PACE srs THE DAILY NEWS not have extra LAMPSif - - 11 i ' r YOU provide extra silver, extra dinner pieces and extra linen in case of need. Keep extra lamps too. For you know from experience how inconveni' ent it is not to have "extras" to replace burned-out Umps. Edison Mazda glare-free Lamps give the full value of current consumed. Buy a handy carton, today. L-so EDISON MAZDA LAMPS A CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC PRODUCT Distributed By Northern B. C. Power Co. Ltd. Distributors Parkin & Ward Phone 125 W. R. Love Electric Co. Agents DEMAND "Rupert Brand" THE DAIMTIEST MtEAKFAST FO'JD Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. I'ltlNCE KUl'EKT. B.C. MmaoootiHMtoeoti ixkkk trotchpwaow wwwmothhkkhj ekkw a a a o 0 d I Want Ads S Let Them Do Your llrokcr in Duying ? and Selling I Somebody is watting to buy that house or bedroom d set, or cost you have to sell. Somebody Is waiting to u t,ell that car. or typewriter, or whatever else it Is yeu o .in in the market for. Oct the habit of shoortlne I Ihmueh the Want Ada. Voull ftnrt nniiriH .as undreamed of opportunities. Do your shODPtnc through these columns and see how profitable and pleasant it is. HEAD and USE PRINCE RUPERT cDAILf NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS Phone 98 "If it's fully told it's quickly sold" M0OOO0Wnc0f&iSH Try a Daily News Want Ad. GREAT NEED OF BUILDING FOR LIBRARY Magazine Table May Have to Be Excluded to Make Room For Rooks The need of a new library building was expressed la3t night when It was debated whether the big reading table would have to be turned out to make room for book- I cases or whether the present book cases could be stacked more closely together to avoid such a contingency. Miss Crulkshank, the librarian, was opposed to giving up the maga zines if it could be possibly avoided as she said they were used a great deal. After considerable discussion it was decided to leave the whole matter in the hands of the book committee to make recommenda tions at the, next meeting of the board. In the meantime the orders for new magazines are held up pending a decision. The regular nfbnthly meeting of ii e Auto Mecnanics union, acne dliled for last night, was postponed until later in t"e week. BUY Canadian Goods & Empire Products Support home industry by buyinjr Canadian eoods. Build your country and so help the people of Canada. We offer these SPECIALS for your consideration janaamn rmu sizes 4 ana i 5, 0 tins Canadian Cheese 3 lbs Canadian Macaroni 3 pkgs. 3ari&dian Biscuits Good assortment, 4 lbs Braid's Best Tea "The Best Yet' with each pound of Tea we are-of fering: a Cup and Saucer FKEE 3raldrTea per lb " " ' Orald's Coffee per lb , We recommend this line stock up your winter supply now Tomatoes Malkin's Best QCp VOl 2Vi's. 6 Una Tomatoes Malkin's Best CitZr 2's. 7 tins Mussallem Grocery Co Limited 417-433 5th Avenue East PHONE Ik AND 84 And see how it wUl harmonise the workings of your household. Some folks think of a woman's watch as a decorative piece of jewelry. Every one of our watches is a timepiece. Easy prices. We have a good running 15-Jeweled girl's watch in white or natural color gold filled at 7.50. Some fine quality latest model good substantial lifetime watches in gold filled, $20.00 to $25.00. And of course we have the fw'S'HHfimV'and Elgin froirt S30 to $65 110 SiTtIC STORE WITH THE CLOCK . aiiacks LOS Local Library Is Kept Busy Slight Increase in Number of Books Reported By librarian at Meeting At the meeting of the library "ward last night. Chairman O. V. Wilkinson presiding, the librarian reported a total circulation of books luring the month SentemM? ' 1 194 or a dally average of lj9.7. "his was mafle up of fiction 2644, duplicate pay 152, non-fiction 4 md Juvenile 915. There are now 3,003 registered borrowers. New book were received during the month, M by gift and 34 by purchase, but owing to discards ho total Rain was only 27. The number of volumes now on the shelves and in chculatton Is now approximately 7.325. Those present at the meeting m addition td the chairman were Al-lerman Linaey. Alderman Pullen. Mrs. KirkpatQck. Frank EHbb, J. J. lillies and the librarian. s -n 1 a . a 5C & HERBAL OINTMENT i MEDICINAL SOAP ll 50c nnuumivui uutj retain Give Your Wife A Good Watch IF j1.11 1 11 11 1 mm 1 a Cfic Mussallem's i 1 MEAT Market Loin Lamb-Chops Qflfa per lb Loin Pork Chops QA- per lb Loin Veal Chops- Sirloin Steak per lb 37Jeal- 50c Stew Lamb Shoulder Lamb Q-fl 6 lbs Shoulder Veal Gfl 5 lbs. ............ V-B. Shoulder Pork 4 5 lbs 91 Pork Sausage Mussalleni's Meat Market Phones 18 & 81 417 Fifth Ave. E. A 1HG OPPORTUNITY for those who want Tailor Made Suits See our windows for special 'low KcKiilar Prices "Reduced $5.00 to $15.00 Finest quality and latest patterns. Come In and see us today before It is too late. SUITS Special order complete and finished In three days. See Line the Cutter Ling, the Tailor TEACHERS' MEETING i Officers Elected at Meeting Last' Night-J. S. Wilson Again President ! Thr- annual meettnf? ol the Princ Rupert Teachers' Association took plac last evening in the Booth Memorial School, there beinp 35 member;; present. On behalf ii the Teachers" Association, the president, J. S. Wilson, welcomed new members of the t"ichinr staffs of the city and assured them of the dcire of the association to be of assistance to them. The secretary-treasurer presented financial reports showing the association to