Lurday November 22, 1930 THE DAIL7 N2W3 page nva T.13 Classified Advertisements. Business and Professional Men's Guide. Legal Notices' A DAILY NEWS FOR SALE AD. WILL CONVERT THAT UNUSED PIECE OF FURNITURE INTO CASH. TRY IT! FOR SALE SACRIFICE of new Mink Stole. Wonderful Christmas Gift. Apply Dally News Office. tf FOR SALE Brick lined heater, al-tol -t new. cheap. Apply Mr. Schl-br. 3?-l Second Avenue. (tf) ACC .ilDIAN for sale, nearly new, pi.:o $20. German model, 31 jtfP 18 bass. Apply A. Bell, R:jm 21. Central Hotel. 272 CHEAPEST White Newsprint Paper for wrapping or other purposes, may be bought ten cents a core t3 lane as they last. Dally News. FCin ' ,LE Business property on r :.d Avenue, Store Building, (; ng apartment, six rooms over, r ;r rented. Snap $4,000, terms. M M. Stephens. 274 FOR RENT FLAT FOR RENT Wallace Block; Enquire store. FOR RENT Furnished four- r :;m' d apartments. Phone 943 271 FURNISHED Apartments for rent A'ly Mussallem Grocery, Phone la. IW FOR RENT Modern house, 3 rooms and bath. Apply Munro Bros. tf FOR RENT FurnlsHed apart cents by day or week or month. jL.P!;one Red 607. tf FOR RENT House, three rooms, rrnt. moderate. Apply 227 Second Avenue, evenings. 273 To Rent Cosy Two & Three Roomed Apartments Free use of electric light and rasher. Rentals $10 to $16 monthly DYER APARTMENTS 3RD AVE. SITUATIONS WANTED PROPERTY repairs, plain furniture e i.v. furniture repaired. Get my pi;oe Phone Black 707. .. (275) QUIET respectable girl, age 18, wants work. Used to housework. Write Miss Nellie KUler, Telkwa. B.C 271 SITUATIONS VACANT CI.FRKS. Letter carriers, stenogra-I'Urrv customs examiners, etc., f i. tantly required by the Oov-rninirnt. Write M.C.C. Civil Ser-vkc School, 401 Kensington &k Winnipeg. tf PERSONAL CANADIAN CITIZEN Why not " into the Canadian Civil Ser-v e There Is a wide range of P moms open. Free Information. T o M.C.C. Civil Service School, W (Knslngton Bldg., Winnipeg tf BOARD AND ROOM BOARD and Room. Phone Black 707. tf NEEDLEWORK HEMSTTTCHINO, Mrs. Feasby, m,nn Red 315. TRANSFERS WMF RON'S Transfer. Phone 177. Dry Birch, Cedar and Jack Plna. tf RCpT TRANSFER. Cartage A,nd Fur'Uture Moving. Phone 2041: iff AUCTIONEER PRIN ,ie RUPERT AUCTION MART e buy, gfU or exchange any knd of furniture or household ipods, musical Instruments, ma winery, etc. Oeneral repairs. Ml Int. nnrklnv onH aVitnnlnff. Workmanship guaranteed. Just pnono Black 120 and we will Q. J. DAWES, Auctioneer, ral Block. tf WANTED WANTED Sewing done by the o.ay. rnone 206. 274 WANTED Secondhand range In gooa condition. Phone Red 519. 276 LOST MISSINO Black Labrador Retriev er. Notify Dr. Talt, telephone 108 or 109. LOST Good fountain pen with Initials W.R.W ., on Graham or Atlin Avenue. Finder please return to Dally News. 274 CHIROPRACTIC Sunshine and Red Ray Treatments 'Nervous, Female and Children' Diseases Specially Treated W. C.'ASPINALL"- (Chiropractor) Phone Green Z41 6 & 7 Exchange Blk. (Opp. Orme'i) SECOND-HAND DEALERS New and Second-Hand Goods Bought, Sold or Exchanged W. H. Montgomery 3rd Avenue Phone Blue 339 SALVAGE AND TOWING "IMri on'orunder the water we dTlt." Pacific SalVage Co. Ltd. Ful'y Equipped 'tor Diving and Oeneral Salvage Work Boats and Scows of all descriptions for Charter Row Boats and Canoes for Hire Bargains In Gas Engines Agents for EASTHOPE ENGINES Northern