Lur day, September 18, 1930. II mm, I B. d)AST VRfUICAtllf 1 J I bK vu. - Your x Will always be filled as your Doctor directs at Ormcs, Ltd. Prompt, and Careful Service rimes IM. to Ke "Oiio Pioneer Phones 81 & 82 Three. Graduate ForYears tlio Standard Broad Flour ft wi as Fine lor Cakes Habit luy made Purft outstanding Uread Flour., ,ni)jA experiment has proved it jut aui!fful in Cake and Pastry baking. Your grocer has it. , CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD OPh'KATIM; V.. T. V. .-ffcJ' FLOAT NO DHYDOCK KriKlr.ecp. Machinists, Boilermakers, JHacWwiMh. Pattern Maker. Founder. Woodworker, Etc ELECTIUC AM) ACETYLENE WELDING Our I'lant la Equipped t Handle AU Kinds of MAKINB AND COMMERCIAL WOKK PHONES 43 AND 38ft UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED ' r VANCOUVER. VICTORIA. Bu:''. '- 7J '.J rr VMOl,Ht. Vl( IOI.U. HunMlr. lrM IU Ji'1"?,, ' I'll AIJCE AICM, ANVOX. mVKI Nw- HUH. I'M! ! day. 8.06 d m For PoilT SIMPSON and WAUr IKI MNH. munasy u.m Ttrmith Krkrt ld U VM-IOfla rd MHittIr d bailor tHwrd ihrouih to itMtitiHlen Coast U'htkan. .eptembcr 10, 20. To Vabcn'ivr. Victoria, Seattle .lentembcr 14. 21. Drugjisls Third Ave. & Sixth St. Pharmacists t Rupert SteamslM Seryice yfriiTr HI WraivUl. Ju: , nABkkaKwaW- Princess Mary--Ocean Falls, etc.. Vansouver and v Victoria, every r .iuy, w " Agents For All Steamship Lines W. C. Orthanl. General Agent, 3rd Ave- Prime Kupert, PIio,. il Try a Daily News Want Ad. Local Items Glasses, fitted by registered optometrist at Ileilbroner's store. Tony Budinich Qf the Union Oil Co. staff will sail on the Prince George this evening tor a holiday trip to Vancouver and elsewhere in the south. . Before buying your eoal for the winter, if possible, call at our yard and see what we have to offer. It will pay you. Albert Si McCaffery Ltd. Phones 11C or 117. tf D. B. Finn, Dr. A. H. Hutchinson and Dr. W. A. Clemens, who have been attending a meeting here of the. Pacific sub-executive of th; Biological Board of Canada, will sail on the Prince George tonight returning south. Decree absolute was granted by Mr. Justice D. A. McDonald at the Supreme Court Assizes yesterday in a divorce action of Elizabeth Adrtenne Wright Strachan vs. Alexander Btrachan. Milton Gonzales was counsel for the petitioner. ANNOUNCING A demonstration in our store all this week of Borden's Products St. Charles Evaporated tf-fl AA Milk, 9 tim y1,UU per Case 55J0 3agle Brand Condensed 9 iS (If Milt nor tin a4A( W4S Borden's Chocolate Malted 65c Milk, per 1-lb. tin Reindeer Condensed Coffee tJrtJV Qf largo tin Chateau Cheese "It sprrids or slices' P-g Ht-lb. 25c J 45c A British Columbia Product Watts' Grocery 55 Telephones 56 QUALITY KHJ5IT P.'IK'KS RIGHT JTEAMER tmr, Ik tin mw TH- Mf arbi Im VMarla tvi MnltW wiMtiy mmi ThuraSiy. P-- r AwfM mnd Stewart TsMiHi Ma p-m. for timet KvUbihaa al. p-m. mmi Bwtb Owwri '.harkt tmimtxU. l'iMr Ualau Prirt Kntrt far KdravBtan, Wlaai mmd pnimt Kst daily etrept mindsy, 1 im. TRAIN 0 litam n. r. m.nai ciiioN ..,',1 K r .