v November 22, 1930 THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREB A full, rich flavour that gives complete enjoyment 'Fresh rom the gardens' T3J Pinaud s Special Offer k- Lilas de France Talcum Free with a SI. 00 Bottle of Lilas de France Lotion i, Liquid Brilliantine Free with a $1.35 Bottle of Eau de Quinine Qrm.es HA. Zrfio Pioneer Drucrisls Phones SI & 82 Third Ave. & Sixth St. THREE GRADUATE PIIAKMICISTS 100L. Goat Cheese 1: irutde entirely from the coat's rich and healthy milk, and contain.1- lots of Vitamines. It U rFcommeRdjjd by the Physical Institute of Nutrition. Sold only by JACK SELVIG a St .. B. C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICE WINTER EXCURSION TARES From Prime Rupert to Vancouver QIH ft ft and Victoria, and Return ' Tickets on sale from lMh November to 28th February and good to return on or before' 28th March Agents Tot Air StMBIIHrp" Ones .irtf Oesi Agent 3rd A . Pr.n H r'-r; Phone 31 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED sriCIAL WINTEIl KXCIRHION I UtK" !. on xlr (rm Nov IS, ISM U lea. U. 1MI (with Hml return limit Mereli SI. 1MI PKINCE RUPERT TO VANCOUVER JiO.W RETURN Mranm Iraip Prtnv Hapert tot Vaaeawver: T ' ATU.A ; l.ltV Tl KHUAV. : P.M. Arriving Vancouver Ttturadny Nam appro. ' - t vmir.vv EVKKY mum miumuht Arrlvtuj Vancouver ButxUjr midniI,t pfo. in, io Pen Suupeoi:. Allop Arm. Anyox. Stewart and Waal Rlrrr point Sunday, 8 00 p.m. :! rmattoo reardmg all llln and ticket at '"'mi: hi rkiitaJieN'V: er, ,,n ' CliD C A 7 1? wra'KKJYnnrrm and bath, sewer connec- Uon. hot water heated, concrete basement,, d in ga with concrete walks- 3,500.00 'j irgaln , 4 rooms and bath, sewer connection, Hiir, Firth Ave. W., partly furnished ! 7 rooms, fully modern. Fifth Ave. arrange , 81,500.00 4,000.00 M CAFFERY, GIBBONS & COLLAKT, LTD. Tl: J ,y,.. Mutual Life of Canada - l'hone 11 The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED Id Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PKINCE HUPEUT, B.C. Get Uir habit of reading the advertisements in this paper, Local Items Glasses fitted by registered optometrist at Ileilbroner's store. qay, uec. The annual total value ol Can O to ablp'i tide Para to Beabjaxd ' Travel by The Imperial, 9:00 p.m. Daily Imoler, Hkj$Home, Thurs- 273 ada's Fisheries Is about $50,000,000. 272 Your order for Xmas cards can be delivered In 3 .hours from Alex McRae & Co. Ltd., Phone 24 278 Curzon's regular line of silk hose. and also of sllg and wool, as in troduced a few days ago will now be carried in stock as regular lines at regular prices. When you want real warmth in your home order Nanaimo-Wellington Coal. The coal that made Nanaimo a city. Albert & McCaffery. Phone 116 and 117. tf Curam's have demonstrated to tUe ladies of Prince Rupert that the high jfcrade 6i hosiery they are carrying 1s meeting a requirement much appreciated here., Flah 1 Healthy Food. Eat more Fish, and' support Home Industry 272 Vic Rogers Hot Tamale Parlor has Just received a fresh coop of spring chickens. He has a new chicken specialty ahd Nannie Williams whom you can't beat to fry them for you. Call or phone your order. 719 Fulton Street. Phone Oreen 170. 274 TENDLUS WANTED Sealed tenders for the purchase of the- Anglican Mission Boat "Northern Cross" will be received by the undersigned up to noon December IS. 1930. Terms strictly cash. The boat may be Inspected at the local Dry Dock and typed general particulars may be had from Rev. W. H. Rushbrook, P. O. 553. Prin-e Rupert. B.C. 276 CHRISTMAS SAILINGS FROM ST. JOHN TO GLVSGOW-BELFAST-LIVER-POOL Dac. S Ducheas of York FROM VANCOUVER T llawvU-JHMH-ChlKa-l'hlllpplnes KNOV. 17, xjan 17. Kmprtuot Cur ad i xDec.S.