f lief I Imrday. October 8, 1930. as THE DAILY NEWS PAQE THREF 10th ANNIVERSARY OFfER 'SSM Dr. Wests 50c. Tool Brilr Ph'jnr- -Tr ileal Tlotrl SPECIAL 40c. leIMS to. Pioneer Drtigeisls Hioncs 81 & K2 Third Ave. Sivlh St Three Graduate Pharmacists FREE-kroduct:;ry Offer-FREE Hand Painted Enlargements FROM YOUR OWN SNAPSHOTS OR PHOTOGRAPHS. All sizes in OH, Water or Crayon Although we have a large number of customers throughout Northern B.C.. there are many who are not familiar with our rk. So as to th (roughly introduce our high class art work for it following iw!i weeks, to those who bring or send their snap-.v.'s wc will make a high gra Je hand finished painting, charging : r the cost of materials only. All work thoroughly guaranteed, livery within 30 days' or no charge. W- alw) cany the latest in polychrome frames fitted with , ilnr com x giusb 25 to 60 per cent lower prices quoted by V myouver mt ccnceins M.ne ;.lariu ' y u: order l r paintings or frames phone or nie for our prices and samples. WESTERN SALES CO. CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND p. o. not its SHIPYARD OI'iilCATINU O. T. l 20.U00-TON FLOATING duyuock Engineers. .Machinists, Jioilet makers, Illarksmiths, Pattern Makers. Pounder, Woodworkers, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACKTYLENfi WELDING Our I'lant Ik Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 386 PEMBINA EGG Delivered, Per Ton $12.00 MINEIIEAI) EGG Delivered, Per Ton 120 MINEIIEAI) LUMP Delivered. Per Ton . . . 13.60 FUKNITUKE and PIANO MOVING A Specialty HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 PHONE 580 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Haliintk Irum 1'r.ni'r Rupert l (M VAM'Ot'Vt'K. Vlt'TOMIA. Bm it ' !. Ila. ttf. Tuwjls.v. SJS) p.m. I 'ir VWt OI Kit, V ICTORIA. HulnlilV. M"l Hay. Hr. ...rMar mldnlsltt I'm A) HI. KM, ANYMX. TUW '.Bl. Nu.i. Illwr. I'ort (tlmpMMI. Hun-ilay. X."i p.iii. i I nd Avriiur II. M. SMITH a:'.t ITInce llupert. ILC TliroUKto tickeu old ta Vlctorii .1 sttl mid bga fheclcfd UjtlusI. io d;'. :;tton. OlM..i ii ".n'T.Mti.'i I B f COAST I STEAMSIlirS B. C. Coast Steamship Service 'itiiiriip SAILINGS FROM rillNCE IIUPBKT o Ketchikan. H'rangell. Juneau, Skagway October 1, 11, 22. !o Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle-September 24. Oc tober 5, 15, 26. Princess Mary- -Ocean Kalis, etc.. Vanoouver and Victoria, every Friday. 10 p.m. Atents For All Steamship Lines W. t. Orchard, General Agent, 3rd Ave., Prince Rupert. MioncSl. Local Items Glasses fitted by registered optometrist at Ileilbroner's store. lii JrYm-WWe)ju?.N. travelling auditor, arrived in the city on yesterday afternoon's train from the Interior. ... i Inspector James M. Tuppor, R.C. M.P., returned to the city on yes terday afternoon's train frum a' trip to the interior on official business. ' Why not ride comfortably 1.-. new cars. New Chevrolet ;,nd Mar quett. Anywhere in town 50c. SpeUl rates to end of New Read and back. Day and Night servic Phone 82. tf H.M.CiS. Vancouver, with Com modore Waiter Hose of Ottawa, chief of naval staff, on board, sailed at 8.36 this morning for a cruis- to the Queen Charlotte Islands. The destroyer will be back at thr first of next week to pirk up an ' take to Esquimau Hon. D M. Sutherland, minister of national de fence.' " " '' Moiorship NorcoJ, CaM. Qough. arrive Jn port at, j9 cjf0cjt this mprntng Irum KctfLin with a large 'Cargo of fish to discharg. here for transshipment East over the Canadian National Railway. The fish includes frozen halibu. and salmon and barrels of salt herring. ;alt salmon and salt black cod. After unloading, the Norco will return to Ketchikan. We Do Your Permanent Wave With the FREDERICS JIACHINE The result is not only beautiful, but lasting All Oar Worii Is Guaranteed La ParUeane Beauty Shoa 4th St. PlMne Ml or Greet) 7M DELUXE SERVICE la . ofoiffL TRAIN 9 i-ttnfr1 il jinalsiti Ntl nal tiiMiv vom lrtl sHMJlb or tl, MiHlrrffJ rqntrnnral , . . SaUltiu- frwm IVistrr ItutMrl SusmSmvi mn4 Thuradav 11.09 p.m. t inmHtr, llnr via nr TrM ilv Sawlnr to kt4ria i.ti.l Stnlllr. I r Hi r wart and nyoi Wad-w Miaya 440 ffaan. 