THEDAILY NEWS TAGE TWO rtiiv The Daily News QUINCE KUPEItT BHITISII COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily Ntws, Limited, Third Avenue tf ill DAILY RJilTION H. F..PqLLENri- r.' Managlnjr-Edljor ' WW ..." . - -. - m ''J By mail to all other parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid Ip. advance, per years. 6.00 By mail to all other countries, per year ...;.. 7.60 For leaser period, paid in advance, per month. ., , . 50 By mail to all parts of Northern and Central British Columbia, paid In a.dvancje.for yearly period .. ... 3.00 Or four months for ......... & . . i . 1.C0 City delivery, by mail or arrier,;?early period paid in advance $200 Transient advertising on front page, per men .eu Lycnl readers, per insertion, per line Transient display advertising, per inch, per insertion 1.40 Classified advertising, per insertion, per word 02 Legal notices, each insertion, per agate line 16 Editor and Reporters' Telephone .....86 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations Contract rates on application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone .u98 Friday, April 4. 1930. COSGROVE RE-ELECTED Most Canadians will be glad to know that President Cos-grove is. again at the head of the Irish goyrnment. The longer a man of that type holds the reignsf.qf government the less likelv there is to be any difficulty when the change of party eventually comos. What Ireland needs is a time off peace ana quiei xor me development ui ministries auu mc healingof old wounds. . , v., TAKU FOR CANADIANS It is satisfactory to think quick action is being taken to see that the Taku mining district is amply protected for the Canadian people by the appointment of customs and immigration officers. If the mines prove rich, as they doubtless are, Prince Rupert as the nearest Canadian supply port should get a good deal of benefit therefrom. Canadian labor too, will get the preference instead of all the plums going to the Yankees. ADVANCE IN WHEAT PRICES It will be a great thing for Canada if wheat prices ad vance to a point where tarmers will be in aQsjtion y3$a.yA their way and have some money to spena.AjuMt W trouble recently has been the result of the tvlieat "sitl tion. The drop in price has been a deterring f acton in im iS EASIER TO DEFEND Dr. Adam Sliortt Explains Choice I 6t Ontario Capital iij 1811 JFpTTAWA, April 4: Probably no fuanadlan has delved more into the , molltlcal history of Canada than Dr. Adam Shortt, who for years: teas professor of political science. tri Queen's University at Kingston.! Ldng before Dr. Shortt joined the Canadian government forces In the capital as chairman of the board oi histqriebl ublioatlqjn. public. archives, he had spent two months each year In close research work in ihe Dominion Archives. His book on j the life of Lord Sydenham, first: governor-general of the United Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada, contains an Interesting statement with regard to the reasons why Kingston was selected by the governor as the seat of government in 1841. He states that there were five places whose claims were canvas sed -Quebec, Montreal, Kingston, Toronto and Bytown (now Ottawa). The latter was eliminated almost at once, for although remote from the frontier is was also remote from he more settled portions , of the country ana aueraea no suiiaDie accomodation. Toronto and Quebedi were both too far removed from the centre of the United Province. Toronto, in addition, was incapable fcf defence and in winter time was shut off from regular communica tion with Britain It had been urg-j ed that the legislature might meet alternately In the two provinces,: which was farcified into the pro-posiUon that the capital should bei placed on a scow and towed around the leading cities in rotation. The final choice lay between Montreal and Kingston. From the point of view of defense Kingston was safer. As regards communica tion with Britain, Montreal was nearer in summer and Kingston In winter, via New York. Montreal was the larger and more important city, Kingston the more centrally loca ted for She whole province. Judged im the existing requirements their -lalms were about equally balanced, to the migration and colonization, in the breaking of new wheat fntun: devei0pment but having regard of the country ground, purcnase oi commodities and ' particularly in me Kingston had undoubtedly the ad Jl 1 J" -- 1 1 '-I il A 11. . 