I' I PAGE POUR u. is -at,.- v?THE -DAILY NEW3 . f Qity AuJ Canada and Great Britain Divided Honors Yesterday At British Empire Games of Montreal won the men's 100 ! yard free style while Jack Aubin of Toronto captured the 200 yards: breast stroke event. ! In the afternoon Alf Phillips of Toronto won the Empire high diving event for men and Pearl Stone-ham of Montreal won the women's title. Lawn bowling events, which are not yet finished, found Canada and England occupying leading posl-lions as a result of the singles, doubles and rink competlUons. Canoeists of Lachlne, Quebec, swept to victory in Canadian title events for paddlers. GILL WOODS UNDEFEATED Vancouver Scrapper Has Yet Lose His First Fight to This boy dill Woods, who meets Billy Bagshaw In the 10-round main event at the Exhibition Building on Friday evening, Is apparently some "sweet" fighter, as reports from Vancouver Indicate he has yet to lose his first start, having a number 6f clean-cut victories to his Credit as well as several sensational "draws" against such boys as George Alnsworth, Charlie McKln-non, Billy Townsend's sparring partner, Harry Marshall (three tlmesf former lightweight champion of B.C., and others. Woods will reach the city on tomorrow's boat and will work out at the Empress gym. at 8 o'clock the same evening so that local fans may "look him over.". Probably the largest alligator farm in the world is located at St. Augustine, Fla., where 6000 alligators of all sizes are housed. SPORT CHAT . 1 uwAMam n iavro- II A Xttt Tnw A,, m. cs..:..: tU: i ! The final practice of 'the local girls' basketball teainjn preparation for the match tomorrow evening with the EdmonCori Commercial Orads. took place last night. The local girls are now In the pink of form and are looking forward to the contest with considerable hope of being able to make a good showing. The local team consists of Julia Walters, captain, Sue Boddle, Evelyn March, Cath Irvine, Margaret Gilchrist, Phyllis Harvey and Ella Steen. A team of girls from Vancouver Is In Hamilton for the Empire Games. These include Lillian Palmer, who made a world's record at the Dominion Day sporta-.in "Va'n- high school champion, FrankT jj uavis, wno competes in tne discus and baseball throwing events and the high Jump, and Jean Thomson, who is a brilliant all-round athlete, who may place in either the sprints or the broad Jump. In a recent women's International meet between England and' Germany, England recorded wins In the 100 metres, 200 metres, 800 metres, Dry -ztjv2-oz. $30 Old Tom 20V4-OZ. $3.50 London Dry Pints $1.90 TJils advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government of X British Columbia. HOME RUNS WERE MADE f r vi i I1H.V niiprnnnn irn ma. uriei usi- uiiimuiuii, owiiiuiuuj; cumpeuiiuiis uisi Forty-Second night topped off a full day's program of the British Em- i k pire Games that included the Canadian canoe champion-! newyork, Aug. i9:-The Yan-ships Empire lawn bowling and Empire high diving. Can- kees ,eU on the Whlte 8ox for16 nda's women swimming stars bowed to those from Eng-i X?: land in both women's events but men representatives of rlg hit his thirty-fifth home run of the Dominion annexed for Canada the other two events on the season, the night card. England's relay team accounted for the ! Philadelphia Athletics put on an women's 400 vard team event while Jnvee Conner wnrl thp!elshth Inning rally after Cochrane iuu yuru oacKsiroKe. Munro uourne , t" 1 1 1 1 1 had hit a home run to defeat St. Louis Browns. Washington Senators took the YACHTSMAN GOT WHALE New Sort of Sport Enjoyed on the Queen Charlotte Islands By American Visitor big mammal was towed into whaling station at Rose Harbor, Anyox Scouts Enjoying Camp Twenty Years Ago In Prince Rupert August 19, 1910 The Tstmpsean Light & Power Co. has sent R. Brutinel of Edmon ton to Prince Rupert to commence operations