canadian Mounted Police? 7. How many narcotic prosecutions were instituted by the authorities of the Department of National Health In the fiscal years 1921-32. 1928-29, 1929 to date, and how many convictions resulted?' 6. What; was the average expen diture Of UVe Dep&rttnetit of Nation al Health ' a 'ipr prosecution, (b) per co nt Vet Ion, tender the Opium and Narcotic Drug Act in each of the fiscal years 1981-22, 1932-23, 926-27, 1927-28, 1928-29, 1939 to date. 9. How much was expended for the travelling expenses of offlelaW engaged in enforcing he Ophim and Narcotic Drug Act. fa) per prosecution, (b) per conviction, in each if the said years? ' 10. What increase has taken place in the staff of the Narcotic Division of the Department of National Health since 1931? What in crease since 1927? what increases are proposed? 11. How many known drug addicts are there in Canada? How many in each province? 12. How many drug addicts have een sent to institutions for treat ment and with what lesults? How :nany were cured? 13. Among the known addicts , 'hat are the respective percentage of persons of Caucasian and Oriental extraction? Change Is Made In Government Grants For Hospital Work A letter from the provincial sec retary read at last night's hospital ' ooara meeting announced mat, in future, the special grant of 25c per hospital day from liquor profits would be discontinued but that the Hospital Act had been so amended as to Increase the regular grant for hospital purposes by 25c per day. The only difference therefore would C. N. R. steamer Prince John, Capt. William Thomas, arrived in port at 6:30 this morning from Vancouver via the Queen Charlotte Islands with passengers, freight 3 and mall. The vessel will remain j .4 here until Saturday night when she . will return south over the same route. be that the money would come re- I gularly each month insj.ea of bl- J enlally as before. V As the hospital will, not be affec- m ted f Inanciallv hv the chance, th ' communication was ordered filed by the board. i l. Admission, Thursday, April 17 JANET GAYNOR AND CHARLES FAHHELL (Stars of "Seventh Heaven") In "Sunny Side Up" M ALL TALKING, SINGING and DANCING. The Gorgeous Musical Show Musical Novelty-"MKI) IN THE HAND" Thurs., Pri. & Sat. Two Shows 7 & 9 P.M. 0c. Si 65c. Saturday Matinre at 2.30. 15c. & 10c hal dodo. . iff tr i i in moderation I?OR generations doctors hive, paid tribute to the sustaining, invigorating and health giving qualities o beer when taken in moderation. There is no finer beverage than good beer (or workers in every Held ol endeavor, whether mental or physical. The undermentioned heers are guaranteed tobeabsoluteiypure. To safeguard the public they are constantly tested by Analytical Chemists employed by the B.C. Liquor Control Board. PHOENIX EXPORT IJLUK IUIIR0N LAC.KR PILSENEK I .AG EH This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. To Fit Your Pocket Book $65.00 to $550.00 TERMS ARRANGED TIKES Can you use those sizes? Several good used 3ift4 and 31f4H tires at special ' prices. AUTOMOBILE Engines at1 low pricee suitable for conversion to boat engine. C0M& In and see the new FORD MARINE '-ENGINE now set up in our shop. The Canadian Car." Jr" S. E. PARKER LTD. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. If you want anything, try a classified ad. !