B.C. DlstrlDutors Coolidge Propellers Sand and Gray el In any quantity, delivered anywhere by water Phone, Day or Mht 564 PO. Box 1564 LANII ACT Nolle of Intuition to apply for .Leaae l-and In the Stlklne lnd Recording DU-trlet of Ossslar District, end sltuste about three miles and one-halt south ct Tulsequah Post Office on Tafcti River Take notice that I. Oeerge Robbln of Tulsequeh. B.C . occupation boofc-keewr Intend to apply for a lean of the fsilln( described lands: Commencing ai a post planted on balk of slough. then-e south 60 chains: thenre tart 4o chains: thence north 81 chain; theaee west 40 chain and containing 330 acres, more or leas. OEOROK UOBBINS Da ltd August 33. 1830- l.Nl ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to tease Lsnd in ik. aiikin. tjnm RMurdlns- Dis trict of Caselar District, and situate .K..t ikiM mtfrna a tv1 An. half south Of TSKC iTOllCe mat A. " iHu u.v.. of Tulsequeh. B.C. oceupatton merch. ant. Intends to apply for a leas of tbs following described lands: Oommennng at a pot pi.uK-u w.j . innnh ttvnr. south Bo chains; throoe east 40 chstns; thenco north 80 chains: tnence west su cnami, and containing 320 aeres, more or less. WILLIAM STRONO Dated August 85. 1830. C. N. R. TRAINS From East Sundays, ' Tuesdays rH 'rVinrcHnv.i. S:30 n.m. For East Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays, 11:30 ajn. BRINGING UP OM, DEAR- MV DEV&VJar.w -vN OMCOlslTROLLAQUS Mail Schedule For the East-Monday, on Wednesday and Saturday 10.30 a.m. From the East-Sunday, for Tuesday and Thursday 320 at - p-m. For Vancouver-Tuesday '. 2.30 pan S Sundays 9 pjn. Thursday 9 pjn. Friday It pjn, November 5 and 19 .... pjn. From Vancouver- Sunday 4 p.m Wednesday 10.30 pjn. Friday ......... p.m. Saturday "10.30 ajn. Nov. 15 and 29 a.m. For Anyox and Alice Arm Sunday . 7 pjn. Wednesday 3 pjn. From Anyox and Alice Arm Sundays ...... pjn. Thursdays 8 p.m, 6 For Naas River and Port Simpson-Sunday ... 7 pjn. From Naas River and Port Simpson- Tuesday 11.30 ajn. For North Queen Charlottes- Saturdays 11 ajn. From North Queen Charlottes- Wednesday 3 p.m. For Alaska- November 5 and 19 pjn. From Alaska Wednesdays 3 pjn. For South Queen Charlottes- Mondays 7 p.m. From South Queen Charlottes-Thursdays ajn. For Stewart, and Premier Wednesday r pjn. Thursday - 8 pj. Saturdays 3 pjn. From Stewart and Premier. Sundays 8 pjn. Tuesdays 11.30 am, Thursdays 8 pjn. Sunday 7 pjn. Steamship Sailings For Vancouver-Sunday ss. Pr. Rupert 10 pjn. Sunday sa. Prince John pjn. Tuesday ss. Catala .... 3.30 pjn. Thursday . Pr. George 10 pjn. Friday ss. Princess Mary 10 pjn. ss. Cardena, 12 midnight Nov. 5-ss. Prln. Louise p.m. Nov. 19 ss. Prln. Norah ....pjn. From Vancouver-Sunday ss. Catala ;.. 4 pjn Wed. ss. Pr. Oeonje ... 10.30 a m Friday ss. Cardena....... pjn Friday ss. Princess Mary 4 pjn. Satur. ss. Pr. Rupert, 10:30 ajn. Nov. 15 -ss. Prln. Norah ajn. Nov. 29 ss. Prln. Norah ....ajn. For Naas River and Port Simpson Sunday ss. Catala 8 p.m. From Naas River and Port Simpson Tuesday ss. Catala ... 11.30 ajn. For Stewart and Premier- Sunday ss. Catala, 8 pin. -V TIMltKK SALE XttlftA Sealed tmrfein will twelvert h Minister of Lands at Victoria not later than noon on the 24ih day oj Nwveu-.r 1930, for the purchase ot Licence X12-786. to cut 2,614.000 feet 'Of Spruce. Hemlock, Balssm and Cedar on an area; situated on Apha River, Alpha Bay Pitt Island, Range 4, Coast Land District. Two years wUl he allowed for removal of timber. Further particulars ot the Chief Forester, Victoria, B.C. or District Forester Prince Rupert. B O. oct27. not 3. 