IpAOE THREE Table Crackers and Bon Bons For Holidays,:;;:; vy i.ncl . ,;:iani .It 'I The finest assbrtme'nt in town to chooseifrom. These contain a wide variety of Favors; Hats and Mottos. Popularly priced frM ' 20c to $2.00 Box TXicf Pionv.cr Phones SI & 82 11 IKE ft (JICADUATE PIIARMICISTS OUR IS iN A DRY Sir.L When you are buying coal took on thr rronfui il side of life. If ., you buy wet coaly you are loslnj 10', " siaif loday and burn, dry coal aud trt what 10 mea: i iu you. PL.MISINA EGG Delivered, Ter Ton $12.50 : MINF.IIEAD EGG Delivered, Per Ton 12J50: . ', AIINEIIEAD Ll'MP Delivered, Per Ton 13.50 . HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 PHONE 5S0 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED M'KCI U. HINTCK ECl HSION tKE8 Tlckrta on hae from Not. IS. low tu lb. 28. 1B31 (with final rrturn limit March 31. 1IM1) TKINCE ItUPEKT TO VANCOUVER SIO.CO RETURN Mrtiiurt leavf I'rtnfr Kopm t or Viwnfr ' T t AIAI.A KVKKY TIXMIAV, 1.30 P.M. Arr.viiig Vancouver, vU Ocon Jhlla, Tbu tuimj Noon appro. T-S-8. t AKIIIA A KVKKV I'KllltY MIDMflHT Aiming Vancouver Sunday midnight apor ix. Wcci, ...i!.;..rs to Port aimpsou. Alice Arm. Anyoi Stewart and Naaa River poiru Sunday. 8:00 p.m. fjr : .-.'nation regarding all ulllnga and tlcaeta at riMNCC III TOUT AUEM'Y: hre ond Atrnue, 1'Ikmic WW - - - - troy-Wra B.C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICE frVaf-l? SAILINGS FROM PRINCE ..UPERT WniVlXim To Ketchikan, YVrangell, Junes?, I B. C coast I December 13. 27. ISTEAMSHlPS to Vancouvei, Victoria, Seattle lfeT!N December 3, 17. January 1. "' ') rr'.ucea Mary -Ocean Falli. etc. Vaaco " aod Vlc-Wmw7Jv toru. every Friday. 10 Jn. y&l&r Agents For AU Steamship Lines F W C Orchard. Ocn Agent. 3rdAv.. Prince Rupert, Phone 31. TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIRY FOR SKEENA DRAM) Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FKESII I'ASTEl'RIZED MII.K AND CREAM DAILY Early Delivery Throughout the City Dr Alexander X-RAY SERVICE PHONE 573 II ESN Lit CLOCK DENTIST Phone 566 Rupert Motors Garage and Service Station DODGE and BANTAM AUSTIN Distributors FENDER AND UOflY WORK A SPECIALTY COAL Buy the real Coal our famous Edson and Cassldy-Wellington In any quantities Also Dulklry Valley Hay. Grain and Robin Hood Flour. Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONES 58 AND 558 Druggists Third Ave. & Sixth St COAL C7TI 'istocrais 0F I . iranspoi National offers CANADIAN many luiurlra and comfort which add pleasure to r your trip South by Steamer or East by Train. Soiling from Prince Rupert to Vancouver, thence Ia Trl-Clty Service to Victoria 'A and Seattle, TliuraJaya 10.00 p.m. For Auyoi and Stewart, Wednesday 4.00 p.m. Rrfular aervlcei to North and South Queen Charlotte UlanJ. Particulara of aall-Inge, ratea, etc., on rerjurat. Paaaenger tralna leave Prlnco Rupert for Edmonton, Winnipeg , and point Eat every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday at fl.JO a.m. Canadian U,r. MaNAl'CinxiN iO I l'rlnr Kuprrt ! W 141 I down I from Stewart to Port Simpson on the CnUla this morning U visit u. her home In the latter place. Local Items See Harold Lloyd at midnight Classes fitted by registered optometrist at Heiibroners store. Tickets for Elks' New Year Cabaret are still obtainable. Make your reservation now. See Bill Lambie or Sam Joy for information. 