'nesday, October 8, 1930. w TUB DAIL7 REW3 PAGE FTV1. Uassilied Auve rtisements. Business and Professional Men s Guide. oiices. AN IDLE ROOM MAY BE TURNED INTO A TMJjAimJj NEWS,M RENT AD. ft F SITUATIONS WANTED WORK by hour or day. i Qieen 471. 317 tn v.ule man. with one child, .' Id like pofftlpo as jantter or for .ill-taker. Needrk badly; Ap-!y Hox 51, DalftrNews Offfc. the 237 IIELP WANTED W WTED Reliable man with car a&o direct factory representative in Prince Ilupert and nearby countries. No experience necessary. Willing to start on reasonable basts. Synero Motors Co., 10G3 Dleury 3treet, Montreal. on 235 FOR RENT lor FIVE roomed flat for rent. Phone 1 st Blue 345. l! 1 i i ii i ,g ' FIAT FOR RENT Wallace Bloclr, htvt Enquire store. tf i FOR RENT 213 Fourth Ave. East. Modern. Furnished. 287 FURNISHED FLAT, 4 rooms and i bath. Phone 547. u FOR RENT Furnished room, board optional. Phone 543. FOR RENT Modern Hat, kitchen range. Weatenhaver Bros. tf FOR RENT Furnished suite, two tor rooms. Phone Mnssalkm Grocery. (tf) of FOR RENT Httuaekfenlng rooms by day, week or month. Phone Red 607. tf " - FOR RENT nine-room flat close In Bath, moderate rental We ten -haver Bros, tl FOR SALE FOR Quick Sale Davenport. Phone Red 103. A real bargain. 235 FOR SALE Walnut finished cabinet heater, almost new. Apply Mrs. Oration, above Dollar Stoie 5 between 4 and 6. 2M FOR SALE Monarch range, latest model. In splendid condition, also McClarys Royal Quebec brick-lined heater. Phone Red 767. 236 FOR SALE Peterborough beat, new, never in water, price $200.00. Call evenings No. 1 Summit Apartments or Phone Blue 909 between 6 and 7. 2S5 PRICE REDUCED The price 'it the launch Owen is reduced to mm n..iv uU Tints is t Ha i f asuu iui Mu. " best nuy on uie marker, xiutun reentlv recently re-bored re dotbu and ami new ring " installed. Pullen, DaUy News, w I BOARD AND ROOM BOARD and Room. Phone Black 707. u MISCELLANEOUS SILK Stockings mended, 513 Sixth Avenue East. NEEDLEWORK HEMSTITCHING. Mrs. Feasbjr. Phone Red 315. LOST LOST- Man's black wallet pocket-book containing;, pap a"1 Howard. Phone 130. ?W LOST October 1, large pocket book containing valuable papers name Inside folder, George Eliassen. Finder please notify Burns & Company. Rewajd. FOUND POUND Motorej-cje ky.,Qwojr may have same by calling at the Daily News and paying for this advertismcnt. To Rent Cosy Two & Three Roomed Apartments Free ise tI electric light and washer Rentals $10 to $16 monthly DYER APARTMENTS 3RD AVE, hi Hi 3n LAMlACT Notice OJ Intention to If to Leass Foreahora In Casslsr District Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate Dog Fish Bay on Portland Canal. Take notice that The Canadian. Fishing Oo. Ltd., ol Yanouuver. B.C., occupation Flan Packer Intends to apply a lean of tfca following, desoflbed forashore: . , .. - t V Commencing at a post planted ai North west oorner post ol Lot eat Caaslar, thence. 