III. Inspector W. R. Dunwoodie, New Assistant Superintendent, In City With New Division Head For Here Paying his first visit north in his new capacity as assistant superintendent of provincial police to which post he was recently appointed Inspector W. R. Dunwoodie of Vancouver arrived in the city on the Prince George trom the south and will spend a few days here before proceeding to the interior. Inspector Dunwoodie is one of the best known police officers in the province. Coming north with Inspector Dunwoodie was Inspector John who will take the place here of In-who wil Itake the place here of Inspector William Spiller who is going south on leave of absence owing to ill health. ADVERTISING COPY MUST BE IN EARLY Copy for display advertise- merits should be in the hands of the printers not later than 3 pjn. the day prior to publl- cation. This is necessary to en- 4 able bast positions to' be se- cured. No other tweet laitt to long, cost bo little or does o much for you. Promote good health when wed regularly after every meal. It deaniet teeth and throat, iweeteni mouth and breath, and strengthens the turns. Your health it aided while your pleas ure it served. Bratva- trcraTH Z3j -JC Dr Alexander X-RAY SERVICE PHONE 575 UESNER BLOCK DENTIST COAL Buy the real Coal our famous Edson and Cassidy. Wellington in any quantities. Also Bulkley Valley Hay, Grain and Robin Hood Flour. Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONES 58 AND 558 No substitutes the peak in quality Anliit-I)uch Budweiser Barley-Malt Syrup LIGHT OR DARK RICH IN BODY U NOT BITTER liniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiii PHILADELPHIA RTEAINS WORLD BASEBALL TITLE TWO SUCCESSIVE YEARS, (continued from pace. 10 to Haas in centre. No runs, one bit no errors. Philadelphia Earnshaw up and got great reception from crowd. He fanned, swinging wildly at pitch over his head. Withi two strikes cal'ed, Bishop walked. Dykes drove home run into lower deck of left field stands and scored Bishop ahead of him. It was line drive and sailed over Hfefey's head among spectators in stand. Cchriuie was out Frisch. to Bot-tomley on great play when Cardinal captain knocked down ball. feU with it and threw to first. Simmons grounded oat to Adam Two runs, one hit, no errors. Fifth Inning Cardtnals Qottomiey ground 4 out to Bishop who threw to' first Wilson fanned, swinging hard it all three strikes. Gelbert ftted oit to Haas in sort centre. Ho runs, no hits, no errors. Philadelphia With two strikes called, Foxx doubled to centre on hard drive caromed off Frttch's glove. Miller bunted to Bottomley and was out at first. It was a sacrifice. Foxx scored on Haas' sac-; rifle fly to Douthit. Boley filed out1 to Watkins. One ran. one hit, no errors. Slrth Inning St. Louis Blades batted for Johnson. Blades struck out with three balls called. He swung at first one. Douthit fouled oat to Cochrane. High batted for Adams and bounded out to Earnshaw who lumped into air and threw to first High playing third for St. Louis. No runs, no hits, no errors. Philadelphia Lindsey now pitching for St. Louts Earnshaw filed out to Hafey in left. Bishop walk ' i PAGE FOTO THE DAILY NEWS " ' ' ' ' '"" """ Police Official Is Visitor Here tt. lk' l W W ? I las 1 i 15 s I IK V CKvT V Frank Shaughnessy of Montreal. Canadian rugby coach, who is now coaching Princeton players in the Lateral pass, as he appeared at first practice of season. ed. Dykes hit into centre flied for two bases. Bis&op made third. Cochrane sent out .sacrifice fly to seorinc Bishop. Dykes held second. Simmons fled oat to Watkins In right. One rutC one hit, no errors. Seventh Inning . St. Louis Watkins bounded out to Bishop who threw to ftrtt. Frisch bounded to a rash aw and was cmt at first. Hafey hit into left field for two bases. Bottomley was walked. Wilson fouled out to Cochrane in front of stands at home plate. No runs, one hit, no error Philadelphia Foxx filed to Douthit in deep centre. Miller footed out to Wilson near stands, back to plate. Haas rolled out- to . Lindsey who threw ttf' first. No runs, no hits, no errostv Eighth Inning St. Louis Oeibert banted out unassisted. Orsattt batted for Lindsey. Orsattt was out on fast play by Foxx who took his smash past first and beat him to bag. Douthit bounded to Boley who made fast play on ball and was who threw to first. No runs, no errors. Philadelphia Boley bound! to Oeibert who threw to flat. Earn-rhaw flied out to DouV-lt who made fine running catch in deep centre. Bishop rolled out to first. No runs, no hits, no errors. Ninth Inning St. Louts High hit to right for ringle. Watkins talked. Frisch lined out to Foxx and