Only metal packages can Keep Its garden Sreshness MCI 1 JKJU1 Mil ORANGE A M fiji v srft pekoe I H kb& UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED HaJIInf trum rrtnr Buprrt r "I'VT.fl. VICTORIA. B - Jr:. Ait: Lj). etc Tuesday 3 10 v R? VAM Ot IH VII IOKU. luiedalr. Aim lu. etc . IrUUr laltfiilchl r ALirr. ARM, ANYOX. HTMVAUT. Nau Kltrr. I'M! iMmiHwa. nun ity S.oo era T ' slMIbUN and WAIX8 ISLAND l'hurvijy pm CI :n1 Itenne II M SMITH stmt ITtmr Kupert. II C Tlroath lirkrl to Vlrtveia nod oeatlle u tatiw (becked throath to dettlnntlon I l.r t AST TEA 'Fresh from the gardens1 You'll Want Snapshots of Your Vacation l, the fun that picture-taking will add to your vaca-, , ,1 n have the snapshots ' for enjoyment over and over s. ..... .itT you have returned. A. kodak takes good pictures easily and kodak prices are V .it whatever you would like to pay. Let us help you select -:;t iiiodel lor your vacation. LOAD WITH KODAK FILM Let Us Do Your Finishing Princes Mary--Ocean or Whlsser fasteners. Match your Winter Coeluma with a "Northern" tailored to fit 6tjl-Shu Women's "WWxxer" "cAlbena Acoranlete ranCn ol NnrtltfTn' Rubbers B s,ylShut U on hand to meet your needs. Jfic Pioneer Drurjrtels phones Rl & 82 Third Ave. & Sixth St. Three Graduate Pharmacists B. C. Coast Steamship Service SAILINGS FROM PRINCE IIUI'LKT To Ketchikan. Wram-ell Juneau. Sluufway July 7. 11. 11, 18, 11, 25, t&. To Vancouver. Victoria. Seattle July 5. 9. It. 16. Is. tt. M. M. Victoria, every Friday, 10 tuu Agents For All Steatmbip Lines , W C Orchard. General Agent, 3rd Avewd'rine nteft. fh. Si LOW FAitES EFFECTIVE MAT IX TO SEPT. 30 RETURN LIMIT OCT. 31, 19)0 Reduced f ares til pert of east; liberal stop. ers. Fin. trains; modem equipment; plendid service; scenic route. Short ida trip enable yon to visit ZION NATIONAL PARK CRAND CANTON NATIONAL PARK BRTCE CANTON NATIONAL PARK YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK GRAND TETON NATIONAL PARK ROCKY MOUNTAIN NAT'L PARK tnlernutlen and Booklet! oo request UNION PAS I FSB If ROUND TRIP TO nr.NVER OMAHA UMt KANSAS CITY IXS.SC ST. I 1IS m.o CHIC ' .O IJUJO ntrn t CINCINNATI IIS. Ml NEW OK1XANS. ISS.SS CLEVEXANU 1SS.M TOKONTO 1H.M ATLANTA ItS.SS riTTsBUBcii in. WASHINGTON IM.SS rtilLADEl-PlllA. IST.SS m:vv YOHK. IM.T BOSTON..... SSS.7S Union Station Seattle "NORTHERN" Rubber Footwear The "Northern" range of Overshoe for Men, Women and Children offers s wider selection than ever. Jersey or Caahmer-ette In various heights with buckk, Strap LOOK FOR THK TRADE MARK Early Ad. Copy is appreciated I- Local Items i I LM M j II DWIl-U optometrist at Hcilbroner's store. football -tnnltrhr. Potrlmnnt vt Canadian Legion at 6.54. Miss Phedillla Stengel has paseed the Elementary Class In the recent Toronto Conservatory Examinations. She is a pupil of Miss Way. Mrs. C. P. Ashmore, wife of the store manager at Anyox, and child will be passengers going south to Vancouver on the Prince George tomorrow evening. F. B. Wflliscrort, who will super intend the cbnstructlon of the highway bridge across Galloway I Rapids which is to be proceeded 'with this faU, has arrived in the J city from Vancouver. W. R. BonnycasUe, president of I the Association of Professional En gineers of British Columbia, and E. A. Wheatley, secretary of the Association, arrived in the city on the Prince George this morning from Vancouver, being here to at itend the annual meeting of the Northern British Columbia branch of the Professional Engineers' As sociation which opens tomorrow. For Friday and ; Quality. Tea I S lbs Saturday iPork 6t Beaus Clark's Individual, 3 tins Medium per Ud Barttett Pears Ootamhia ' Ss, t Una . tAptltfWs' OUainWays " I 3 ttos Del Monte Prunes 3 lbs Coffee J.UIUs Best par tl RcMs Saltan Cakes- each Marmalade Fine quality 16-oz. Jars, each Quaker Corn Flakes Pkt - Head LsUuce 3 beads Mow Carrots and Basts-par batch. ...,..., New Turnips Si Parsnips 4 bunches Qreen Onions . . I bunches . 