L If I I H 1 .tf"1!? m I I! U-v I 2 111 p ,.. a- Now On View . CHESTERFIELD SUITES In Mohair and Tapestry. Built to last, and combines both elegance and comfort. Floor apd Bridge Lamps, a variety to choose from Library Tables and Smoking Sets Bedroom and Dinlngroom Suites in Walnut and Oak Ask to see the Table with the disappearing centre section COME EAKLY! DR. HUGH L. DICKEY SPECIALIST Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat At St. ElmoJIotel Eyes Tested For Glasses DEFECTIVE EYESIGHT Means Interference with your dutlea! Scientific examination and lenses fitted by an expert optician will provide the remedy. A. E. IRELAND Optometrist 331 Third Ave. Phone Red 700 for appointment The Regal Shop CANDIES In Boxes, Bulk or Bars Boxed or tablet STATIONERY Crepe. Tissue or Waxed Paper rencils, Fens and Inks Mil. & MRS. JOHN McRAE 300 Block, Third Avenue Phont - Red 442 ROWE'S Sheet Metal Works FURNACES PLUMBING EAVE TROUGHS 340 All Kinds of Tanks made to order THIRD AVENUE WEST Telephones: Office 340 Works Blue 705 RIGHT NOW Is Not Too Soon to Inspect Our Complete Range Of Christmas Neckwear And now Is the lotlcal time to purchase before our stock is picked over, STEVE KING W. Mulr. 641 Eighth Avenue W. MAKE YOUU INSPECTION! Secure Your Christmas Furniture at Car Lot Prices 401 THIRD AVE. W. G: M. HUNT TELEPHONE RED 637 NEWMETHOD EMIGRATION Yorkshire Will Send Groups Young Men to Embark on Mixed Farming of LONDON, Nov. 18: -Lord Middle-ton, who recently toured Canada as chairman of the Yorkshire Voluntary Migration Committee, says the scheme for a co-operative effort for settling young men in large groups I to embark on genuine mixed farming was received in Canada with warrri, approval. One well known i head of an organization which has ; settled, some thousands of young Immigrants on the land, said: "The scheme strikes exactly the right note; (a) proper supervision; (b) community life; (c) opportunity of ownership under the most favorable circumstances; id) a chance of matrimony reasonably soon; (e) a right sort of farming rather than a gamble and land starvation." If the first tryout meets with come m to cultivation, and we would have a first rate outlet for the best of the youth of our country whose prospects in England moderate In the extreme. Country boys after sometimes only light of the evening failed to make a few months of Canadian fare. He 1 an appearance. mentioned the lease of a Yorkshire f- pan HtalV won the call over Da.n mining family who" nad jriauy y ' Bigonrvrdtorla In the third bout, lived In a dilapidated Cottage, flth BagWs quFer style of fighting hod two boys and a girl out of work, and Healy worried and he was lueky to the father on short time, and con- win. Rupert Fong made a strong trusted that life with the happy 1 comeback in the last round of his state in which they were living now at Ivanhoe, Ont. Another point mentioned was the interest shpwn j by all sorts of Canadian people that the boys on their farms should save money, and to qualify for a government loan by the aid of wo,ich they could buy their own farms. The percaplta consumption of fish in Canada Is low. Help build it up. 272 four-round go with Johnny Roma to earn a draw. Fong seemed to be in bad shape in the fourth when he unleashed a series of lefts to Roma's head, which staggered him. Marvin Rowe and Dynamite Eckert put on a lively three-round scrap In the curtain raiser which ended In a draw. Douglas Frlzzell refereed all the bouts, and Max- Heilbroner and Henry Heilbroner were timekeepers. For v Sport News COWIE WINS IN SECOND OVER BILLY BAINES Semi-Final Match Between Dutton and Holm Best on Boxing Card Last Night Before a fair sized erowd last night In the Empreea Social Club Arena, Mel Cowie, of Calgary, featherweight champion of Western Canada, knocked out Billy Bainee .. . ..... .