1 chain West to high water mark; thence South 10 chains: tbene East 10 chains; thence North 3 chains more or less, to high water mark; thence North westerly along high water mark to point of commencement , containing S acres, more or less. THE CANADIAN FTSH1NQ OO. LTD per A. H. Holland, Agent. Dated Sept. 5th, 1930. IMilt ACT Notice ol Intention to apply to Lutte Foreshore In Casslar District Land Record I bs District of Prince Rupert, and situate Dog Fish Bay on Portland Canal. Take notice that The Canadian Fishing a Oo. Ltd-, of Vancouver. B.C.. occupation Fish Packers Intend to apply a lease of the following described foreshore: Commencing at a post planted at the South west corner ol Lot 637 HiMlar nistrtrt: thru West 5 chalxh: theoee North 10 chains; thence Bast rJuina mnw r lass to hlf h watar marki thence South westerly following! BffttAt msrr ti twtlnt. nf NunmMimv. aunt; and containing 5 acres, more or THE CANADIAN FISHINO CO. LTD. per A. H. Holland, Agent. Dated Syt. 6th. 1980. LAM act , . , to Lea- Not, of apply In Range i, Coast District, Land Resorting District of Prince Rupert, and iltuate on the West shore of Dundss Island. I miles South east of the most wectcsly of the White Island Group Take notice that The Canadian Flah-Inc Oo. Ltd.. of Vancouver. BC, oocu- patlon Man Packers intends to apply a lease of the following describe:! Oammenctng a a post planted at the mitjt nt.n tA Rav Irlms anout b miles south east of the most westerb tfce White Island Group; thence Knrtk Mt to kJmlIds: thssica South i Ti umbm Hmith ssut 10 .mini. um. Mont! mm S ohalna and I containlns S acres more or leas. THE CANADIAN FISHINO CO. LTD. per A. H. Holland.- Agent. Dated Sept. 1st. 1990. LAND ACT Notice of Intesttlott to apply to Leas Foreshore. In Range S, Coast District. Land Re-ooMHnf rDsirlrt of Prtnee Rupert, and annate on the North end of Haystack Tale netsss that The Canadian Flah- Ukf Co. Ltd. of Vancouver. BC. occupation Flah Packers Intends to apply far a lease of the following describe.' tarealMfe: Commencing at a post plan tad t remecn monument oh the .North-west corner of Hejetack Itlaad; theoee north chains, thence East 10 chains; thence South S chains, more or leas to high water aaark; thence south-westerly, following high mater mark, to polm of commencement, and containing S acres, more or Jess. THE CANADIAN FISHINO CO. LTD. per A. B. Holland. Agent. Dated Sept. 7th. 1900. l.ANIi ACT Notice of In teat lea to apply to Lease In Rsnae 6. Coast District. Land Re oordlns District of Prince Rupert, and situate on the South end of Haystack Island. Take nottoe tfcat The Canadian Flah- lsw oo. Ltd.. of Vancouver, B.C.. oocn palton Flah Packets intends to apply for a lease of the following described orsshoss : Onamnetng at a post planted at the south-east corner cf Haystack Island: thsttot South S halns; thence West 10 Jchatos! thenoe North 8 chains, mora tr less to hiaii water mark; thence South sertettr. iaMcwAag Blah watar mark to point cf iisanmsiMieaH mi ana contain ing s aorea. mora cr uss. THE CANADIAN FIBRTNO CO. LTD. fx aTh. Holland. Agent. Dated Sept. 7th. LASI ACT Notlos of Intention to apply to Lease In Range S. Coast Distnot, Land Recording metric at Prince Rupert, and attuata on Xhe West thora of the mast wsstam of wne iMtoa uroup, i a otte-bait miles wast of the Arnlaton paint, OtWSas Island Take notice that The Canadian Fish lne oo. Ltd.. of Vancouver, B.C.. oosu nation Flah Paekers Intends to apply tor a lease of the following deaorlbed foreshore: Ooaatorttolag at a post Planted on North west oorner of the moat westerly of the white Island a roup, thane south 10 eh sine; thenoe wast 5 chains