Tomorrow's Tides Friday, September 19 ,1930 High ......11.33 ajn. 18.3 It. 23.20 pm, 20.5 ft. Low 5.01 ajn. 4.2 ft. 1751 p.m. 7.5 ft. VoJ. XXI.. No. 218. ENTER IS QUASHEDlf ! half of the fisheries department. DAMAGE BY FIRE Chinese Living Quarters Near Fulton Strret Grocery Visited By Flames Yesterday Considerable damage was done to livim Quarters adjoining the Sun- 1 A: . fA. yesterday without division VANCOUVER WHEAT VANCOUVER Sept was quoted on the local Exchange , today at 76ttc. ' E RE The rollicking and melodious musical comedv "Queen of Ighr she leaught up on her HearU presented last night at the fflbly. There was a brisk I Moose Hall under the direction of anil a choppy sea, weather l m, and Mrs. C. J. MeNaueh- condiUons being, If anything, more ton by the local Elks' Lodge In aid Certiorari Proceeding at Supreme j8ultabl to challener (of Its Christmas Cheer Fund, was Court Result in Remission of The race over the triangular jt najilf ilftttnfrjjr1 h'TIt" I SZS Fine to Nathan Shaw ' j&urie starteef at lMO'aai. wlth?A WiiriX&t&r fit tneSfftric-1 -- - the Shamrock having a slight ad-.bad nothing but favorable com-1 Certiorari proceedings heard in vantage by being to windward at intent to make of the show which i chambers yesterday afternoon at the start. The breese was blowth? j Included not only a laughable j t tip Supreme Court Assises by Mr. ; abou'r ten knots with little sea. stage farce which by itself would Justice D. A. McDonald resulted in 1 eonalptitis being favorable for th have gone over well but, inter- thc quashing of a conviction, artolcliiuwner. The Enterprise seemed spersed with this, for' a good mea- tmc of $86 Imposed upon Nathan1 be Hooting faster and opened up sure, a fine program of colorful Shaw by D. S. Cameron, fisheries'! for a slight lead after crossing the and tunesome musical, chorus, overseer at Swanson Bay. on a starting line. dancing and revue numbers, sev- i tmrge of illegal fishing. The eon- j The Shamrock diivtng ahead in eral of which virtually brought v K tlon was quashed on the grounds the breese which Increased to four- down the house. All participating in "f lack of jurisdiction. 'teen knots with a choppy sea, ov- the program reflected great credit T W. Brown was counsel for Shaw ereame the slight lead of the En- net only upon themselves but upon while W E Fisher appeared on be- ;terprise and opened up a 280-yard those responsible for their training. gap over the defender. Beautiful costumes were a feature. the e " Plot revolves around After out footing Enterprise the 0 consequence of a quarrelsome for tht first twenty minutes, blttlne" partnership and many lu- Shamrock's lead was rapidly cut down by the defender which was f rous ,l u"ns a um far to windward and. at 11.35. the!1- or P" " American boat stepped into the lmpttUitn "e J" lead and was estimated to be a !?eH"ttm nd fam" P?",UJr; mile ahead, completely reversing ., . showman and, as might be ,, , ... , expec- minutes of sail- U first twenty J acqulu hlmeelf wedlt As , for Jimmy Farquhar, stage plays in . . . ' The Shamrock conUnued to drop' . , . u'tZ SlJ behind, being evidently unable to ut hand ne an"tWa rise Oroccry store on Fulton Street point into the wind and tost I oo, ln , p.rl jjvln4 hlm oppor- ai auttn Avenue Dy lire wwen UK . tunJty to dlsplay nta uistrtorifc tol-. out yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock searching for smoother water. enU enait to himself It Is one 1 when Ur which was being boiled on At three mnutos past 12 o'clock ! of thoae blustery rolM for Vhlch he i a stove for appllcaUon to the roof the Enterprise rounded the first te M wU K f the building got ablate. One room ten-mile mark with the Shamrock ' tadle8- parts are Uken by' vt the new annex to the store build-. following about nine minutes later. ; Mrg McNaughton and Miss Connie ' inu was badly gutted while four j xhe breeze continued to freshen, xhorne. Mrs. McNaughton is a very! others suffered from me enecw w; blowing up to etgmeen mues an jnjonjg fiance for jimmy Farqu moke and water . A rough estimate places the damage at about $900. Soon after the fire department arrived on the hour as the Enterprise began the second leg a close reach. With a heavier breeae, theSham- irock managed to pull down the bar. Miss Thome, making her first appearance on the local stage, takes splendidly the part of a charming wife who may be excused for her me. the blase was brought under j Enterprise's lead at the second temperamentally through the arts control. Order Made For More Jurors at Assize Session As quite a number of persons summoned for Jury service did not turn up. at the qprung of the Su-pfxpw Court Assises yesterday, an order was made on Sheriff. S. A. Nickerson to summon 14 talesmen.' However, counsel were able to agree on a panel out of such Jurors as were In attendance for the Ness case. The