Wednesday, December 31, 1830 CmS ,v Er, FLAT FOR RENT Pjiquire store. liron- i Wallace Bloc. tf FOR RENT Modern house, 5 rooms and bath. Apery Munra FOR RENT Furnished tad Un- lurnaneo modern Houses Apply 21A 4th Avenue BajL J04 FOR RBHT-Clean well furnished moderc apartments. Palmer FOR SALE - little old Gurn?v heater. Price $5. Daily Mews, tf FOR SALE - 9-plece dinirur mnm, Uon Amendment, Congressman An-"? drew believed it -would dear up the sum, 2 piece bed-room suite ... In good condition, also heater and household utensils. Phone Re l 33S. 2 1 SITUATIONS WANTED PRIVATE stenographer. SIS Are. West. P O. Box 9M. SUi 29, GIRL wants general housework Phone Red 335 between 5 and 6 GOVERNMENT POSmO- as Postmen, Clerks. Steaographen, Customs, and TiaaUgTsttnn Officials. Free Booklet U. ls how to get them Obtainable only from the oldest Canadian Ctvfl Service Correspondence School, MC. C Ltd.. 401 Kensington Bldg . Winnipeg. l . J JL-. " - -. AGENTS WANTED 8INOIMO Leesons evuuhsai M Davey, Phone Black . f" AUCTIONEER PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART We buy. sfU or atehaage any kind of furniture or household goods, musical instruments machinery, etc. Oeneral repairs, crating, packing and shlppmg. Workmanship guaranteed. Just phone BlacK 130 and we win call. O. J. DAWES, Auctioneer. Federal Block BOARD AND ROOM BOARD and Room. Phone Black 707. tf TRANSFERS CAMERON'S Tranaftr. Pi 1T7 Dry Blrah. Cedar and Jack Pine Rfn'ti Ti)Mfiirpn Cartaaw Furniture Moving. Phone 30. CHIROPRACTIC Sunshine and Red Ray Treatments Nervous, Female and Children' Diseases Specially Treated W. C. ASPINALL Chlrprartor) Phone Oreen 241 6 otYExchange Bit. lOpp. Orme's) OPPOSES. DRY LAW tI Congressman Believes Most States would Vote Against Prohibition If Both Hemes Proposed Amendment , BOSTOK. Dee. 31: Congressman i A. Piatt. Andrew of Gloucester has announced that he wUl introduce ,Iuroauce Apartments. Phone Ret 444 t I.TTTT 1 . . t the ; present session of Congress a "r - " ; jresoruUan to bring about a na To Rent Cosy Two & Three Roomed Apartments Free use of electric light and washer Rentals $16 to $t snoothlv JYER APARTMENTS Sill) AVE. FOR SALE tional referendum on repeal of the Eighteenth Amendment. His plan is to have Congress, by a two-thirds vote of both houses, propose to the various states an amendment to the Constitution for repeal of the Hgnteenth Amendment, and to provide, for its ratification, state conventions of delegates fleeted especially for the purpose. While the result of the total popular vote of the country would not determine the fate of the Prohibi- whole situation. He thought the two-thirds vote of the states necessary for repeal would be cast. At least one dry Republican Congressman of Massachusetts, it was said, would support the Andrew measare, and others stated they 'wished to read the proposed bill carefully before string it their support It is expected that the wet Democratic members of Congress will favor the measure, and that Senator Walsh, of MassachussetU. wUl support it when it comes before """" 1 ! the uuiMi house RELIABLE middle aed lady wants- jf dry leaders were sincere to housekeeping. pracUcaJi nursm? stating they favored a national re-or ossasassUon help. Phone Oreen (erendnjn, said Coagnasman An-3M- ' drew, aad tf they supported the IlELP WANTED bill, the referendacn could be carried oat within a year, and thereafter regular national and. state ei-ecttons could be held on the direct issues of the campaign and witboavt confusion from the prohibition Mr. Andrew referred to a iart made by Dr. Clarence True Wilson. dr- leader, that: "Then Is r nothing I would so Uke to see aa a t national referendum, giving every ' man aad wsn