10.17. FATHER 1 CEHTAlMUY NsMLU' 'LU CO RIGHT VEH TO WS OFF ICtS i ii MB r w r VJV! I VI 111 T f 110. 110. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to apply to Leae Foreshore In Casslar District Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate Dog Pish Bay on Portland Canal. Take notice that The Canadian Fishing Co. Ltd, of Vancouver, B.C ocou-patljn Fish Packera Intends to apply lease of the following described foreshore: Commencing at a post planted at the South' vest corner of Lot 627 Caspar District; thence West S chains; thenc North 10 chains; thence Eas. chains more ot less to high water mark: thence South westerly following high water mark to point of commencement; ind containing 5 acres, more or lees. THE CANADIAN FISHING CO. LTD. per A. H. Holland, Agent. Dated Sept. 8th, 1930. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to apply to Lette Foreshore In Range 8, Coast District. Land Re-, Notice of Intention to apply to Lease cording District of Prince Rupert, and i Foreshore sttuste on the North end ot Hsyatacfc ! In Range 8, Coast Dlitrlct, Land Re-Island. ' cording DUtrtot of Prince Rupert, and Take notice that The Canadian Fish-' pltuate on the West shore of Dundas lng Co. Ltd.. of Vancouver, B.C. oosu- (Island. 6 miles South east of the most patlon Fish Packers Intends to apply j westerly of the White Island Group, for a lease of the foUowlng described I Take notice that The Canadian Fish-foreshore: ! lng Co. Ltd. of Vancouver, B-C. occu- Commenelng at a post planted at a cement monument oh the North-west corner of Hsystack Inland: thence north chains; thence East 10 chains; thence South 8 chains, more or less to high water mart; thence soutn-westeriy. following high water mark, to point of commencement, and containing 8 acres, mere or less. THE CANADIAN FISHING CO. LTD per A H. Holland. " Agent. Dated Sept. 7th. 1030. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to apply to Lease Fores nore In Range 8. Coast District. Land Re cording District of Prince Rupert, and situate on an unnamed Island lying one mile North of Hsystack Island. Take notice that The Canadian Fishing Co. Ltd. of Vancouver, B.C. occupation Fish Packers intends to apply for a lease ot the following described foreshore: Commencing at a post planted on an unnamed Island approximately one-quarter of a mile North and one-half ot a mile West of Lot 693S K. 6 Cos thence West 5 chain; thence South 19 chains; thence East 8 chains more or leas to shore line; thence North westerly along high water mark to point of commencement and containing 8 acres, more or less. THE CANADIAN FISHINO CO. LTD per A Hi Holland. Agent. Dated Sept. 4th. 1930. LAND ACT i Notice ot Intention to apply to Lease roresnore In Range 8, Coast District. Land Re cording District or Prince Rupert, ann iiuaie on uie cast snore -a uunaas u-snd opposite Oreen Island Lighthouse. ma notice tnat.Tne Canadian waning Co. Ltd. of Vancouver. B.C. occupation Fish Packers intends to apply for a lease of the following described foreshore: Commencing at a post planted at hlghwater mark on the Ban shore of Dundas Island, opposite