Published Every Afternoon. Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue " " II. F. PULLEN Managing-Edi't'or" ". SUBSCRIPTION RATES''' By mail to all other parts of British. Columbia, iKfvBritlsh Empire and United States, paid in advance, per jajc By mail to all other countries, per year . . By mail to all parts of Northern (and Central jBrjthYCslurabia. paid in advance for yearly period .... .'fvlPISl Or four months for ,,'.... tur----- teachers because of his illustrations in the most recent na .Graham Island Black Sands May v,., fc.wx, xrausieui aui eriisiiiK on irujii imxe, uer ihku .ou Contract rates on application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone ..98 Editor and Reporters' Telephone 86 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION ture book published for the department of education. i the Queen charlotte syndicate, of Thp CunafMnn fJpncrmnniVnl Rnoiorv in n fnrownrrl snvis Vancouver. The workings arel first the object of the publication is to make the resources I? m,tJora Lm , sett to Tow Hill, a distance of IS ii ,i i .j. i i ii of Canada, economic as well as esthetic, better known both miies. thence by wagon road to the at home and abroad. I east coast, a distance of 7 or 8 miles. "The society expects to publish from time to time many from the end of this read the beach articles devoted to various nhases of exnloration or travel has to be traversed a distance of 9 I PAOE TWO THE DATLY NEWS Tuesday. May j. 1130 The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA iV, -'I? Prove Commercial Producers of Gold, Mining Investigator Says Numerous reports have been received by the Depart-! metit of Mines of cold and platinum-bearinp; black sands- on Queen Charlotte Islands, and recently a machine was' 6 oo ' mentioned as having been more successful in the recovery 7.50 of the precious metals than some of the former appliances, says a special report by Herbert Carmichael of the De- 3.00 nnrf nipnt. nf Minos. T start pH tnv pvnminsirinn nf thpsA Hp. L95 posits with a considerable amount of scepticism as to a t.or lesser period, paid in advance, per montn u!foVn-oh1n vnm-r Whon T invpetio-aforl tha r.ahom IclnnH' deposits deposits I I was was forced forced to to change change my- my' j Lneal mdm. Mr Insertion, ner line .25 "7. ' Z ' wcre P" uuwign. luaoi, ,the machine used for saving the the opinion that ordinary quarter- goia. Tfte biacsana deposits are lng cannot be relied on for this ma- Jrauch more extensive than any I terial. but that several pounds niust have seen on Vancouver Island. It is be concentrated and the whole of probable that they cover all that the concentrate run down and the , part of Graham Island on which resulting metals calculated back to . glacial drift has been deposited to j the amount of sand taken. any extent: this approximates an Tuesday. May 6, 19S0 area of 800 square rails. Test-Pits Sank NEW MAGAZINE ! It Is probable that these black The Canadian Geographic Journal is the latest publica- ZTSrlf 5 ,. . ,. . s ' , tnree different methods. First, by ji.ii. Li- j -j. f tion of Canadian origin to be offered to the public and it is the action of glacial rivers when by far the finest yet to appear. It deals with mostly Cana- the sands were first laid down; dian subjects and is very profusely ilnistrated secondly, by wave-action; thirdly. The feature of the first number is the fine set' of colored concentratien of present-day pictures of Canadian birds by Major Allan Brooks, the Ca- work now Mng done on iiuuiaii aitiM, wiium; wuriv is mj wen nnuwii iu acjiuiu the black sands te on the beach of ' The concentrating action of the waves Is curious. Hecate Strait it subject to violent south easterly gales which beat upon the eastern shore driving nortnwarti. After a gale the entire aspect of the bench may be changed. What before showed black sand may be covered by a foot of white sand or the rhite sand may be removed leaving black sand. One striking pecu-larlty is that the black sand does not of necessity lie on any partle- the east eeast of Oraitam Island by lrly impervious bed such as the i I ciay