PAGE SIX THE DAILY NEWS ONLY left . . . in' which to take advantage of these special terms to own an ELECTRIC WASHER Pay Only down Northern British Columbia Power Company Limited CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND OI'EICATINU G. T. I'. 20.000-TON FLOATING DKYDOCK Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern Makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc ELECTING AND ACETYLENE WELDING FREE! Our l'lant Is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 385 FREE! On Saturday, November 1st, this offer positively closes. Till then you can have a work-saving, health-savirtg Electric Washer for the small down payment with the balance spread over two years. So choose yoUr model without delay and settle down to a lifetime of washday comfort SHIPYARD Hand Painted Enlargements To introduce our work to local customers, until November 1, we will make a guaranteed hand-painted enlargement from your own snapshot or photograph, without charge. Arid lupply frames for your paintings at 25 to 50 lower prices than price quoted by ouUlde concerns. Dcfore placing your order for enlargements- Consult Us Either phone WESTERN SALES COMPANY P. O. IlOX 158 Dr Alexander X-RAY SERVICE rilONE 575 UESNER BLOCK DENTIST j FREE! or write , Wc Will Call CENTRAL HOTEL Phone566i Rupert Motors Garage and Service Station DODGE and BANTAM AUSTIN Distributors FENDER AND BODY WORK A SPECIALTY MUSICALE ATTERRACE Miss Helen Beveridge Presented With Cup Won Here ..C.I. J.i TERRACE, Oct. 29: The United Church Choir put on a pleasant muslcale last Monday evening. Among the Items on the program were: Vocal solos by G. Keith, C. Flnter, Mrs. C. C. King, Rev. H. T. Allen and J. Swann: violin solo bv iMlss Ivy Kerr; piano solos by Mis ses Janet Young, Bertha Moore and Helen Beveridge; vocal duets by Mrs. C. C. King and Miss Margaret McLaren, Mrs. H. L. McKenney and Rev. II. T. Allen, C. Flnter and Rev. II. T. Allen and Miss B. Ball and C. Flnter. Accompanists were Mrs. H. T. Al len and Mrs. George Keith. An in teresting part of the evening was that when Miss Helen Beveridge was presented with the cup of the Ladles' Music Club, Prince Rupert. Rev. H. T. Allen acted for the club and congratulated the winner, a former pupil of Miss Way, on her achievement in showing the greatest progress during the past year. Refreshments . werq served by ncmbers of the choir who were In chargeoJ the .evening's entertaln- nent'Which. was excellently receiv ed by an appreciative though rather imai audience. Rev. H. T. Allen, choir leader, ac ted as chairman. Anyox P. T. Elects Officers For Year Mrs. Doelie Is Chosen President With Miss E. Ormrod As Vice-President ANYOX; Oct. 29: The Anyox Parent-Teachers' Association has elected ottipffyirJnlng year Honorary President, D. J. Hartley. President MrsrOoellot -Vice-president, Allss; EfOrmrod. Secretary, Mrs. C. O.'cutler. Treasurer, Mrs. H. R. Patrick. District News TERRACE The ladies of the Knox United Church served a chicken supper with ah abundance of other good eats on Thursday evening last. A large crowd rewarded their labor's with success. Three tables, the length of the church, were filled to capacity necessitating the waiting of several for the second table. The young ladles acted as waitresses. Mrs. A. McLeod was hostess on Saturday evening to about eighteen young ladies who were guests of her daughter., Marlon, on her eleventh birthday. A most enjoyable evening was spent by all in dancing, music and games. . : A. 8. Tordlffc of Cedarvalc is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. McLeod for a few days. John Hepburn went to Smlthers on Saturday last, returning Sun day morning, with district deputy jfand 'master A. F. & A. M., W. F. Eve of Anyox. STEWART William Plgott, one of the original partners In the Stewart Land Co, died recently In a California hosnl- tal while undergoing an operation, according to word received by friends here. Last Wednesday Stewart had one of Its highest tides of the vear. The water at the 23.3 foot mark, came well up Under the sidewalks on the south side of Fifth Street. A miniature golf course Is being established In the old Pioneer Hardware store biTlldmg here."