- KJan.tl. Xmprra ot Ruaan iDaeSO. xFakSB. TmfTi of Japan xJan. a Kmpr.ai ot Acta. ilacludlng call at Honolulu. AmIv to Amu erarrvbere or J J lOKSTIU Stearaahlp Oenl. Put Afent CP Station VanootiYr TMepliorw. Trinity 1151. . QMNaD WiNTEK IFAKiES PRINCE RUPERT to VANCOUVER VICTORIA I! $4 Tlrlrt. o mU up ta t'rb. MlU. Il.lura Umll M.rrli Slat. W (furmatk.n rail rrlta K. t MrNAl'GII TOM, ll.P.A. 1'rlnc. lUiwrt n.C. IHl. Canadian national DDD for skin disorders An active fluid that washes into the sick tissues. Clear stainless. Hi soothing elements Denetrate, Itchier stow on the lnstant-i-eni)tlons disappear. The treatmeot'Uas do. ruai. W. J. McCUTCIIEON. DRUGGIST OKMES LTD. RUPERT PHARMACY About 85,000 persons are employ ed in the Fishing Industry of Can ada. 272 Mrs. T.' Wllson left on thlsinorni ing's train for' Chicago to spend a couple of months visiting with her daughter there. Curzon's now begin to show new line of ladies' silk nosiery called "Grenadine Chiffon" in lat est shades only. This is a hose shown in a dull finish, rather than the familiar brilliant coloring usu ally displayed. A public meetlag will be held in the Council Chamber, City Hall the 25th November, for the pur pose, of discussing, the submission of the two bylaws to be voted on on the 28th November. It Is hoped that all Interested ratepayers will attend. O. H. Orme, Mayor. 274 Curzon's Christmas lines in gentlemen's neckwear, hosiery, sus penders, etc, will be on display be ginning Monday. Let us help you In selections from our pretty stock for your gifts to "the boy friend" and others you would like to remember. Curzon's In the Oratton Block. SPEED WITH SAFETY Is what you will enjoy in a comfort able roomy car, by calling TAXI 25 Promptness, reliability and courtesy is our motto. A trial win be appre elated. Phone 25. Matt Videck Ambulance and Taxl Service Dec. ta Ducbesa of Richmond : 817 Second Ave. Das. If Duchaaa of At boll TO CHERBOURG-SOUTHAMPTON Dae. II liontclaie Tlltumli ci Low Ball' SOMETHING NEW FOR LADIES AND QENTS Large assortment new clothes for autumn and winter just to nana. All finest quality and latest patterns. Come In and see us today. Suit or overcoat complete and fin ished in three days. Ling, the Cutter Steam cleaning, pressing and altering. We deliver any part of the city. LING THE TAILOR w-ia Phone 649 czTrrisiocrais r OF . transportation. fANADIAN National offer T- many luiurlea and comfort, which add picture to your trip South hj Straraw or Eaat hj Train. Sail 1 iik from Prince Rupert to Vancouver, thence la Tri-atj ScrTloe to Victoria and Seattle, llmraday 10.00 p.ra. For Any ox and Stewart, Wedneada). 4.00 p.m. Regular aerler to North and. South Queen Charlotte Ialand. Particular, of aeU-inga, rate., tie, en reqaeat, - Paaaengrr train, leave Prince Rupert for Edmonton, Winnipeg, and point Eaat every Monday, Wednesday mm Saturday at 11.30 a.m. Canadian Rational r, y mcMAUciiton INalrirf rnf Atm rrlnoa Kprt IfwBVIaTp TlTTilUM! Dinnerware, china, crockery, glassware. Ileilbroner's Store. The annual value of Fish & Fish Products of British Columbia Is about $23,000,000. Of this amount about $11,000,000 Is produced In Prince Rupert District:'- 2721 , ri.M niiTi 'iji.h Donations of warm clofltflngior needy families will be gratefully re celved by the Daughters of the Empire at the home of Mrs. John Manson, Fourth Avenue East by December 1. 273 ANNOUNCEMENTS ly for their purposes, Simond Canada Saw Co. Ltd. momthcac. Toronto aint john. n.b. VANCOUVER C-M series, next game, December 1. 4 ' 4 Moose Whist Drive and Dance, November 28. Royal Purple Bridge and Whist Anglican W. A. Bazaar Dec 2. United Church Bazaar Dec. 4. Hard time dance Queen Mary Chapter, l.ODE: Hall December 4. High School Concert, Dec. 11. Canadian Legion B.E.SL. Christ mas Tree December 20. SiMONDS SAWS Specialized to every modern requirement Simond Saw, Hack-Saw, Knives, etc. .supply most efficient cutting tools for wood, metals, etc., thanks to Simonds Steels alloyed exclusive Anti Freeze Is Much Cheaper Than a New Radiator Anti Freeze Is cold weather insurance for your motor and radiator We have a full line, Including Prestone, Rador Glycerine and Alcohol Overhaul Your Old Tire Chains And anticipate your needs in this line while our stock is complete P. H. W. Bartlett. Fifth & Dunsmutr Cold Weather Makes hard starting. Why not install a new battery now? OUR PRICE IS RIGHT 11-Platc Battery . .