or ferruginous gravel referred I to, but may lie In a layer of dis tinct concentration on the top of white sand, mixing very Mttle with it. Hanssen Separator 1 These concentrated layers may be from an Inch to several feet or economic geography in other parts of. the world by Zllit. thu varfctJ in 'SEkS writers competent to speak with authority on their parti- Riveri wnicn wouia s;u)rten the en- !and "S" of 'ocauon or the, cular subjects. It is feeling its way toward a difficult ideal tire distance to 13 mii. back 8311(14 13 ohe ot the factors' a magazine that Witt combine authoritative ch,th" ,to e ken ,nto an accurate Thu point on the beach was sci- u?n: and readable text with the best obtainable illustrations; ected on account of the roncentra-i". , that is a text that will be authentic hut not stodgy, pdpular ndi by a small stream iSJe ew leSSttonT.' without and with wjfi " " SSwIfS ZSS, being puerile, illustrations that tell "uStlS i . . . . tV,;w thoiown and nnjn not u be 1,. t) high bank of the beach has been cut. t story merely pretty pictures.' oethod of handling the through by the stream. On reach-1?" We congratulate the society on its first number and mg the beach an these stream '?ndi may bHt there " 0er EPIDEMIC OF HEALTH It would seem as if New York City has been exercisinc worked 1 er than would atTlrst be exnected: ine ueen cnancnic aynaicatc this Is further aided by "wave-action." tm,:,c' au we precious( (metals by the Hanssen precious' . Geological Data Imetal separator, a simple but hW The ii e bank wuw above aoove high mga water water is ls'frnJous ,hui application aiicniiua at of centrifugal centniugai unusual .,., of e health ii.u j .1 ri. a- r an period. and the Christian Science 'force, about feet high, composed of particularly wen adapted for Monitor, commenting on It says in part : sand, with 4 feet of peat on the top; i reparating the very rine gold or "Seriously, though, why should not New York City and farther south this peat has In flour gold and plaUnum from the every Other city and section Of the World enjoy an epidemic Pces alayer of 10 feet of sand on dirt of" heavy black sand concen- of health? Would not such a state of affairs really be more P16 " which "I rat!s 'Td " the nst 60151 r N .1 to fay the fierce gales from the Graham Island. normal than u that there i should u u be u periodic i- Md temfying sonthewt up Hecate Strait. This, The machine consists of bowl epidemics of disease? Is not health the natural state of the sand bank Ues unconfomubly on tdtSSbi a individual? Too many health examinations and publicity clay and cemented gravel beds. uting at any desired' speed In the campaigns do little more than impress on thought the ap- ome of the betn uU operation of the machine mercury parent necessity of disease. Let New York City and any ?kk: "If m?6"!, 225 Xee.L l7 Pced in the-bottom of the bowl other city that chooses to do so turn its attention away 5,VS "ZILm from too much introspective and analytical examination cemented layers of ferruginous T?aZ l nIl of its Milled .health problems, and the probabilities are gravel arc only a foot or two 1 niai me nospuais reauy wouia notice a perceptible de- "e uoul aoovc ana oclow ine cylindrical wall Of Interest to Gardeners The Making of Better Bouquets v raywiaiy 4i nuav rl nnt ihnv onv nf .IKo nro, some little time elapses from the! or lining on the MarteU Crk are concentrated so ,21 f l that they contain 50 black sand 1 5f ' g1 W dv'e' d'rCCt pulp and colors of gold can be found atJf1 ,Uw the Ma any point by panning. The man- ltfm UP'I agement states that values as high wa,r df; and Jt fn angular as $11 to the cubic yard have been veloc.lty "to tn,at 01 bowl obtained. The writer panned the cau!,n tt to trayel "Pwards at at black sands of this creek In a num- Predetermined speed depending ber of places and got colors In " the -nature of Che feed) In a; nearly every pan. As nearly an av- 1h,n over the mercury. As; soon as the told and Dlatlnumi ATMS rro a t snncalKlo utai fnVon nf 4Via Some flowers often cause much i with a sharp knife, making a clean same sands amounting to