thsnos North 10 chains; thence East 1 chains and containing S acres, more or lass THE CANADIAN FWHINQ CO. LTD. per A. H. Holland. Agent. Dated September 6th. 19S0. Ii LAX IT ACT Notice of Ihttmtlofl to apply to Lease Foreshore In Range 6. Coast District, Land Re cording District of Prince Rupert, anq. situate on Zayas Island of Wert shore I line, 1 and one-quarter miles south of the north west corner ol the isiana. Take notice that The Canadian Fish Ing Co. Ltd-jOl Vancouver, B.C., occupation FMh ."Packers Intends to apply tar a lease of the following described foreshore: Commencing at a post planted 1 and one-quarter miles south of the North wast oorner of Zaya Island; thence North east 10 chains: thence West 8 chains; thence South west 10 chains; thance East chains and containing 5 acres, more or lees. THE CANADIAN FISHING CO. LTD. per A. H, Holland, Agent. Dated Sept. 1st. 1930. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to apply to Lease Foreshore In Range S. Coast District. Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, an? situate on Zayas Island, one-quarter cf mile North east ol the South eat corner. Take notice that The Canadian Fish ing Co. Ltd.. of Vancouver, RjC., oecit- peUpn Fish Packers lni to apply lorn aease or uit ion 4sarib! foletfllon e : 1 Commencing at post KlanW one- qutstar of a mlli Nrtieaet of the Boftfet east eoroeil of IsltiuL theiWk lorth east 10 (Hates! thence South east 6 chalrfe; the south west 10 chains; thence (North; west 5 chain tSBirCBntklning 9 Sim, more or less. THE CANADIAN f IBH1NCJ CO. LTD. per A IL Holland, Agent. Dated Sept. let, 19B0. LAND ACT Nottoe of Intention to apply to Lease Foreshore In Range 5, Coast District, Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, am situate on the. Bast shore of Dundss is land opposite oreen Island Tightnons? . Take notice that The Canadian Fish ing Co. Ltd.. of Vancouver, BC occupation Flah Packers intends to appi;. for a lease of the following describe? foreshore: Cosameivclag at a poet planted at higbweter mark on the Bast shore of Dundss Island opposite Oreen latent Lighthouse; thence Bast 5 chains; tfaenoe " ewsaas; new neei obsub mot or less. io man thence Southwesterly aJonfl high watei mark to point of oomnrw hinot and JHt CAKMHAH ll OO. LTD. per - A: Dated Sent. Sth. 13S0. L.M ACT Notice of Intention to apply to Lease Foreshore In Ranae B. Coast District. Land Re cording District of Prince Rupert. a situate at Barttett Point. 00 w Sotrtl wsat oi vetoes ussg. Xaha notice that The Canadian Flan ins Oo. Ltd.. of Vancouver. B.C ooou pation Fish Paekers Intends to apply tor a lease or the following describee: foreshore: Ocmmenclng at a post planted .a: Baruett msni. on aontn west snore oi Wales Island. , S chll thenoe South 10 Cham; -OceJ&stJM shams to high water, marki' ' Tkenfr :xrtb westerly follosnng nlrh IMttf mars:, ana oontaimng iu aerea iwre er ts. THE CANADIAN FISHINO CO. LTD per A. H. Holland, Agent Dated Sept. 7th, IBM. LAM ACT Notice of Intention to apply to Least- foreshore la Baaae S. Coast Distrtot. Land Re cording District of Prinos Rupert, aw situate on an unnamed leianfl lyuu. .nt mile North of Haystack isitno Take notice that The Canadian Flah tag Oo. Ltd.. of Vancouver. B.C. occn patioa nan packers intends to apply