Oreen Island Lighthouse: thence East 8 chains; thenar North 10 chains; thence West 8 chain more or less, to high water mark: thence Southwesterly along high water mark to point of eonunenceirtent and containing 8 acres, more or less. THE CANADIAN FISHING CO. LTD per A, H. Holland, Agent Dated fa-pt. 6th. 130. LAND ACT Notice ot Intention to applv to Leas Foreshore In Caasiar District Land fieeordlac District of Prince Rupert, anj attnase on Dog- Fish Bay on Portland Canal. Take notice that The Canadian Pishing Co. Ltd.. ot Vancouver. B.C.. occupation Fish Packers intends to appl tor a lease ot the .following described foreshore: Commencing at a post planted at the Nertb west comer post of Lot 62 Casslar, thence t chain Wt to high water mark; thenoe South 10 chains: thence East 10 chains; thence North 1 chains more or less, to high watar mark; thence North westerly along Mgh water mark to point of eonunencetoent; and containing 8 acres, more or less. THE CANADIAN FISHING CO. LTD per A. It. Holland. Agent. ' Dated Sept. 8th, 1930. LTnd'aCi -Notice of Intention to apply to Leaae Foreshore In Rahte 8. Coast District. Land Re cording District ot Prince Rupert, and situate on the South end of Haystack if'sna. is mile North east 01 tbt South east Take notice that The Oanadlaa Fish-' corner, lng Co. Ltd., of Vancouver, B.O, oeett- Take notice that The Canadian Fish-patlon Fish Packers Intends to apply lng Co. Ltd, ot Vancouver, B.C, occu-for a lease ot the following drerlbe1 patlon Fish Packers Intends to apply foreshore: I for a lease ot the following described Commencing at a post planted at the foreshore: south-esst corner of Hsystack Island: Commencing at a post planted one-thence South 8 halns: thence West 10 1 quarter of a mil North east of the Chains; thence North 8 chains, more cr R-uth east comer of Zsyas Island: less to high water mark; thence South- thenre North east 10 chains; thence easterly, following high water mark to South nut 8 chslna; thence south west point of commencement, and contain- 10 chains; thence North west 8 chains lng 8 acres, more or less. I and containing 8 acres, more or less. THE CANADIAN FISHINa CO. LTD THE CANADIAN FISHINO CO. LTD. per A. H. Holland. Agent. per A. II. Holland. Agent. Dated Sept. 7th, 1630. Dated Sept. 1st, 1930. WAS AU- I LITV! AFTVAlO 1 XT (nil 1"H Titian Ttilurt Strrtn. Strvtn. Im., Ortst Oust Brttsts Brttsts rtfMt rtiMt rtHrvnl rtwrvxl LAND ACT Notice of Intention to apply to Lease Foreshore In Range 8, Coast District. Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, anl sttuato on the South west ihore cf Wales Island, opposite The Proctor Islands. Take notice that The Canadian 7:s.!-lne Co. Ltd. of Vancouver. B.C., occu pation Fish Packers Intends, to appljj tor m lease ot tae renewing owenwr foreshore: Commencing at a post planted cn the South West shore of Wales Island, opposite the Proctor Islands; thence West 10 chains: thence North 10 chains thence East 8 chains more or less, to high water mark; thence South easterly along high water mark tolnt of commencement and containing a acres more or less. THE CANADIAN FISHINO CO. LTD. . 