TORK’ SELL TOVE Gurneys commenced mak- ing stoves in 1843. Still in the same line of business 1919. Hundreds in use in Prince Rupert. ON SALE AT Fred Stork’s Hardware SECOND AVENUE Phone Black 114 Brand Products Shamrock Lard The finest sold Shamrock Hams and Bacoa Unequalled for sweetness in cure and flavor Shamrock Buiter Best Grade Creamery Shamrock Sausage Pure Pork, in Cartons Buy the Best and, |Save Money = P. Burns & Co.,Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C. Fi EQEQEQNNYNNGLNN NB £2, $2 82 $2 $2 82, 92 02, 52.92 02 02 82, 02, 92, 02, 02, 02 92, 02, 92, 02, $393.02 03 3.0 036 050.0205 93 0293 3.0303 3a, ROYAL Pool Room moved to 721 Third Ave. Opposite The Empress Hotel ee CIGARS SODA Two per cent. Beer ¥ JOHN PELLICANO —— | In the Letter Box CHAMBER OF MINES To the Editor :— It gave me great pleasure to read in your columns yesterday the letter of G. P. Riel giving such a splendid boost for the establish- ment of a Chamber of Mines here. He sees the matter wish such clear vision and expresses himself’ so forcibly that his letter cannot fail to have struck attention. As you must know, Mr. Editor, there should be a strong endeavor to center all the growing mining business at this point, and Mr. Riel’s able letter will materially assist this being done. But Mr. Riel must not flatter himself that he is the first to point out this necessity to our further expansion and prosperity. Others have had exactly the same thought as he, ead .have even taken practical steps to bring it about. Mr. Riel is perhaps a stranger in our midst, or perhaps has been away for a time. His letter reads like the prospectus of the Prince Rupert Free Miners’ League which you printed in your office some time ago, although the prospectus is scarcely as well expressed as is the able argument of Mr. Riel. is Chamber Here. No doubt Mr. Riel will be pleas- tantly surprised to learn there is such a chamber of mines in active operation here, with the best col- lection of local ores that has ever been collected. Mining investors and mining engineers are al- ready using the Free Miners’ League in their inquiries and search for promising mining en- terprises, and the prospectors ar¢ also using it as reading and writ- ing room and general headquar- ters. The League is just now al work preparing circulars calling upon prospectors and mine own- ers to send in their samples with minute particulars of their mines, and another circular to mining engineers and probable mining investors stating the reliable character of the mining informa- tion that is to be found at th: League bureau. We do hope to have by far the best chamber of mines in the province, and will undoubtedly have it in time, put I feel confident Mr. Riel could ma- terially aid our movement with practical suggestions, and have therefore pleasure in inviting him to call at the Free Miners’ Leagu« —No. 621 Second Avenue. WESTON COYNEY, Secretary. a A THE D nnn ted wwe SKBENA LAND RECORDING DIV YN DISTRICT OF (UEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS TAKE NOTICE that William J. Leary of Skidegate, B.C., settler, intends to apply for a license to prospect for coal and petroleum on and under the following described lands :— Commencing at 4@ post planted twent chains east of the north-east corner o Di. Bit, thence west 80 chains, north 80 chains, thence Cast 80 chains, 80 chains, to point of com- mencement. Dated this one ry of October, ILLIAM J. LEARY oP ppl feant. SKEENA “LAND CORDING DIVISION, DISTRICT oy ARDS CHARLOTTE thence thence south TAKE NOTICE that William J, Leary of Skidegate, B.C., settler, intends to apply for a license to p et for coal and petroleum on and wu r the following described lands:— Commencing at & post planted twenty chains east of the north-east corner of DL 5114, thence east 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence west 86 chains, thence north 80 chains, to point of cuoim- mencement. Dated this dora a October, 1919. LL J, LEARY, Applicant. SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION, DISTRICT OF gone CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. TAKE NOTICE that William J. Leary