1 1 I . . demand for lumber on Which this part of the country de- vantage. Moreover, Lord Sydenham pends. frankly confessed he considered It Whether yesterday's advance was the beginning of a iMf capital of the pro-permanent move or simply a sporadic iluajd say but every businessman in the country is- keenly-Mrter-tion . and- .. especially .... from the influ- J it. ; 11 1M ! - lf 1 1 i esteu in me prices quoted dauy and win welcome an au-; ence or a nost oi petty lawyers ana vance u n comes, REVIVAL PREDICTED The revival of interest in the key stocks on the Canadian exchanges cannot be regarded as other than a more hopeful portent for business, says the Financial Post. For sev- prnlwwVs Pnnnrlifin stnfk Vmrl IncrcrpH VoVi5n1 Kav Vnvlr doctors such as filled the Montreal district and had already created trouble. On the whole, therefore, he gave preference to Kingston. Replying to his confidential despatch of May 22, 1840, Lord John Russell quite approved of Sydenham's'rea-Sons for fixing upon Kingston. It The distinct upturn in securities listed on the American IXiSSS S?Sft exchanges found no counterpart in Canada during Jan-oame publicly known that Kingston uary and February ami, in fact, our securities showed a i was to be the capital of the united tendency to decline, in manv cases even below the nrices provinces. reached in the October and November break. During the past week, the broader trading. interest swept across the international boundary into Canada and produced some very satisfactory recoveries in the prices of leading so-' cunties, some of them "interlisted" securities which would , naturally benefit by buying across the border but others purely Canadian stocks. The improvement in stock market prices is! indicative of a more hopeful feeling in the country. There are two chief factors in the situation. One is the general opinion that we have seen the worst of our- grain troubles and can muddle through to improvement, selling some wheat abroad, moving at least a trickle of export shipments which may swell to substantial proportions, with the nrice level which is fundamentally weak possibly being maintained. The second is the realization that there is plenty of money available to finance business expansion. s ..l . . . . 1 1 fSnSwmt rr 4 tin tohicht" NT'S est Procuiabli (THE ORIGINAL). Pure Scotch Wfiisky RICHEST IN FINEST HIGHLAND MALI OmiImI uJ rrwiM4 W WOW Cut ii St Lmmm CImIkUkI. tU lwaiiM, SwHmJ. This advertisement is not published or displayed by the ' Liquor Control Doard or by the Qovort;meiit of I British Columbia j'i !,...'.".-ji.1 Dr. Shortt also tells of the re markable development of water transportation just before the be ginning of railways. Fretgnt was ui&en from Montreal to Kingston by the Rideau route which became so congested that boats had to be locked through all night. This was Just at the beginning of the continental movement, and settlers passed through on their way to Wisconsin. The Rideau Lakes and canal were very busy until 20 years ago. The waterway built In the early thirties largely for military purposes is now but little used as toe railways reduced Its usefulness and finally Uie automobile and motor truck made it almost useless. However, It served Its day and generation. Away back 90 years ago the .project of deepening waterways to ad mit vessels of 14 feet draught was mooted, which shows how long ago this question was under consldcra Uon. However, the railways came In during the fifties and interfered with the water traffic. Dr. Shortt remarks that so absorbed was Kingston in the greatness of her water facilities that she snubbed the railways and as a reward got sidetracked. 4 iUALE OF CHARGES The following is the scale of charges made for reading notices: Marriage and Engagement announcements S2. Birth Notices 60c. Funeral Notices $1. Funeral Flowers 10c per name. Cards of Thanks, S& i, V .f Friday, AprtU, iM J NE IMMEDIATE ACTION FOLLOWS WSPAPER ADVERTISING Speed is vital to modern business and the daily newspaper vibrant with speed and action is the swiftest and most flexiblemedium to deal with immediate problems in Canadian marketing. , -i Retailer, distributor and manufacturer alike have Oproyed the superior efficacy of daily newspapers as ! sales instruments. Their qbiding preference for daily ; I- newspaper advertising is based on years of experience. J The daily newspaper deals with things of to-day. It records what is going on now. Attuned to the modern tempo, it is the master expression in the advertising field of the twentieth century demand ..for despatch, action and results. 'I j Every day it carries to its readers the pulsating news of the world of people and the latest buying Haiews of the world of merchandise. I Daily newspapers create more than ,desire for; a product. They provide the necessary impetus to translate desire into actual purchase. The daily newspaper is an immediate sales stimulant. It breeds instant action on the part of the buyer. Newspaper advertising sends customers to the retail counter NOW TO-DAY. I' H Daily Newspapers of Canada , i. This Advertisement is Published Under the Auspices of the Canadian Daily Newspapers Association