on an electric light and gas plant here. Several million dollars will be spent in the city within a few years. By the end of November, gas fuel will be available. The city Is assuming gala attire to welcome Sir Wilfrid Laurler, Premier of Canada, who will ar rive tomorrow from Vancouver aboard the steamer Prince Oeorge. The Prime Minister will spend sev eraj daj'j here and great plans nay rn;,mttae roflftn ambition him. MWchanu'ijrtT'Tjuslndss men1 will close their places part of tomorrow afternoon. W. S. Satgent has returned to Itazelton with news of the discovery of a vein of galena ore on Rocher de Boule Mountain seven or eight miles south of town and three or four miles from the railway line. He says that the ledge Is from three to eight feet wide and a thousand feet In length. ! Dally uauy i Stl 'lie . 2.... - . . ? wews "wuni acU ' tiring quick results. , LOCAL ITEMS , FD. Mather? pf the B; C; Pack-ers sailed last night on the Prlitce William for a trip to South Day oil company business. Mrs. D. E. Murphy and daughter. Miss Marie Murphy, will sail on the Prince Henry tomorrow morning for a trip to Vancouver. I Thomas Trotler returned to tha Gehrig Boosts His Total to 35 While cjty on the Prince Charles yester- I T a L Wilcnn ffil Hnt i - . . i ness trip to Vancouver. Miss Margaret Johanscn arrived from Stavangen, Norway, on Saturday,, and Is staying with Mrs. C. JenseA, 521 Eighth Avenue West. Mrs. E. J. Armstrong, who has been visiting at Langa'ra Light, Queen Charlotte Islands, will sail this afternoon by the Catala on her return to Vancouver final game of a series from Detroit Tigers. P. S. Walton, CNit. roadmaster In the National League, Chicago here, and Mrs. Walton and child Cubs"added another game to their will sail on the Prince Henry to-lead-over Brooklyn Robins in the morrow morning for a vacation pennant race and half a game over trip to Vancouver and Victoria. the New York Giants by walloping Philadelphia. Hack Wilson hit his fortysecond homer of the season. Pittsburg Pfrates nosed out a Victory over Brooklyn In the ninth. Yesterday's scores: ( National League I Brooklyn 3, Pittsburg 4. Philadelphia 3, Chicago 17. American League Detroit 6, Washington 11. St. Louis 4, Philadelphia 0. Chicago 4, New York 11. Cleveland-Boston, rain. Union steamer Catala, Capt. A. E. Dickson, returned to port at 2.45 this afternoon, from Anyox. stew-, art and other northern points and will sail at 3.30 for Vancouver and ( waypolnts. C. L. Monroe, Government agent, and G. Marshall of Victoria sailed j last night on the Prince William I for Queen Charlotte City. They will return to the city on the Prince . Charles Thursday morning. ; Union freighter Chllkoot, Capt W. W. Mounce, arrived In port at 11 O'clock last night from the south and. after a brief stay here, saled for Wales Island whence she will sail on her return to F. H. Cameron sailed last night on the Princess Charles to' make the round trip to Stewart. Anyox. and Misseit Inlet points. He will An American yachtsman, Tvho De accompanied home by Mrs. called here recently, was successful Cameron and family who have in. bagging a' whale off Cape St. btn visiting at Anyox. I James , at the south end of the the 400 metres relay, the high and Queen Charlotte Islands. The boat M- I M. Fuller and family will long Jump. Oermany;y43,'yJyiTO'feted up with a whaling gun 'sail on the Prince Henry tomor-the winner In field events, inelon the stern "and the nartv went row morning for Victoria where Javelin and discus-throning, flf)4. Billy Townsend Decisions Click TORONTO. Aug. 19: Billy Town-send of Vancouver took a decision from Joe Click of Brooklyn In a 10 round bout here lasf night. on "the whaling expedition for sport, they will take up future residence. After the whale had been har- Mrs. Fuller has lived here for pooned, the Consolidated Whaling many years and her departure