.! -PAGE FOUR Seven A Dials Mystery By Agatha Christie Copyright by Public 7-edper INSTALMENT XXXVI. (Continued) "And." continued George, as he grew more Impatient " Eileen has very serious tastes a much older man will suit her better than some young Jackanapes without either experience or savoir-faire. I can assure you, my dear Caterham, that I will cherish her exauisite vouth: I will cherish hv-er it will be an- predated. To watch the exquisite I flower of her mind unfolding what I a privilege. And to think that li never realized " Permission Granted He shook hit head deprecatingly, and Lord Caterham, finding his voice with difficulty, said blankly: "Do I understand you to mean wrting it warmty, much to the lat ter's discomfort. ah, my dear fellow, you can't want ' anyway. Never say too much, that to marry Bundle?" jwas always my motto. Grab the "You are surprised. I suppose to girl's hand and let events take their you It seems sudden. I have your ! course." permission, then, to speak to her?" j Bill stared at him. "Oh, yea," said Lord Caterham.; "But look here, sir, I'm in a hurry. "If it's permission you want of j I must talk to Bundle " course you can. But you know, Lo- j "Well, I don't suppose you'll have max, I really shouldn't if I were , to wait long. I must confess I'm you. Just go home and think it over j rather glad to have you here with like a good fellow. Count twenty, i me I suppose Lomax will insist on All that sort Of thing. Always a Icominz hack and tnlldne tn m vhn pity to propose and make a fool cf yourself," "I dare say you mean your advice kindly, Caterham, though I must confess that you put it somewhat strangeisv But I have made up my roJWMo flfrt fortune to the test. 1 masee3Htleen" Wtffcftpfing to do with me," said Lord Caterham hastily ; "Eileen settles her own affairs. If she came fo'Mf iMMtrow and said she was going to marry the chauffeur, I shouldn't make any objections. It's the only way nowadays. Your children h make life damned un-pJwwanUlfiyouidant give in to them w W-T6 t0 Bundle' Vo as you late, but don't worry me,' ahfl really, orTtTie whole, she is am- aimgly good about it. George stood up, Intent upon his purpose. "Where shall I find her?" "WeU, really, I dont know," said Lord Caterham vaguely. "She might be anywhere. As I told you Just now, she's never in the same place for two minutes together. No repose." "And I suppose Mies Wade will be with her? It seems to me. Caterham, that the best plan would be for you to ring the bell and ask your butler to find her, saying that I wish to speak to her for a few minutes." Lord Caterham pressed the beU obediently. "Oh, Tredwell," he said, when the bell was answered, "Just find her ladyship, wiU you? T;11 her, Mr. Lomax is anxious to speak to her In the drawing room." "Yes. my lord." "Tredwell withdrew. George sided Lord Caterharn'j hand and "A thousand thanks," he said. "1 hope soon to bring you good news." He hastened from the room. "Well." said Lord Caterham. "Well!" , . "Well!" And. after a long. pause: . . "What has Bundle been Up to?" The door opened again. "Mr. Everslslgh, my lord." As Bill hastened in, Lord Caterham caught his hand and spoke earnestly. Another .Prospect "Hullo, BUI. You're looking for Lomax, I suppose? Look here, If you want to do a good turn, hurry into the drawing room and tell him the Cabinet have called an lmmedl ate meeting, or get him away some how. It's really not fair to let the poor devil make ten ass of himself a11 for some s,1Jy BhTs prank." "rve not 001116 for Codders," said B1U- "Didn't know he was here. It's """aie 1 want to see. is sne any where about?" ' "Yo" cant see her," said Lord Ca !terham- "Not J"8 now- at &nY . George is with her." "Wett-what does it matter?" "I think it does rather," said Lord Caterham. "He's probably splut tering horribly ai. this minute, and we mustn't do anything to make it worse for him." "But what is he saying?" "Heaven know," said Lord Caterham. "A lot of damned nonsense, It's all over." "When what's all over? What is Lomax supposed to be doing?" "Hush," said Lord Caterham. "Hen proposing." "Proposing? Proposing what?" "Marirage. To Bundle. Don ask me why. I suppose he's come to what they call the dangerous age. I can't explain It any other way." "Proposing to Bundle? The dirty swine! At his age!" Bill's face grew crimson. "He says he's In the prime of life," said Lord Catherham cautionsly. "He? Why, he's decrepit senile I I" BUI positively choked. "Not at all," said Lord Caterham coldly. "He's five years younger than I am." "Of all the damned cheek! Cod ders and Bundle! A girl like Bundlel You oughtn't to have allowed It." "I never interfere," said Lord Ca terham. "You ought to have told him what you thought of Htm." "Unfortunately modem civilization rules that out," said Lord Ca- terham regretfully. "In the Stone Age now but, dear me, I suppose ! even then I shouldn't be able to do I it being a small man." j "Bundle! Bundle! Why, I've , never dared to ak Bundle to