und Night Open Day * New Management PRINCE | cea you. X. NO 08 ! PRINCE RUPERT, B.0., MON Centralia Shooting by .W.W Was Planned Beforehand, Says One of Men Who Surrendered Westry Everett, who was Lynched, was Leader of Gang, and all Expected to be Killed; Raids on Radicals Continue all Along Coast. Dye Daily News RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia’s Newspaper — DAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1919. ABOLISH PATRONAGE SAYS W. E. RANEY OF DRURY GOVERNMENT | TORONTO, Mov. 17—-Hon. W. |B. Raney, K.C., attorney-general jin the Drury Government, and I Hon Hi. Mills, minister of mines, | were guests at the Canadian Min- jing and Metallurgical Institute jluneheon. Mr. Raney asserted TA XI Phone 76 and 36 We Never Sleep PRINCE RUPERT AUTO 707 Second Avenue a PRICE FIVE CENTS — ————— Men Give Share in Managment of All _ British Railways ne the intention of abolishing the Scheme Outlined by Secretary of Nation- methods of patronage which ex- isted hitherto in the department | of. justice. (Special to The News via G.T. P. Telegraphs.) CENTRALIA, WASH., Nov. 17.-—The Industrial Workers of | MAN SIZE JOB FOR LORD BYNG ae World planned the Centralia shooting three weeks before! rmistice Day, according to an alleged confession made by L.' s, a confessed 1. W. W., who surrendered himself to the! sers following Tuesday’s shooting, in which bullets from the’ ns of radicals killed four former United States soldiers who ere marching in the peace parade. The confession said the I. W. W. expected the hall would be ked on Armistice Day and that all radicals who took part in e shooting expected to be killed. According to Roberts’ statement, Westry Everett, the lynched W.W., apparently directed the movements of the radicals, as » sent Roberts and others to Seminary Hill near the scene of e shooting with advice to “shoot when they shoot or when we 4 shooting.” SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 17.—Raids on the Industrial Workers the World and other radical organizations, as a result of the ling of four former soldiers at Centralia last Tuesday, con- ved up and down the Pacific coast and as a result scores of jical prisoners are in custody. Some face charges of criminal ndicalism and some of inciting to riot, and yet others of rancy. LOS ANGELES, Nov. 17.—-A number of former service men, id to be mainly members of the American Legion, broke into |. W. W. headquarters, cut and bruised with clubs three men d wrecked the place before the police responded to the riot call. ~_CP.R.BLOCKED SCARCE | INCANADA — BY MUDSLIDE Controller Again to Take| Roadmaster Killed and Many : “Si cae 5, SSE | » le, oa ae x Charge ui Rationing, Owing injured Yesterday. to Prevailing Con- suitbieataihtesd ditions. ‘ined Lord Byng bas one of the busies the £7,000,000 profits derived from th (Special via G.T.P. Telegraphs | VANCOUVER, Nov. 17.—A mud- Sperial via fh Telegtaphs.) afternoon. Yesterday the defiris LORD BYNG . .:. t jobs in England, that of distributing e expeditionary force canteens for thy UTTAWA, Nov. 47 According was fairly well cleared up when a { here, only the second slide engulfed the workers mous coal reserves in Ganaca sion is dead and half a dozen various industries Others are seriously injured. hdent upon coal to Keep run- --——— Me all winte: Che production HAD ROUGH Dtuminous coal in the United HUNTERS Ms will not be normal for a oth, perhaps longer, as many mers are refusing to return ¢ = aK — os Two Parties Spend Week-End at Porcher Isiland—Well Satis- fied With Sport. | penable the The Coal received »y Canada April 1 to October 34 was 600,000 tons only 70 per cent 3: , the amount received during the I'wo hunting parties spent the me period ; latter part of last week on Porch- r yeniod last year. Nota ten , TORONTO. November 17 in since November 1, @! [Stand and came in on Saturday : , " vit ; : ir ‘e ser, Reese ¢ l h sade uarters thal a total of $500 W of the critical situation with their share of deer, geese ant ‘ | ent has requested the ducks. : ' Controller again te assume Dé Very plentiful on the island but Jimmary prepared Sunday at no fuel rations. the fowl were not so eas) to get. W. A. Williscroft, Geo, A. Bryant, Lee Kendall and Tom Hanson ;} went out on Mr. Bryant's new boat E CARLOADS GO . . EAST DURING WEEK i "porener with J. Nevitte, pote | Rorvick, Jack Edwards and Jac! and Yakatat in for Halibut Keefe. Sale This Morning. | The parties chuse a rather un — | pleasant time for their trip and! re were nine car-! experienced extremely rough wea ed to the east./ther on the return trip. They , Were shipped on started for home on Friday but Prince Edward Isd. 1.788.160 OLS soig _ Che following had to turn back. Getting unde! rouonto up to Friday night re * catehes at yes-|way on Saturday it took 7 hours oto a total of $105,909,350 and come Govern | marge of the Dominion business committee gives $509,545,313 as the grand total available. Che provincial totals given are: $252,547,950 Ontario ‘ British Columbia Alberta Saskatchewan . Maniiebs.:.)s é. +s 6s Quebec New Brunswick Nova Scotia ..... 