tor a seaae ot the following oeseribec lonahore: Cocamsmolng st a post planted on an nnnamem island snnroxunateiT one ausrter of a mile North and one-hall of Ku West of Lot 0999 R. I Coast incooa wen a cnami uwnce wnun i wnsr thenoe nast a cnatas more ess to shore line; taenfe North westerte long high water mirk to point of oommenoasBent and cantalnihg s acre" more or less. THE CANADIAN FISHING; CO. LTD. per a. H. iiouana. Agent. Dated Sept. 4th, 1990.1 T SKEENA UVM) KECOItDINO DISTR1C1 Take notice that the British Colum ilk Fsthttw ce Packing company, Ltd if Vancouver. B.C., occupation, fls leekem, Intends to apply for a lease he following described foreshore, sltu vta on Naas Harbour, fronting on Lot lanre B. Coast District: Oommenolog tt i post planted on the east side of Nats Harbour, thence west IB chains, more or ess, to the opposite shore; thenoe outherly, easterly, and northerly, fol wiag high water mark, to the point cf ommencement, and containing twenty1 five acres, more or lees. Dated 9th August, 1930. J. H. Bushnelt. Agent BRITISH COLUMBIA FISHINO tt PACKINQ CQ.. LTp BRINGING UP FATHER Steamship Sailings For Vancouver- Sunday ss. Pr. Rupert 10 pin. Sunday ss. Prince Charles p.m. Tuesday sa. Catala .. iSO pm. Thursday ss. Pr. George 1Q pan, Friday ss. Prl. Maqulnna 10 p.m. 6 ss. Cardena, 12 midnight Oct. 5 ss. Prin. Louise ....pm. ' Oct. 15 ss. Prin. Louise pin. Oct. 28 ss. Prin. Louise .pjrt. From Vancouver Sunday ss. Catala 4 pjn. Wed-ss. Pr. George ....10.30 am Friday ss. Cardena pj. Friday 6a.Pri. Maauinna, 4 pjn. Satur. ss. Pr. Rupert, 10:30 ajn. Oct. 11 ss. Princess Louise a.m. Oct. 22 ss. Princess Louise a.m. For Naas River and Port Simpson Sunday ss. Catala 8 p xa. From Naas River and Port Simpson Tuesday ss. Catala .... 11.30 ajn. For Stewart and Premier- Sunday ss. Catala .. 8 pan. Wednesday ss. P. George 4 pjn. Saturday ss. Pr. Rupert 4 pjn. From Stewart and Premier- Sunday ss. Prince Rupert 8 pan. Tuesday ss. Catala ....1130 ajn. Thurs. ss. Prince George 8 pjn. For Ocean Falls Sun. ss. Prince Rupert 10 pjn. Thurs. ss. Prince George 10 pjn. Friday ss. Pr. Maqulnna 10 pju. From Ocean Falls Wed.--ss. Pr. George 10:30 ajn, Friday ss. Pr Maqulnna 4 pjv ss. Cardena -...pjasw Satur , ss. Pr. Rupert 10:30 a.. For North Queen Charlottes Satur. sa. Prince Charles noon From North Queen Charlottes- Sunday ss. Prince Charles pjn. for South Queen ' Charlottes- Monday ss. Pr. William, 8 pjn. From South Queen Charlottes. o-Thura. ss. Prince William, ajn "jSatur ss. Prince Charles ain. or Alaska Satur.-ss. Prince Rupert 4 pjn. Oct 11 -as. Princess Louise ajn Oct. 22 ss. Princess Louise zjr. From Alaska- Sunday ss. Prince Rupert 8 pjn. bet. 5 ss. Princess Louise pm Oct. 15 ss. Princess Louise p.m Oct. 22 ss. Princess Louise pm. From Skeena River- Friday ss. Cardena pm For Anyox and Alice Arm- Sunday ss. Catala 8 pm. Wednesday ss. Pr. George 4 pm. From Anyox and Alice Arm Tuesday ss. Catala ....11:30 am. Thurs. ss. Prince George 8 pm. LAND ACT Notice of Intention V apply to Cease Pareehora In Ranae 6. Coast Dlstrtat, Land Re cording District of Frinee Rupert, anl sstuate on the (MW past snore oj YJes Island, opposite The Proctor Is lands. Take nottoe that The Canadian Flah iM Oo. LWU of Vanooutwr. BC, occu pation Flah Packers intends to