I Table Crackers and Bon Bons For jMHIbJ OUR f: mm I I B.C COAST I m I 5Ti. A:iIIIrS Or Alexander X HAY SERVICE PHONE 575 UESNER IlLOCK DENTIST p"'"'"iiriHnniiOTtiiaii jsmiii'itm Phone 566 Rupert Motors Garajc and Service Station DODGE and BANTAM AUSTIN Distributors r'ENpEK AND IIODy WOU1C A SPECIALTY COAL Buy the real Coal our famous Edson and Cassldy-Wtlllnrton In any quantities. A'so Hulkley Valley Hay. Grain and Robin Hood Hour. Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONES 58 AND 558 The finest assortnfHJttt in towrt to choose frorfflfThese contain a wick variety 4pf p'avors, Hats and Mottos. I'opularly priced from 20c to $2.00 Box Otm.es Met. Ufitf Pioneer Drugeisls Phones 81 & 82 Third Ave. & Sixth St THREE GRADUATE PIIARMICISTS COAL IS IN A DR.Y SHED When you arc buying coal look on the economical i.fdc of life. If you buy wet coal, you are losinj 10. So start today and burn dry coal and see what 10 means to you. PEMIIINA EGG Delivered, Per Ton $12.50 MINEI1EAI) EGG peliverrd. Per Ton 12.50 MINEIIEAD LtJMF Delivered, Per Ton 13.50 HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 PHONE 5S0 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED HITXI.H. WINTKK EXIT UNION I'AKES ti tils on Me from Nov. l.v iflMi tu fb. M. 1931 (with final return Unit March 31, 13I) FKINCE RUPERT TO VANCOUVEIt $10.00 RETURN Ntairr rac frincr IUi-rt I ur Vancouver: CATAI. KVKKV THIY. M P.M. Arriving Vancouver, ru O eun PalU. Tburadu; Noon approi, IS" t AliDKN A eVKHY IHIIMV MIDNKillT '. Arriving Vancouver BuMa; (midnight pptux. V.:- .al.ngb tj Ptrt oUnpoou. Allr Ann. Anyox. Stewart' and Nau River point Sunday. B;yO p.m. i mfonnatton regarding H uUllngi trfjd tijeta .St I'll I M I. ill I't.lil AUI.M i: wc una iiniur. ritone sm U. C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICE SAILiNOSl KOMI'ltlNLK RUPERT i ' To Ketchikan, WranU, Juneau, December 13. 27. To Vancouver victoria, Seattle December 3, 17. January 1. ITiiiLWj Mai; Oct' Kali, .M. Vuto and Vie- :0:1a. every Krldty. 10 p.m. ' Agent For AH ttanisbip Lines' ' r cm-iiara U:i Agent, 'SroAV.. mm Kiiperi. raoncai. TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIRY FOIt S KEEN A MIAMI Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese rRESII PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREA9I DAILY Early Delivery Throughout the City HOTEL ARRIVALS Central Hotel tNIH.K NKtV MAN.K1K.MK.NT Meam Heated; Tratrtlrrt' Sample Kwmn; lkl and CvM IValrr In lta Meet All Train and I VMM Kates $1.00 and Up M'tl'IA) MONTHLY UAIEH ,C,K.!UGGAKT & A. DONALD - PiHflrtr Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading family hotel. Hot and com water In all room A. J. PKUDHOMME, Prop. Cor. of Fraser nd Fifth Sts. Savoy J Lntwh. Usk: O. Olsen, A Carlson and J. Havik, Cedarvaie J. Cocp and O. Barnes, Terrace. New Royal Hotel I. Zarrlll, tTp. TUB 11(11 KL HOKTII MIIILE Hut Cold Water; Steam Hat 75c PIK DAY AND IT Trkplione tl Koyal ! Mrs. M. McLeod. Btewari; Paulls. Cedarvaie; Bobby Paulla iKoy Paulis and Pat Sims. Cedar- vale: K. E Hogan. Hainoow uiKe A Kosen, Dluby. New Year's Eve TURKEY DINNER AM. NIGHT Boston Grill. ! Local Items uiaunee. (304) Glasses fitted by registered ront6rhc(rlst aT;licilbroner's store. Nick J. Coulter of Port Edward: Miss Wadea Mussallem, who h& been on a vacation trip to Vancouver and elsewhere in the south, returned to the city on the Prince George this morning. T. B. Campbell, totem pole pre servation engineer for the Cana dian National Railways, arrived in the city from Hazeltori on yes terday afternoon's train for a brie! visit in town. Two pairs of blankets have been donated through the Salvation Army to the man who In yesterday's issue of the Daily News was reported to be In need of them. Adjutant received a telephone message for someone to call for them. Ole Hanson, MP. for Skeena, re turned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train from Hazeltrm where on Monday night he offi dally opened the new hospital which war erected Jointly by the United Church Mission Board, pro vlnclal government and federal department of Indian Affairs. Father E. M. Leray. O.M.I. of Stewart, who has been spending the past month, . In the Prince George -and Terrace