3 bunches.. Local Bplnscfl 3 lbs. California CMtoqswe white stalka, l hssKl Green per lb. Green 3 lbs. Cucumbers 3 for Vere table Marsow each New Potatoes 7 lbs. per basket Fresh Fruit Table Piums I t lbs. $1.00 22c lie 47c 49c 29c Old Potatoes Special- CiEn 39 tea 50c 25c 20c 9c Fresh Vegetables 15c 5c 25c 5c 5c 25c 25c 7 c 55c 35c 10c 25c 35c 85c Apricots For preserving Q-t C t: rr ersto V-loWeJ Fine Bhlg Cherries 3 lbs 45c ALSO AHUIVING EVERY BOAT Pears, Peaches. New Apples, Grapes, Casabas, llonerdetvs, Watermelons and Canteloupes Watts' Grocery (Juulitv Itight Prices Kight PHONE 55 PHONE 56 THE DAILY NEWS Dinnerware, china, crockery, glassware, llcilbroner's Store, Liberal workers will please turn out this evening1 at Committee Rooms. tf R was t, H. Qurd of Casslar Cannery l arfarriyal In 'the cltv'b'n 'to-. da vk 'train u . ' t : Airs. A. O. Moa is a passenger aboard the Prince George today returning to- her home in Hyder after a trip to Seattle. Rev. C. Webb and Mrs. O. Smith and Miss Smith were among passengers disembarking here "from the steamer Princess Alice which arrived this morning from Van couver. At the meeting of the Rotary Club yesterday afternoon George Munro read the financial statement for the year, showing a substantial balance on hand. CoL Ross Napier, formerly gov-j ernmeni agent ai vernon ana now engaged in a province-wide survey of the provincial civil service arrived here on the Prince George this morning from Vancouver. Albert Farrow, steamboat inspec tor, arrived loathe citron the J Prince George-ifeJa. morning from Vancouver to make an inspection of the lighthouse tender which has been undergoing an extensive overhaul at the local dry dock. John Unkes, who has been spend ing the past three and a-half months at Kelowna in connection with work of the local dry dock, returned to the city from the south on the Prince George this morn ing. Walter Heme, accountant at the loeal dry dock, who has been spending the past few months at Kelowna In connection with yard work there, Is expected to return co ine my os laauriince nenry w- morrow mo; ,in: EDI ' llljjl ANNOCXCDIEXTS Dry Dock Ettrpli ust 3 to Tugweli Moose Bazaar. Picnic Au- land. T 16. 17. Mussallem's M EAT Department Week-End Specials Prime Rib Roll Beef O fln per lb a. Pper lb8t:B"i. 15C Stew Beef M 2 lbs. Shoulder Veal C-fl 5 lbs VX Stewing Veal 5 0 C Veal Chop C-f 3 lbs. V-I- Fowl 7ffn each nfZ.1, 25c Mutton Chops Qfljsrb per lb Mussallem's Meat Market Phones 18 & 81 417 Fifth Ave. V. mtvwmmMsmm&i LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing, Team oi Motor Service Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize in Piano and Furniture Moving. Prepare Ovdltine Cold Tbtt VTtyt Add iw w. poonfuU m cup of celd Bulk. 5bM is hakw, .U, tmnl diwolxd. CPU. steamer Princess Alice. Capt. Thomas Cliff, with a good-sized list of tourist passengers, arrived in port at 10 o'clock this moraine from Vancouver and sail he cornel summer b&emcji for PAGE THREP COLD or icetL, Ovaltine is far more than ajjeiicious summer drink. It is a builder of necessary nervous energy, a creator of bodily vitality and strength, and is not overheating to the blood. COLD OVALTINE, more than all beverages, it the correct summer drink for children, becauae it combines in eatil digested and quicklr assimilated form, all the essential vitamins and other food elements conducive to growth. Ovaltine is good for both young and old. OVAUnHE COLD 'BuiTds-up 'Btaia.ciyc aad'&odq At til good stores in 50c, 75c, tl. 25 and specul $4.50 ftmily. tst size tms; also served at soda fountains. A meeting of special committees