-1'' The marriage will take place In St. Mark's Church here next Monday evening of Miss Muriel Mary Crawford, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Crawford, to William Thomas Esselmont. William Asselstlne, mill superintendent for the Premier Co., left last week for a trip to Vancouver. News of the Mines AROUND PRINCE RUPERT Ore Zone One Mile Wide In Tulscquah Is Developed; Woodbine Strikes Ore; Gold Found In i crvi u . .UPnre Kitsault Valley fteil'Forrles. well known' Alice Arm prospectors who turned the're recently after summer in; the Tulsequah district, was engaged for the took place at' the Roman catholic greater part of the season in the new district developing church in Terrace at 10 ociock yes-Spd clos? prospecting a property owned by himself and located an ore zone fully a mile partner. On this property is MlsAiberta Dcntiger and Andrew wide. The principal metal is gold and samples assayqd MacDonald, a well known Terrace have given as high as $24 to $25 per ton in gold. The ore couple. The church was prettily de- aiso carries suver aim L'ujipur lng quantities are found across thejt entire zone and Mr. Forbes states that it has greater possibilities of developing into a mine than anything he has so far seen In the north. It Is his intention next summer to continue development work on the property which is located 14 j miles up the Taku River and only two miles from the bank of the river. Unofficial reports from the Woodbine mine at Stewart are to the effect that ore has been struck In the winze. No accurate Information is available as to the assays obtained but the strike is important in view of the fact that it shows a continuance of the ore bodies to a depth below the main level. Hugh McOulre, managing director of the Premier dold Mining Co. Ltd., Is expected back In Stewart shortly from a business trip to Vancouver. The season's work on the hold ings of the Kitsault River Mining & Development Co. near the Kitsault i Olacler In the Alice Arm district has developed a considerable body of ore carrying good gold values in addition to copper according to A. Smith who recently made an ex amination of the property. Mr. Smith was greatly enthused over the body of gold copper ore that has been developed this year by J. Flva and brothers. Work was concentrated this year on what was known as the spar vein. This vein was stripped for several hundred feet and It was found that It connected with another1 vein on the north which was discovered some years ago. Samplesffrom this latter vein are reported to have given as high as $48.50 in gold and 31 copper per ton. Owing to the dry warm summer In the upper Klteault country which was favorable for development In the vicinity of the glacier. It was decided to explore this vein. Development work showed the vein matter to be 18 feet wide with an abundance of chalco-pyrite copper: Large nuggets, carrying free gold, were also found. In addition to this splendid ore body. samples taken from the Fox tun nel at a lower elevation have given assay returns of $20 per ton in gold. The discovery of gold, both free and In pyrites, in what Is known as the upper Kitsault copper belt will probably be Instrumental In opening up an Important new property Independent of silver which In the past has been the predominant metal In the development of the camp. J. Strombeck, who has spent considerable time during the past summer close prospecting the Moose property in the Alice Arm district, has discovered a vein of solid galena ore carrying good sil ver values. The vein has been traced WHY SUFFER FROM YOUR LIVER? Why be handicapped with unsightly Motchei on the face, eyes with yellow tinge and that tired and languid feeling? Thii indicates a torpid liver Headache, Dizziness and Biliousness surely follow. You must stimulate your lazy lirer, start the bile flowing with Carter! Little Liver Pills. They also act as a mild laxative, purely vegetable, free from calomel and poisonous drugs, small, easy to swallow, and not habit forming. They are not a purgative that cramps or pains, unpleasant after