PAGE TWO THE DAILY NEWS Wednesday, Ma , The Daily News REPORTS ON PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA CONVENTION Published Every Afternoon. Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue H. P. jJLLEX ; - - Managing-Editor,.,,. t Teachers' Association Had ""W l(iSilBSCRil'I05J!5ATES By mail to iflT;t)ther parts of British Columbia, the British Em- pire and Ubitey States, paid in advance, per year 6.00 By mail to all other countries, per year 7.50 By mail to all parts of Northern and Central British Columbia, paid In advance for yearly period . . . .j , 3.00 Or four months for 1.00 Contract rates on application. t Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 Editor unci Reporters' Telephone ........... .;. 86 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION Wednesday, May 7, 1930 CANADA'S MAJOR NEED The Mackenzie King Government admits that the western outlet to the Peace River country is Canada's major need and it is pretty sure that something will be done. Possibly by the time this is in print the Prime Minister will have made an announcement in this respect Kennedy ' of Peace River and Brady of Prince Rupert brought the matter up in the House yesterday and forced the issue, making it necessary for the Government to announce its policy earlier than was expected. . It is satisfactory to know that the government recognizes the need and will take steps, to remedy the present Sltliatirm Wo Innlr fnv wnrlr tn nnmmanna nn tliJc? iinilav. to transfer it to the province should be blocked. THE RIDLEY HOME There are manv useful institntinna in WRsGLEYS Life like good golf li made up of manv Uttle things each one of which help th score. ' Better dlgeitloo iteadier nervei clearer brain, are aQ factort that count and are gained from thr er .. lue of Wrigley-t. f S.'V' Church Meetings Mrs. T. II. Wright of Hazelton Ue ports Successful Gathering of Social Service Committee I HAZELTON. May 7:Mrs. T ti Interesting Meeting Last Nijlit The fegnlar monthly meeting of the Prince Rupert Teachers' Asso ciation was well attended last eve ning when the delegates to the an nual Easter teachers' convention in Vancouver reported on the meet ings and activities of the assembly. Following the regular routine business meeting a committee was appointed to complete arrange ments for the June meeting which will take the form of a Dlcnlc. Mr. Hartness gave some general) Impressions of the convention. He I was struck by the great number of 1 unfamiliar faces seen at the con-j vention, a sign of the great number of teachers in the province and also ' of the many changes that occur in i the space of two years in the per- j sonnel of the profession. The ad-i dress by P. H. Sheffield, provincial '. inspector on "The Education of the New Canadian, with special re-1 ferenee to the Doukhobors." had been particularly Interesting. Miss Oarneit reported on the ad-! dress by Dr. G. C. Sedgewkk on The Problem of Examinations"! The speaker emphasized that he was putting forward his own In-' dividual views and was not neces-' sarily speaking for the faculty of the University. He deprecated the taking in the near future. .The surveys for the railways SSS snouia soon be complete and all the necessary information aminations as any indication of the in the hands of the railways and the government quality of the teaching in the j:t- ferent schools. Such overemphasis ELECTION BEFORE ANNOUNCEMENT ?f u f lkat-caused over-. hrW61 statrent l srss. where will be the outlet of the Peace River railway, will be and did not test the true qualities. , delayed until after the election, which is expected to take!He an appeal for a. broader1 place this summer. No government would commit itself on i0"1100 to educational world. ' such a controversial subject just on the eve on an election. IJiStSS gl!e,fn tote5!taI All that can be expected is that a definite amounted will be made that the railway will be undertaken at once, ibeen diseussed tn a sectional meet-1 This