Lednr October 29, 1930. THE DAIRY NEWS PAGE THREE SPECIALS! SPECIALS! c. ( Dottle klcnzo Liquid AntlKptlc 50 c - Tube Klenzo Tooth Paste 50 Ii( II; FOU 50 CENTS Value $1.00 C Narclsse Dos AIpos Talc iVi:1jft((rijiaii1i i ,ur Powder Puff .............. -WltMfiMfFrH li, i ;T FOR '10 CENTS ' , ti s Tiny Tot Daby Soap ., 3 30 ;i Wash Cloth , ,15 FOR 30 CENTS Value M t One Tube Rcxall Shaving Cream one Autostrop Razor, One Blade, One Strop ALL FOR 35 CENTS urines Ltd. D7io Pioneer DKHgftels . l'liones si & 82 Third Ave. & Sixth St. THREE GRADUATE PIIABMICISTS Rentals, Properties For Sale STOCKS AND UONDS , lil. EVERYTHING Life, Fire, Automobile, Accident and Sickness, Liability, and Plate Glass. t: YORK8HIRE SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION M C'AFFERY, GIBBONS & COLLART, LTD. TiilKI) AVENUE TELEPHONE 11 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Salting from l'rlnre ltuwrt I ' l Vl lt. Ylf'TOKIl, llutrdalr. Mrrt Iky. rtc. Turwlay, 3M p.m. I .v t'l frit. VM TOKIA. Ilutrdale, Aim lUy. He. ..Friday mldnlilit I M.: l AttM. .tNYOX. hTKHWKT. Xmm Klver. Tort Mmiwon, Hun-i - mp i.m. Avrnur It. 51. SMITH AKrnt Prince Kuprrt, I1.C. . !i uckcU vld to Victoria Mid Seattle and baggage clwckia through to dtuatln IV C r.) I B. C. Coast Steamship Service SAILINGS FROM PRINCE RUPERT To Ketchikan, Wranxell, Juneau, Skagway Oct. 26, Nov. 5. 19. fo Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle Not. 1, 15, 29. Princess Mary--Ocean Falls, etc, Vancouver and victoria, every Friday, 10 p.m. A?nts FVAlsteanuh1p Lines l;ird. General Agent, 3rd Aye, Prince Rupert, PhoncSl. DEMAND "Rupert Brand" pers "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD. Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Lid. I'ltlNCK RUPERT, B.C. ooooooooortHjHOoK)oooaoKioaoooooaa0ooaoooooooooo - Want Ads Let Them Ho Your Rrokcr in Buying and Selling MK'body Is waiting to buy that house or bedroom 1 r coat you liave to sell. Somebody Is waiting to il that ear, or typewriter, or whatever else it U you ui the market for. aet the habit of shopping 'iwmitth the Want Adi. You'll find undreamed of bar-1 un.s -undreamed of opportunities. Do your shopping ""ough those columns and sec how profitable and I'lfiisant it Is. READ and USE . I . nil u! ' ' i " i i ' E RUPERT DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS . Phone 98 'Hit's fully told it's quickly sold" rtooaooooaoooooooooaoooo&iWioaoDCioacioeiuuoontm " News Want Ads. bring quick Results Local Items Glasses fitted by registered optometrist at Ileilbroncr's store. toon , Fishermen attention 1 prtfiern B. C. Salmon Fishermen's 'Association Convention Nov. 6. 259 Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Wood left on this morning's train for Calgary. Mr. Wood has bqen employed at the local dry dock. Mrs. J. B. Gibson, who has been visiting for the frast month in Calgary, returned to the city on yes terday afternoon's train. One hundred of the most beautiful dresses ever shown in Prince; Rupert are in show cases at Annette's. You are welcome to cull and look them over, - 254 ! George Keep of the C. N. R. in vestigation department arrived in the city from Prince Oeorge on yes terday afternoon's train and returned td the interior today. Father E. M. Leray O. M. I. arrived in the cy bn yestorday afternoon's train after having spent two weeks at Terrace and will sail on the Prince. Goprge this afternoon ' for Stewart. The B. C. Packers floating can nery Princess Beatrice, after spend ing a day on the pontoons at the local dry dock having her bottom scraped, left at 4:30 yesterday afternoon on her return to Rivers Inlet in tow of the tug P. W. G. P. O. Mann of Toronto, vice- president of the International Correspondence Schools, who is In charge of the work of that organisation throughout Canada, arrived in the city on the steamer Prince George this, morning and will re main here for several days. G. A. Woodland1 ahd A. O. Rix pf the local stall of the Imperial Oil Co. are named In a 10-year service honor roll of the company which , Is published In the golden Jubilee number of "The Imperial Oil Re view" which has lust made its an i . ji toeilthcW T C. N. R. steamer Prince George, Capt. Harry Nedden, arrived in port at 10:30 this morning from Vancouver, Powell River and Ocean Falls and will sail at 4 o'clock this afternoon for Anyox. Stewart and Ketchikan whence she will return here southbound tomorrow night. DDD or the severer forms o eczema .!.