16,267,200 26,264,073 {2,789,590 12,207,550 31,221,700 123,823,200 10,735,400 Last week thy aids of fish shipy bree of | aburday hese t day 8 fish excl Alaska 7: ‘ANG: to do the 40 miles and some of Montreal $98,040,600. Vancouve! boot 75,000 lbs., sold to the the hunters say that all they saw final figures will show a subserip oy shite “© Fisheries @ 46)outside the harbor was While tion not far from $30,000,000 Yakatat 8 0 spray as the boats were plunging Prince Rupert's subscription to 00 Ibs. an 'bs., and Valid,| wildly in the storm. They Werle ‘the Joan will be at least $320,000, BiG: any.” ' Gold Storage|ail pleased with the bags of game Essington has reached 846,000 4nd 106 at ; vet he the bitu- Roadmaster Jobn Holland of Mis- Over $500,000,000 For Victory Loan TRIP COMING HOME Ryitish Columbia makes Good Showing But Figures are not Yet Final; Prince Rupe (Specral to The News via G.T.P rt $320,000 Telegraphs. al Union of Railwaymen Who Ex- presses Hope Agreement Will Be Accepted. (Special to The News vis «. T. P. Telegraphs.) LONDON, November 17.—James Henry Thomas, general secretary of the National Union of Railwaymen, outlines the plan of the British Government to give the men representation on the joint board of management and expreseed the hope that the agree- ment would be accepted. “The Government proposes,” said Thomas, “that the railways shail be managed by a joint committee of executives on which the workers would have three representatives with powers equal to those of the general managers.” The plan would also create a joint board composed of five members of the railways and five delegates of the locomotive men and the national union of railwaymen, to negotiate all matters concerning conditions of service. Any dispute arising would be referred to another body of twelve, comprising four representa- tives of the railways, four appointed by the men and four dele- gates to look after the interests of the general public. FAMED BARITONE KIEV ORDERED DELIGHTSCROWD —_-EVACUATED Excellent Program by Symphony '"Surgent Army of 70,000 Men Orchestra—Third Appeara . Before eontnta wo f Denikine. etdh anethh « ined. ee ; (spéelai via G. ry. Tetewraphs.) a, CS SF OWS ROUSE ) Nov. 47.—Ge at the Wesplighne _ Ttigatt¢) jhe Be vg Sete Se ioe ine Prince Rupert Symphony Orches - evacuation of Kiev, the Ukrainian }tra gave its third public perform- press bureau aanseneel The ;ance last night. Before the time | Ukrainians, it was aseerted eut set for the opening number all! ponixine’s communications ’ the eight hundred seats in the! ‘phe eastern coast of the Black j theatre had been filled and the | Sea from Yelenshik to Sochy has | doors were closed, turning aWay | been seized by an insurgent army }a number equal, probably, to those | o¢ 70,000 men operating «in the P COAL COMING IN | Slide in the Fraser canyon a few benefit of the ex-service men that were In the war. The above Pe ™ a Those who were | rear of General Deni¥ine, under FROM UNITED STATES iniles west of North Bend blocked — ghows a very good likeness of the man who has this tremendous task | unable to hear the recital missed tne Bolsheviki leader on the the ©. P. R. tracks on Saturday his bands. ;one of the greatest treats that) southwestern Russian frontier, jane lovers of this city ever had! according to a wireless despatcy the opportunity of enjoying. The! trom Moscow. Soviets have been orchestra showed a great im- . formed, the despatch adds. provement, both in technique and| —_— : - - expression, over their last ap- pearance three weeks ago. The feature of the evening was / " Seen after the concert Mr. Tag- the singing of Frederick Taggart, | gant was very complimentary in the Scottish baritone, who had| " ; his remarks on the Prince Rupert come north from Vancouver €S- | symphony Orchestra. He said pecially for the occasion. The! that for its third public