ET AIL 1930 GOOD YEAR HERE l'rosress of Prince Ituperj During Twelvemonth Is Briefly Reviewed ..,(( Rupert la closing one of ni'iht prosperous years In her if slightly over twenty years. . : many places have suffered i rtnBuncy. Prince Rupert has busy and money has been !ul Only during the past few has there been felt any sign : rt"d bad times. prosperity was due largely to i tivlties of the Power Corpor-i . uf Canada in constructing the River hydp-electrlc plant, the plenUsus run of salmon skeena and other rivers of i trlct. making It possible for hundreds of fishermen to ikkJ money. mi iv also be noted that build-in. u for the year were higher : r 1329, and also the timber i it the season has been some-like 2.000,000 board feet f last year. i many mills have been shut' .; Uiruughoul UMcouqlqr, the . nlvTmbercmftfhM 'cfP i their big concern at Prince the dry dock and shipyard! i)i i-n busy, among the work t lit re being the construction i ,r ferry barge to operate be-i Port Mann and Vancouver id. A large snag boat steamer Is under construction. j Unemployment Problem V i!r Prince Rupert has Its un-'yment problem, more than hirds of the men asking for i ue not permanent residents h city they are people who drifted In from the prairies iher points to take advantage mild climate and the posst-v ol securing employment, mre Rupert Is now looking for i tries to use the natural re-M-es. arK also he Is expecting i a move will be made soon to i iu- the elevator, which has i practically idle for a long filled to the brim with wheat. iven the proper operation of her i tor. the reopening of some of mills of the district, one. at t if which Is to commence option soon, and a reasonable In-trial development and Prince m ft will continue to prosper. OFFICERS RE-ELECTED J. SI. Morrison Is Again Fishermen's Agent Here Althouah thu full futures were H"t obtainable, It was learned this 'nurning that all last year's officers 1 1 too flecp Soa Fishermen's Union, ''llovytng the voting yesterday, had in en re-elected for the coming 'ar. P. n. Qlll is again secretary-insurer of the union with J. M. Morrison agent here, Torvald Kip-fibcrg at Seattle and Oust Olsen ' KOchlkan. .Only for the offices "I agent here and at 'neve contesw.rMri. f -elected atefit'hVrc "'ivlngmajorltlea at Ketchikan and Seattle. The voting figures here, the only "tips available today, were as follows: luteal Agent Einar LarseTfv ., w J. II. Meagher .....15 J. M. Morrison Seattle Agent Axel Edwards 11 Hnrold Orottle ; -a4 Torvald Klpperberg .s 33 Louis Larecn Seattle were tlirWfe-- LIQUOR BOA CANDIDATES ENDORSED Macdonald and Brown to Again Be Labor Candidates For Council; Olllls For School Board The Prince Rupert Trades St Labor Council, at a meeting last night, endorsed Aid. W. M, Brown and Aid. S D Macdonald as candidates for re-elecUon to the alderman ic board next month. The candidature of J. j. Oillls as a scnooi irusin- endorsed. The meeting discussed the work of the city In relieving unemploy- (Continuea oh rB VANCOUVER WHEAT VANCOUVER, Dae. 31: - Wheat was quoted on the local exchange today at 51Kc. sum Turn the Page to i A New Year ; A New Year Resolution ET this be our New Year resolution: To speak well of Prince Rupert and all our neighbors. If we cannot say something pleasant about them we will say nothing. Let us absolutely' refuse to "knock" our home town, to be jealous of her honor and to strive to the best of our ability to make the part of the world in which we live the best place in the world. i Development of Oriental Export j Trade Held By Bennett As Most Important to Canada s Commerce REGINA, Dec. 31: Speaking here last night at a iheeting in connection with his visit to Regina to with premiers of the prairie provinces in regard to ,tne wneai SllUUUUU, i runuur iv. u. Duuiicu ua'c ciooui- !anc6 that till efforts to alleviate unemployment and suf-ifeitoi this wmtok would have the hearty co-operation of i tne red em i Kunnuncm. mure pui - I tlcutatiy in view of present dj-' nression, It became the duty of Ca nadians to find new markets for thoir nrodiicts. The Orient. Mr Bennett declared, offered Canada Its greatest field for trade expansion. The premier stressed tho necessity of development of th Orient export trade. The government was putting forth all efforts possible to develop such markets. It might not be In the public Interest to reveal the details of these efforts at this time. To maintain its present market! and secure new avenues, for trade. Canada must be able to compete with the other nations of the Continued on Page 3.) BUILDING AWAY UP Total Value Thlr Year $118,691.50 As Against $93,617.82 In 1929 j Building permits In the city of Prince Rupert for the year 1930. ending today totalled $148,694.50 in value, showing a healthy increase over the figure of 1929 which was $93,647.82. Permits for the month of December were, as usual, quite light, amounting to only $2,700 as compared with $2,500 In the same month last year. Following is the building record for 1930 month by month with figures in 1929 for comparison: 1930 1929 Value Value January $ February March April -.. May Ju. ' June July . August - September .... October . November December 4,600,00 26,73550 9,100.00 3,250.00 15.290 J00 36,260.00 20)60 JOO 11.875.60 7,870.00 7,554.00 3,400.0b 2,700.00 $ 7.050,00 2,360.00 t 800.00 22,050.00 1 6,580.00 15,375.00 i 15,675.00' 4,060.00 ' 7.000.00 2,755.00 ; 7,442.82 ! 2,500.00 I $148,69450 $93,647.82 December Permits Building permits , issued during December this year were as follows: I E. Group, Ninth Avenue East, porch, $300. 