a vote as to whe- ! ther the Eighteenth Ameadiaent. ; should be sustained and enforced, ior modified or repealed. j THE J. IL WATK1XS COMPAXT) f Has an opening ia the Ctty af, CMJL steamer Prince Oearge.; t,i bimk fnr . mi iiM.Caai. Harry Nedden, arrrred hi' man to take over the sale aad'PVt on dUtrvbutloa of their neWinc hundreds of satisfied customers This u an opportunity of getting into a paying basinets of your own. Apply IW Hornby 8t., Vancouver, B.C. 3M JIUSIC at UJI this iaommr nmriaa from Vaneokwer, Powell River an.l Ocean Palls and wB salt at o'clock this arte moon for Anyotj aad Stewart whence she will re-, torn here southbound tosnorrowj night. i SALVAGE ANP TOWING If it's oh or under the water we 1 f do IL- Pacif ic Salvage Co. Ltd. FuCir Bqvlpped for Diving and! Oeneral Salvage Work i Agents for EASTHOrE ENGINES Boata and Scows f aC deacrtp- ttons for Charter Row Boats and Canoes for Hire Barrains in Gas Engines Northern B.C. EHsrtoutors Coelidce Propellers Saad aad O ravel in any quantity, delivered anywhere by water Phone, Day or Night 5C1 P O. Bex 1W4 THE DAILY NEWS FACTS sified Advertisements. Business and Professional Mens Guide. Legal Notices - . w 'vwavrnw MWWMh A AJ)AILY, NEWS FOR SALE AD.-WILL CONVERT THAT UNUSED PIECE OF FURNITURE INTO CASH. TRY IT! FOR, KENT LM, mmmmm M MM eawlaaai earn Glider, in which he was towed from coast to coast has been turned over by Capt. Frank Hawks famous alr-speedjter, to Smith xnian museum. Hawks (centre i receives congratulations of Dr Charles Abbott, secretary of museum, while Trubee Davison, assistant secretary of war for aviation. looks on ACCEPT THESE GIFTS WITH OUR COMPLIMENTS t DO YOU think of your newspaper merely as a means of finding out what the famous people in the world are doing, saying thinking? As an impersonal record of events whfcfa do not concern you at all? We have something more than that to offer you. For instance: Phase accept today with our compliments these things as a gift throughout the coming year, which you'll find In our pages: New and better ways of performing old house-haM tasks . . . means of savings steps, time, effort . . . labor-saving devices . . . short-cuts to efficiency . . . money-saving. "Why," you say, "you're probably talking about the advertisements!" Just so we are. Think of the advertisements and read them as news. News of the world of goods and things . . . news of scientific achievement accomplished for your benefit . . . news that concerns you far more directly than an account of boundary disputes in Baluchistan can ever concern you. Read the advertisements regularly, and use thorn as millions of other people are doing to save you time, effort, money, trouble, when it comes, to buying the things that make life a little easier . . . a little brighter. Roading" the advertisements will keep you in step with the rapidly advancing standard of living in Canada today. Every day there's something new in the advertisements as. well" as on the frontpage. Re informed on all sides! 1 oooHcwtoaaBaowgaooo&ooooojtfioao 6OWSO0OOOOHMMttHH BRINGING UP FATHER HMca:-: tvf qotcr- -t rtArS CA3tf'S g that kid has fcSJi 1 JUB KD- KtMeSTHE J U A VOICE UKE BifSJaaaaCf M ! ft 1. itm ngMU r...rvrd 11 1 '44t' oooooooooooooooooooo- At- casey- CRV1K3" nOOWrd "THE CORr4ER- OhS GUILLOTINE IS WORKED French I KVJOW CFCflKj:-THT't VMV ,EMT . SORE. 