303 Voting for election of officers for PPaFUhermes Union will be held in thflrall. Exchange Block am. till 6 pm. Regular meeting 7:30. (303) II. A. DeWolf local manager of W. II. Malkln Co. Ltd., returned to the city on the Catala this morning after having made the round trip to Anyox and Stewart on company business. On New Year's Day, January 1, the Post Office registration and general delivery wickets will be open from 9 ajn. to 11 am. The public lobby,will be open from 8 ajn. to 8 pjii3 Northland Kavigato Cjfyino-torshlp . Norco arrived ; $ p8rt at 8.30 thi rnomjhg; Ircfm Ketchikan and. afr cffecharging six carloads of frozen fish for transshipmen Bast over the Canadian National Railways, sailed for Seattle. New types of fares, considerably reducing the cost of travelling to Eastern Canada and the central and eastern states, will be Inaugurated on January 1. it is announced by R. F. McNaughton, district passenger agent for the Canadian National Railways. One Is called the intermediate tourist class under wh'ich people travel in tourist cars. The oiher Is. the second-clan fare by wn&b- fpeVsple travel in the day coaches: f ; HOSPITAL COMPLETE j Tine New Institution at Hazelton Formally Opened Last Night Uy Olof Hanson M.P. TORONTO, Uec. 30: Completion of the new mlSBion hospital at Haseiton,' B.C.. was announced It offices of the United Church here yesterday, he cost of construction rMrfbeetr share equally by the British Columbia government, the federal Department of Indian Affairs and the United Church Home Mission Board. The new hospital at Hasclton, a fine 100-bed Institution, the best of Its kind in Northern British Columbia, was officially dpened last night by Olof Hanson. M.P. for Skeena. Mr. Hanson is expected to return to the city on this afternoon's train. MARKET IS ON UPGRADE Important Announcement Ry President Hoover Makes People More Confident NEW YORK. Dec. 30: Rail stocks ware rushed up from 12 to $8 a share and the entire stock market was stimulated today, leading Indus- trials and utilities gaining $2 to more than $5 on announcement be- ing made from Washington that the executive of eastern trunk lines had agreed upon a unification plan. An announcement made by Pre- aWent Hoover said that eastern rail- roads had agreed upon consolidation into four Independent systems. The railways are the New York Central, the Pennsylvania, Baltimore & Ohio and the Nlckle Plate systems. The Wabash Seaboard system provided for under the Interstate Commissioner's plans, would be abandoned. ANNOUNCEMENTS jt .. Ji I OD E. Annual ChtUren's Diwice Docrmber 30. 7 p.m. Admission 50c. Moose Legion dance New Year'3 Eve. Hogmanay dance I.O.D.B. Elks' New Year's Evo Cbart. ftlks' Home. Pi'cshvtprl:in Bums' Banquet on January IS. THE DAILY NEWS Tuesday, December 30, 1930 Dlnnerware, china, trockery, glassware, llcllbroner's Store. This afternoon's train, due from the East at 3.30, was reported this mnrni to h on time. MQcfce ligidngDahcej NewYqars EvelQjoY?U,reit,-r JOwKeslfa Scotch and Canadian dances. Admission 50d ' ' ' .. : 304 All stores may remain open on Wednesday evening ,. in lieu o! Thursday holiday. Retail Merch ant's Association. 304 J. T. Kasper, Stewart poolroom iproprietof, and Mrs. Kasper are vlglt0,s ,n the clty. having-.arrived from the north on the Catala this morning. MLw Roe and Miss Morrison, lo cal school teachers, returned to the city on the CataJa "this morning after having made the round trip to Anyox, Stewart and other nor thern points. "Hogmanay Danre in I. O. I). E. on Wednesday, 3 1st Inst., at 8.30 : m. Scotch and Canadian Dances. Cents. 79c. Ladles 50c. Refreshments. Proceeds to be devoted to relief purposes. ,: 301 Mrs. C. E. Cullin, who has done so much in ihe cause of music in this city, was responsible Xor the arrangetnCin, of the program which was given by the Ladles' Music Club at the Prince Rupert General Hospital on Sunday. Union steamer Catala, Capt. A IE. Dickson, returned to port at 9.