J' ; v - HI PAGE FOTO EASY WIN FOR HIGH Piled Up Big Score Oyer Borden Street in Junior Soccer Game The Junior Football League fall schedule oi off to a start last evening when Hi",h School won over Borden Street rather easily. ! High School always was on top ' in the first half with the hill in its favor but the second half was more-even and, in spite of the one-.si.ieci score, Borden put up a plucky op position. Morgan Jtept a fine goal for Burden but he received an arm injun and did not-resume in the second half. Harold Fisher. A. Hardy an.1 J. Campbell were best for the elementary school team while Wilson had hard luck, with a fine shot in the second half that Suehiro saved in a splendid manner. High was too big and strong and had too much experience for their opponents. Walters was chief goal scorer with eight goals and Marshall and P. Fisher added two more each. Marshall a newcomer turned in a good display at outside right. Cross was a fine centre half. High School Suehiro; Blake. Er-' fckfon: Davies. Cross. Eby; Marshall, Hill, Walters, Welle, P. Fisher. Borden Morgan; H. Fisher, Cur-rle; Williscroft, Hardy. Natcamoto; i Wilson. Vcitch, Naylor, Campbell and Dungate. There was a good attendance, with the Borden School rooters ad ding considerably to tfa fujiol th game. Jack Campbell refereed. In 1900 professional boring matches held in New York State since last December, only 22 have ended in fouls. All were main bouts. CO OVERNIGHT Mur Brill on neck. Dor Hid Urce. Tried 'Sooth-S4l, Cm; boil H2lhd otrnihf' C. T. Scott. "Sootni-SjT" s'oj pain In 1 minntt) boiltiaulfwtaun, AttlldiBuut. in . ..- vTC . ' in in -1 ite ii O. Lyttelton Rogers, Irish champion and Davis Cup player, compared in height with Miss Virginia Rice, both entered in recent tourney at Seabrlaht Lawn Tennis and Cricket Club. Sea-bright. N.J. He is the tallest tennis star now playing. Big League Scores Old Country Soccer AMERICAN LEAGUE New York 8, St. Louis 9: Washington 7-6, pleveland 13-4. Boston 7, Detroit 9. Philadelphia 2, Chicago 4. NATIONAL LEAGUE Chicago 5, New York 2. Pittsburg 12, Philadelphia S. Cincinnati 3-6, Boston 6-4. St. Louis 5, Brooklyn 3. WEDNESDAY'S RESULTS ENGLISH LEAGUE TIKST DIVISION Derby County 4, Sunderland 1. Manchester City 1. Leeds 0. MlddlesDorough 2, Westham Uni ted 2. 2 Newcastle United 2, Birmingham Portsmouth a, Blackpool 3. A NEW STANDARD OF PERFECTION A new pleasure for all smokers in Dixie you'll find the utmost in smoking joy and the perfect blend of choice Virginia tobaccos. Smooth mild fragrant Virginias at their best they're rolled right so they smoke right Try Dixie, Canada's pleasure smoke. DIXIE THE BETTER CIGARETTE SO for 25c. 12 " 15c and In tins of 50 SAVE THE VALUABLE POKE R . H X N D S TITE DAILY NEWS Thui . SHOW WAS ATTEMPT MADE -"ORGANIZE BOXING , IN THE STATES EXCELLENT OMAHA. Nebraska, Sept. 18 -fSWorts are being made by the" National Boxing Assocla- tlon to bar from future con- teats all fighters who are not members of the association. New York is the most out- standing state outside of the association and it is expec- ted it. with several other states that have not come in,. may make an effort to. con- troi the game against the rest of the states. ' 4 SPORT CHAT WhuY 'vin'- wrulrf a!'' he fistie world has bees a hjthcr Jack Dempsey :n-jt a comeback, the f or- nr heavyweight champion has been miking ffmnckil hay as a 'ligh pri."d -eferee. This summer 'he Mai1 MhiIt refereed fights !o praeti i!lv every city of any en- niKn.T n the Pacific Coast. His fee r-.ngei from $1,000 to $3,003 for each bo-!t Miss oi've Gatt-rdam. the young swimmer, is to marry Jack Bond of Toronto, formerly of Tillsonbiirg. Miss Gatterdam's gallant effort in the Canadian Nation al Exhibition marathon was one of the high