3. E. Parker, Second Avenue, porch, $300. i, ' Dominic Ello, Sixth Street, gas sign, $300. Empress Bar, Third Avenue, interior alterations. Three-Two Taxi, Sixth Street, gas sign, $300. the Premier said. Jurisdiction to fix the prices rested witfi'ihe provinces but, apart from lega consideration, It would be unwiseijtlx the price in excess of the worltfjprlce because Canada, unlike thetfgnlted States, could not hope to absorb her surplus wheat by domestic V Tides Today SPEND AN Wednesday, D- C Wr 31, 1930 luetic Enjoyable Evening HiiTh - a &sa. 19.7 ft. : " j p.m. 16.5 ft. AT Low i g a.m. 9.6 ft. . ?Jn. 62 It. Sunken Gardens V c V XXI., No. 304. NORTIIERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, DE CEMBER 31, 1930 " PRICE FIVE CENTS TOLD FOR MER SHORTAGES SINCE 1925 Five Million Dollar Body to be Organized to Assist Farmers in Financing, PremiervBennett Says RESUME SEARCH Provincial Government Offers $5,000 to Aid In Cost of Finding Renahan VICTORIA, Dec. Sit-Through the aid of the provincial government, the search for Pilot Robin Renahan and his two companions, who have been missing since October 28, will be renewed Immediately, according to C. II. Johnson, British Columbia manarer of the Alaska -17ashin;ton Airways of British Columbia. The decision to renew the search was reached yesterday at a sntrial tneetinr of the cabin- $3Let 'after'1 which. . according to Johnson, Premier olmle , in-foirmcd him that '$1$00 had been set aside towards the expense of a search plane, this being supplemented by a reward of $3,000 should the missing airmen be found. The search for Renahan may be resumed by Pilot Anscel Eck-mann, chief pilot of the Alaska-Washington Airways, who has already been engaged, in the quest, It was revealed today. Eckmann and J. L. Carman, manager of the Airways, flew today from Seattle to Victoria to confer with the British Columbia authorities. Federal Government Will' Nof Tamper With Wheat Prices 1930 Crop to Be Saved Markets to Be Extended Into France and China REGINA, Dec. 31: Financial difficulties of the farmers of Canada will be met by the creation of a $5,000,000 corporation in which banks, transportation companies, industrial concerns, insurance and mortgage companies will be shareholders, Premier R. B. Bennett announced here last night. The corporation will use its capital as a revolv ing loan iuna zrom which money J" may be loaned the farmers to assist them in extending their operations into mixed farming. "In addition," Premier Bennett stated, "the federal'' government proposes to offer the provincial governments our wholehearted and Immediate co-operation in efforts they are making tdalleriale the suffering of their pebpfe during the winter season and provide them with the best gradejjf grain forf spring sowlngX' V I N&"itepsaveea,taken or will ' be taken to fix thelirlce of wheat, f China to discuss the sale of millions of bushels of wheat to that country. The government was prepared to provide credit facilities to China in order to open up such a valuable trade channel. LOW RATES IS OBJECT Country-Wide Survey to Be Made With This End In View, Premier Bennett Announces . REGINA, Dec. 31: Premier Bennett announced here last night that gralri freight rates on the Hudson. Bay Railway to Fort Churchill would be or. the basis of tire present Acting in the face of an admitted ! Crows Nest Pass rates. He thus national emergency, the govern- i meets the wishes of the organized ment had taken steps through ex- farmers of the west, tension of credit f acillUes and by i In addlUon, the Premier announ-other means, to prevent forced 11-Iced that the. government was mak-quldation of the 1930 crop. j ing a complete survey of the whole Two other announcements of vital I transportation system of the coun-lnterest to the wheat growers were J try with u view to securing Iorsr made by the Premier. Word was re-j rate?. ceived that France will guarantee to ; - r-r"-" buy at least 7.000,000 to 9,500.000 ' NO PAPER TOMORROW bushels of the 1930 Canadian wheat ! crop. At the same time, arrangements had been made with a view Tomorrow, being New Year's Day and a public holiday, there will be to marketing wheat In China. Honjl no, issue o the Dally News. The Herbert Marler. Canadian minister! next regular issue will be on Frl-to Japan, was now on his way toSday afternoon. r Brewers Agents Ltd. Made Defendant in Action for Damages Short Measure Is Alleged to Have Been Made For Many Years, Total Loss to Government Being Estimated at $380,000 VICTORIA, Dec. 31: The British Columbia Liquor Board haB filed a writ in Supreme Court claiming unstated damages against the Pacific Brewers Agents Ltd., for alleged shortages on beer sold in kegs since 1925. The Liquor Board computes the shortage since 1925 to amount to $380,0,00. The Pacific Brewers Agents Ltd. includes all brewers in Vancouver, Victoria, and New Westminster. The writ states that the claim against all defendants is for damages for. fraudulently representing barrels delivered by them were of twenty-five gallons capacity whereas, It Is alleged, they were of twenty-four gallons capacity or lees. The beer In question was sold under an agreement made In 1925 between the liquor board and tin brewers agents. Noted Alaska Furrier Dies Walter II. Flynn Tasses Away Seattle Today at Age of 3? In SEATTLE, Dec. 31: Walter II, Flynn, aged 39, leading Alaskan, furrier and an International authority on furs. Is dead here following a series of operations.