- 40 this morning from Anyox, Stewart and other northern, points and sailed at 120 this afternoon for Vancouver and" wayports. Loyal Young was a passenger aboard the Catala this morning returning to his school studies In Vancouver after havlne sDent Christmas at Port s'impson with! his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R Boyd Young. SPEED WITH SAFETY Is what you will enjoy lh a comfort able roomy car, by calling TAXI 25 . Promptness, reliability and courtesy is our motto. A trial will be appreciated. Phone 25. Matt Videck Ambulance and Taxi Service Mussallem's M EAT Market Leg of Veal $1.25 G lbs Veal Chops 25c per lb Runip Roast of $1.00 Ront lhs. . Round .Steak 25c 1 ,)Gr Jjr, Tea Bone Roast g jjS Sirloin u Steak 30c nm. 1 Qeese, Ducks, Chickens and Turkeys per lb. vvv Mussallem's Meat Market Phones 18 & 81 417 Fifth Ave. E. Auditorium GOLF COURSE Just the place to pass an enjoyable evening. Clean, quiet, comfortable surroundings. AUDITORIUM GOLF COURSE L. J. MAKIEEN Proprietor FAST MAIL OVER WEST Air Letters Posted in Edmonton la Evening Will Reach Winnipeg in ! Morning EDMONTON, Dec. 30 In connection with the proposed night flying with air mall on the new route from Edmonton to Leth-bridge, linking up with the line to Winnipeg, which is expected to begin about the middle of January, the Edmonton Journal says that under the present plans the mall aeroplanes for the south will leave this city at 7.00 pjn. dally, which will mean that the mall will be delivered to Winnipeg at 7.00 the next morning. This will be a gain of more than 21 hours over the mail service by railway. The in coming mail, under the proposed schedule, would arrive In Edmonton at 5.30 a.m., in good time fo: the first morning delivery In thr city. The new route will link this city with Winnipeg via Calgary. ItJi-bridge. Medicine Hat. Moose Ja and Reglna, thus 'taking the p,la.jse of the present" rjf&ht route under which Edmonton if served Jrom Moose Jaw by way of Saskafaon and North Batteford, the Journal states. .Under the new schedule Saskatoon will be served from Reglna by night service. The equipping of landing field t Is being undertaken by the Department of National Defence and probab'y will be completed early In the New Year. Oet Quick result with a want nc PORK PIES Old Cctmtry Gold Medal Pork Pies The Electric Bakery We Deliver 'Ph6rie G67 HOTEL ARRIVALS Central Hotel UNHI.lt NEW i MAX.lfiF.ME.NT Mrnm llratrd; Travrllrrt' Sample Itooiim: Hot and Told Wnlrr rrre Hui MrrU All Train and !wam Kates $1.00 and Up SI'KCl.VL MONTHLY lt.TI C It. HIGOAKT & A. DONALD liurlturt PHONE 51 Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading family hotel, not and cold water in all roonu A. J. PKlfDIIOMMLY Prop, Cor. of Fraser tnd Fifth Sts, New Royal Hotel I. Zartlll, Prop. THE HOTEL HOKTII WHILE Hot St Cold Water: Steam Heat 75c PER DAY AND UP TrlPiliniip 'III Itoval Kar.1 Markstrom. Porcher Island . H. Lake Stewart. i New Year's Eve TURKEY DINNER ALL NIGHT Boston Grill SOMETHING NEW FOR LADIES AND GENTS Large assortment new clothes for autumn and winter lust to hand All finest quality and latest patterns. Come in and see us today. Suit or overcoat complete and fin ished In three days. Ling, the Cutter This How to Assist tlie Digestion The most dictatorial digestion is open to argument if you only select the right argument Tiros, many a man has found a virtue in "White I lorse" taken just before or just after lunch or dinner. And, of course, you know that White Horse" Whisky is nongouty. "Whita Horse" is so richly matured, so safe and so sound and so certain in the good it does. A more genial mellow and delightful whisky does not exist. White hbse n1 Whisky Q DISTILLED, BLENDED AND BOTTLED IN SCOTLAND advertisement Is not published or displayed by Um Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. MP0RTANT IN BANKING Late -Edson L. Pease Started at . Bottom and Kose to Top In addition to being vice-president of the Royal Bank of Canada of which he was formerly general manager, the late EdsonL. Pease, who died yesterday In France, was a director of the Montreal Trust Co. and of the