lights of the swim. Tvre years ago she came to Toronto frosn Seattle, a 17-year old school girl. and won second place in the mara thon that year. Toronto took her ts tts heart and last year gave hot ready sympathy when a tight bathing sap forced her out of the water when the was well up in the race. This sear, after a splendid race. Miss Oatterdam finished in seventh place, Just out of the money. AGENT HERE T. A. Hooker, C. N. It. Official From London, Visitinr City in Course ,of Canadian Tour T. A. Hooker, industrial agent for the Canadian National Railways in Wood on, Sngland. is Bavins a visit to Prince Rupert today in the course of a tour of Canada for the purpose of surveying the possibilities for the Investment of British capital in the Dominion. He arrived yesterday by train from the east and will sail tonight on the Prince Rupert lur Van couver Accompanying Mr. Hooker are W. T. Shute. special representative, industrial department, Montreal, and W. H M. Johnston, industrial agent at Vancouver. BIBLE SOCIETY IGARS LECTURE Rev. ? elson A. Ilartnrss Gave Inter-c (i is Illustrated Addrrss Of-fliers Are Elected Rev Nelson A. Hartness, Vancouver, i vlacial secretary of the British and Foreign Bible Society, gave an Interesting illustrated lecture last evening In First Baptist Church on th? work of the Society, Aid. P. H. Limey, president of the local branch, was In the chair. After the lecture, ne annual meet inn of the lecal branch was held and 1930 officers were re-elected as follows: President, Aid. P. II. Unzey. Treasurer. Magistrate Thomas MeClymont. Secretary, W. J. Earl Darrle. Karl Sande, famous Jockey, now 32 years old, began riding when he was 10, and at the age of 15 was recognised as c first class horseman. IIAVJ YOU TRIED A CLASSIFIED More and more people are turning to the classified columns of the Dally News to find what they want. Used can. furniture for sale, lost and found, houses to rent or for sale, positions wanted. AH sorts of things arc advertised there, if you do not read the classified paje, get the habit now Try it today. (continued frqm page 1) As a pill salesman and drug cor poratlon president respectively Sam Joy and W. H. Plommer make brief appearances to good advan tage. Musical Score As for the excellent musical and dance program which.doea so much to enliven the whole entertainment only sketchy comment can be made of a few of the more outstandlnK numbers. . i By many, the Old Fashioned lOirlS' Revue in connection with Art Three was considered the best of the musical numbers. Certainly it was beautifully costumed and executed and those who said that it alone was worth the price of admis sion were expressing the sentiments of many. William Plommer appears as soloist, assuring Mrs. F. W. Allen as the Old PasMoftea' Girl The Dil- let Chorus appears as ertnoMne girls, the whole torn being very pretty tttdeesl Another interesting item was the Kiddies Kutle Kewpy ReVue in which little Miss Mickey Lawler ts soloist, assisted by eight cute little girls billed as the Shetland Pony unorus. rne wee misses were brought seek to the platform for repeated encores. The Queen of Hearts Revue with Bill Mitchell as soloist and Misses Vivian Hlckey and Loofce Krikev-sky giving a reading number was another df the prettiest items of the musical score. Both the Elks Ballet Chorus and Pony Chorus gave colorful assistance. Mrs. Dave Brown acquitted herself well as soloist in "Sunny Side Up," used for opening and closing. Sam Joy was soloist in "Here Cornea the Show Boat." The show will be repeated to night and tomorrow evening. The full east and program was aa follows: The Cast Miss Sally Parker, The Steno- grapher4Mlss Nellie Gurvlch. Krome, The Faithful Bookkeeper. Alex. Connon. Jimmy, The Incorrigible Office