appl) tor a lease of the following described fereehore: Commencing st a poet planted or (he South West shore of Wales Island opposite the Proctor islands: tnencr West 10 chains; thenoe North 10 chain- thenoe Baat B chains store or lest tr high watar mark; thsnos South aast eriy along high water mark tolnt of eommenoement and ormtainlng 8 acre) more or leas. THE CANADIAN FISHINO 00. LTD per V H. Holland, Agent, Dated Sept. 4th, 1930. f VJELL V CMAMdEO I I THIUK DADOV NtaO HVO 11 T BY dOUCf- THE TICKETS SETTER CO IKl AMD SEE TMOOCjHT THAT AAA.IN1 TO PLEAbB Y MOTHER "bOMETHlMO VnLtZ -ER TA.K'fl ' MAGGIE W51L - i S WR.OKIG- r-afMr-rr LtSSoM"? M SAIL OKI THE rJ ' st&WE S 1 KSKJCH f , t. r . 1 .' Cratt Britain rtf fcus ctvr -u . Oct. llie . Ad, .reading, habjt., $ CHIROPRACTIC Sunshine and Red Ray Treatments Nervous. Female and Children' Diseases Specially treated W. C. ASPINALL (Chiropractor) Phone Green 241 & 7 Exchange Blk. (Opp, Orme's) STEAM BATHS 204 6th Street- Phone Black "G4 Opposite Prince Rupert Hotel Ladies from 2 pm. to 9 pm Gents, from .. 10 am. to 10 pm SECOND-HAND DEALEKS New and Second-Hand Goods Bought, Soldior Exchanged W. H. lylontgomery 3rd Avenu fejA'hone Blue Say Hunt's Furniture & Upholsby The Store of Quality-Complete House f urnishings Terms Arranced G. M. HUNT Third Avenue, Phone Red 637 LAND RBOUamtT ACT NOTICE Re: Certificate of Title No. 2&91-I to Lota Twenty-three (33) and Twenty-four (34). Block Seventeen (17), Section SUt (8). City of Prince Rupert. Map OSS. WHKBSAft satisfactory proof ot lost of the. above. Certificate of Title Issued m the name or jonn uoroon nas oeen Mate-; in.1 HSrt OWlce notice la hereby ghren that I shall at the eptratlon of ohs month from the am day of pub- naatlon hereof, issue a Provisional Certificate of Title in lieu otrthe said lost Certificate, tinliss in the meantime vsdtd objection Is made to vae inwrit- "osted at the Land Reflate? Offtoe. Prince Rupert, BC' this Sad day of Prince Rupert, B.C. this Srd dac of October. 1930. H. F. MacLBOD, Sat.-St-nov 1. Registr si- LAND ACT Notice ef Utenttoii to Apply to Lease j . .. trlct of Xhsatar District, and artaate .bout three miles and one-half south of, Tulsequah Post Office en Tjsku River. Take notice that x, wimam strong, of Tulsequah, B.C.. occupation merchant, intends to apply for a lease of the foUowing described lands: Comsnenclng at a post planted on band of a alough, thance south 80 chains: thenoe east 40 chains; tbeAO north SO chains; thence west 40 chain, and containing SS0' acres, more or lest. WIMJAM HTttUNQ Dated Assraat IS. 1990. LAND ACT Notice of Intent Inn to apply for Lea.tr land In the SUklne Land Reporting Dis trict of Oaaslar Distnot, as4 situate bout three miles and, one-hail south of rulseauah Post OfAoe on Tkn Blver Take notice that I. George Robbton ! Tutawyasa. rajcH aaonpastan book :eepar intends to .apply for a least' uf .he following deaernted lands: oommencing srt a post planted on ank of slouch, thsnos south 80 chains hence east 10 chains; thenoe north a hatnt; themee wart o oriaiM, and ontalnlng S90 acres, more or less. OEOROE HOD BINS Osted Aurust 3a. 19SS. 4 The Dally News can be pur- chased at Post Office News stand. 