would satisfy reasonable people. ling under a. s. Matheson. of um- If the C.P.R. finds itself unable to build jbintly with the Termy Hm superior school Many C.N.R. to connect with Prince Rupert, thert it is to be ex- l?ufiJ!1!re """ to the C0D' . pected that the C.N.R. will make everyjeffort to develop SiS STSSSK this end of the line. However, we stfflltftnk the C.tJSSS trains will be coming into this city within the next few h the history of the adventurers years. If there is anything standing in the way of this, and early traeikrs and explorers Prin(Rupertpeople should take steps to have it removed. ouk! th guWlns """J4 ta' mation tO enable US to move in the matter. ; Eastern Canada were taken as a I - v --, practical application of the theory, SELLING BIRTHRIGHT FOR MESS OFJ?0TTAGE !and exemplified the utility and' There is talk of bribing some raifoaiaMi&ver the proUb"Ity of the mthod- I Rixer block. This like another caleof seems selling our meuc- a subject that had been dis-! birthright for a mess of pottage. It looks as if any action d at a sectional meeting of! van in: juswucu as lung as it lanes me reace iuver railway c uaes. me pook was or r. southward instead of lettine it take its natural ruuie rnntp tn a much more Poetical type than ded b more than lm-w-;nMlMea and construcUon. The the coast iOithf book preVjOUSy It deat bershlp of the Federation was the study of psychology was the teach- WotM -ii with problems that the ordinary ; Wghert on record. In Prince Rupert lert sefenee and its application in PnMP,mnn . we uunK rnnce Kupert people i Will Object u- w to the tying child might meet in everyday com- on' one aehr was not a member the classroom his duty. Tlie dlffl- UD (II InP IPnllP lnnn? nf trio Ponno Viir inv fu'lu-n,. J,,,. m,..i u- i , . . in that th lnmil auvlttinn Itarf !.tt ..a.t . the sake of diverting traffic from its natural course. If arithmetical gymnastics mental one of the best records In the Fe- arents arn! tn some cases officials these lands could be Thu tiiCBC irtllUh row 1(1 not nnr, np settled cprr pn ntherwiKP mtioinrica wo utAii umnU H Wn u uumy s no obiection to rlisnnsinrr nf tham nrnvir1inn 1 butlon to the education of the could-be made. Thi is not the &R.SSr2 ii .1 , . " -"v. vuvw unci jviisa nouiweu reportca on tory Club of the Victoria High School, who were audxtori rm tht Jooeaslon by students of the Van- P.?Ha P ,couver Hn School in some of the A f, L mmof Parts. It represented andtherepeoplewho, I HO nilfa I n n t hnlmnra u a T7... i.1 t . .... - j.. - ui itching umcia. rew 01 mese nave SUCn 01 "e Lague or Nations held In ment as the Ridley Home, which provides an opportunity eneTa " September. 1929. The for the homeless to live under the best possible conditions haH was arraned 88 it might have and receive an education and home training equal ' in every S" SvaLmeet!?gs , a.2d respect to that of most real homes in the cify $SgS S l omorrow people are being asked to support this insti- tkms signatory to the League. The tution and we mention it today for the purpose of draw- actual speeches made on that oc- illg special attention to the need of SUnnort jaskn by the representatives of the Attends Toronto I different countries were Riven ver batlm by the students, and so ef fectively that the audience could well Imagine themselves actually listening to the original speeches. The atmosphere, sincerity, lmnor- tance, dignity, and effectiveness all seemed to be actually reproduced. ! Not. the least Impressive was the .fact that the speeches were repro-i duced in the language of the ooun-)try represented so that Greek, j French, Chinese, Japanese, Norwegian were aU Used by the boys and gins lTU rePres representing the country 'WrlBht Of HaAStr,n r.