districts engaged in ecclesiastical work, arrived In the city from the inter ior on yesterday afternoon's train. He will sail for Stewart on tin Prince George this afternoon. Klks' New Year's Elks' Home. ANNOUNCEMENTS LO.D.E. Annual Children's Dance December 30, 7 pjn. Admission 50c. Moose Legion dance New Year's Eve. llogmanay-Jance 1.0D.E. Eve Cabaret. Presbyterian Burns' Banquet on January 23. SOMETHING NEW FOR LADIES AND GENTS Large assortment new clothes for' autumn and winter lust to hand. All finest quality and latest patterns. Come In and see us today, i Suit or overcoat complete and finished in three days. Ling, the Cutter Steam cleaning, pressing and altering. We deliver any part of the city. LING THE TAILOR 817 Second Ave. vhotie G1D SPEED WITH SAFETY Is what you will enjoy In a comfortable roomy car, by calling TAXI 25 Promptness, reliability and courtesy is our motto. A trial will be appreciated. Phone 23. Matt Videck Ambulance und Taxi Service if jjiwiarnlgrirrim,-T'''"'"' . Auditorium GOLF COURSE Jiist the place to pass an enjoyable evenlnf. Clean, quiet, romfortable surrounding. AUDITOMUM GOLF COURSE I.. J. MAiiUEN-PropjIitor Dlnnerware, china, crock ery, glassware. Ilcilbroner'i Store. This afternoon's train, due from the East at 3.30, was reported this See Harold Lloyd at midnight morning to be on time. i T. J. 6hehton;' inspector' of mines. Is sailinsr" this afternoon on th Prince George for a trip to Anyox on official business. arrived In the city on yesterday nnitrrf nhnrch mi nf hnm,. afternoon's train for a brief visit, cooking and afternoon tea -will bo m town ' held at the home of Miss Way, .;,'L. . Fourth Ave., West, Friday, Jan. ims. u. a. urpwn, wno nas Deert holidaying In Vancouver, returned to the city on the Prince George this morning. Walter Hume returned to the city on the Prince George this morning from Kelowna where ho spent Christmas with his family All stores may remain open on Wednesday evening in lieu of Thursday holiday. Retail Merchant's Association. 304 from 3 to 6. 304 Four well known local ' yound men. who have been-charged with1 contributing to the delinquency ol a Juvenile, have been remanded for .eight days. Bishop E. M. Bunoz of the Ro man Catholic Church is sailing this afternoon on the Prince George for a brief trip to Anyox on eccles iastical business. For drunkenness, Ivor Kallgatt was fined $23, with option cf thirty days' Imprisonment, by Magistrate McClymont in city police court this, morning. Dan McLeod, lnscpctor of the Canadian National Railways Investigation department at Vancouver, and son are passengers aboard the Prince George today making the round trip north. 8. D. Johnston, who has been spending Christmas In Victoria, reT turned to the city on the Prince George this morning. Mrs. John ston and son are remaining sputh for a while longer. William Roberts was fined $10 by Magistrate McClymont in city police court yesterday afternoon on a wilful damage charge and was assessed $10 for the damage he did to a hou.se on Comox Av enue. The orglnal charge against Roberta of breaking and entering was withdrawn. HER CROSS LITTLE BOY WOULDN'T EAT OR SLEEP in-. aiy- little son rradvpoor appetite. couldn't sleep and was cross, i gave him Vlnol and it ended these troubles like magic."--Mrs. L. DuCrest. Vlnol supplies the body Important mineral elements of iron, calcium with cod liver peptone. This Is Just what thin, nervous children or adults need, and the QUICK results are surprising. The very FIRST bottle brings sound sleep and a BIG appetite. Vlnol tastes delicious! Ormes Ltd.. Drugs. CURZON'S WISH ALL THEIR FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS A VERY HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR. WISHING THEY WILL JOIN US WITH GOODWILL TO ALL CANADIANS AND BRITISH COLUMBIANS PARTICULARLY, CURZON'S PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. Arnold Evans, who was on the Prince Rupert last summer, has taken over duties as purser aboard! the steamer Prince George on its i present voyage north. D. H. Hartness, principal of King j Edward High , School, 4 jfeurn, fp 't the city on the Prlnqe, George,, this morning after having spent Christmas In Vancouver. , Cathedral Sunday School