Grand Jury and other members of Vie. petit Jury were then excused until 9.30 this morning when court resumed. It Is understood that the Grand Jury intends to make an inspection of various public buildings ln the city and report upon same. mark which was rounded by the th, 0f situations which she cannot defender at two minutes after I ! control. In any case. Miss Thome o'clock, the Shamrock' following doss her hysterics Just as if she less than seven mnutes later. I meant them and Is quite at home AMENDMENTS ARE ADOPTED behind the footlights. Alex Connoa another regular on the local stage, leaves nothing to be desired ln his depicting of the decrepit and faithful old bookkeeper. Another find on the local stage is Fred Stephens playing as a dictatorial lawyer. Fred does this so well Customs Act Changes Passed House that many wondered that he had of Commons Without Division j not been called upon before to take 1 v3 Jns'MtfriVs'aS Part.ln this sort of thing. It may be iUU ILLL3.Y tfjl iaxfectd that he will not be over-OTTAWA, Sept. 18: -The bill touted ln the future, amend the Customs Act with re- j Another of more important roles spect to dumping was given Its third tj that of the emotional maid taken reeding ln the House of Commons Dy noberson who is not.V ing If not vivacious ln this part. Miss Nellie Gurvlch makes a demure stenographer and Bill Mit- ! chell a unique office boy. Both are 18 Wheat v'r' food. Continued on page four. Reports of Grain Boats Unverified No Confirmation Available of Rumor That Ships May Be Here Shortly There are reports of freighters being due here soon to load grain cargoes from the Alberta Wheat Pool's Prince Rupert elevator but no official verification of same is obtainable at the local offices of the Pool. NEW RECORD BY EMPRESS Japan Chops Twenty Hours Off Record Run From Honolulu to Yokohama i YOKOHAMA. Sept. 18: The new steamer Empress of Japan shattered a third record today when she arrived from Honolul ln six days. 19 hours and 43 minutes or about 20 hours faster than the previous record. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBLVS.NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1930 Yacht En".cpnsc Q.j.r .beat- SI Thorns Llptov challenger Shamrock V in the fourth and finul race today off Kandy Hook. OFFICER'S GAS STOLEN District Game Warden Van Dyk Robbed of Fuel at Vanderhoof VANDERHOOF. Sept. 18: Sergeant T. Van Dyk, district game warden for Northern B.C.. is looking for a thief instead of an offender against the game laws these days. Early this week he left his car parked on the street here when some annoying individual syphoned off the gas from his sank. When he got aboard later and tried to drive off, feeling sure that he had plenty ot gas, It was not gas that was burning but sulphurous words. This is one of a aeries of thefts of a similar nature that have taken place here. G. NESS IS ACQUITTED Jury Finds Local Fisherman Not Guilty of Scuttlinr Boat to Collect Insurance George Ness was this morning acquitted by a Jury in tits Assise Court on a charge of having scuttled hts own boat C.N. for the purpose of collecting Insurance on her. The jury was out about an hour and a half after Mr. Justice D. A. McDonald had charged them. Br-nest Lewis, co-defendant with Ness, was automatically Set fret qp a similar charge. The Judge ln his charge warned the Jury that the chief witness, Kr-nest Lewis, was an accomplice of Ness and his evidence should not be accepted unless fully corroborated, tf the accused told the truth in giving evidence on his own behalf, then he was not guilty. His wife had zorruborated the evidence. Milton Oonzalea was defence, counsel for both Ness and Lewis. W. E. Fisher prosecuted. Pacific Girl Passes Away Miss Lillian Taper. Who Attended High School Here, Dies at Kaniloops Word has been received t the city of the death at TranqttUl Sanitarium, where she had belli a pat lent for about a year, of Miss Lillian Taper, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Tapper of Paclile. Miss Taper, who was was about seventeen years of age. attended High School ln Prince Rupert and was very popular with many young friends here. General sympathy will be expressed for Mr. and Mrs. Taper ln their sad bereavement. In the opinion of this Hous! mesl tremendous Increases lrp'-'tatxalKto proposed wiil not end "Unemployment but will inevitably "Increase the cost of production' ln the primary industries of agriculture, fishing, mining and lumbering, thus making it more difficult for Cana-oUas j)rtKure' hi these tedustrlM to mm world competition ia marketing ilieir products." Speaking on the tariff proposals, Mr King said: "I wish to protest in the strongest language agafnst th,e time at which amendmejrUgJfi, thf tariff have been. broughIpwn)agd1 the circumstances under wiycty inyi nave oeen introduced, xne government was seeking expedition