The Daily News PfilNCiJ Kill'EftT BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News. Limited, Third Avenue : H. F. PULLEN Managintf-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES By mail to ail other parts of British Columbia, the British Em- piffe arid United States. Da id fr. advance. Der rear 6.0(7 By mall to at) other countries, per year 7.50 For leaser period, paid in advance, per month . . . -50 By mail to all parts of Northern and Central British Columbia. paid in advance for yearly period 3.00 Or four months for L00 moneys or bank credit. Allow none to become permanent residents except by license. In the case of students, teachers, bankersor merchants exporting and Importing manufactures fchrf products of the two countries, or servants and employees of such licensed immigrants, register all nw in the country and permit them to continue their present occupations under license, but reduce such licenses gradually fflfn year to year. Negotiate treaties with Oriental countries so that these regulations would be, reciprocal and apply to all Canadians in Japan and China or any other Oriental country." Sympathetic Understanding Oriental students entering Canadian universities should be encouraged, and even scholarships given with this end in view, as it is very desirable in the interests of both Canada, Japan and China, that we should get to know each other better, and understand each other's culture, ideals and ambitions. A sympathetic understanding is the surest foundation ! lor international Inendship, but to allow the present situation to continue and develop as it is developing, is sure to breed international misunderstandings, jealousies and hatreds. ' This new idea of "curtailment of occupation" instead of "total exclusion" has some merits. "Total exclusion" suggests some kind of inferiority complex in the excluded race,' which quite naturally is resented. On the other hand, "curtailment of occupation" would be reciprocal, and it is Lome Noble of Penetang. Ont . with two nurses holding triplets brought by an unusually generous stork, recently, to Mrs. Noble The parents already have a pair of twins. BIG SCORE IN HOCKEY Eskimos Swamped Cubs Teh to Ml in Coast League Fixture Last Night SETTLE. Feb. 12. Piling up the largest number of goals scored by flne team in the Paclfie Coast. Hoc-! key League this year, the Seattle' Eskimos swamped the Victoria Cubs : here last niht by a score of 10 to 0. The Eskimos counted three goals In the first period, six in the second Transient advertising on front page, per inch 2.80 and one in the last. t i i I - - ft or I wxui reauera, per inseruuu, per uiie - City delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance ?5-00; M A ZJOAMQ WIM Transient display advertising, per' inch, per insertion W0llfiltUU'llO If 1H Classified advertising, per insertion, per word 02 Legal notices, each insertion, per agate line .15 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation Advertising and Circulation Telephone 9S Editor and Reporters' Telephone ..86 DAILY EDITION ORIENTAL QUESTION Wednesday, Feb. 12., 1930 Concluding an article on the Oriental question in two parts in McLean's Magazine, under the title nf ''Rritish PnlnmhiaK Tiaoial Prnhlpm." Charles R. Hone i OVER RANGERS! MONTREAL, F. 12 -The Maroons outplayed the New York Renters in a clean, fast Na tional Hockey League game here bit night, the final score of 5 to 2 being mdiesrtlte of the merits of play. The stellar goal tending of Roach in the Ranters' net ht all that saved the Mew Yorkers from suggests whai he thinks would be a soh.tion. AVe are not an "et" f eJcet: befene endorsing that solution, but are passing it on for What it is thousand fans. Boston Brains fifteen came worth, hoping it will tend to impr1. people witn tne idea 'from behind to defeat the Toronto that there may be some other way of dealing with it than lairfe Leafs in a brilliant overtime total exclusion, which may mean exclusion of trade. Air. Hope's suggestion follows: In the past, the only cure which anybody could think was "total exclusion," and this is practically what has happened, so far as the Chinese are concerned. Total exclusion of all Asiatics is still advocated, but many people are beginning to realize that "silent penetration" has gone so far that even total exclusion would not now be a remedy for the economic ill from which we are suffering. It certainly would be of no avail in a national sense, owing to the high Japanese birthrate and the fact that ninety-five per cent of all the Japanese in Canada are in the one province. U. Only one game was played last night in the Billiard