'CAUSE Exerptfeas, However -. Are Not So Open 'As Formerly; New ijui in Cmmand PARIS, Dec. 31: In connection with the coming retirement of Monsieur Anatole Delhler from the official post of public executioner, In command of the guillotine, the fact that executions in France are stlfl nominally pubUe is iapreeeed upon the people. However, they are not ro public nowadays as formerly, for while they are still held in open squares in front of prisons spectators are kept at a distance by wjds. sn1 an early hour s chosen for an execution. so the tmillntinp S at work Is rfrf longer (he spectacular display it once-WfuThe. change has been in f fect-slnce49is It Is customary when the occupant of ah officjWr psftUon In France retires he Is riven Ihe tttie !of $1,150. ' a i a a . , mi iiuiiumry nujuer ui me oil ice, ana it is hi this sense that Monsieur Deibler will shortly become "Honorary Executioner to the French Republic." It has been announced that he is going out of business and is building a villa In Paris in which he proposes to spend the remainder of his We. ; A nephew of Deibler, It is said,) will be in command of the gulllo- MaulSchedule For the EasW Monday, Wednesday and Sat ' urd'ay , 1030 i5n. From the East-Sunday. Tuesday and Thursday , 330 pm .t i For Vancouver Tuesdayy. 1 noon Thursday J, Ll : 0 pjn. . Friday -m 11 pjn. Dec. 3, 17.:hnd 3 pja. From Vancouve Sunday 4 p.m Wednesday Friday e Dec. 13 and 27. ror Anyox and Stewart Sunday , ' , Wednesday A.V-U HER. DOUlS CLOTWCS (I'X 1030 pin pja. pm. 7 pm. 3 PJTL From Anyox and Stewart Tuesdays 1 130 Thursdays 8 pjn. For Naas River and Port 7 pjn. From Naas River and Tort Simpson " Tuesday .J lu.-. 1130 ajn. iFor Queen-Charlottes - Wednesdays 7 pm. The Daily News can be pur- chased at Post Office News Stand. 325 Granville St, Vancouver. Karl Anderson, Prince George, B.C. Smith ers Drug Store, Smith- era, B.C. R. W. Riley, Terrace, B.C. 4 General Store, Anyox. 4 44444 Singer Sewing Machines On Easy Monthly Payment? As low as $3.00 per month Cheaper to uuy than rent AD makes of machines re-' paired. McRAE BROS. LTD. TYPEWRITERS! m Mbrr vatoe -a nrprmu-ta thr cpertal REirUILT UNDERWOOD 5 S75J)0 4 ' '' Vrtf wr irrnH AM oihrr innket I rum fl.voa si'Mmieimi addino ? ,' MAiJIIVEM r 1 United Typewriter Co. Ltd. . VKXttH-VtK. n.c MRS. JAMES CLARK Palmistry and Crystal Reading While House 225 Second Ave. Telephone 767 tSSSSSgSSg, in future. Hi. name is Andre I Cilirore; Hoc Rt-nc Auprecht. The appointment carries , Wi v lvi iJL a salary of $75& a year, besides $400 55 S5 for expenses and assistahts. a-total Third Ave. Phone 22 Window Glass and Glazing Nelson's Beauty Parlor Croguignole Permanent Wave Guaranteed $7.50 Skilled artists in all branches of -- beauty culture 211 Third Street Phone Blue 561 Wood and Coal Cheer up! The best was coming. Now It's Here Try our new coal Just arrived CASEY'S CARTAGE & FUEL CO. Telephone 303 SECOND-HAND DEALERS New and Second-Hand Goods Bought, Sold or Exchanged W. H. Montgomery 3rd Avenue Phone Blue 339 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE UATTKR OP THE ESTATE OP oeoBOE asaooFT dkceaed alias BO&TS SKIiAK ALIAS JURKO BKI-KAK AUAS JURKC SKID1FT. VOTUX la kenty givao thkt til persona having euima cslnst tte nbove asmed Iat of Anehoraga, Trrlt(aiJt Aluka. United 9taUa of taMdcvi &d SonMrty of the Cty ol Prtaca Rupert, tn tb Prorloe of BrlUtb OotumbU, Canada, who dM at Anehorage kferp-snenttoBed on the Sth day of February IMS. are mqiUKd to anad partldilara tberaaT, duly vcrttnad. to th under-alfnad on or before Mm Sth day of Jfn-uary. 1931. after which date tt f(U piaeMd to dtetrlbute the auett of' tie DaoeaMd among the petaona enHtied thereto, hiring regard only to the claim oC whleh It shall then have bad notice. DATED at Vancouver. B.C. tbli ljlh day of Noveoaber. A.D. 1O30. MONTREAL TKU8T COMPANT. 611 Pander Street Wees, , VtaosMirer, D.ll Admlnlatrator of the &ut,ot the aboe-mnUoiMd Oert Skldoff. Deoeaaed wttblo tha Brorlnee of British Ootar&bla, ats, (M-IO-IT. By George MrManus u immtmi is wsrim1 'em ' ' sa 'lHY