-, - . ciifivufni js theh origin of cennectlon with the Soclaf Service i "?p ,mPresslon Committee of the United Church of MM Mercer, Mr. Halleran and J. Canada. Every part of the Domln- S- WUson supplemented the chief ion was represented, about 40 dele- sPeaker's report and all gave the gates in all being present. Impression that the event had Mrs. Wright Is coming west to at- 'made a deeP and lasting Impression tend fixations of the British Colum- 0' the actuality and fact of the bia Conference In Vancouver. (League of Nations as the most . . 1 powerful factor In the history of 1 the world. John Bremner returned to the, J. 8. Wilson reported on the busl-city on yesterday afternoon's train ness meetings of the Federation, from Terrace where he soent a ( Th rci days engaged in plastering work. 800 and many meetings were atUn- F ' j I I ONGOLEUM GOLD SEAL 11 tiw-a I Hr I CONGO LEUM CANADA milTED - MONTREAL deration. ith?.t the old wava and methods J Mr. Wilson commented on mli mt-Ml-Aat mi 1 wm. w.-wav. " t0 U of filr John Arlam'd addrMSMt. Th'1ii hut it tK nt v. -- wmw w n i.v M . L. uu.J V. WG tne m " biito miuiica w wiener mi eeueat mese parents. uiuviv uuwcvei. 1 ouay people are Clamoring lor land there. Model Astembly of the League of Know wnat WM oi on inside the ; whre necewry, and Justify the All they need is transportation and that should be given NaUon-" This was undoubtedly the minds of the children just as an en- modern trends of education along them bv the big railway companies in COniunction with outetaI15n feature of the conven- Btaeer required to kn-w the the most imijrwred lines and with art ,rom of hu macnlne Jts " broad t.catmn of ehtid the Federal Government. Railway buildine is not a matter V? ot Bir ;mechanUm tei fort It is a federal affair and any ef-ffyaagl - ' ELECTRIC REFRIGERATION mess gndei tfee iolHl Seal inYourGmrfoletmi dealer's wxndaiv Here is the best opportunity of all for you to know the beaut and all the advantages of these modern, easj-to-clean rugs abtolultlj FREE Simply go to the nrarest houstfur-rmhtngs dealer who is diipbyuig the Congolrum Gold Seal Prize Rug in his window and enter your gutii of the hidden number displayed on the rug in his window ... the person guessing nearest to the number will be awarded the prize rug absolutely free. Everyone stands the same chance . . . there are no complicated conditions to comply with and no purchase is necessary to enter your guess ... do it to-day. Remember, while there, to inspect the new range of beautiful pattern effects in these inexpensive, guaranteed rugs . . . and, as a bonus, should you during this contest, pur-j U. chise a genuine Congolcum Gold """"" -"Seal Rug of larger dimensions than the prize rug and then win the contest ... the full price you paid for your rug will be refunded ... the amount refunded will, in no case, be in excess of the nationally adttnised price. k Get your entry blank at the dealer P displacing this prize rug ... do U the aim. All authorlUes were unan-jw. W. O. O'Neill, ttiere were pr luwu. ui aniwuHt mat neaim was, en t: miss e. a. Mercer. Mtss aic-the first consideration of education! Donald. Mtss McLeod, Miss Plew but a great many parents thought Miss Harrison, Miss Shieli. Miss that organized eames. nraeUc&l an-1 viririr Mu itrirnv tjtut MfAr- plication of the rules of health and ithur. Miss Palmr. Miss Moffatt smch new developments In eduea-'Miss Curnr. Miss kothwell. Mia uon were fads and an excuse for iBaathope. Miss damrtt, Mrs Win some taaeher to shirk the realier Miss Mitchell. Miss Gnu teaching. Education of grown-ups I Miss McDulre. Miii Lamb. Messrt along these lines was necessary Those Present In addition to the chairman. J. 8. Wllflun, and the secretary-treasurer. t Hartness and Ilillerah. Get quick result with awantid ii' Yes you can hajfe it for only $100 down ... if you act this week, without further delay, for Saturday is positively the last day of this amazing offer. Till then you can still have the Electric Refrigerator of your choice for $10 down, with the ance spread comfortably "qVer two years. Plan NOW to give your home and family this matchless food-saving, health-guarding boon. Northern British Columbia Power Company Limited PIUNCE RUPEItT, B.C.