be strong financially. The president reported on the year's activities, one of the outstanding events being the visit of fcho general secretary of the B. C. Federation of Teachers, Mr Charlesworth. He referred to the happy relationships existing between the association and the board of school trustees, and the inspector. He stressed particularly the value of the monthly meetings esiiecially these addressed by members of the teaching staffs. The membership last year was the high est on record with a total of 36 out if 36 t-achers in the city. In con-iusion Mr. Wilson thanked the members of the executive and of ;he refreshment committee for their hel iful co-operation. A very hearty vote of thanks was warded the president for his enthusiastic leadership during the y The election of officers for the entu:ng year resulted as follows: PresldentJ. 8. Wilson. Vice-president Miss E. A. Mercer. Secretary-treasurer A. Halleran. Kxecutlve committee Miss N. Rivett, Miss M. 8hiel, Harry QU1I-land, D. H. Hartness and Eric Dee. Pres.? correspondent J. 8. Wilson! Meetuigs will be held alternately In the Booth and Borden Schools and conveners of the refreshment committees for their respective schools were elected. Miss 8. A. Mills for Borden 8treet and Miss Caroline Mitchell for Booth School. A hearty vote of thanks was accorded the retiring executive Special appreciation was voiced of the work of the retiring secretary-treasurer. W. W C. O'Neill, who asked to be relieved of the po-slt)pii after four years of service, lit? request was acceded to with regret. The serving of refreshments brought the meeting to a close and gave the new members of the 1 .!'! .VII". 1 mgggtm Wednesday, October r ig3t, Wednesday & Thursrtm TWO SHOWS 7 and i) P.M. Colin Clive in IP 1? A Sensational All-talking War Drama Tiie New York Times says "One of the most powerful and i- ,a tlful dramas of recent times." No person in Prince Ktinert should miss seejn this picture. S. P. McMordic nnnnw pnnfiE "SPANISH onioxk" jj Admission 20c. and C3c. Feature States at 7:10 & 1 t ,rA. , THUKSDAY MATINEE. 1; VgU OCT. IltoflG Feature starts, 2:40: 15c K 1, fl'cSSMTYl fkidav & sATimn w HVEEK -I "The Big Ponf rmTrnm 1 nr-" . . . p,- teachin-; staffs an opportunity to become acquainted. : Those present were Miss A. A. Plerc:, Miss J. Macdonald. Miss De-1 laney. Miss P. Gwyer. Miss O. E. j McArthur. Miss M. Palmer. Miss J. . D. Moffatt, Miss 8. A. Mills. Mlssj McKay Miss N. Rivett, Miss M. I 8hiel. Miss E. Vickers. Miss HalU-j well. Mis.- E. A. Mercer. Miss Jessie ( Rothwell. Mrs. B Walker. Miss M. I Hartin, Miss Caroline Mitchell, Miss ' Phyllis Lamb. Miss Morrison. Miss E. P. Orassle, Miss Mary Baathope, Miss Ed gee um be. Miss Margaret McOulre. Miss Maud McOuire, Miss Roe. Miss White. D. II. Hartness. Harry Oilliland, J. W. Plommer. Fordyce Clarke. W. W. C. O'Neill, A. Halleran and Eric Oee. Express Regret Library Board Loss of Member Wwds el Appreciation of Services f Mrs. Kiripatriek Cxpresaed At Meeting At the regular meeting of the library board held last night in the libra ny building, the members said fareifell to Mrs. Klrkpatrtck. Q V. Wllkinscn, chairman, said this was an occasion that could not be allowed to pass without some remarks of appreciation from him of the work done during the past sewn years hy Mrs. Klrkoatrlck. Slw : active on the board and other walks of life in Pi:i uert. She was the first w Canada to sit as a member : council and her influent h ways been felt. Alderman Pullen said in 1 the board should paas 1 f 1 solution of regret. Mrs Kkk had bean always faithful work even when others wm ed to shift the burden He: ure would be very greatly ted. not only by membor board but by many others city. Frank Dibb also spok datively of Mis. Klrkpatnt vices to the community in ing the motion. D0H7 SUFFER WITH DANGEROUS INOISESliUM Do you laffrr after mc.l v 1 belcltiivy, from tottr anH anM Many believe they have Ih-jii 1 and tremble with iear, expi minute to drop dead. This can br prevented, likewise rc !i Take Carter's Little Lm : after meals and neutralize tl: Sweeten the aour and arid Mom . Itcve the sat and cncouraici ! . The stotaacn. hver and l 1 . be cleansed of poison, pami OMgerout tndigettion diiari".i; the system enjoys a tonic eftiri 1 delay. Ask vow drugai.t for . , pkg. of Carter' Little Lvcr PUi Do You Play Bridge 9 9 r' 1 A -A . .v. - THE chap Wlio ororbld his hand always losut hi 10 long run. No iwrson can continually bid what ho hain't got and make it. Business in one way is something like a gamo of biidgo . . . with merchants and manufacturers playing for your patronage. You want furniture and breakfast foods, books and clothes, radios, cigarettes and toys, groceries, fruits, vegetables, etcthey want to soli you thoirs. Thoy bid with advertising. The merchant who advertises' an unworthy product can't win. He-toimply inducing more people to find out in a shorter time how poor it is. He is overbidding his hand, and is bound to get set- Losing is too costly . . dopend upon it, products that are advertised. must bugqodl The ndvrtistiTientsJihis newspaper arc guides to the finest! worchanjif olovcry sort, merchandise carefully and faithfully RnaTlef certain, honest value. You effn' trust the manutacturers who write thorn. It pays to read the advertisements. They arc bids backed by products that can compete in the open . . . and win. . 0 1.1 u u 0 BBiniBiiiiaiBiBiifBiBiainisi Second Avenue Phone 019