of Skidegate, B.C., settler, intends to apply for a license to. pros ~y for coal and petroleum on and un the following described lands :— Commencing at & post planted twenty chains east of the north-east corner of DL 541, thence east 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence west 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, to point of com- mencement. Dated this gard | day of October, 1919. WIL J. LEARY, Applicant. SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION. DISTRICT OF ist ARDS. CHARLOTTE TAKE NOTICE that that William J. Leary of Skidegate, B.C., settler, intends to apply for a license to pros as for coal and petroleum on and un the described lands ;— Commencing at a post planted sixty chains east of the south-east corner of DL 262, thence east 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence west 86 chains, thence north 80 chains, to point of com- mencement. Dated this 23rd day of October, 1019 WILLIAM J. LEARY, Applicant SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION. DISTRICT OF Tine CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. TAKE NOTICE that William J. Leary © Skidegate, B.C., settler, intends to apply for @ license to prospect for coal and petroleum on and under the following described lands ;— Commencing at a post planted sixty chains east of the south-east corner of DL 262, thence east 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence west 86 chains, thence south 80 chains, to point of com- mencement, Dated this gore day of October, 1919. LLIAM J, LEARY, Applicant SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION. DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE j ISLANDS. TAKE NOTICE that William J. Leary of Skidegate, B.C., settler, intends to appl) for a license to prospect for coal anc petroleum on and under the following described lIands:— Commencing at a post planted twenty chains north of the south-west corner of DL 266, thence west 80 chains, thence south 80 ‘chains, thence east 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, to point of com- mencement, Dated this 23rd day of October, 1919. WILLIAM J. LEARY, Applicant SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION. DISTRICT a ri CHARLOTTE TAKE NOTICE that William J. Skidegate, B.C., settler, for a license to prospect petroleum on and under the following described lands :— Commencing at a post planted twenty chains north of the south-west corner of DL 266, thence west 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence east 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, to point of com- mencement. Dated this gore ;" October, 1919. LLIA . LEARY, Applicant SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION. Leary 01 intends to apply for coal and SS Monday Ninn ‘KEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION DISTHILT OF _ Qt eS CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, FAKE NOTICE that William J. Leary 0) sKidegate, B.U., settler, intends to apply ror @ Heense to prospect for coal and petroleum on and under the following vescribed lands Cotamencing at 4 post planted one mile north of the north-west corper of DL 603, thence west 80 chains, & south 80 ‘chains, thence east 80 cha thence to point of commence of October, 1919. 4, LEARY, Applicant, SKEENA LAND REGORDING DIVISION. DISTRICT OF ret ARD Ro. CHARLOTTE oo 80 chains, Dated this 25h LIAM icieteniili. TAKE NOTICE that William J, Leary of Skidegate, B. C., settler, intends to apply for a license to prospect for coal and petroleum on and wu r the following deseribed lands ;— ‘Ph pienied at the Commencing at north-east corner o 2709, west 80 chains, thence south 80 chains thence east 80 chains, thence north 6 chains, to point of commencement, Dated this Qist day of October, 19. hi WILLIAM J. LEARY, ‘applicant. SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION. DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. TAKE NOTICE that William J. Leary of Skidegate, B.C., settler, intends to apply for a license to prospect for coal and petroleum on and under the following leseribed lands :— Commencing at @ st planted at |t north-east corner oO DL 2799, thence west 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence east 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, to point of commencement. Dated this 2ist day of October, 1919. WILLIAM J. LEARY, Applicant. SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION, DISTRICT 7 sabe. CHARLOTTE TAKE NOTICE that William J. Leary of Skidegate, B.C., settler, intends to apply for a license to prospect for coal and petroleum on and up the following deseribed lands :— Commencing at a& post planted at the of DL 2709, thence north-east corner north 80 chains, thence east 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence west 80 chains, to point of commencement. Dated this 2ist day of October, 1919. WILLIAM J. LEARY, Applicant. SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION. DISTRICT OF ie CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. TAKE NOTICE that William J, Leary of Skidegate, B.C., settler, intends to apply for @ license to prospect for coal and petroleum on and under the following deseribed lands :— Commencing at @ post planted at the north-east corner of DL 2795, thence west 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence east 80 chains, thence north 80 chains to point of commencement. Dated this 2ist day of October, 1919. WILLIAM J. LEARY, Applicant. SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION. DISTRICT OF tel Aube. CHARLOTTE 8 TAKE Novice’ that William J. Leary of Skidegate, B.C., settler, intends to apply for @ Cem to prospect for coal and petroleum =. and under the following described la — Commneneing’ ‘at @ st planted at the north-east corner of DL 2795, thence west 80 chains, thence north 86 chains thence east 80 chains, thence on 8 chains, to point of commencemen Dated this Bist ue of October, ‘010. it J, LEARY, Applicant. SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION. DISTRICT a bt CHARLOTTE TAKE NOTICE that William J. Leary of Skidegate, B.C., settler, intends to apply for a license to prospect for coal and petroleum on and uw r the following described lands :— Commencing at a post stapes at the north-east corner of DL 92795, thence east 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence west 86 chains, thence north 80 chains, to point of ~~ a Dated this ist ian S October, 1919. wi J. LEARY, Applicant. SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION. DISTRICT OF vvEES CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. TAKE NOTICE that William J. Leary of Skidegate, B.C., settler, intends to apply for a license to prospect for coal and petroleum on and under the following described lands:-— Commencing at st pignted at the north-east corner * DL 2795, thenec smart dressy Over Coa of the year. At UR SPECIAL Heavy Tweed Rubber Backed Rain Coat is the ideal coat for this time of the year. While it has all the good qualities of the very best Rain Coat, it also makes a very t. $35.00 Good for any time SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION. DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE } TAKE NOTICE that William J Leary of Skidegate, B.C., settler, intends to apply for a license to p ct for coal and peiroleum on and under the described lands: following artin O'Reilly —_—_—_—_—_——— James F. Marten DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE east 80 chains, thence north 86 chains, oy . FROM BAD CONDITION| - ISLANDS. ence west $6 chains, thence south 86 | onsing cant of the’ vorth-cast corner ot SIGNWRITING wninioiacsiellll : DL Sif thence west 80 chains, thence TAKE NOTICE that William J. Leary o: [01d this 3 tse of October, 1849. south 80 chains, thence east 30° chains, PAINTING Continued from Page Three) suideetie, 5. o. settler, ct stor to apply | Lik J. LEARY, Applicant thence north 80 ehsins, to point ont a TI r oe eet er Fofbwing | SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION, | Me nerment DECORATING petroleum = Bn under wing Dated this 23rd day of October, 19:9 e le [| present Government took office thy |deseribed 1 DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE WILLIAM J. LEARY, Applicant. ; Commences ‘al @ post planted twent . ISLANDS. : er Phones 544 and Black 507 collection of income tax was no! chains, north Of the south-west corner of |, TAKE NOTICE that William J. Leary of PHONE 58 juaae | Ha ne ratte mst S Chains aeence | skidepstes Cy settler, Intends to-epply | SERNA LAND MeN COTTE P.O. Box 614 egar nm a very serious Hg sown 86 chains, thence west 80 chains,|for @ license to prospect for and ISLANDS " Workshop: 329 Second Avenue - The wastepaper basket invariably | thence north 80 chains, to point of com: [SESS ene Seer Ee ES: came NOTICE that William J. Leary of 8 ° received the tax bill and little o1 Dated this 93rd @t October, 1849. Commencing at a 1 planted at the Be i current charges. Investigations ot ARES. Dated this 22nd day of October, 1919. Jogo ne aoe "Wienee heal , ince then, the minister observ motes WILLIAM J, LEARY, Applicant. 135”'cnains, thence west 80 chains, thence For Hire by the Hour, since then, the minister observer TAKE NOTICE that William J. Leary of north 80 chains, to point of colmmence- D: Week have demonstrated that in addi- fort license "to pros intends to apply ERIS TRICT OF CIDER CAR OTE ET | ment P _— 2 : oO} c or coal an . ion to this thousands of persons | petrol ISLANDS. Dated this 25th day of (October, 1919. q CHICKEN FEED et — = ~ Bobger Botrotsum co tnd under the following) TAKE NOTICE thet William J. Leary Of | emeeeeen eens. LEARY, Applicant. . a a Specialty n en 8 Commencing at a post planted twenty Sussogsee, B.C., settler, intends to apply| cepena LAND RECORDING DIVISION come. On that account one of | ing porte oe ie me Nhaing thence [Betroleumn on) and "under the following) — OWSFRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE unc ° Mai! Orders promptly attended to the first things Mr. Hart did wa- north 86 chains, thence west 80 chains, |% ye oe os ated TAKE NOTICE _ issn J, Leaby- ot Pe Ps to appoint special collectors in [tence south 60 chains, to point of com: |), rn. West corner 8 PD tes, thence er ee ae Se ee Picnic and Fishing Parties a dua ‘ ‘ west chains, thence north 8 . ° “coms on ; -e ®. 0. Box 333 908 3rd Ave. fj ‘"® 'aser cities to comb in all tas Dated tis SVILLIAN Pr PY. appiicant. thence east 80 chains, thence south 86 |Betroleum on and” under the following Trips round Harbor ; anrears and especially income tax chains, to point of commencement, eS ES The poll tax, too, was made col- “NpisThuct UF SR COR RING pivon. maaan tc WILL aa PF ANY. Appticene north of the northwest’ comer of DL J. MYHILL- JON fs : . CHARLOTTE - 51593, thence east 80 chains, thence north ; lectable at the same time, the as | 1. Nonice ISLANDS }. Leary o:| S*EENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION. [2° liable for income tax. The result chains neneioe ats dorth-West corner vet ee ae Saar es + Pamowiny SMDISTRICT OF QUEEN CHANLOTTE with BE is shown in an increase in the] Dl 25%, Wence east 80 chains thence! “Commencing at & post planted at the ISLANDS. Sevdn-roomed house aa aenee - Wear collection of income tax from | thence north 80’ chains, to point of com: north-west corner * of ot 8), Benes suidegsw BEE that Ms ‘Intends toe appty |g Bath and finished basement. P ancy Wor Notions 296.80 : _ |mencement. thene ; > cnetne, bf et i 8th Ave., W. ‘ t ‘ te , r nce. west 80 chains, t or a license to pros ct for coal and Newly painted. 8t ” = SESSIONS, O58, yn 25 rage ne ee ae WiLL au ; CARY. Applicant, chains, to point of Scunenaomene *°] petroleum on and er the following o. A Made to Order .25 in 1917-18, The arrears : Dated this 22nd day of October, 1oro. [“eyerhed lands: --emees “t $2875 00 of general and school taxes at the | SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION. WILLIAM J. LEARY, Applicant | aijieg north of the north-west corner of ; - ; end of 1916 aggregated over $4,- DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION, [OL 583, thence east 80 chains. thence Very Easy Terms. i Mrs PONZ NDS DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE north 80 chains, thence west 80. chains, ‘. 