Watkins was doubled at first. High resuined at second. High scored on Hafey' I two base hit to left. Bottomley I walked. Wilson filed out to Miller. ;One run. two h'ts. no errors. VANCOUVER WHEAT VANCOUVER. Oct, 8: Wheat was allots on thr local exchange uny at 70&8p. ir. the fourth. Bishop Thurber attenotcti to start an equallzingj 1 rally when he made the circuit of ' .hf bases, Hcwever, McMaekln and Palmer hit out and although Allen I mi . i ,4 , . iui io iiiai ne wai mini out jur leaving it too soon. In the iinal Inning, Tobey's team tried again to bring up their score. With only one out. MeCaffery istogtod to first and stole second but, whin R. Morrison hit the next ball, the winners closed the game with a brilliant double play, Glllls to Cross to Walters. Unger's Team J. Morrison p, B. Unger c. T. Marshall lb, A. Walters 2b, W. Cross 3b. Gillis ss, D. Arney rf. Brtdden cf, O. Hanson If. Tobey's Team W. Tobey p, Mc- Rae c, R. 'Morrison lb, T. McMeekin. 2b. . Thurber 3b, A. AHen ss. R. Wilson rf, P. Palmer cf, MeCaffery If. Umpire Mr oillHand.j ocosekeeper R. E. Anderson. A summary of the lese, which is conducted on a knocitout basis, to date: i First Half Unger won from Smith 7-3. Tobef woe from Hlckey 7-0. 8tlnh won from Unger 2-1. Stinech won from Tebey 2-1. Sttnech won the first half. Second Half ' . Smith won from Hlckey; J 4-1 1. Unger won from TobeyJ 61, The nxt gaane will be ' between' Smith and Unger. The winner of the second half will then play Stinech. the winner of the first half for the league championship. The next game of the High School Inter Class Soccer League will be played on Thursday afternoon when the Ma trie-Commercials will oaeet the Ten -Elevens. C.N.CRIB STARTED Canadian National Recreation Association cribbage league results: General Offices 18, Dry Dock Machinists 9. Round House 12, Station 15. Locomotive Shops 13, Dry Dock Steelnorkers 14. Car Shops 15, Freight Sheds 12. CARRY OFF CHICKS Th Mease Lodge elubrooms were crow ed teat night for the weekly knockout wtritt tournament. After 'ctofe an interesting play, Henri Letourneau anci J Letourneau pmfred as winners of the chickens which were offered as prizes. Coach Eskle Clark and Frank K ales, showing Football" Manager D lllon at Harvard and Jimmy Knox, coach, how the new football robot, or Uekling dummy, works. It Is a complicated system of springs and counterchecks which causes the dummy to run and dodge. LOCAL ITEMS Albert Farrow, steamboat Inspec tor; arrived in the etty on the Prince George this morning from Vancou ver, being here on official business. Clear weather during last night I H I 1 BHEI.ii.U . W .JAl UiLSeJ ' I and Dance i gr y j ATcriinmll : in am of Y "" jjjy jaisch Aotirtty In Athletic Line Go- ' KTmr$ fjSl 1 i Jn the inr School Softball itisBBBsKlfPwfsr qMPSPwi League 'onaef team defeated To- FiHsssPt IJI1bI' bey 6-1 on Tuesday afternoon. J L V JmNbbbkiIPI Jft I The game was uneventful until the rHiKS ir: i" bibbiIwI trrinl tanint, when, with bases full, x vNf "f yt? Walter Cross bit a three-bagger, 4X&aW rmi A ! Walters to score. Glllls and Unger M&Jfi&l ' i had already made runs. Pitcher To- I WMjf! 1 mf bey then regained control. Cross was a Kjar ' A tvLiiii Tgjrf Av caught on the next play as he tried 8 P V IjlP .'' ' 'f BSt "?nf- Tne next tw0 batters a New Gymnasium Fund Thursday and Friday, Oct. 9 & Commencing at 8 p.m. floors open at 7:30 and fun becins at once SPLENDID MUSIC, FUN, FROLIC AND DELIGHT: PLENTY OF SIDESHOWS brought the sharpest frost so tar ! this fall and ft was to few gardens In the city that dahlias, nasturtiums and other deHeate plants escaped being cut down. Mrs. A. R. Nichols and daughter. who have been spending several months at Ketowna and Vancouver, George e-ittth. returned to the city on. trie Prince ness. ii Approximately 200 Prizes valmi at $1000.00 Entrance fee of 50c includes chance in the biggest mammoth' drawing Prinei Icupcrt has known Tickets are an investment rather than a chance this mom in k : :n Mr. and Mrs. Id ward I,;p rived in she city on ! Oeorge thts morning fron. yet. Mr. Llpsett Is on i. i period tcai vIsHa to his Ik .. Change Washday Frowns to Smiles ! Put an ELECTRIC Pay Only 5 .00 down WASHER in your home frqlzt' advantage of the special terms now in fjj3 jjown ancj tjlq balance spread over two years. Traiform washday with an Electric Washer. What joy will be yours. What comfort. No more washtub hands. No more aching backs and wrists. The washer does the work; washes everything: from the heaviest to the flimsiest fabric, beautifully. Wide choice of models to suit all homes and purses. Northern British Columbia Power Company Limited