I Mrs. Frank Moore and two chil-from the city council and hos-! dren arrived in the city on the pital board which was to have ; Prince George this morning from been held yesterday afternoon to j Vancouver to spend a few days go Into isolation hospital matters , visiting with friends. They were was postponed. I accompanied north by Mr. Moore's ' brother, H. S. Moore, who will pro- Richard Gosse, general manager ceed by train tombrrow to Mont- of the B. C. Packers, arrived in the real where he will embark for his city on the Cardena last night home in England after a visit on from Namu, having accompanied this coast. a party of directors that far nt! the first of the week. " M. M. O'Brien, Consolidated Min- Ing & Smelting Co. engineer, who has been spending the week at Stewart, will be a passenger south to Vancouver aboard the steamer, Prince George tomorrow evening.; "Skmny'Sick Father Gains 15 Lbs. in 3 Weeks, New Pep ANSELMO, ALTA- Mr. E. Ko-ther says: "I was so run-down, weak, nervous, couldn't work. Then tried Ironlzed Yeast. Gained 15 lbs. in 3 weeks. Regained my health." "Skinny," weak, nervous ed at noon for Skagway and other amazed at gains of 5 to 15 lbs. In AlaaVa rvMnta ?.5eeks- UJ hollows, bpny tabs , Im 0Ul Hjcmisnea sKin clears. New pep first day. Constipation, Marcus Andrews of the local dry. J8""0" "nerves" go oyer- .ock staff who has been at Kel-i " " wni for the oast few weeks in ! ironlzed Yeast is two great ton-connection with work being con-; ics In one. Weight-bliudlng brew-ducted the is at' l?L,yc&iKPl"s, strengthening, " bv ' yard ' there, , ; , blood-enriching iron, many times oresent in Vancouver receiving) more effective than unmedlcated treatment at tee hands of a spec- yeast. Results In half the time. alist. He U-flfbecttd to return to "on i pe -sKinny,; weair, ner- he cly wlhln the next week or so. J. S. Cowper. formerly editor of the Daily News and at one time a Liberal member of the Legislative Assembly of this province, is now employed as editor of the Reglna Star, a Conservative paper, so has turned to be as enthusiastic a Conservative campaigner as he used to be a Liberal and is addressing meetings in the prairie province on behalf of the Conservative candidate. The Conservative paper on which Mr. Cowper works In Reglna is owned by Charles E. Campbell, who Is also th" owner of the Edmonton Bulletin, as ardently a Liberal sheet as the other is Tory. U&I CAFE FORMERLY THE WHITE LUNCH Is Now Open Vndfr new management HOTEL ARRIVALS Central Hotel IXIlf.H NKW MtNAIJEMENT Steam llrafd. Tlattllrm Hamplf RiKHits; lint and Cold Water lre llu MrrU All Trains and Itatrs $1.00 and Up M'tcni. MONTHLY KATI.S C.U.BIGGAKT & A. DONALD rrnprletor PHONE 51 Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading family, hotel. Hot and cold water in all rooms A. J. PKUDI10MME, Prop. Cor. of Fraser and Fifth Sts. Savoy B. Millard. Massett; Mr. and Mrsv' VV. iN. Baker; Johan Hanson and! i amts Pearocfc.' city. New Royal Hotel I Zarflll, "rop. THE IIOTfX HORTII WHILE H, It Cold Water: Steam Heat 75c PER DAY AND UP THfl'linilf tKI Royal Jack Lawlor and J. Johnson, Rainbow Lake: Sam Booth, Usk; C II. Underwood, ON.R; W. Wy-gnrd and W. C. Hlcken, city. vous. Take these pleasant little tablets. No yeasty taste; no gas. If not delighted with quick gains, manufacturer refunds money. Get Ironlzed Yeast from druggist today. Feel jrreat tomorrow. New pounds quick. Death TO THEM ALL m.- -mm iV7aS; 0 ON SAlt AT 0US Gooatv AND HAWAt DEMERS July Clearing SALE Saturday Specials CHIFFON DRESSES fl O QC Reg. up to $25.00 WOOL SUITS Q-flQ CA Reg. up to $25.00 ?X?eeJ V WOOL SUITS- Q4A Reg. up to $19.50 JL'itesfeP To dear ......... 2.95 DEMAND "Rupert Brand" Kippers THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PHINCE RUPERT, B.C. 1