-(.fl Prldrp ltijM 1 I Bl . THE DAILY NEWS PAGE TmtEF Bad Indigestion and Constipation Disappear Quick "FRIJIT-AJIYES" Now Her Only Doctor "Buffered terrlblj with indigestion and constipation, couldn't eat. A friend advlxed 'Fruit--t!ves' and was soon fine end well. They are my doctor when 111." Lfrmle Paradls, Mont Carmel, P. Q. L"ter from thousands say chronic constipation and liter troubles ended overnlp-ht with "Frtut-a-tlvei." Sour itomach, biliousness, heartburn, gat bloattnc vanish like mntfe. Bladder and kidney Ills, pain in back go In 34 hours. Nerves quiet, sound sleep at ' once. Rheumatl'm. neuralgia, neuritis, sick headaches disappear In a Jiffy. Oomntodon clears quick. Paiflcua Canadian doctor's discovery. Ten of nature" grea-teat reme-a dies combined In bandy little tablet. Amazlnq nulck results Oet "Er;jlt-a-tlT" from drugytot today. fl great tomorrow. Mrs. Percy Cameron, who has been visiting with friends in the Inferior, returned home on today's train. A, M. Manaon, K.C., M.L.A, for Omineca, was the speaker at the regular weekly luncheon of the Prince Rupert Rotary Club In the Commodore Cafe today. President S. D. Johnston in the chPlr. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY BUREAU and Hoover Cleaner for quick sale. 045 Fourth Ave. East. tf SPRINGS! For any makes of cars and trucks. Repairs, reinforcing, reteniperinf, new springs. AU work guaranteed. North Star Spring Works j Firat Ave. E. P. O. Box 258 ! Prince Rupert, B.C. ' j SPECIAL PRICES on QUALITY FOODS for Friday & Saturday Vahob Jelly Powders All 23c Flavors. 4 pkgs. Sugar Crisp Cornflakes 25c 3 pkgs. ... . Mabob Whole Clams Tall Tins, 1 for No. 1 Pink Salmon Tall 15c I Tina, per tin fiber's Canned Vstetables -For Infants and Invalids, All OOU Offp Varieties. 2 tins Quaker "Quick" Rolled Oats per pkg J!d English Floor Wax 60c per 1-lb. tin FREE Bring your Coupons, now being distributed, to us for 1 can CLASSIC CLEANSER FREE! Mabub Lobster 34c y-ftr. Una. each lapanose 'Crab 25c 'i-lb. tins, each . 3orgonzola ChccseLoea PAn teUl's-Choice, per lb. .- "" !llngaoore Pineapple CQr 8-tins JUve CU Map of Italy CCp Pints nr Mn tJOi Quarts S1.00 per tin Bartletf Pears No. 2 Un tZQn 3 tins "571 Nice Green Cabbag- 5c per lb :!.. Potatoes Selected Netted OCp Oema, 10 lbs. .... Avis S2.35 per sack Watts' Grocery (Jualily HIrM Prices Hlsht PHONi; 55 PHONE 56 Dinnerware, china, crockery, glassware. Ileilbroner's Store. Judge F. McB. Young returned to the city on today's rain from the Interior after having held ses sions of County Court at Burns Lake and Smithers. ... .,, i Gifts of fruit, vegetables, pre serves, groceries or any other do nations are acceptable for the Sal-1 vation Army Harvest Festival, Sep tember 20, 21, and 22. 218 Mr. Justice D. A. McDonald, who presided at the session of the Supreme Court Assizes which concluded here today, left on today's train for Prince George where h? will be presiding Judge at a similar session next week. J. J. Cowie, secretary-treasurer of the Biological Board of Canada arrived In the city on today's train from Ottawa. He 4s here to attend a meeting of the Pacific Coas aub-executlve of the Biological Board which Is proceeding today. All criminal work on the docket having been completed, with the disposal of the Neas and Lewis case, Grand and Petit Jurors wer excused from further service at th present session of the Supreme Court Assizes by Mr. Justice D. A McDonald this morning. On his vfiy back here after a trip into the Peace River country Inspector William Spiller, provincial police, stooped off at Houston to Investigate the circumstances of the alleged murder of Charles Yoch, who was found buried under his 'shack there. Inspector Spiller is expected to reach the city eith er tomorrow or Saturday. TRAINS From East Dally, except Tuesday, 12.30 noon. For East Daily, except Sunday 1 pjn. w 4l ANNOUNCEMENTS' . Pemier orchcatra, Nreltr Daace Friday, October 3. ' United Church Anniversary Banquet October 6. St. reters Church Baaaar Octo ber 9. Moose Bazaar, October 16. 