( tM.kll. U Ih. unrf minJ f . me success mai we connaenuy ex- " ; o.uiiu pect," said Lord Mlddleton, "then a scheduled six-round main event.! there is no reason why it should Cowie was too fast and clever for net be expanded to any extent. Athe native and managed to keep ; substantial area In Canada would, him off. with his left. During the; first round Baines landed a few stiff lefts to the stomach but they did not seem to bother Cowie. At are the bell In the second round Cowie ; rushed Baines and hammered him "Let it not be thought that I am hard. He connected to the solar- decrying existing schemes of land plexus and then followed It up with settlement. I am satisfied that the lefts and rights to the? head. Batnee great majority of those whom we held on but when they broke from have sent out in the last few years the clinch Cowie rushed him again are happy and prosperous, and In and Baines went down for the far better shape than they would count. have been at home." Lord Middle-1 The semi-final between Bab-tottexpresaes the .opinion that the Dutton of Prince Rupert and Kid prestige of British settlers has risen Holm of Calgary was the best con- considerably In Canada In recent test on the card. Holm won a pepu- years. lar decision. Holm rushed Dutton Commander J. B. Adams, and Mr. from the opening bell and It looked Charlesworth, a coal owner, both of as though the fight would end whom have interested themselves right then. Dutton was on the ropes ' in the scheme for emigrating boys and Holm landed stiff lefts to the from Yorkshire to Canada, made an head, but Dutton weathered the Interesting Joint talk which was storm. Throughout the fight Holm broadcast. Mr. Charlesworth paid a landed hard blows to the head but tribute to the type of Ontario far-, they seemed to Have little effect. mer with whom most of the boys in the last round, however, Dutton made their homes. In almost every: turned around after a clinch and case, he found the boys treated as Holm landed a hard blow to the members of the family, and being chin. He had Dutton spinning well taught practical farming. illy when the final bell rang. He could not help reflecting on 1 Art Brawn, who was supposed te jthe physical Improvement of North have met Pat Clanton In the fourth omeone Somewhere on this page, in two different advertisements will be found the names of two residents of this city. Examine the advertisements carefully and find the names. If the two persons whose names arc in the advertisements will call at the Daily News Office they will be presented with a ticket to either the, Capitol Theatre or two tickets for games at cither of the golf courses, they to choose which one they desire. These tickets arc FREE. ..4- . 4 ' 1 ' . ANOTHER VANCOUVER BOY HAD BAD NIGHT 4 DETROIT, Nov. 82 Ducky Lawless of Syracuse, welter- weight, easily outpointed Billy 4 Town&end of Vancouver in a ten-round bout here last night. It was Lawless' fight all the way and Townsend did ! not have a show. 4 OW Country Soccer Seott'sh League First Division Avr United 1. Oeltle 6. Clyde 2, Queens Park 4. Cowdenbeath 7. Lelth Athletic 1. Duncl-p 1, Hearts 3. Falkirk 9b Afemfeen 3. Hamilton Acaete 4, Bast Fife 1. Hlbrrniia 3. Kilmarnock 2. MotiierwelJ-ParsJck Thistle postponed ?naw. Bankers fl, Morton 1. .. 