-. 1..M l..4 nl.o tnA lw UCIlt V AIUIU tlltl H 3 I1IIV IHU t.Mn. A doctor's formula uitli a bril- liant record. lulling Mops Instantly ; IliU clrar stainless treatment pene trates tbe sick tissues. RUPERT PHARMACY W. J. McCUTCHEON. MRUGG1S1 OKMES LTD. Jewellery Manufactured or Repaired Plalins Work Done LEO CONTOLI 370 Sixth St. Mall Orders MOTHER! Won't you get our Hallowe'en cakes from The Electric Haltcry Tliey'rc Wonderful We Deliver Phone C67 of TOTAL S FARES to CANADA ADVANCED Britishers in Canada may now bring forward their Families, Relatives and Friends on Easy Terms. For full details apply: II. J. LOUGIIRAN liKI. Mipt. ColoiiliatUtn, rn-niiilliin I'uilfU' 1! 'Kiioonvrr BRITISH RE-UNION ASSOCIATION Hits theSpot As a Quick Relief for COUGHS COLDS CHOUP BRONCHITIS, Etc. You arc welcome to "Varden's Concert. Meropolc Hull, tomorrow Oct. 30, at 9 pjn. Admission 50c 253 Capt. Steve Sheehan, well known halibut boat sklpperr sailed yesterday afternoon on the Catala for Seattle where he will spend the winter. Mrs. II. T. James and family, who have been visiting for several months In Vancouver are passengers aboard the Prince George to day returning to . their home in Anyox. John R. Morgan, who Is now en gaged In logging operations at Cumshewa Inlet, Queen Charlotte Islands, arrived in the city on the Prince George this morning after having made a business trip to Vancouver. Mr. Tattersont' fur manufacturer who was to arrive in the city to day with a large stock of furs for Wm. Goldbloom has been unabl to come on account of Illness but wl" visit the city at some future date. TAXI PHONE 32 Comfort Cqurtesjf and Safety . NEW CARS John Gurvich, Prop. . Day or Night , DR. HUGH L. DICKEY SPECIALIST Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat At St. Elmo Hotel Eyes Tested For Glasses HOTEL ARRIVALS Central Hotel lmi:k m;v manaoemest Mm in llrutrd; Travrllerti' Samplf Itounn; lint mid C'oM Vi'atrr free llu MrrU All Trains anil Haul Rales $1.00 and Up M'ECIAI. MONTHLY KATES C.R.1UGOAKT K A. DONALD rriiprlelori PHONE 51 . Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading family hotel. Hot and cold water in all room!. A. J. l'RUimOMMn. Prop. Cor. of Fraset md Fifth Sts. Savoy Mr. and Mrs. N. Frechman, Terrace: R. Lalonde. Montreal; G. Laveque, Montreal. New Royal Hotel f. Znrflll, iTop. THE IIOIKI. UOUTII WHILE Hot It Cold Wsif; Slnam ltMt ?5c PER DAY AND UI T. Irplnin.- 'Ml Royal Paul Drenton and C. Watson, Port Simpson. Boston brill Large Cabaret SPECIAL DINNERS Thursdays and Saturdays DANCING Every Saturday Nljlit, 9 to 12 Dance Hall for Hire Accomodation for Private Parties,, w I'lionc 457 Prince Rupert Dinnerware, china, crockery, glassware. Ileilbroncr's Store. On account of leaving town, must sell Star Coupe. A snap at $175. Phone Walker 137. 253 Just arrived 100 dresses too lata! for fashion show. Latest styles, col 4 ors and materials. You are invited to come In and look them over. The prices are right. Annettes. (254) A. W. Llpsln returned to the city on the Prince George this morn ing from a brief business trip to Vancouver and elsewhere In the south. United Church Hallowe'en tea and sale of home cooking, Thurs day, Oct. 30, from 3 to 6 at the home of Mrs. T. J. Shenton, 530 8th Ave. West. 254 A. E. Parlow, district forester, returned to the city on the Prince George this morning from a brief trip to the Ocean Falls district on official duties. Mrs. James Klllas and family, who have been on a trip to Vancouver and elsewhere in, the south returned to the city on the Prince George this morning. f W. II. '"Manuel' and A. C. Gardi ner, Canadian National Railways travelling auditors arrived In the city on the Prince George" ' this morning from Vancouver. H. V. Moorehouse, manager of Namu cannery, after a brief visit here on fficial business, sailed by the Catala yesterday afternoon on his return down the coast. REGISTRATION OF VOTERS The office