League fixture between Canadian Legion and Grotto, James Andrews winning this for the tobacconists by a score of atn a tie m ... n A new schobTof thought is arisinrr which savs: m fll "1 uames have exclusion "any kind for any Oriental race? Let I coi. s. p. McMordie. Canadian them alone, but be registered on arrival with a six months Legion, vs. w. j. Nelson, Grotto. permit. Admit none without wossessintr an aureed sum of , F Pvle v George waugh G. P. Tinker vs. J. Hlllman. BOXER'S RATINGS Barney Doran Whom He Considers Best Ring Men Ih Prince Rupert Barney Doran of this city has prepared a list of leading boxers In Prince Rupert and vitlnity for "Ring," a putlistic publication. His choices of the best in local boxers are as follows: Flyweight Pete Chcnoski. ' Bantamweight Frankie Hines. Featherweight Eddie Smith. Lightweight Billy Bagshaw. Welterweight Benny Wen die. Middleweight Dido Gurvich. Light - heavyweight Dido Ourvifh. Heavyweight Constable Sharpc and Cornelius Carthum. also practically an admission, so far as Canadians are con- JV MDQI7V cerned, that we cannot stand up to the Oriental in competi- IOtAa A tion along certain lines of activity. This might just as well be admitted anyway, as it is self-evident because we cannot compete if we are going to maintain our present standard of living and Wegtera civilization. Canada cannot afford to allow her Pacific province to become Orientalized, either now or at any time in the future. She must at all costs remain mistress of her owri degtiny. IN RING? Local Friend Hears He May Attempt Come-back Should Phil Scott Beat Jack Sharkey Barney Doran hat received a big picture of Jack Dempsey, former world's heavyweight champion, in his fighting togs. Judging from the ltlusraUon, the Mancssa Mauler seems to be in fine condition still despite his absence of a few years irom the ring. in a letter to Doran. Dempsey says mat, should Phil Scott defeat Jack Shaikey in the Miami bout orl February 28, lie is going to nre pare himself td re-enter the ring to meet the winner of the" Scott scnmolin? bftut, in order to keep me uue in America. Doran and Dempsey are old friends from the vaudeville ELIMINATION BOUT NEW YORK, Feb. 12 The first of a series of elimination bouts is to be fought during the coming summer between Campolo and Camera. THE- BAH? KEwS A Tiresome Cough Car Department Was Lef t By i Leading In U ft. A Severe Cold Mrt. Chit. Eldenhaw, Morrill, PXL, frritet: "Some time ago I u eelied with a severe eoii tiat left witH t bad. tiresome tough. 'After trying different eonglx mJl-einet, to no avail, mjr husband brought me home a bottle of nr- Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup which I itorted to take at once, and before I had taken ?Ttral doiei 1 noticed a change, and when I had finished the bottle mf cough was com-pletelj (rone." Price, 35c a bottle; Urge family ire 60c.; at all druggists and dealers) manufactured only by The T. Miibnri New Yorkers Outclassed in Hockey Co., Limited, Toronto, Out Last N'ight; Boston Snatches Victory From Toronto ELKS WIN DEFAULT Three Two Taxi Failed To Field Hoop Team; Big Four and High School Arso Win Thr-Je-Two Taxi failed to field a team for last flight's Senior League basketball fixture, so the victory went to the EJfrJ by default. An in- game, the score of which was 6 to 5. i ttrmedlate select team was placed Only One Game Of Billiards Is So Far Played A. Murray vs. Don Brown. on we iroor to nppose me tjics ana the Lodge Men on 48 to 20. Half time score was 30 to 16. R. B. Skin ner ;efereed. In the first Intermediate League match, Big Four beat Bankers easily 40 to 21, half time score being 20 to 7 for the taxi men. The second Intermediate game resulted in a 37 to 14 victory for High School over CNJt., half time score being 20 to 6 for Collegiate, Alex Mitchell refereed both Intermediate games. Only a small crowd of fans was In attendance. TeamStandings SenloY w. L. P. Elks 2 0 4 Players' Club 0 1 0 Three Twd 0 1 0 Intermediate 7 High sfovtli.; 2 :o, ,4 Big Four '. 1 1 2 Bankers 0 1 0 c. n. r 0 1 0 Ladies Maple Leafs 1 0 2 Toilers .-. 0 1 0 More Badminton Matches Played Interest Continues In City Cham pionship Tournament Under I. O. D. E. Auspices Further games were played last night in the I.OD.E. Badminton Club's city badminton champion snip tournament, results being as follows: Ladles' Doubles First round Mrs. J. H. Horton and Miss Mary Astori beat Mrs. J W. Nicholls and Mrs. St. Clair John ston, 15-4. 15-1. Second round Miss Frances Cross and Mlsi 'Carortney Mitchell beat Mrs. V. Long andMlss Laura Frzell. 15-11. 