1 ..f UVA ! Kfl.blV.an, . talatjai4 ' 4Q- l-.ni. vArr iittlnil. for North mni fiiaariiiirr l ralna mmr fVlnaa l(uirrl U rimonlan. IhlapaV anil Miinia Kal viy Kk lnttslH. atlncMtalay mmA Hal urtlHV Ht H.aO a.m rut i 'lt fnnl tnn tram n r m. At:c;iiKv n.r.A. rlB.r ltiMMrl W'-IS1 VVjiat an annoyance is the common COUgJtl Whether at home or in public, the person with a cough becomes a nuisance and a menace. And yet a cough is so easily relieved when you use Dr. Chase s SyAip of Linseed and Turpentine. Why not use this time-tested treatment at the first sign of trouble in your throat and avoid the annoyance and dangers of more serious developments. Baptist tea and h'.:ne cooking, home of Mrs. Hambliii. 4th Ave. East, tomorrow afternoon. 235 ; CNR. st'-amer Prince OeorgJ, jCapt. Harry Nedden. arrived ia i port at 11.45 this morning from I Vancouver, Powell River and Oc- ean Fulls and will sail at 4 o'ekto. , this afternoon for Any ox and Ket- ctkan whence she will return here southbound tomorrow evening. ;TAXi - PHONE 32 I Comfort. Courtesy and Safety J NHW CARS 1 JOHN GURVIC1I, Prop. 1 Day or Night Leo Contoli Jewellery Manufacturing and Repairine. Plating Wcrk. 120 Sixth Street , Mall Orders Solicited The Regal Shop Mr. and Mrs. John MeRae Preprtetass We solicit your patronage in tobaccos, candies, magazines, stationery, etc. To please you -ft" our arm. Courteous attention to all. i.i' 30 Bfeek Third Avenue Nest McCtymont's Office HOTEL ARRIVALS Central Hotel lMrV NtW MAN AOE.M EXT Mm Hatd; TnrH1i' Hamplr IhiMM: Hot ami CeW Watrr Fn lla Mf All. Trrlm anil Itmlf Rates SIM and Up M'KCIAl MONTHLY ItATI.S C. R. RIGGART & V DONALD ProjH-tir PHONE 51 t y Savoy Hotel -Btflafle Rnpen's leading family hotel. Hot ind eoid water hi all roonu A. J. l'Umil'iMME. Prop. Coi. of Fraser tnd Fifth Sts. j Savoy Mr. and Mrs. B. Pearce, Oceanic; Mrs. N. Brew and Douglas Brew, Hay sport; Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Dud- I oward. Port Simpson; F. W. B. El- jsterman, city. New Royal Hotel I fiarrtli. 'rny THf. Horn, hokth while fldl c r .lt! Yt-rr Steam Heat tie PMC IWV AND UP THeplioiN ai Royal J, Rutledgc, Cedai-vale; Charles W. Skeels and G A Taylor. Falls River; Al Oordon. Montreal; C. H. Underwood, CJJl.; J. L. Crawford city. ,Hn Boston Grill Large Cabaret SPECIAL DINNERS Thursdays and Saturdays D.NCING Every Saturday Night, 9 to 13 Dane Hall for Hire Accomodation for Private '" Parties rhone 15" Prince Rupert Dlnncnvare, china, crockery, glassware. Ileilbroner's Store. Mrs. A. 8. Lewis sailed yesterday afternoon on the Catala for Mrs.. Annette Stone si ternonn nn Urn Pfinf-pHfJSftrD' a brief business trip tpRjfar Mrs. R. L. Mcintosh arrived in the city on yesterday afternoon's train from her summer home a: Terrase. Annual general meetingjbf th Prince Rupert Billiard Association tonight at 8 pjn. in Empress So clal Club. 23d Qoldbloom's fine new coats and furs of all kinds are going 30 per cent, cheaper than they can b bought in the south. Repairs cleaning and remodelling done on the premises by skilled workers. MI LADY BEAUTY SHOPP 235 Mrs. C. H. Clay of Anyox, wh has been visiting here with her sor and daughter-in-law. Mr. and Mr; Homer Clay, Fourth Avenue East will sail by the Prince George thi afternoon on her return to th smelter town. The regular TflOJittfly ' buaines luncheon of the Gyro Club wa held in the Oommodore Cafe toda with President C. A. KirkendaU 1-the chair and a good attendant of members on hand. Business ha chiefly to do with the fort&com ling dance. I Mother Provincial