so that its members could go to the Imperial Conference. Common decency and courtesy alone would demand that any changes in the tariff against Empire goods might be left until after the Imperial Conference.' Stevens Replies Replying to Mr. King, Hon. H. II. Stevens, minister of trade and commerce, declared that members of the administration were going to the Imperial Conference "with our cards on the table," so that the j governments of the other Dominions and the Motherland would j know exactly where Canada's re l presentatives stood. They were go-! ing in a spirit of goodwill and co-ioDratlnn and. were 'mUtaa to ne gotiate with various parts of the Empire ln friendly co-operation. , KILLED IN COALMINE Seven Lost Lives Last Nljht in Nora Scotia Workings Ten Men Escape RIVER HERBERT. N.S.. Sept. 18: Seven men were killed and ten escaped, several of them more or less In lured, when a gas pocket ex- I Tiled ?d laat nWht ln a new seam of , the Old Victoria mine here. The dead are: PhUto Brine, William Burke. William White, Wilfrid White, Charles McGrath, Amele Kvnwlick and Simon Fowler. Only the bodies of Krawlick and Fowler have been recovered. BeaVeYbrook Has Typhoid Fever Condition of Canadian Earl However, Not Believed to Be Serious is. LONDON. 8ept. 18: -Lord brook Is 111 with para-typhoid Tls case, however. 1 not believed to be serious. V Of Special Interest Have you read the classified advertising page in this paper today? If not, now is the time. PRICE FIVE CENTJ KING REGRETS ACTION GOVERNMENT REGARDING TARIFF American Defender Successful In Defending Yachting Trophy Against Challenger From Britain H United States. SloopWihished Five Minutes and Fifty Secoridfc Ahcad'of SKamrock Today to Win Fourth Straight Victory and Series " 1 ' NEWPORT, Rhode Island, Sept. 18. The United States sloop Enterprise today completed a successful defence of the America's Cup when she won the fourth straight race and theseries from Sir Thomas Upton's Shamrock V, the British challenger, four victories to none. The American yacht finished the thirty mile triangular course in three hours, ten minutes and five seconds. The Shamrock crossed the finish line at 1:55:55 p.m., five minutes and fifty seconds behind the Enterprise. It was the closest race of othe Series and the British venal held the lead for a ot uu nrwniT 7rvTiri I I BlM Vll I ll IlVi time but fell behind and could vvil 7 is I AVll ' not acain overtake the American SHOW WAS EXCELLENT Delightful Entertainment Offered ISy Elks' Lodge in Presentation of "Queen of Hearts" ! Musical Comedy Fine Musical Score added to Rollicking Farce to Make Good Measure United States Winner Thinks Common Decency Should Have Prevented Preference Change Now Moves Amendment CondemningAction of Administration In Changing Duties When Only Unemployment Was to Be Dealt With OTTAWA, Sept 18: As a protest against the government's tariff proposals, Rt. Hon. William Lyon Mackenzie King yesterday moved an amendment to the motion to go into committee of ways and means stating that "this House regrets that the government has seen fit at a special session called to deal only with unemployment to propose ereat increases in customs taxation on a wide range of commodities under circumstances which preclude this House and country from securing adequate information resrardi;-. ihr proposals and propero . .... ! Parliamentary discussion of them GRAND JURY 5KILLSCASE No Bill Returned Yesterday in Connection With Wounding Chrje Afajnst Fred Capelli No bill was returned by the Grand Jury yesterday afternoon at the Supreme Court Assizes In the case of Rex vs. Fred Canelll. rharv- 'ed wjtii wounding George Bias Qui- lajjon at me King ueorge Hotel on Ajiigust 19 hist, and Cape 111 was thereupon released from custody. The Grand Jury found that there was not sufficient evidence to warrant Capelli being placed on trial. Milton Gonzales was Capelli's counsel. Vancouver Yacht Calls Overnight " orothy Vose Here on Way South After Cruise ot Alaskan Warefs' The" "ncouviet 'yaeht Dorothy Vose, owned and skippered by j&eoge' H. McKlnnon, arrived ln port Bst evening after a cruise In southeastern Alaska waters and sailed' today on her way south. On board the vessel, which is a trim 5-foot craft, is a party of three men besides the owner and skipper. IS ELECTED Kev. Dr. E. II. Oliver Named United Church Head For Coming Year LONDON, Sept. 18: Rev. Dr. E. II. Oliver, principal of St. Andrew's College. Suktoon, was. last night ?fected mecltnitor of the General Council of the United Church of Canada. . MERCHANTS ENDORSE'1 ' '''YaLC-i. Movement the ' FftWt Rupett lietaU Merchants' Association has endorsed the project for the the establishment ot a branch 4 ot the Y.M OA. In Prince Ru- t pert. At the next regular As- sociatlon meeting, the matter of making a donation to the Y.M.C.A. fund will be brought forward.