about 5 br'ng material Is subjected to annoyance by refusing to freshen cut instead of the usual methods of pound; this was carerully quartered ,he actW of the centrifugal force llrZ iH-tandp!afied if 'elMO which crush the stem. A the assay office but the resulting , a "ParaUon of this material be- time they are cut until they are placed in a vase. This condition may be remedied by cutting the stems under water after they have been taken Into the house and not exposing the cut end again to the air. When the stem Is cut in the open air the normal functioning ot the plant draws air Into the cut stem, forming tiny bubbles. This prevent-, the circulation of water through the stem and wilt follows. Cutting off a portion of the stem allows the water to circulate and the bloom will freshen up. The receptacle In which the bouquet Is to be placed should have sufficient room for !sharp cut after they are taken iicen , arei iu lut otcuia wen aim at night It is an excellen place the flowers In some where the stems can clous metals, though four half as- HINTS FOR GARDENERS A SHORT CUT gins, the heavier particles moving to the outside. Action Explained In order to accelerate the separation or the heavy particles of .1.1 . . 1 . . , 1 cial appliances, and the gold and platinum, having greater specific gravity than the mercury, win pen-etrate and remain in the mercury. Orowth can be hastened and;in the case of clean gold It is weeas cneciced ty the use of muicn I qulcklp amalgamated thereby. paper which Is now highly recom- j platinum and rusty cold or greasy mended by government authorities gold will be retained aealnst the for the home garden. This Is simply " -"- " Wttn wan oi of th. in? dowi untn uniu the me machln macnin Look for this mark on ercry ifn. ft is pur guarantee that Magic Baking Poic derdoes not contain alumorany harmful tngrcditnt. lng plan woul dseem to lend itself to a large operation: Suitable ground having been round, the centre or this would be chosen for ... wuh. u.e omcr ncuvjr par-jthe gold saving plant. A portable tides (as magnetite, garnet, etc.) . tramwav with nhi ,iu k the pulp is kept agitated by spec, , to one 8kle. lheM ctf to filled by a gasoline or electric small shovel and hauled to the plant by rope, carried up an Incline, and dumped Into a bin. From the bin the sand and gravel would pass to trommels, which would screen out all over 40-mesh as be ing or no value; the trommels or !. acreens " wntilrt rUlivr t a tr , 'f JSff SEE "SeiVow'lf Sta rMt bCta' Sun hfchTr co'r in "V"'" " "nU!r WZD mercury, win pass . worv 6nould snouid hftvl nave a capacity of day. The concentrates jig would pass to the I machine, where the value I merged ir K is desired to prolong ches of mam- early bloomlne shrubi ' rainfall which runs Into the ground . slTea wo.aay oeiore my arnvai wou a De saved. Such a plant the life of the bouquet. Another device Is to sear the stems over the flame of a gas stove before putting the flowers In water. This is excellent treatment for many kinds of flowers. The stem should be cut just before the searing. Searing closes the passages In the stem and prevents the escape of sap. Poppiea, need treating by this method to make them stand up well. It Is always better to cut flowers mv may uiay b, be dc cut cui ,t and ana hmts, broueht into into the a,n8 along the rows rows where where It It Is is most most " na w" ,? B ,Ten cn 1 lC5t wnuc r J f w." W0UId. 0 a w 01 oi a a large lftre aany ton" orougni tne, . ., AJ there. It seempt in uwirV nrfectlv. ns hin n. v,,, tu house and placed In vase, to open 11 13 etl -tried" to pro- mh" 'rcdug "Vh? "v" their blooms. The forsythla andt,, meions and sJmUar ihtoglL "ounce It an unqualified success, which It would pay to handle the pussy willows are much used In1 growth Is very materially hastened Mjr car 18 that lt may not ie and- Further, the plant would be this manner. They give a fine ex-'which Is a most Important point the caPaclT for a large operation, of such a nature that It could ample of the effectiveness of ' where the season Is short, or where but thIs ra'eht be overcome in two easily be moved from place to simplicity in flower arrangements extra early vegetables are wanted. 