'per A. H. Holland, Agent. Dated Sept. 1st. 1930 LAND ACT patlon Fish Packers Intends1 to apply for a lease of the foUowlng describe! foreshore: Commencing at a post planted at the south entrance to a Bay lying about 5 mUes south east of the most westerly of the White Island Group; thence Norin aest 10 chains; tnence uoutn wait 8 chain, thence South east 10 chains; thence North east 8 chains snd containing 8 acres, more or less. THE CANADIAN FISHING CO. LTD. per A. II, Holland, Agent. Dated Sept. 1st, 1930. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to apply to Lease roresnore In Range 8, Coast District, Land Re cording District of Prince Rupert, and situate on Zayas Island of West shore line, 1 and one-quarter miles south of tne nortn wes', corner or tne island. Take notice that The Canadian Fish ing Co. Ltd.. of Vancouver, B.C. occu pation Fish Packera Intends to sddit for a lease' of the foUowlng described roresnore : Commencing at a post planted 1 an-t one-quarter miles south of the North west cornei of Zayas Island; thence North east 10 chains; thence West .8 chains; thence South west 10 chalni; thence East 8 chains and containing 3 acres, more or less. THE CANADIAN FISHING . CO. LTD. Dated Sept. 4th. 1930. per A. 11. Holland. Agent . LAND ACT Notice of intention to apply to Lease Foreshore In Reuse 8, Coast District. Land Recording District of Prince Ruoert. and sltts.iBarUettTPfrns 6a, the South west or waies isuna. Take notice that The Canadian Fishing Co. Ltd.. of Vancouver. B.C occupation Fish Packers Intends to apply for s lease of the foUowlng described foreshore: Commencing at a post planted at Bartlett Point, oa South West shore of Walett Island, thence West 3 chains: tlience South 10 chains; thence East 10 chalnv to high water mark; thenre north westerly following high water mark, and containing 10 acres, more cr THE CANADIAN FISHINO CO. LTD. per A. H. Holland, Agent Dated Sept. 7th. 1930. MND ACT Notice of Intention to apply to Leate roresnore ; In Range 8. Coast Dinrk-t. Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, anl situate on the West shore of the most westerly of White Island Oruup, 1 and one-half mUea west ot the Arnlstoo Point, Dundu Island. Take notice that The Canadian Fishing Co. Ltd.. of Vancouver, B.C, occupation Fish Packers Intends to apply for a lease of the foUowlng descrtted foreshore : Commencing at a post planted on North west corner of the most westerly of the White Island Oroup. thenei. south 10 chains; thence West 8 chains; thence North 10 chains; thence East t chains snd containing 8 acres, more or leas. THE CANADIAN FISHING CO. LTD. per A. H. Holland. Agent. Dated September 6th. 1930 MND ACT Notice ot Intention to apply to Lease Foreshore cording District df Prince Hupert. - a3 situate on Zayas Island, one-quarter f MR-JlGGS- I'M DOCTOR OR II cuTTup-toOR wire S J) UMT MS HERE-5)HE TUL. ME VOU ARE GtTTlMq 0 CRObA.5HU MO COM TKOU O' i , J . V Prince Rupert 1 School of Music Fall Term Begins September 2 II. AUBREY PRYCE Professor and Teacher of Violin and Piano. Orchestra Practice Tudsdayi and Fridays. Telephone 674 Wood and Coal Cheer up! The best was coming. Now It's Here Try our new coal just arrived CASEY'S CARTAGE & FUEL CO. Telephone 303 MRS. JA5IES CLARK Palmistry and Crystal Wading ' While HouSe-ttS Second Ave'K Telephone 767 am ' w..