$10.00 13-PIatc Battery ..$12.00 S.E. PARKER LTD. PHONE 83 FOUD DEALEKS FREE! FREE! A guaranteed, hand minted enlargement from your own snapshot or phota Frames, 25 to 50 r lower prlobl than competitors. Phone or write. WESTERN SALES COMPANY P O. Box 158 Central Hotel Price 50c a box Tirana - Palpitation 01 The Heart Nerves Were All Gone Miss Eom Griffin, Athern, Man., write: " About five year ago I wai troubled with palpitation of the heart, caused by a (hock, and my nerve were all gone, and I could not sleep. I lead about Milbnmli Jlrart.nnd. "m. vm. decided to try them. After I had taken three boxet I was ffeliilf Cne.tsihi. I think they are a wonderful remedy, and wiah all othirs who Buffered a I did would give them a trial. " "' Bold at all drug and general atorea. or mailed direct on receipt of price tjy The T. Milburn Co., Ltij Toronto, Out. UXFS- I I III i I patiai I I I a maaiiiwini nn i i una i .i...1u...M.l,.ln..1,,l,pr:TTT;frr)n FIRST UNITED CHURCH Pastor, Rev. A. Wilson, B. A. Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Subject, "THE GOSPEL OF GOOD CHEER AND ITS FOUNDATION." Sunday School at 12:15. Evening worship at 7:30. Subject, the second in the sermon series on "WHAT TO BELIEVE." "WHAT TO BELIEVE ABOUT OOD." ST. 'ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL (Church of England) HI) Very Rev. J. B. fiibson, Dean Morning prayer and sermon at 11 o'clock. Sunday School at 12:30. Everting prayer and sernon at 7:30. Anthem. "THOU WILT KEEP HIM IN PERFECT PEACE." FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Kcv. F. W. Dafoe, DJ, Minister Service at 11 am. Subject, "A QUEST FOR SOULS." Bible School at 12:15. Evening service at 7:30. Subject, "80M2-THINO A MAN CANNOT DO FOR HIMSELF." A cordial FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Minister, Rev. J. Kennedy Morning service at 1,1 o'clock. Subject, "THE GOOD SAMARITAN." Cbnrtis Junior Choir, soloist, Miss Lillian Jones. 8undayhflipV and Junior Bible Classes at 13:15. Evening service, ,at ,?;50 condoeted by the Canadian Girls in Training. Subject, "RUTH8 DBCI8ION." Soto by Miss Woods and male vofce quartet. The value of Materials used an- f nually in the Fish Canning ft Cur-ling Establishments of Canada is 'about $20,000,000. 272 Travel to worn in comfort TAXI -PHONE 32 TAXI CALLS: i From 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. Will receive special attention. Steam Baths 204 Sixth St. Phone Black 764 Opposite Prince Rupert Hotel Ladies By Appointment Gents from 2 pjn. to 12pm. Week-End SP ECIALS Braid's Best Tea With cap CAn Braid's Best Coffee per lb Fancy Sweet Biscuits 2 lbs Oorgonzola Cheese per lb - Jack Cheese per lb "Sir": Eggs Firsts 3 dozen Cheese Charms S pkgs Malkln's Table Syrup 2H yvi w Pure Lard t lb I I o 's per tin .. Crlsco 3's per tin ... 48c 45c 50c 45c 1.25 25c , 20c a 80c The Economy Cash & Carry "Where Dollars Have More Cents" Phone 389 319 Third Ave. 8 HOTEL ARRIVALS Central Hotel l Mill! NtU MAVM;fcMB.1iT Xtroni Healed; Traveller.' sample Koin; Hut an t'oM IViIrr Tree Uu Mwt All Train and Iiei Kates $1.00 and Up N1TCML MdNTIILV KATfcS C. It. r.IGGAUT & A. DONALD Tree If tor PHONE 51 Savoy Hotel Prince Rupen'i leading tain-ily hotel hot and cold water in all roomt A. J. PRUDIMMME. Prep. Cor. of Fraser t nd Fifth Sts New Royal Hotel I. 7-artlll. Praa. Tilt 11(11 M. HOUTII WHILE Hot At Cold W.kt. eu-m Heat 75c PER DAY AND UP Trlritaoiir tHI Boston Grill Large Cabaret SPECIAL DINNERS Thursdays and Saturdays DANCING Every Saturday Night. 9 t U Danrc Hall for Hire Accomodation for Private Parties Phone 457 lr!nce Bepert Gold and Silver Plating Jewelry Designed , MdilfcV. , or Repaij-ed, . si moihubsft Watcb & Clock Repairs A Specialty Engraving Leo Contoli Manufacturing Jeweler 310 Slsth St. Phone 911 Mall orders will prompt at'! 'S-4 , " -3SS 'I' f a. it''- si"-'