17. Rupert East United Church Bazaar, November 13. Presbyterian Bazaar Nov. 20. Anglican W- A. Bazaar Dec. 4. Get the AC. reacting habit. It pays Mussallem's M EAT Market Shoulder Pork 5 lbs Shoulder Veal 31 5 lbs ' Side Pork .Si 6 lbs Hamberger Steak 25c 2 lbs ! . . Boiling Beef 3 lbs Veal Choirs 2Sc per lb Pork Sausage 35c 2 lbs. Boiling Foul 30c por lb Rump Roast of Beof 25ci por lb Sirloin Steak 30c per lb Round Steak 25c per lb Mussallem's Meat Market Phones IS & 81 417 Fifth Ave. E. Delicious Salada quality is an inexpensive luxury TEA 'Fresh rom the gardens' JABOUR 95c. - Sale Bays - 95c. Friday 19, and Saturday 20 Assortment t Assorted Child's Hose Broken sizes, black, brown, QCp white, Sale, 5 pairs Baby Crib Blankets fJCp Reg. $1J5, Bale PUlow Slips Reg. 39s (IfZst pair. Sale, 4 rjairs Golf Knitting Wool 7 Q colors. Sale, 7 Jialls .. '''' Ladi les House Dresses Sizes 95c Health-Brand Vests Tubular Finish, size 38-42 Off Sale W White Flannelette Nightgowns Reg fl.35 Sale m Chamoisette Gloves Assoi Shades, nicely fcrtmmeW. 75c and $1j00 Qf Sal 2 nalra 8Uk and Wool Hose -Popular & colors, all sjaes 95c .Regj $1. Salt Boys Sweaters-Reg. ii JSO QK gaje j fuUi Many bargains In Our Water Tumblers 95c 12 for Lustre China Cups and QCp 5J Saucers, 7 for Here is your opportunity to get your evening comfort Qf Boudoir Slippers, in fawn, black or rose8ale Price ttJO AND MANY OTHER BARGAINS. SEE OUR WINDOW HOTEL ARRIVALS Central Hotel I'NIiriC NKW MANAGEMENT Minim Hrutid: Tratrrlim' !4amprr Umm. lint ana CuM Haler free llu MttU All Train, and Haul Hates 31.00 and Up (41'ltlAL MONTHLY UA1 IA C. U. IIIGGART & A. DONAUI ProprlKora PHONE 51 Savoy Hotel Prince Rnper.'s leading family hotel. Hot ind cold water In all roonu A. J. PKUDIHMME. Prop. Cor. of Praaer ind Fifth 8ts. New Royal Hotel I. Zarelll. rap. TUG IIOTRI. noilTII WHILE Hot St Cold Water: Steam Haat 75c PER DAV AND UP JHI Boston Grill Large Cabaret SPECIAL DINNEKS Thursdays and Saturdays DANCING Every Saturday Night. 9 to 12 Dance Hall fr Hire Accomodation for Private Parties Phonr 4.VJ Prinre Kuprrl id Girls . .ri;j .26 FlarmeUPantee Dresses-- Ages 2l on jrve Sale Dancing Slippers QTp 57 tO Sizes 11-2, Sale Oirls Hose Silk and Wool, Sizes 6-8 Sale, 2 pair Yard Goods Kitchen Cretonnes Reg. 50c per yard Qf?p Sale, 3 yds VOX, Pillow Tubing Good quality, widths, 40, 42 in. reg. ftlTp L 80c, Sale, 3 yards White Cotton Width 30 in.. JEM white Cotton Extra good quality, width 36 in., (hSn Reg. 35c. Sale, 4 yds. vOK Kitchen Towellmg Reg. 25c per yard 95c Sale, S'yards . Scrim Ecru only, reg. QCp 95c 30c, yd. Sale. 5 yds. White Flannelette Rec. :es. 30c 30c per yard 95c ; Salea yards , SUrioed Flannelette Reg. teg. 30c 30c u "iWyanr 95c 5c to 95c Department! ! Clover Leaf Cups and Q Saucers, 5 for TYPEWRITERS N alter vaiur ewt actpniw-li trie Kr'al liEWJILT UNDEItWOOD 5 $75.00 Vrry easy trrmn All mhef make Iron $ISjrXJ SiMMtTRAND Al)f(l MACHINES United TypcvyriierCo. Ltd. VANt'OUVEIt, ILC. Smith & Mallett LUIITED Plumbing and Heating Engineers Automatic LVimestk Oil Furnaces Telephone 174 Show lleont 150 Third Av. W T N.M. McLean BOAT BUILDER Seal Cove Can take you out of water under roof for repairs. Any das': hont built ut reasonable prices. Boats For Sale, Real Ba real in