Xmas Tree thedral Hall. Games were played in the afternoon and at 5:30 supper was' served to the many children present. After the supper, there was a fine program. At 7:30, Santa Claus (Ernest Anderson) arrived and dis tributed gifts for all. The singing of the National Anthem brought the gathering to a close. Among those who assisted were Mrs. C. W. Homer, Mrs. E. W. Tucker, Mrs. W. J. Greer, Mrs. S. V. Cox, Mrs. J. B. Gibson,! Miss Jessie Watklhson, Miss Winnie Tucker and- Miss Eileen Gibson.' The program, with Dean J. B. Gibson presiding, was as follows. Piano solo. Daphne Hemmell. Recitation, Margaret Smith. Piano solo, Bruce Nelson. Duet, Bobby and Jlmmie Taylor. Piano solo, Jean McLean. Recitation, Rosle Cox. Song, Alice Hunter. Piano solo, Grace Watkinson. Trio, Glay Melllsh, Joan Baker and Alice Hunter. Song, Molly Fitch. Piano solo, Edna McLean. Duet, Norman and Peggy Black-all. Accompanists, Miss Kathleen Baker and Miss Winnie Tucker. (Continued from rage One) world, Premier Bennett declared. nnlhhn n A n man to ll crrwl rill rrrvcn umi c tn Hi ervff ri 7 SaiuC. taking the platform and, In Immoderate terms, magnifying th: present depression In Canada solely for the purpose of political cap ltal. Premier Bennett pledged the government to the completion of the Hudson Bay Railway as speedily as possible. The development t transportation, the reduction nf freight rates and the reduction of costs of production In Canada all these were problems which the government hoped to solve. Referring to the wheat situation and also to unemployment, the Premier declared that, hi a time of national emergency such as this, the administration mu&t forget legal restrictions and instead put forth Its best efforts to meet the situation. No benefit was to be derived from making false impreealoons. ' He had come to Regina, Premier Bennett said, more particularly in view of the wheat situation. While dealing with the on part, however, the welfare of other CLEARING RECEPTION J. Little Tells Radio Association City Gets $23,553.83 From Provincial That Transmission. Line Is' I Government As Compared I Being .Overhauled J. J. LitUe Wednesday. December 31, 1930 LESS WAS RECEIVED general manager of A check for $8,36050 received by the Northern' British Mr. and Mrs. Fred Charnley and "Power Co.. appearing pointed to take up the matter of Interference with Mr. Little. The committee reported that .Mr. Little had given its members a' sympathetic hearing. Present at the meeting by lnvlii-tion, Mr. Little gave assurance that the company was employing every means available to rectify the trouble. Forty-two miles of power line had, however, to be serviced and it might be a little while yet be fore everything was tightened up. All effort possible was being put in to the task and Mr. Little was confident that the trouble would soon be cleared up. Tests were being made as frequently as practicable without unduly disturbing service. Mr. Little was now confident that the source of the trouble was not In the power plant but In the transmission line. In addition, however, there were hundreds of minor causes' of disturbance, the clearing up of which would help: reception. Felix. Batt, local radio Inspector, stated that the nolse from . the transmission line predominated over all other noises. . A Fred Wesch moved, Fred Wermlg seconded and It was carried that a teles ram be sent to the federal radio I DEVELOPMENT OF' ORIENTAL department, through MrHaughton, ExruiiT tuaue iitLU ui ub.- penlistlnf assistance in clearing up NETT AS MOST IMPORTANT , tnc locai situation. TO CANADA'S COMMERCE, As it was felt defective transfor mers In the city might cause some of the Interference, a , committee ' -With.