perform- audience had expected to hefr | ance the organization did splen- wonderful and artistic singing bui ‘didly. When the rough edges before Mr. Taggart had sung his : |have been smoothed off and they first few lines they knew that he) have gained more experience in would exceed all their expecta-| )upjic playing the aggregation tioms. His voice is full and clear,| ij) pe a credit to a city many jeverture, Lustspiel and Panquita. Expert Opinion. lt is anticipated at Victory Loan ,200,000 or even better will have The deer, they reported to been reached when the final figures are announced tonight. The | uidnight by the chairman of the ind Port Simpson $15,000, The} nak eomplete§ figures will be} eady soon. RADICALS BEATEN IN FRENCH ELECTIONS Telegraphs. ) PARIS, Nov. 17.-—-The French} clection returns indicate a sweep- ing defeat of the radical candi- dates, (Special via G. TT. P went south on Mr. Bainter has business oo. E, Bainter saturday night been in the insurance here for many years and his de- parture will be regretted, but were very glad to get back to} theres at 5.000 Ibs, to Royal|the comforts of home. Sat 16% and 141.2 ae 20, (,bivial meeting of the sone {HANEY MISSING SINCE | “anada Will be Vals, ‘held on Thurs- CHT WIT S Having secured the District A Omen'y Business—to form Fl H THE RED of F. & F. HENDERSON I sl A t Will ple uxiliary, “All mem. ‘EN'TRALIA. Nov. 17. (Noon and submit samples of all lines of men’s and women’s pee ts, Dee ia) invit se be on hand. A CENTRALIA, Nov Zs ¢ the Shoes, Rubbers, Tennis Footwear, etc., ete. 200 Samp es on Addin.” is given torgyjtoee Haney, & member > hand to select from. posse engaged in the battle with | the fugitive Reds on Saturday 4 still missing. He was seen to fall during a fight. i B. C. Undertakers. Phone 41 P 1 Wor BINS) y hen to » ee jon, D, PF etary 270 =! Mth Goal, The . best. Prince | Company, Phone 15, BOOTS! To the Trade SHOES! J. F, MAGUIRE, Manufacturers’ fares mike Office and Showroom—722 Second Avenue, W. gency for the well known firm all be pleased to quote prices Inspection invited. iis delivery is sympathetic and | times the size of Prince Rupert. overflowing with elocutionary eX- What is required now is the pression and every worst is &§/ Jame penseverence that must have plainly understandable as if spo- prevailed so far to raise the com- ken, pany to its present excellence. Mr. Taggart was unstinted in his praise of Conductor Harvey's en- ergy and unselfishness and won- dered if the people of the city ap- preciated what an asset the city had in a man who was willing to work so generously fon the ad- vancement of art and amusement in Prince Rupert. He was deserv- ing of every encouragement and The Program. Mr. Taggart’s repertoire in- cluded humorous as well as seri- ous selections and he was par- ticularly well neceived in the for- mer. Miss Ellet handled his ac- companiments very ably. Mr. Taggart opened with the prologue from “I Pagliacei” and gave Tehaikowsky's ‘Forest’ as an en- core. The two humorous ae recognition. bers, “Wi a hundred pipers anc Speaking for himself after be- a’ an’ a’” and “Up from Somer- ot” delighted Wha Gexdience, Mia | OE; COmereteiates. Sr. | Seaeert en Hience, His) caid that he had fad a busy two — —— ae othe ; days since he arrived in town and nae riend o ne,’ and “An. | ye oo a |; Was rather tired. He said that he we Laurie. rhe er wee ~ had not sung as well as usual bul tette consisting of Mrs, William |), hoped to come back to Rupert Millar, Miss King, B. Higgins oe soon and sing again before he left wi. Geepertee, incartwt. hee for Beotland next veer, Me has ee, wee. fery sweet’ -oen the most of the town during eon oe aa ; bay a his stay here and had made many Re rere eet e mes | aequaintances, pao a 8 wore = — Refers. the elesing aumber ie. va — aecempen: yoms* | Harvey made a few remanks and ‘dmands, The opening jasked for better financial support & number of the) oy the part of the public enjoying program was Sousa's march The | the concerts. Nobody made any- Thunderer” played very effective-| thing out of them and it was the ly by the orchestra and they) qasine of the organization to be closed with the Intermezzo from | able to meet its due expenses. ‘Cavalleria Rusticana” which was a a well rendered Besides these Toys, blocks, games, dolls, numbers, they played Brahms'|trains, children’s books, mechani- Hungarian Dance No. 2, Mendel-|cal toys, at Tite’s Santa Claus’ sohn's Confidence, Keler Beler’s | headquarters. tf &,