marry I me because I knew she'd only laugh And George a disgusting wind- i bag, an unscrupulous, hypocritical old hot-air merchant a foul, poisonous self advertiser I "Go on," said Lord Caterham,, "I'm enjoying this." , e .' i "My God!" said Bill simply artel 'with feeling. "Look here, I must bef off (To Be. Continued Tomorrow i IIAOE.V TAKES COUNT Walter Hagen, British open champion, driving, prior to abandon lng quest of $10,000 Los Angeles open prize, won by Denny fSliute! i District News STEWART Howard Campbell, Duncan McLean, Mrs. M. Stewart and Mrs. F. Young have been elected to the board of management of the local United Church. It Is desired to have a resident minister here and if such could be obtained, the congregation would soon be in a position to build a church, a building fund being already partly raised The Winter Sports Club, meeting last Wednesday evening at the home of the secretary, Miss Davles, decided to put on a concert in the near future. On suggestion of H. W. M. Rol- stoh, the Stewart Board of Trade, THIS IS - TN . mi ' U tiiiuk" . ;i ( people "the one old age, So been in with If your would Do you ance at a general meeting last week, de cided to ask for the establishment of a Canadian immigration officer" at Silver Heights in order to assure that no foreigners can illegally gain entry into the country and se cure employment at 'Canadian mines in the Salmon River district Taking in a large quantity of supplies with them, Alex Plrle, Charles Samuel. J. McCabe. S. Lee and R. L. Sandy left last week on their return to Mezladen Lake, where they are employed by the Power Corporation of Canada, af ter spending over a week in town, The local branch of the Cana-dion Legion. British Empire Service League, has elected officer for the year as follows: president, J. Scbtt; Vice-president, M. Murphy; 6ergeant-at-arms, H. Wilkin son; chaplain, Father Emll Leray; trustees, II. Bennett, J. Scott and LIFE INSURANCE DAY JANUARY 22n . ltd! , - .0&l -.if V Millions of People Have Laid the Foundation for Success on this Sound Investment the quest tot financial independence millions of turn with confidence to Life Insurance ... investment which can provide an income for a reserv6 fund for emergencies and a paid-up ;. important is this form of investment that today has set aside as Life Insurance Day. It is a day when, fairness to yourself and family, you should discuss your wife your future financial status. Ask Yourself These Questions earnings were' cut off entirely what income be available from your present savings? realize that $10,000 of Life Insur represents a yield of only about $500 J, Morrlce; executive, W. S. Orr, H. Stewart, H. D. Rochfort and C. Jackson; secretary, II. Applewhaitc past president, H. C. .Bennett. A. H. Benkendorf, proprietor of the Hyder Dye Works, who went to Seattle recently to secure treatment for his foot in which gangrene had developed following frost bite, is now making good recovery. It was not necessary to amputate the member as was feared. The Stewart Board of Trade is urging the establishment of a radio broadcasting station here. Olah Matheson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Matheson, is making satisfactory progress towards recovery at the Prince Ru pert General Hospital where she was operated upon last week for mastoids. Big Movement of Tourists to This Coast Predicted VANCOUVER, Feb. 12 A. A. Gar- tilner, assistant general passenger traffic, Canadian National Railways, with headquarters at Montreal, who has been In the city for the last two days, returned east last night. He will make slops at Moose Jaw and Winnipeg en route to Montreal. This was Mr. Gardiner's first visit to Vancouver since his appointment and he made the trip to familiarize himself with western condition? prior to the rush of the summei season. "We are looking forward to a much Increased passenger bus-1 a year? Would you ask your wife and children to lire on that amount? What investment other than Ufejmurancc'offcrs such a jsensc ofj security, . . . pr :fs so 'helpfulrwhcn your , financial peed is the greatest? " Life Insurance is Thrift Life Insurance encourages systematic savings ... it is a sure means of thrift. Year after year your premiums increase the cash value of your insurance while you live. Its value is unquestioned when you die. Call in a Life Insurance Representative today ... Let him plan an insurance program, that will care for your f uturcobligations and lay the foundation foryour'success and happiness. J "V HAltMlMlSi iness this SUmm.. aanv ha rton. J .LTtl for 'the comtheY oubiic. Thp ... rMl ment available , L.. tesl - uuw uj flu. continental trains, whiiel. new steamers fur the nj business will be the J steamshln Canada and the Panifif c sl will derlvp hu wauMl iiumthi.a volume of passenger, ZM lnrfncr tho d .v- wining lumnitf .laicu. .eBI V4 is .bs.il, ervtce "M"""'M's''M'MsMsstaaBMiiQtasBBysMasgc.'B WsgMWWMB U'KSKBaammmtihJtaktKBBtmKKVrtminamKm'm mm -- r n ibbbbbbI