Rustlca of t-j Sisters of Providence, who opera l St. Paul's Hospital in Vancouver ! and Sister Superior Nazareth of 8 Mary's Hospital, New Westminste who have been visiting in 8mith jers. arrived in the tfty on yeste; day afternoon s train from the lr Cerior and w'.'i sail for the sout on the Prbjce George tomorro night. ; Offers an attr active prtce on rEILMANEXT WAVES RLNpLETTC OR NESTLE WAVE ! For S6.00 From October 15 to October 31 See us and get free advice before ha ving your Permanent Wave. Telephone 655 Chas. P. Balagno Teacher of Piano Announces heJltUl'hM room1 for pupils (in class or private) who wish to jr?Yive their past work. ' Special attention given to beginners and adult pupils. 3t5 Fifth Ave. or Thene fir ten 20 "" mrrm i, n mi (mi 7 Vc '( .omejfuytae fwestfueZ There's only one defense against the cold weather and ; i - ,i -.ml that's the proper klfKLotoal. ( Buy a ton of ami fiomasW IV fire away at Old Man Winter. He'll quit on the run. Order a ton of coal today and note the haste that we display. Philpott, Evitt & Company Phone S18 31. 10 OF 'EM 10 near not: & xim SPECIAL BARGAINS THURSDAY MORNING DOORS OPEN AT 9 A.M. SHARP As quantities are limited in some lines, hurry! Don't be late for they are bargains of a lifetime. Merchants Retail Sale Service now MONTREAL IMPORTERS TO THE BARE WALLS Reg. $2.00 Men's Overalls-Extra special close out price Montreal Importers MEEKER BLOCK . ANNOUNCEMENTS St. Peter's Church Basaar Octo ber 9. Oddfellows bridge. dance, October 14. whist and Moose Bazaar. October 18. 17. Badm'nton Dance, I.ODJ. Hall October 17. Moose Whist Drive and Daqce October 24. Varden's Concert October 30. Royal Purple Bridge and Whist Series, next gome October 20. Hill 00 Bridge and Danoe October Eagles' Smoker November 4. OathoMa iBattfcBiNov. S and 6. Leif Erii ickson Whist Drive and dance November 5. Moose Whist Drive and Dane? November 7. Rupert East United Church Bazaar, November 13. Gyro Hoedown November 14. Presbyterian Bazaar Nov. 20. Anglican W. A. Bazaar1 'Dee! 2. "1 39c Reg. $2.50 Boys' Tweed Knickers GpK Extra special, close out price Reg. $1.00 and $1.25 Men's Silk Knit Ties J Extra special close out price Reg. $1.50 Men's Work Shirts Extra special close out price . 69c Reg. to $1.75 Women's Boudoir Slippers Extra special close out price OU Reg. 25c Men's Novelty Cotton Socks-Extra special close out price Reg. $1.50 Men's Rubbers, Goodrich and Miner Makes Extra special close out price 9c 95c Reg. $6.00 Men's Heavy Jumbo Knit Black Sweater Coats, Penman's 2? fyE Extra special close out price vWow Reg. 35c Children's Black Cotton Ribbed Stockings Extra special close out price . . Rep. $1.25 Men's Penman's Merino Underwear Extra special close out price . . 19c 75c Merchants Retail Sale Service in full charge Dandruff Crust Quickly Dissolved 'i' One after another, a million men and women have made this discovery; that this simple method does dissolve Um crast of dandruff; puts the tcalp in the pink of condition; makes hair soft, lustrous, thick and vigorous. Get a bottle of ''Danderine" from your. drug or toilet counter today. Put a little on your brush each time you dress your hair. Penetrating to the head, its soothing. aid soon has an itching, feverish scalp cool, comfortable, healthy. The crust of dandruff simply melts away. Daadruff k unsighllv. It is the cause of gravneu, baldoe dry, brittle, dud hair. When the scalp i froed from this irritating scurf. Danderine soon has the hair back in condition; soft, glossy, thick, vigorous and youthful-looking. Start on Danderine todnv and end hair worries. A thirty-five cunt bottle will demonstrate its merit! TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIRY FOR SKEENA BRAND Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FRESH PASTEURIZED MILK AND CHEAM DAILY Early Delivery Throughout the City