effect following, on the contrary a good tonic. All Druggists 25c and 75c red pkgs. -TELEPHOyE$57 7, VALENTIN DAIRY FOR S KEEN A BRAND Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FRESH PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM DAILY Early Delivery Throughout the City T 0 ir vnft spending much of the past vuiuua. uum viuuca m . for several hundred feet and has a width varying from 18 Inches to six feet. Samples show It to be massive high grade ore. An ore showing composed of hfgh grade copper was also discovered and it is expected that further work will show the two rains merge. Mr. Strombeck plans to further develop the new discovery this fall by means of surface stripping and open cuts. The Moose adjoins the Wolf property in the upper Kitsault country and is owned by Strombeck and Miles Donald. .Considerable de-vd6pment;WOtk has been done on tire property at various times by tunnels on the larger ore bodies In which sliver Is ille' predominating metal. The results of development have been very encouraging but the present low price of silver does not encourage further development 1 on an extensive scale. A D.ily News want-ad will rinir results. HALLOWE'EN SPECIALS' We hnvc all Hallowe'en I Variety, even Candy Apples, Mcintosh Reds 32.25 Household, per box Apples, Mcintosh Reds S2.50 C. Grade, per box Apples, Mcintosh Reds' $2.75 Fancy,, per box Apples, Winter Danana 52.75 Fanri pesjnoxvi. ChocoktlB SffVoe Hallow 25c e'en, assorted, 8 bars for One Cent dthefy, assorted 25c 30 for Red Grapes 45c 2 lbs. for Crab Apples 50c! 9 lbs. for Queen Charlotte Island 85c Cranberries, 3 lbs, for Celery 25c! 2 bunches for Mixed Capdy 25c lb per i Fire Crackers 5c per package A GET YOUR SUPPLY EARLY Mussallem Grocery Co. Limited 417-423 5th Avenue East PHONE is AND 81 KL0X! KL0XL Kunning Konccits in Kloxi j Have you enough clocks? j Every room In the house should , have a clock. They save steps and make the home seem more cheerful. We have many new and artistic designs ranging in price From $3.5(f to $25.00 f (Jewellers THE STORE WITH THE ClOCIV C 1.1 1.1.H.I b:i bj iib j.a j BUM aiKlB1 ARE WEDDED ATTERRACE Miss Alberta Dcntiger Becomes Brido of Andrew MacDonald; jVry ynipTijtfiniug Here A pretty and .interesting wedding corated for the occasion and there was special choral music under the leadership of Mrs. Desjardins. The bride, who was attired in a white wedding costume, Was attended by her sister, Miss Irene Den-tlger. John Normandoau was the groomsman. After the ceremony, Mr. and Mrs. MacDonald left by train for Prince Rupert, arriving here yesterday af ternoon. They will spend a few days ' here before returning to Terrace where they will reside. Mrs. MacDonald, who has resided at Terrace for many years with her family, has been a member of the staff of the Terrace Hotel. The groom Is a pole contractor. They will have the hearty, congratulations of many friends at Terrace as well as elsewhere in the district. Better at Less Wednesday Ocber vy WED, and Tiar itu miuws i I 9 r.i BESSIE LOVE and All Star Cast in GOOD NEWS ALL TALKING a SIXcN(. MUSICAL COMLDY Gay, Lauglitcr-Lovm: Mill COMEDY Laun I v v. "Below zi i w Silly Sy:iii)!i "MONKEY MELON ; ADMISSION Feature Starts n , THURSDAY MVTINn 15c & 40c Feat ui Friday and Satmt GRAND DOUL1V . .I, i i f. "Dangerous Nan Mctm Light Cost MAZDA LAMPS cost no more than the EDISON ordinary kind . . yet give you the full value of the current eomumeJ. Their light is soft and" free from glare. Be sure to use enough lamps to provide the good light that saves eyes and adds to comfort. Keep a few "extras" handy, incase old lamps burn out. L-ioa EDISON MAZDA j - jjy".'jp tfTw'fL j'jMrn LAMPS A CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC PRQM'"T Distributed ly Northern B. C. Power Co. Ltd. Distributors Parkin-Ward Electric Phone 125 W. R. Love Electric Co. Agents rn a i PKIWHINA EGG Delivered, Per Ton 1-3 MiiNEHHAD.EGG Delivered, Per Ton . 1- '" MINEIIEAD LUMP Delivered, Per Ton 13.60 FURNITURE and PIANO MOVING A Specialty HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE PHONE 580 If you want anything, try a classified ad.