8t. Mirreo 3, Alrdrte 3. Eng'iih LfOfueiPirst Division Arse.ttl JL. MWUeabwoogh 3. JUrtirlnnoam 4, Clrinwoy Town 1. fMackb'irft Bebers I, Huddersfield Town 3 Blackpool , Aston Villa 2. Derby county 1, West ham United 1. Leeds United 2, Chelsea 3. Leicester City 2, Sheffield Wed nesday 5. Manchester City 3, Bolton Wan- derate 0. Portsmouth 4, Liverpool 0. Sheffield United 3. Manchester United 1. " Sunderland 5. Newcastle United 0. BUCKAR00S AHE OH TOP Maintained Pacific Coast Hockey Lead By Flaring Draw Last , NKhTUVllh Seattle ENGLAND WINS M 1 -.1 Youngest Girl Pilot Miss Winifred F. Bryden, aged 16, of Detroit, is youngest licenced girl air pilot in United States. She plans tranceontin-enUl flights In near future. LOCAL NEWS F. M. Davles, accountant for the Atlln Flsberiee. sailed last night nn the Princess Mary for a holiday visit to Vancouver and Victoria. i Mark - Spencer, -1-- ' - Indian . . pMrVT t ;t 'ed in dkty police court' 1 ing with having liquet in his po SEATTLS, Nov. 32: The Port- 5688100 and wa remanded for eight land Hue karoos continued to hold , day-a slender leiuLior first place in the ! - Pacifie CoaH ilookey League when A charge against Andrew Sorcn-tbey toughs the Seattle Eskimos to " oI supplying liquor to Indians a seorelPEs tie In an overtime game WM laW ,n Uy police court this last night morning, the case being adjourned . ; for eight day. Union steamer Cardena, Capt. j i , 'Andrew Johnstone, arrived .in nort WREaCHAMr-Novr-31t-Englrfnd-at-6 o'clock -KiPevenlrrKt.VenL defeated Wales four to nil in an in- couver nnd wayports and sailed at icrnuuonui soccer maicn waay. 12 mldnlt ht on her return south! IIX. Third Ave. & First St. Tflaphnn 775 FOR FA.LL AND CHRISTMAS Elks d'efii6te"c?rotto 1218 to 9J in the lilllitfrtf IcHHiigttt, th ; score belrfrUlebaMMfclsive.so fax! this season. The .Lflfige Men won"" four uiit of five games. High breaks ! r of the evening were 10, run by Ba-lagno and Waugh. Individual score i were as follows: George Waugh lOrotto) 230, C. P. BaUgrio i Elks 250. James Andrews 199. M. I. Youni 250. M M. McLachuui 108, W. K. WU-llicroft 3S0. Oeorge Howe 3M, William MU ' hell 313. John May 191. WMlam Murray 250. The standing to date: -- . . Games IBit! Averaa" liu .... 8 tH0 1134 Lenlon JIL' 5 5600 . Jl Qrotto 3 170 1094 , ,. i- Oot the Ac. pays. .- - . rcaaUTA-Oliljtt 1 33 Li 353 a T The choice of those men vjio appreciate good Scotch Whisky This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Uguor Control Uoard or by the Government of llritinh Columbia - saaaal Saturua PAGE FOTO THE DAILY NEWS . ' ii"' i i1 i Get Your Local Merchant's Price Before Seeding Your Money To uut w.miY SEND TO BATONS FOR YOUR FURNITURE EVENT t. s 4 : IUIOI I We have, the finest Selection of tays'thi year h t will n your every need anftie prices are r;h. Barriers Home Furnishings IDEAL (I SM Thir'l 1 Fhotv : 3 ''''"iiii'in A. MACKENZIE - FURNITUrJ Chesterfield Suites Dining Room Suites n, .1-. ,m Tables . Book Stands Library 1. i . Come and see, for seeing is beJkvirig. Our prices ur, furniture Jnet fresn the factors ::a. tenzie JFurm'i SAHARA DRY' GINGER A'! A True Fruit Drink Unexcelled By Any .;. Per Dozen, $1430, Delivered A Trial Order Will Convince Y-ni BEAVKR KOTTLING WORKS Te en hone l (Z rnnce uvnr". i i.L hi 'Ji il BILLIARDS Scored Decisively Over Orvte In Last Evening's Fixture and ()o tbr?p of Standing I Mil OTiti "H Finished 1 1 rihow cin5 ami . . Tow?!? HEM" rut i Auditorium GOLF COURS 22 I re We evrnin ' cmfrUHIe J. M. Morrison AUDITO' !I M GOLF COT 'K.tf L. J. MAKRFN 1 agelnet the ' that's the pn;" Buy a ton of fire away at C: He'll quit on ti ton of coal the haste th t Philpott, Evitt & Conlpair f ,,J' IMione t '1 Trail an I , ! 'Ill II : l