Corporation was notified and the from the city will be regretted by the a host of friends. She has been ' i particularly active in the work of ; the Ladles of the Uoyal Purple. J. II. ' Meagher, pioneer halibut fisherman of this city and formerly local agent for the Deep 8ea Fishermen's Union, and Mrs. Mea 20 FOR Grains of Wheat and Rice Shot from Huge Guns To make them twice as delicious . . . twice as digestible How exploding 125 million food i cells makes Puffed Wheat and Puffed Rice as nourishing as hot cooked cereals. HAVE you tasted this utterly different kind of ccrwl . . . Puffed Wheat and Puffed Rice . . . the crispest, crunchiest cereal on the market today? Puffed Wheat and Puffed Rice are tliffercnt because they're made differently. Choice full-flavored grains of wheat and rice are sealed in huge bronze guns. Then revolved in fiery ovens. This expands the natural rnois tore in the millions of tiny food cells. Then the guns arc fired. Causing 125 million explosions in every grain. Every tiny. cod cell is blasted open. The grains are made as completely digestible as tltough they had been cooked for hours. Hence Puffed Wheat and Puffed Rice are virtually as nourishing as hoc cooked cereals. These grains ''shot from guns" become 8 times normal size. They have all the buttery crispness of fresh toast. They taste like sweet new nut-meits. Never before was rich grain nourishment made so delcctably good to eat. Order Puffed Wheat and Puffed Rice from your grocer today. The Quaker Oats Company. q i J QUAKJER PUFFED WHEAT AND PUFFED RICl 25 'iv. i j i ? News of the Mines AROUND PRINCE RUPERT Esperanza Property Will Resume Operations Under New Management In Near Future rfiKil deal will will ho be rnnolniftl concluded some sma time this summer or in early fall. Pevel iopment work, would then. It IS un derstood. be carried on on a much lancer scale than In the natt. This gher will sail ort the Prince Henry j year's work on the property has Boys From Smelter Town Having ( tQ San pelr0 Call(ornla( : ,ver ore whlch Mld have Outing at Kalum Lake wheTe they plan on taking up fu-,been traced on the surface for a turf rAKMortrA TftAtr rijmftrtlir Hltnn nf Aflfl fat varvinff In nSf. , Li flinm i Irom Pr,nce RuPert wlu be reret-' wldth from one to "ve fect- Samples Q?n5rfJl A.uSLKenndh Meagher, is already ' In to have given assay ' returns of -500 Scoutmaster rt,u Oale. All are delighted , .. . , . san A ped oxncw in silver and .44 gold per ,.th r. iD f ih- and sparkling little lake. The Efcperaozatlriine at Alice Arm, which has been inactive lately ping the low price of silver, is expected to resume operations shortly under new management. Negotiations are beinc conducted by the Esperanza Co. with i Seattle interests for the transfer of. the property and, if ton. Should the deal now betftg no-jotlaled fall to transpire, the Esperanza Co. plans to eonUnne No. 9 tunnel until the ore body, which contains good gold values, has been vneountered at depth. The. Esper- Mail ScheM ; For the East Monday. W nlai iay til urday Tuesday. Thursday ani Friday CI From the East- Dally except Tuei;; 11 For Vancouver-Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday FridAy mcac ate suttwsiui umi uie jiiupeny I'uuius uuuur new Saturday ownership, further development of the mine will be under- From vancourcr-taken. Harry'B. Bowyer recently examined the property! Sunday on behalf of the Seattle interests and it is probable that a : Monday ' , WAftnesdn V Thursday Friday Saturday Monday Friday FOR PLEASUR 4 ps For .n-ox and anta, which, hu been operated fori From Anyox end S'" many years, has already shipped a j Tuesday considerable quantity of hlh grade ; Thursday stiver ore but, owing to the limited Saturday amount of development work done, Its ore reserves arc unknown. ! (Jet qun The Better Cigarette P O K fe 'R HANDS IN E V K l Y V A C K A O K