PAGE FOUR First Game of Football Season Ends In Scoreless Draw; Teams Show Good Opening Season Form Regiment and Canadian Legion played to a scoreless draw last night in the opening game of the-football season the first match in the Gilhuly Cup series. Considering it was the initial encounter of the year, good soccer was played. The Regiment might have had a slight edge but, at that, the draw was a fair ending for both teams missed scoring chance. Indeed, the work of the goalkeepers Johnston Smith for the Legion and George Laidler for the Regiment was an outstanding feature of the evening's perrorraanees. New prayers rie on either side save a good account of themselves. The Regiment was on the offensive a eood deal in the first half and Johnston Smith saved well from Jack Wilson and Angus Mac-donald. H. Woods sulfated a twisted knee toward the close of the period and had to leave th field. The low of this half back was unfortunate for the Legion. , The Regiment .might again be said to have had the best of the second half with Smith still keeping a fine goal for the Legion. Nor- ave satisfaction as referee while f SAW it with a IT SIMONDS S53"W Stays sharp longer ft J By Cuts easier. Saws faster a K) SIMOHDS CANADA IA CO. LTD. til TKWm MOHTRrAI. ' ORONTO ATHLETICS REACH TOP Homers Responsible For All Philadelphia Scoring Yesterday; ' Giants Win Afaiil NEW YORK, May 6:-Al Simmons scored a homer yesterday' in the twelfth tnntn tn oian Phtla. rington went clean through and Mphi& the vlctory over st would have scored had it not been and put the Athletics back in first for fine goal tending. Laidler also a, wUn cleTeland Indlans. saved well in turn from Charlie Bo, made tWQ homers d Haft8 BapUe. .tor forward for the Legion. ' aeeordmg aU the Athletics' Baptie played a good game but was. on nomer8 accorded uncertain .support f BoMon CIe. OuUUndlngpUyersfortheReg - land.s slx w,nn mmZlmIT' t Washington Senators were un- son,PhUipiagumteandomeof!aWe to w the new raenThe Legion was given , m De good srviceby Smith in goal, Jack. , , "addeiRedpath and Jimmy Cur- . nm Alex iClapperton and Andy Murray ' were lineoraen. The players were: Regiment Goal, Oeorge Laidler; full backs, Jimmy Ross and Harold Corbett; half backs, Philip Kdge-cumbe, Jock Watson and Doig; forwards, J, S, Wilson, Angus Macdon-, ;aJd.,3UfttffiJte, J. Murray.and . Canadian Legion Goal, John-s'tflH .flrjijtlx;',. full backs, George' Howe and 0. Jack; half backs. Red-path, T. Haddon and R. Woods; for- J wards, Fred Hunter, J. Currie, C. j Baptie, J. Johnson and J. Coma-dlna. A very fair sized crowd of fans witnessed the match. The next game will be Friday night between Prince Rupert Athletic Club and Regiment. Walker holding the Pirates to six hits. New York Giants clubbed out a victory over Pittsburg. Walker hit I a homer with the bases full ln the fourth. The Giants regained the league leadership. Yesterday's scores: National League New York 9, Pittsburg 1. Boston 6, Cincinnati 10. Philadelphia-Chicago, rain. American Lcaue Chlchgo 1. New York 4. Cleveland 3, Boston 18. St. Louis 3, Philadelphia 4. Detroit 3, Washington 1. TEAM STANDINGS National League ' W. L. New York 9 5 Pittsburg 10 6 Chicago 11 8 Brooklyn ' 8 7 Boston 7 7 Cincinnati . 7 9 St. Louis 6 11 Philadelphia 5 10 American League W. L. Cleveland . U 5 Philadelphia 11 5 Washington 11 6 Chicago 7 7 St. Louis 8 9 New York 6 9 Boston 6 11 Detroit 6 14 Pet. .643 .635 .579 J33 jm .433 .33 .333 Pet. .688 AAA .647 .500 CRICKET Lou Thomas Turns in Remark-able Bowling Performance in Vancouver VANCOUVER, May 6: A bowling: performance rarely equalled in the history of the -game was seen at the opening of the cricket season here when Lou Thomas, playing for Brockton Point against th Rank of Commerce in the second division of the Mainland League, took five wickets in five balls at a time when the bankers seemed headed for a win. Thomas finished by taking six wickets in seven balls. Brockton Point won the match with 177 runs to 99. GRADSWIN THETFTLE 0 tin helmed Chicago Taylor Trunks In Second Game For Championship EDMONTON, May G:Play-ing one of the best games in their long career, Edmonton Commercial Grads overcame a 10-point