of the City Clerk. City Hall, will remain open from 7 o'clock pm. each evening on Oc tober 25, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, to re celve declarations of householders and licence holders. tt MI LADY BEAUTY SH0PPE Offers an attractive price on PERMANENT WAVES RINGLETTE OR NESTLE WAVE For $6.00 From October 15 to October 31 See us and get free advice before having your Permanent Wave. Telephone C53 Anti Freeze Is Much Cheaper Than a New Radiator Antl Freeze Is cold weather Insurance for your motor and radiator We have a full line, including Prcstoue, Rador Glycerine , and Alcohol Overhaul Your Old Tire Chains And anticipate your needs In this line while our stock , is complete .Cold Weather:;;. vMakes,: hard starting. Why not? Install a new battery now? OUR PRICE IS RIGHT ' 11-PIatc Battery . .$10.00 13-PIatc Battery . .$12.00 S.E. PARKER LTD. PHONE 83 FORD DEALERS 8c. REGULAR PAINS ? wOME women suffer more than others. Often, when there isn't any needl The pains peculiar to women may be relieved as readily as other pains for which Aspirin is intended. These tablets are always a big help at such times, and never the least bit harmfulr'(Aspirin does not depress the heart.) Of course, you are familiar with the use of Aspirin for headache. 1 1 brings such prompt Canadian Prosperity A.. 10,000, Cold 12.8c and 8c. Pair of Jacks, 3,500, Cold 12.4c and 8c. Domino II., 2,000, Atlln, 12c and ANNOUNCEMENTS Vardcn's Concert October 30. Royal Purple Bridge and Whist series, next game, November 3. United Church Hallowe'en tea Oct. 30. 31. Hill GO' Bridge and Dance October Elks' Halloween Dance Friday, Oct. 31, In Ella' Home. Eagles' Smoker November 4. Catholic Bazzar Nov. 5 and 6. Leif Erickson Whist Drive and dance November 5. Moose Whist Drive and Dance November 7. Armistice Day Banquet, Tuesday Nov. 11. "Amy From Arizona," First United Church, Nov. 12 and 13. Rupert East United Church Ba-saar, November 13. Gyro Hoedown November 14. Presbyterian Baiaar Nov. 20. Anglican W. A. Bazaar Doc. 2. Unlteuych, -Bazaar Dec. 4. 4 tV MttMM 4 4 The Daily News can be pur- chased at Post Office News Stand, 325 Granville St., Vancouver. Karl Anderson, Prince George. B.C. Smlthers Drug Store, Smith- ers, B.C. R. W. Riley, Terrace, B.C. fr General Store, Anyox. relief that sudden headaches needn't upset your plans. It will check a cold, or ease the sorest throat; and comfort the worst sufferer from neuritis and neuralgia. When your head aches from any cause when a cold has settled in your joints or you feel those deep-down pains of rheumatism, sciatica, lumbago, take Aspirin and you can count on real relief. ASPIRIN , TRADE-MARK REG. FISHJjjALES Summary American 120,000 pounds, 12c: and 5c to 14.9c and 5c. Canadian 15,500 pounds, 12c and 8c to. 125c and Cc. American Resolute, 42,000, Cold Storage. 12c and 5c. North, 25,000, Booth, 12.6c and 5c. Mltkof, 13,000, Pacific, 12.8c and ! 5c. 1 Venus, 11,000, Royal, 12.8c and ' 5c. Ivanhoe, 17,000, Atlln, 14.1c and 5c. v ! Bravo, 5,000, Booth, 14.9c and 5c. j Sherman. 7,000, Cold Storage, 14.8c and 5c. The Regal Shop We carry a complete line of Academy Vellum, Stationery & Papcterics, Artcraft Crepe Paper British manufacture, for all kinds of decorating. Candies and Tobaccos MR. & MRS. JOHN McRAE 300 Block, Third Avenue Phone - Red 442 Chas. P. Balagno TEACHER OF PIANO Announces he still has room for pupils (In class or private) who wish to revive their past work. Special attention given to beginners and adult pupils. 325 Fifth Ave. or Phone Green 280 New Improved Frederic Vita-Tonic Permanent Absolutely ffA Guaranteed V Ozone Wet Wrap, $5.00 Advlee cheerfully given to all client-. By mean of a small deposit you can take advantage of this special offer at any time from now till Dec. 2uth. See or phone us for appointment. LA PARISIENNE BEAUTY SHOP 210 Fourth St. Phone 301 141 ?- I 11 . CAdCSSOaT. r. i iv amor wt . i sv There' only one defense 'against the cold weather and that's the proper kind of coal. Buy a ton of coal from us and fire away at Old Man Winter. He'll quit on th run. Order a ton of coal today and note the haste that we display. Philpott, Evitt & Company Ltd. Phone C18 1 . V I'll