$27,3C8XD I Columbia the city treasurer iUiy from tfie before a provincial government InCtided the family arrived in the city on thai meeting of the Prince Rupert Radio sum of $5,603.10 as the citys share Prince George this morning .from Association last night, admitted of liquor profits for the six months Victoria. Mr. Charnley, who was on that recent undue disturbance in ending September 30 this year and the staff of the Victoria High receDtlon here was due to his com- $2,697.40 as this cltv's share of iiM, School last year, Is .Joining tlvjinany's power line, assured the asso- mutuel taxes. In such gifverriment staff of the . Prince,, Rupert Fish-j elation that everything was being jrants. Prince Rupert rras ieceiVed erles Experimental Station as 'r done to clear the situation up'and only $23538 as against' $27,965.69 chemist. that relief might bo expected before last year, it Is stated by City Treas- I long. Mr. Littla welcomed an appeal urer D. J. Matheson. Tfce city-has which the association decided to received the following sums this . make for assistance to E. J. Haugh- .year, figures for l&st year being glv-ton of Victoria, federal wireless su- en for comparison. 1 i.-i . i . , . . , i , . I ,A4n . ' pennwnaent, ana iota uie associa- iaou ivtv tion that his company would co-i Liquor Profits $11,771.94 $10,609,33 i i w , j qperate in any way possible. The annual Christmas Tree en-: Last night's meeting, presided tertainment for the Sunday School 1 over by D. C. McRae, president of of St. Andrew's Anglican Cathedral the association, was called by the took place last evening in the Ca-, committee which was recently ap Motor Licences Pari-Mutuel 9,08454 2697.40 9,06057 3,298.79 St. Peters Xmas . Tree Last Niffht ! i Fine Program Was Followed By Ar- t nvai oi sar.ta uiaus The annual Christmas Tree entertainment of St. Peter's Anglican Church took place last evening; (h the church, about eighty or eiiihty-five children being preeent. There was a delightful program In which all participating acquitted themselves with credit. After the program, Santa Claus arrived and distributed gifts and sweets for alL Rev. Canon W. F. Ruthbrook presided and the program was as follows: Bible reading, W. B. Skinner. Carol, "Merry Christmas,'' schol ars. Recitation, Mako Iiumi. Solo, Claus Dixon. Recitation, .rriast Siertri. Solo, K.,Hirah. Solo, Willy Christiansen. Recitation, Vera Wallace. Solo, May Skinner. Recitation. Edith Statta. Song, four girls. Carol, Mrs. W. B. Skinner's class. Recitation, Hector McDonald. Solo, Willy Christiansen. Recitation, Gladys Wallace. .. Solo, Theima Skog. Recitation, Jimmy BirrtU. W. H. Harris, well known Hasel- consisting of D. C. McRae, E. Tul- ton mining man, is a visitor In the I loch and R. T. J. Rose was named to city, having arrived from the ln- traln. CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD OPERATING G. T. I. 20,000-TON FLOATING DKYDOCK Engineers, Machinists, Hollermukers, Illacksmithis. Pattern Makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant Is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 385 parts of Canada should not be, oooooaoooaaoouoooooopooaocKHjoooooaooaoocHsowCfCHaocioa forgotten. "I do not think It Is quite fall-to blame the Wheat Pool for having failed to sell Vast year's crop when the prices were high," de- ".'ared the premier. Bankers and commercial experts had supported i the Pool In Its nctlon.vIr. Bennett' pointed out that the Pool wai now getting the best support and advice of the largest banking In stltutions In Canada. For the future, the Premier urged that. Insofar as possible, all Canadians shon'.d work together for the common good. Sectionalism should be abandoned and a national policy established. In closing, the Premlsjr extended to al lhls hearers his best wishes for a happy and prosperous New Year After all, Canadians were endowed with many precious gifts. Tho greatest gift that Providence could have given them, he thought, was their Canadian citizenship. Premier Bennett's address was transmitted from one end of Canada to the other over the Canadian National Railway's rad!) . broadcast network. - Want Ads - Let Them He Your Hrokcr in Huymg t.i: ' and Selling Somebody is waiting to buy that house or bedroom set, or coat you have to sell. Somebody is watting to sell that oar, or typewriter, or whatever else it 1 you are In the market for. Get the habit of shopping through the. Want Ads. You'll find 'undi earned of bargains unearned of opportunities, .Do yur4sriojtJtoi, , throtyghUjtttc columns arid, . how profitable, and pleasant ,H,. t ' : , HEAD and USE PRINCE RUPERT DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS Phone 98 , "If it's fully toldit's quickly sold" V t : I 1 'Mi 1