325 Oranville St., Vancouver. Karl Anderson. Prince George, B.C. Smlthers Drug Store, Smith- ers, B.C. R. W. Riley. Terrace, B.C. General Store, Anyex. t 44r t t SOT MACCE' Me QMS OP THE V4 Prince Rupert School of Music Fall Term Befins September 2 IL AUBREY rUYCE Professor and Teacher of Violin and Piano. Orchestra Practice Tuesdays and Fridays. Telephone 674 INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS Room 10 Smith Block Courses In Technical and Engineering Training. Write or Phone tical Agent for information. Sox 155--F. 2. Boutell Phone 788 JITNEY SERVICE Between Port Clements and Queen Charlotte City, Mondays and SstvrSsys. -Leaves Port Clements. KM ajn. Queen t'liarliptte I JO . p.m. rare SS each. Round trip $6. L. 1Y. Pert dement- MRS. JAMES CLARK Palmistry and Crystal Reading; White House 223 Second Ave. Telephone 767 Silversides Bros. WAXLPAPERS TAINTS Window Glass Picture Frame Mouldings THIRD AVENUE PHONE 22 Stage & Taxi Service Queen Charlotte IsfRl 6edan Cars meet all beats at Pori Clements and at Quean Charlotte dt Regular trips to Port Clrnents ever: Tuesday and Thursday leaving Q C. City at 9 ajn. returning from Port Cle-meats at 3 pjn. lute Ouren Charhrtte City to Port Clements M..VI wS6 return or vlre versa. ,ntprmPd,Me jnu. 18e. a mile. Ride In comfort. It coats no mors I l long. Win or phone I -,, . eii i-vt, nnroc ' - SALVAGE AND TOWING "If it's on or under the water we do it" Pacific Salvage Co. Ltd.! Tul'y Equipped for Diving audi General Salvage Work Boats and Scows of all descriptions for Charter Row Botvts sod Canoes for Hire Bargains in Gas Engines Agents for EASTHOPE ENGINES Northern B.C. Distributors Coolidge Propellers . Sand and Gravel in any quantity, delivered anywhere by water Phone, Day or Night 554 P.O. Box 1W4 AUCTIONEER PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART We buy, srll or exchange any kind of furniture or household goods, musical Instruments machinery, eto. General repairs, crating, packing and shipping. Workmanship guaranteed. Just phone Black 130 and we will call. G. J. DAWES, Auctioneer., Federal Block. tf CAM'T HEUP T-i'UU MOT GO ONS IT-MRS-KH-UJOT TP1-0 THEt WOWT ALLOV.OO'o 1M THE FREE SUIT With each suit thoroughly cleaned and pressed, you get a chance to win a high-class custom made suit. Your choice from largest range cf best materials. SeeWm. Auld WEE TAILOR SHOP Opp. Post Office Phone 577 TYPEWRITERS No other vntu ran appronih the special REBUILT UNDERWOOD $75.00 Very easy terms All other makes from $15.00 SUMSTIUM ADDINO MACHINE! United Typewriter Co. Ltd. VANCOUVER. B.C. A. W. Edge Co. Wholesale & Retail Plate, Window and Ornamental Glass. Wallpaper, Wallfelts, Muresco Brushes, Paints, Varnishes, Oils, Painters' and Paperhangers Supplies. Phone Red 53 ' P.O. Box 459 340 Second Ave, Prince Rupert Ray Oil Burner SAFE , SILENT ECONOMICAL See me now WALTER LONGWILL Heating Engineer Phone 594. P. O. Box 730 Singer Sewing Machines On Easy monthly Payments As low as gs.00 per month Cheaper to buy than rent McRAE BROS. LTD. BJUStViJUill LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize in Piano and Furniture Moving. Chimney Sweep Chimneys swept and repaired furnaces and stoves cleaned and renaired General handyman. Phone S01 Night phone Blue "III II. J. ZUMKEHR By George McManus f7 BY dou-V- ru- 4o 1 BACK Ake4 CtT Ti DOCl TOO- SsWORE Jur( 1 4 4