lead secured by Chicago Taylor Trunks in the first of a two-game series for the international ladies' basketball championship and last night romped home with the verdict by a score of 40 to 13, winning the ronnd Ci to 47. The Grads thus retain the international championship for the seventh year in succession. SOFTBALL SCHEDULE May 6 Offices vs. roundhouse. May 9 Station vs. Dry Dock. May 13 Offices vs. Station. May 16 Roundhouse vs. Dry Dock. May 20 Station vs. Roundhouse. May 23 Offices vs. Dry Dock. May 27 Dry Dock vs. Station. May 30 Roundhouse vs Offices. June 3 Offices vs. Station. June 6 Dry Dock vs. Round house. June 10 Station vs. Roundhouse. June IS Dry Dock vs. Office. June 17 SUtlon vs. Dry Dock. June 20 Roundhouse vs. Office. June 24 Roundhouse vs. Dry Dock. June 27 Station vs. Offices. Please the Pig "That customer over there hit soup is not At for a pig," the waiter. sayi said .47li "Thtn take it away, you ldtot," .480 1 Jetorted the- manager, . "and fetch sum come usn sv oirauora uea- .300 con-Herald. . , 1 Lord Londonderry with his charming young daughters Ladles Helcrh Margaret Arid Mary Btuart with their cousins Helen and Harry Hoare. at Cottesmore hunt meet ln England recently. THE DAILY NKW3. 1 i t w i r 0 via jrf ) When you'.g millionaire Wm. WH lock, Jr., o: New York married hta mother's 'h.imbeimaid his troubles Just began. The newly-weds are shown above. Now a former chambermaid is suing him for S250.OOO heart balm. PUCK ACES GOING EAST Jack Beatty and Joe Jerwa Sold By Vancouver Lions to New York Rangers y VANCC$V2R, May 6: Frank Patrick, owner of the Vaneouysf Lions, the Pacific Coast Hockey League champions, announced list right that Jack Beatty, centre Ice star, and Joe Jerwa, defence ace. wiH go to the New York Rangers of the National Hockey League next season. Boston Bruins and New York Rangers were both in thf market for the pair and they wehj to the highest bidder. It is reported that the Rangers paid $25,000 for Beatty and Jerwa. BAD FIRE UCUITA Seatheastprn 'Part of New Hamp shire Town LaM in Ruins With Two Million Dollar Loss NASHUA, New Hampshire M4y 1: - More than five hundred persenj lost thei- homes ln a conflagration which destroyed the southeastern section of mshua with a loss esti mated at $2,000,000. Two churejieli and four large Industrial plants, besides 125 -houses, were laldln ruina. x Nashua Is a town of 28,000 porta latlon. Will Attend Assembly In Hamilton, Ont J. W. McKlnloy, the only remain ing older of First Presbyterian church nsre, all the others having moved away, will be leaving shortly tor Hamilton to attend the General Assembly which convenes on June 4 next. While away, Mr. McKlnlcy will also visit with relatives in Toronto. He expects to be absent from the city far about a month. fiat rirSi 10 u Grains of Wheat and Rice Shot from Huge Guns To make them twice as delicious . . . twice as digestible How exploding 125 million food cplls makes Puffed Wheat and Puffed Rice as nourishing at hot cooked cereals. HAVE you tasted this utterly different kind of cereal . . . Puffed Wheat and Pufled Rice . . . the crispest, crunchiest cereal on the market today? Puffed Wheat and Puffed Rice are different because they're made differently. QiOiafuJJ-flivofeJgraiajof wheat and rice are sealed in huge bronze gam. Then revolved in fiery ovens. This expand the natural ture in the millions of tiny food cells. Then the guns are fired. Causing 125 million explosions inrveryrain. Every tiny food cell is blasted open. Tlic pnith are made as completely digestible ss tbough'thcy lad been cooked for hours. Hence Puffed Wheat and IVfffcl Rice arc virtually as nourishing ss Imp cooked cereals. These grains "shot from guns" become 8 times normal size. They, have all the buttery crispocH of fresh toast. Tltey taste like sweet new nut-meats. Never before was rich grain nourishment made $0 delectably good to eat. Order Puffed Wheat ami Puffed Rice from your grocer today. The Quaker Oats Company. -alt r I' f l V ' i 1 QUAKER PUFFED WHEAT AND PUFFED RIC nail kinds of weather Stesis qutdierfhaii evea 3 H Qm EG AS (there's 110 gas like Home wflJ3 The Daily News (Iocs Into 9 J Per Cent of the Homes in Prince Rupert.