'way8 th by multiplying the place where the values proved proas a few stems of the straight Moreover, this new mulch ellmln- number of machines or by fjrst fltable. growing willow and one branch oflates practically all cultivation, concentrating the sand by Jigging.; Thorough Sampling Advised forsythla will prove much more er-1 Oardeners arc advised to at least Provided careful prospecting If carefully thought out, both as fectlve than a thick cluster or i covtr a portion or their, vegetable showed that there was a suKlclent to method or working and finance tangled branches' '-ptch with this paper. body of payable sand,'the" ttittatf t'see no reason why some of the CHEESE STRAWS I cup flour 1 tratpoon Magic Baking I'owdrr 1 tableapoon butter 2 cups gratrd cheese A pinch of salt Cold water Sift flour, baking and aalt, r'ovrder tub In butter and cheese. Mil with very cold vater. Itoll out like pie crust, cut In atripa about S Inches Ion-, llakeln a hot oven till nicely browned. If you bate at home send for the New Magic Cook Ihwk. It will provide you wltli dozens of Interesting suggestions to help with your ltak Jou ig. A copy will Iks acntrre on request. ( Here's a delicacy that fairly melts in your mouth. Tender . . . flaky . . . tempting cheese straws! Doesn't it make your mouth voter just to think about them? For lunch . . asi aJ side dish with dinner . ....nftfcthtihridcc game, or when exitertaining, they're equally delightful. And so easy to make, therc'a really no reason why you shouldn't serve them often. But when making th'cflir member! to get'itllo'i bct tt suits for every1 bdkifigdlaya use 3IAGIC BAKING POWDER the kind that 3 out of every 4 Canadian houscuives wild hake at home say they use because it gives consistently belter baking results. $Thlfact Mas rrrratml In a rrnt Domlnlun-wid inivttijatloru STANDARD BRANDS LlAlITED CILLETT PRODUCTS TORONTO MONTREAL WINNIPEG black sand deposits of Graham Is-jsand from 1 to 12 Indies thick; land should not turn out to bo 'sample of concentrates from tWi paying ventures, and hold good for a number or years, but It should be clearly understood that such undertaking should be approached with caution under expert advice and a thorough sampling or the ground made before any expense la incurred ror machinery. Taking a number or samples here and there over a deposit and getting them assayed In the way that would be done in a lode mine will, in my opinion, give results which may be entirely erroneous, either too high or unduly low. The meth-od that suggests Itself would be to take a small self-contained Hans sen scperator on to the ground and run through it a definite yardage, of sand from representative sections of the ground, then retorting the mercury and weighing the resulting precious metals and calculating the yield. Black Rand on Inlet Peter Kay has a black sand claim about I mile south of Massct wharf. The bank Is 15 or 20 feet claim gave 0.6 oz. gold and J platinum to the ton, but a ample on assay gave no valuei The southern end of the claim cut by a small stream which nai concentrated the sand, here t men were able to make good a8eS with a sluice-box, shovelling In"' rand and pumping the water lro the stream. Colors of gold ' got nearly anywhere by panniM and some of the colors are a i weight, by no means what known as fine gold. This proptw Is ove.r fifteen miles from wu the other black sand deposit b Ins., worked and will serve to snc the wide distribution of the vaio Playing on the street not far lrB his homo at 404 Eighth A?cnU' West, Oliver Santerbane, flve-y old son of Mr. and Mrs. D. San bane, suffered a broken leg -a . a - - . I. wti.l1 tie " trim ui uic wcvk wre 1 struck by the Q. and S. Grocery livery car. The child Is novr above high tide and some 50 feet lng treatment In the Prince back amongst the timber. Several pert General Hospital where tfiat test rtffa pits have VinvA ttoiri been sunk etinlr A 8 n Q 9 lavnni.fn1 expected Hia the Krtna bone will will bC be or reet deep, showing layers or black morrow. recelf