18-15. Mined Dmihlp ' Second round Miss Moily Cross and H. T. Cross beat Mrs. H. Dun can and J. Murray, 15-10, 15-12. Miss Caroline Mitchell and Frank Russell beat Mrs. H. L. Shadwell and S. Darton, 7-15, 15-10, 15-10. Men's Doubles M. H. Blott and James Farquhar beat J. McPhee and Oeorge Howe, 15-3. 15-6. Tonight's Games' The following games are sche doled for tonight: 7:30 p.m. Mrs. 3 tt Horton arid W. Tobey Jr. vs. Mr. and Mrs. J. A, Teng. 8 p.m. Mrs. H. L. Shadwell arid Mrs. Shelford Darton vs. Mrs. M. H. Blott and Miss Molly Cross. 8:30 p.m.-Mrs. J. A, Squire arid B. Beale vs. Col. and Mrs. J. W. Nicholls. 9:30 p.rri. Mrs, J. II. Horton arid Miss Mary Astori vs. Mrs. C. J. Nor rlngton. and Mrs. J. At Tene. 10 p'.rn. Miss Rosemary Wlnslow and J. Field vs. Miss N. Rosters arid T. Bussanlch. 10:15 p.m. Carl Brand and Rob ert Bartlett Vs. Shelford Darton arid C. J. Norrinaton. OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL .. .a Scottish League, First Division Rangers 1, St. Mirren 0, Queens Park i, Dundee United 0, Cribbage League Canadian National Recreation Assoc rati 6n Cribbage League results last night were a follows: Freight Sheds 11, Station 19. Car Dept. 19, Loco. Shops 8. Oeheral Offices 12, Drydock 15 The Standing W. L. Pts. par Dept 63 45 63" Station 62 46 Freight Sheds 57 51 Oen. Offices ... 51 57 Loco. Shops 48 60 Drydock 44 64 Spdrt Chat - Sandy Herd, veteran golf profes sional at Moor Park, England, has ( established a record by holllng out in one for 18 times. His latest ace ' was accomplished on his own home Course. The distance was 146 yards. No one else has done the hoie-In- one shot so often. When Herd gets . twenty he wins a solid gold putter. International bob-sled races are being held at Mahoir Richelieu, Murray Bay, Quebec, and at Lake Placid Club. N.Y.. this month. Teams frcm Canada, Switzerland and the United States are competing, racing in both five-man and two-mart combinations. The races are under the International Bob-Sled and To-Waggoning Federation rules . and each race Is divided in four heats, With the starting positions of. the first and fourth heats reversed for A dote. ra ' 2S w NE WS ! 1 We Jnetday, Petruarv ff (J Suffering 'T"i i ""JMMiill t The next time a headache maxts yoa stay it borne Of some other ache or pairf prevents your keeping an engtgement Remember Aspirin! For there is scarcely any sort of pain it cannot relieve, and relieve promptly. These tsbltts give real reBtf, of millions would not continue to take them. They ire quite liarmless", of the medical prcYessiori would not constantly prescribe them. Don't be s martyr Ut unnecessary ftW. To colds that might so e&fly be checked; netmtia, neuralgia; to . those pains peculiar to women; or any suffering for which Aspirin Is such an effective anti BBSSSSk- BBbi You need not hesitate to uii Aspirin. It is toft. It is alviyi the same. It never depresses tL heart, so use It si often as needed; but the cause of any pals caa U treated only by a doctor. RIN TRAOC MARK DH, the second and third heats. 1 - -" - - (pound sled with five men, descend- Will be built for the 1932 Olynjk Participanu are equipped with ing the 10 to 15 per cent grade at . winter games at Lake Placid. Baft padded helmets, elbow guards and full speed, will skim the curve i were deslaned bv Stani-Jam z. other protective clothing. The Lake; within a few Inches of the top of zytskl of Berlin. Oermany, dtskjt- rwcea uiuo run nas eigni curves, the bank. The run on which the er of the famow Oemun nm banked nearly 13 feet high, with Ice races are held has the same grade .Schreiberhau. Krummhuebel ui four to six inches thick. A 250- and number of curves as that which Hahnenkley. N ALERT newsboy on a day when hews wa9 dull and sales were few, turned to the advertising pages for inspiration. "Read about, the big reduction sale,' he shouted. "Fine quality tea sets at $3.60 and l. Fancy china-ware sacrificed." . i His stock of papers was sold out very qti'ickly. v The caseis, of course, exceptional, put ii faints f to the fact that advertising is newsincf important news. It is the news of AtAtoMf. thn closest to you and those about you. It is news of the furniture you sit In, the books yoit rnd, thd bonds you buy, the automobile you use, the flashlight, talking machine and food product that give you satisfaction. News that concerns you more vitally than anything else you read. News that is essential to you because whether you purchase a piano or a pin, you want the best your money cart buy. and you can always be sure you are getting thd. , newest and best when you read the advertisements. The advertisements contain pockctbook news and that's Important! iTS-iaea-v a rsWSV Si 00 CO, II