4 aes 000,000, running as far back as]. TAKE NorICE that William J. Leary of ISLANDS thence south #0 chains, to point of S SUTHERLAND : | ie Gm eligior yey ;. During 4947 the specia |far°e°iceme io" primpect (or cau *PBil| ay LARE NGG stay Wihiam 3 Leary ot ateg" this ain day of ocuned gue. |g OOUGLAS BITHIT collectors gathered in arrears tc [Betroleum on and er the following|for # gy ‘to. pros et for cosl and WILLIAM 3. LEARY spn! sant 52 ird Ave. the tune of $353,511.83 and, in Gommencing at a post planted smoot, (BESO gtd under the followine be. ‘ = ; 1918, $175,076.20. Di #55, thence east 80. “chains,” thence ot ohana al, ® oF tes, thence = . i nee Joe Brown 8 Mr. Hart points out, too, that north 8) chains, thence west 80 chains.|east 80 chaina, thence pars % chains, ° ‘ by the employment of specia! |™¢ oe Coe chains, (0 wen ie I h G rvic , ns ¢ nee Mot Transfer auditors greater, uniformity is ee Wictias ra BARY. a piicent —" ‘this Bad LAW Pr geuaber, 9/8. e u shown to have been obtained in] skkENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION. SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION P . the making of income tax returns. DISTRICT 7. tee CHARLOTTE DISTRICT OF et anne. CHARLOTTE _ rans asseng while this part of the work of the ox tAke eee thar Wiiltam J. Leary of] TAKE NOTICE that Wiitiam J. Leary ¢ TIMBER SOLE X10650. Stand, Empress Hotel axation branch has been instru-[for ¢ we. ee on Ratael tee ¢ es Suidegate, B.C., settler, intends to apply Victoria, B.C., Nov. 4th, 1910 : Pp oal for licen ig gare to th il Sled an uae & ense to prospect for coal and] Sealed wilt be ‘received by the 548 ey Phones 176 Black 334 ; mental in adding to e ro Bid sateen r following petroleum . under the following Mlalaver of Lands not ier than noon on gi Green a es . large amount of taxable income ea pmmencing as 8 post planted fve miles! | Commencing es ew iedee (peemene ane pure . Tic eit ‘for. - P.O. Box 102 Office, Fraser enneat at a cost of under two per cent.}thence east 80 cha a 1836,] mile east of the north-west corner of DL1744,000 feet of Spruce and Cedar and as. ee SEND FOR JOE on the extra revenue chains, thence Sot a0. china, trons $9. chaina thence . sono. pelea chense sted on’ Link "tx _ "ih ‘teat Guten pe . : ’ wes chains, thence ated on Link 1 Coast District. Coal nore 80 chains, to point of commence- noren 80 chains, to point of commence. mclthee, Years wut a, coon es ry a We : Sell : oval of timbe - WEDDING AT SMITHERS Dated sms Shih tay pt Octoper, 1919. [Dated this ra ff cher, 1819. weir tither particulars of (the Chief Fores: beervanencocnccccossrerrerere . . ; » C., or stric orester, o SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION, Prince Rupert, B.C: a e . “age 8 Violin Lessons On Armistice Day the wedding DISTRICT 7 oti hee. CHARLOTTE HISTRIC? OF QUEEN CHANLOTTE TIMBER SALE Xiité D E N TISTRY moe as 4 wig a: on tite Norice tat William 3. Leary ty | eu take worrce that W listam J. Leary of Vie Nov. 4th, 1019 i J SENESCU have left for th raidaate heir: petroleum na Me Prospect for’ coal” and fore license io. pros et tor coal end Minister of ands “not yy ‘a OFFICE MOURS: : ‘ r ne Prairies ON theit, Per ihed lands nt’ Under the following| petroleum on and under the following | the 9th + of December, 1919 for the O alm. to 12; 1:90 » ™ sal a Leader of the Westholme Orches- honeymoon, The ceremony was ; rcmmen cine at & post planted five miles “Commencing et & post planted one Boo test © of “apraee, a oR ROWN a7 i , ast © nort [ r, ap tra. is open to give Violin Lessons performed at Smithers by Rev. W. thence east 80 nine "eee + we fo of the north: west corner of Df | Hem on an area sisuated on infram J. 8. B . 8. A. Larter. Both bride and/chains,. thence west 80 chains, thence 40 ehaina, thence west Se cualan” unease Hees” oe —_ Avenue Phone 15, Central Hotel Sc ecoeeett death peteniin embeiell south 80 chains, to point of commence south 80° ehains, to point be er mover tae? we be allowed for re- emce: Guns Sloot, rns Dated this 25th day of © ; Further ricylars of the Chief Fores Phone of the northern interior. WILT PRAHA AE, [DME Mote Bend day of October, 1940. [ter Victo a nor District Forester, D cessnaapeaseerreerererrnene LEARY, Applicant Prince Rupert,