North British and Mercantile Insurance Co. He was a former president of the Canadian Bankers' Association. . . Born at Coteau Landing, Que., September 2, 1856, and educated in his home town, Mr. Pease started at the bottom in banking, entering the service of the Canadian Bank of commerce lh Montreal in 1874. In 1883 he joined the Merchants Bank of Halifax, the name of which was afterwards changed to Royal Bank of Canada, as accountant. He was moved to Montreal in 1887, and be-1 came a branch manager that year. The year 1897 brought him promo- tion to the post of Joint general mnnnnr and three veara later he I became general manager. In 1907, he was elevated to the directorate of the bank and In 1908 was named vice-president. The late Mr. Pease Is survived by dfffSS 2SH HUinstmas iree He took active in in Montreal: an terest in horse racing, hunting and winter sports. Charged With Breaking Into Comox House . ' . . . William Roberts was arrested by the city police last night on a charge of breaking and entering. He is al- jleged to have broken Into a place on Coox Avenue a few nlgte ago.! ; Preliminary trial may be held this ; : nttAHUWWI ' oiKDiuw.. Radio Bootleggers Taboo In Turkey Government Mono I)breg&rde4Q ThThowatidAPett!r fi Are Heavily Fired gave a recitation witn a uraaie ISTANBUL, Turkey, Dec. 30: In Song by Thelma and Violet Huseby Turkey it's radio that's bootlegged, following. A tableau, "Four Little A thousand culprits have been Maidens," by Blsle Murvold, Mang-cauKht in the last year Ihlld Storsetli, Thelma Huseby, Pal- Radio Is a monopoly of the gov- meda Lovestad and Ralph Anderson einmont. and the clandestine lis- concluded the program of enter- Steam cleaning, pressing nd alter-j tener-in who neglects to pay the talnment. ing. We deliver any part of the city, j required tax, or who buys his set Christmas Cheer wan then dls-LING -THE TAILOR If mm somebody other than the mo- trlbuted and the prueoedmss elided 817 Second Ave. Phone ewlnopoiy subject to a heavy fine. I with the benediction uml duxolggy. Liquor FISHERMEN ARE VOTING Today Is Election Day For Agents Here and. at Seattle Other Officials .Get Acclamation i Voting is taking place today in Prince Rupert, Ketchikan and Seattle for agents of the Deep Sea Fishermen's Union here and at Seattle. There is no contest for the office of agent at Ketchikan, Oust Olsen, the present agent, being reelected by acclamation. P. B. GUI Is also returned as secretary-treasurer of the Union, there having been no other nominee. Candidates for agent at Seattle and Prince Rupert are as follows: Seattle Axel Edwards. Harold Orottle, Torvald Kipperberg (pie-sent agent), Louis Larsen. Prince Rupert Binar Larsen. J. H. Meagher. and J. M. Morrison (present agent). Officials at the Prince Rupert poll oeorge Anderson, judge. Fred wk J- .Osborne, tellers, and Arthur Ca raven and Jens Larsen, CierKS. The poll opened at 10 o'clock this morning and will close, at 0 o'oiook this evening. Held Last Night East and West Knd Sunday Schools of 8t. Paul's Lutheran Church joined last evening In the church to stage a Christmas Tree entertainment which was really fine. One of the largest crowds the church has ever held was in attendance. . After an organ prelude by Peter Llen audlence Happy CnrltmM Come 0nCo More." The ,nvoraMnn mK nrn..ort hv th. Rev JohlU, H. anrfa MonUon," foilowedi . pttl on m, iHiintov SrhnA h IMipn ni eta. hv the men's choir which sang "SUent Night" and "Thanks Be to Ood on High." There were recitations by Clara Kurlock, Elsie Johnson, U-vtda Sorenson, Percy Knutson, Martin Erickson and Ivar Johnson. A tableau was presented byelght girls Eleanor EdaoaVI as reader. ;en jaUffiPMbtner Instru mental nufnser and Violet Wick 1 -A til at ;V V'.' 1 m -19, 'Mi - -41 - LSMssBSwaieaiaHVitislsSBBilssiliikMiiiiiiiBflBHMMiV HeHP