Boy, Bill Mitchell. Mrs. Geo. B. Nettle ton, a Temperamental Wife. Miss Connie Thome George B. NettleUm, The CraBby Senior Partner, C. J. McNaughton T. Boggs Johns, The Junior Part- j ner, Jimmy Farqunar. Tony Toler, The Pill Salesman Sam Joy. Florence Cole, Mr. Jahns' Queen of Hearts, Mrs. Ura McNaughton. Mr. Samuel Applegate, President of The Northwestern Drug Corpora tion, William Plommer. Mr. Thos. J. VanderhoU, Attor ney, Fred 11. Stephens. OocMlea, The Very Romantic Maid, Miss Jean Robertson. Musical Score Act One BIks Opening Chorus "Here Comes The Show Boat." "Keep Your Sunny Side Up," So loist, Mrs. Dave Brown. The Elks Ballet Chorus Ruby Lewellyn. Vivian Hlckey, Louls Krl&evsky. Nina Hunter. Beatrice Htfnter, Jean Smith. Chrissle Mc-Lsod, Ruby Krikevslsy, -Violet Mc-Cuteheon, Laura Stephens, Julia Walters, Victoria Krtkevaky and Marie Mussallem. The Elks Pony Chorus Enyd Morris, Blleq: Armstrong, Mlnerra Brand. Dorothy PritcharcU Margar et Jackson, Evelyn ZareUi. Louise Zarelll, Vleno Lehto, Jeannie Rit chie, Maryan Miller. Eleanor Tite and Viola Johnson. The Kiddles Kutie Kewpie llevue "Down Among the Sugar Cane," soloist, Little Miss Mickey Lawler. The Shetland Pony Chorus The Little Misses Pauline Brady, Lind say Waugh, Joyce Oawthorne, Mar garet Bruyn, Doreen Bruyn. Del-phlne Balagno and Norma Currie. Act Two Queen of Hearts 'Revue "Sweethearts on Parade." soloist Bill Mitchell. "A Pair of Queens" offering the tmuaioai reacting: "in The TJsual Wriyt The Misses- Vivian Hlckey and Louise Krikevsky, with' the Elks Ballet Chorus as a whole row of queens and the The Elks Pony Chorus as the personification of pep. Act Three Old Fashioned Girls Revue "You're Just a Flower From An Old Bouquet," soloist, Mr. Wm. Plommer. "When You and I Were Seventeen." with Mr. Plommer, and The OIX Fashioned Olrl, played by Mrs F. W. Allen. Chorus The Elks Ballet Choriu A PROSPEROUS BRITISH COLUMBIA MEANS MORE OPPORTUNITIES FOR YOU YOU have COO.000 neighbors, in Biif Columbia. Their effective tn om capita is $830 a year. Multiplied by 603 this amounts to Five Hundred Mii Dollars! Prosperity in British Column depends to a considerable extent tr how much of this income we re-invr i purchasing goods made in B.C., am' I -muh we send away to foreign mun Every time you demand B.C. Pr , yo-u help to ereat greater prop your own Province for your uii'r and yourself. B.C. PRODUCTS BUREAU of the Vancouver Board of Trade QLAMP to dress bi a r.A V - : : . a - a MS tb IT slMlL WMM I k 1 fill Mm a l late supper. . . Just now, you're a i ii : finishing" touch." But are you peering t'osc , your mirror . . eyes puckered . . fe wrinkled just a little ? Better use Edison M l Lamps. Their caressingly soft light barH.c strain and helps you look your best alwa s EDISON MAZDA A CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC P COAL Buy the real Coalour famous Edson and CassMy-Wellington In any quantities. AUo Bulkley Valley Hay, Grain and Robin Hood Hour. Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONES 68 AND SS8 Dr Alexander X-KAY SERVICE PHONE 575 BESNEK BLOCK DENTIST as Crinoline Girls. Finale "Keep Your Sunny side Up," Mrs. Dave Brown and entire company. 8how and rehearsal 'accompan istsCharles P. Balagno and Mrs J. 8. Black. TELEPHOSEm VALENTIN DAEitT TO SKEENA IUIANP Creamery F'f4 Cottage Cheese Motor stc Coal, Sand S2 ago and settled has surprised H'-with an uncuniiv the "electric w' paratus which pn f Hons includes a,-accompllshmcni- ,: stantaneous ext i S counting of pcapt J V Brelsky, a former imminrant tei iai and the n;. boy who came from Austria 10 years plosion in t l ,-T.T' ,lM AND CHE V n nT Early Dtlivrr ' the LINDSAY'i 'Cartage and SW Phone i Cartage, Ware j Distributing. - :s We Specialize la Pia Furniture J1. iM1