-rr'i s tmuiw TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIRY FOR SKEENA BRAM) Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FRESH PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM DAILY Early Delivery Throughout the City . VI i w-i i I ' ft KEEN A MND RtCtlRDINO IIMTRICI Take notice tharq.H0 Iritlso iuj-J bla Fishing & Peking Company. Ltd of Vancouver, B.C., occupation,, flsl i packers. Intends to apply for a lease 31 1 the following described foreshore, situ- ; ate on Naas Harbour, fronting on Lot 1 ' Range 8. Coast District: Commencing v . a pest planted on the east aide, of Nas 1 HarbquK. .thence welt It chains, more r ; less, to the opposite shore: ' th'ehcr i southerly, easterly, and northerly, fol- , lowing high water mark, to the point of l qemmencement, and containing twenty- j five acres, more or 'less'. Dated Sth August; fM Agent i BRITISH CO! P. CDj LTD iiL IN THE SUPREME OOwHT OH BRITISH COLUMBIA;,; IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF HENRY MANUEL .RICHARDSON, Defeased. I NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all creditors and other person having any : claims or demands against the estau or Henry Manuel menarason. Testator. ; late of Prince Rupert, in the County . of Prince Rupert, Deceased, who died ' on the Snd day ot August 1930 a:.d whose will was proved In the Prince Rupert Registry of the Supreme Cour ot British Columbia on the 33rd day of October 1030 by Alex Strachan ct Prince Rupert, B.C.. Laundry afanag-.; the only Executor therein naaaert who had not reaouncrd. are bars? required" to sand Dsrtlculaaa in limy: of tifatt claims and dcatands , to ua .tw.yjutecili signed solicitors tors Tor the said "wairjri; on or before the 31st day of January 1931 at the unsr-BoentipBed addrs afttr which date the said Executor "wW proceed to dlefrrouta the tatfcw of the said Henry Usauct Richardson deceased amongst tee parae eatsus snereto ; havfe? regard only to the stelma and I drnnfch f- which be ahn i nave had notice a the sola Bseeutor villi not be iiaDie for tne aamte or tne deceased, or any part thereof, so distributed to any person or persons of whose claim and ffenainda 1m shsll not then I hsve had notice. DATED this 1st day ot November. 1930. WILLIAMS, MANSON. OONSALE8 i As TAYLOR Beener Stock. Piinoe Rupert, B.C. ' Solicitors for the Executor. j Alex Strachan. I Dally News "Want Ad" brln quick rftulU. By Gorgr! NlOVs lR'. I'M MOT OFPKRAMa ANJV OONi'T I VJAM i ACrVlCC ROrJ rvW advice- I I IOH TCLUMffTHH ( ' J bECRETOO t KtvlOVAV llE BEEN) HV MARRICOTVJHNTV . .1 HA" T A NELSON'S SANITARY Beauty Parlor Croqtilgnole Permanent Wave, $750, Only genuine Rlnglette Supplies used.1 Also artistic Hair .Bobbing by Mr. Nelson. Expert operators to serve you in all branches of beauty culture. 211 Third St. Phone Blue SGI TYPEWRITERS No other value an apprwtrh the special REBUILT UNDERWOOD S75.00 Very easy trrms All other' mnkei fjom J I. 1.00 8KNDHTRAND ADDING MACHINES ( United Typewriter Co. Ltd. VANCOUVER. H.C Ray Oil Burner SAFE SILENT ECONOMICAL Sec me now WALTER LONGWILL Heating Engineer Phone 581 P. O. Box 730 ffSjRLlI pSJIL S Singer Sewing Machines On Easy Monthly Paymentt As low as $3.00 per month Cheaper to Duy than rent All makes of machines repaired. MeRAE BROS. LTD. " - " T Phone 566 Rupert Motors Garage and Service Station DODGE and BANTAM AUSTIN Distributors FENDEK AND BODY WORK A SPECIALTY Dr Alexander X-ItAY SLRVICE PHONE 575 DCS NEK BLOCK DENTIST a "I NEON ELECTRIC TUBE SIONS SILVXRSIDES BROS. Loeal Agency McMinusI L- 7 mr Ik. ' Hi 4 Mm i