PA02 !W0 DAILY EDITION The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F.PULLEN Managing-EdUo ?s SUBSCRIPTION RATES LET US -REFORM THE WORLD Thousands and been sdlaertnviih th I idea Plitol experts of R.C.M.P., who compete In national rifle and pistol matches at Camp Perry. Ohk. Left to ir!ghU-Foreland,J O'Connell, Ford. Mowat and Dollcy. SIDEWALK HIT SNAG Further Delay For Third Avenue Project Obviated as Result of . Conference By mail to all other parts of British Columbia, the uruish t.m- a petition presented to the city pire and United States, paid In advance, per year 6.00 : council last flight by Arthur Brooks By mail to all other countries, per year .. 7.50 bank seriously threatened to de- By mall to all parts of Nctbern and Central British Columbia, lay the buticttng at a new sidewalk; paid in advance for yearly period 3.00 on the south side of Third Avenue i Or four months for , 1.00 : to the eat of the present sidewalk, i For lesser period, paid in advance, per month" .... .50 but everything was smoothed out at ; City delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance oi"0;a ccuereocfl flew alex m lac eve-Transient advertising on front page, per inch 2.80 ning. Since the passage of the Legal notices, each insertion, per agate line 16lcal Impwwement bylaw provicHtur Local readers, per insertion, per line 23 for the ooartructlon of an asphal- TransJent display advertising, per inch, per insertion 1,401 tic s$dvalk on the street in quo. Classified advertising, per Insertion per word , 02; !, Mr. Bwoksbar had decided Contract rates on application. AdvertisinR and Circulation Telephone 93 Editor and Reporters' Telephone .86 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations i uiai, in view oi certain use to wnicci i he plans putting the space under! the sidewalk, a cemcut sidewalk I with retaining wail would suit hie J purpose better than the asphaltte sidewalk. Accordingly, he applied ' ! iau amn to one cornea lor per-1 mission to withdraw bis naaa from ; the bylaw provMaoe tor liw tph tt 1 Sept. 16, 1930 tic sidewalk end, laateia, buM Mm-; !f a cstment sidewalk subject to 0WD4W amm&rnt conecated ta the , pwpeeal f 3lr- BKMtafeank. j mifainna of crond neonle have !J!Sfr ? T T Cuff jyffjr JrYfW mlf. jMUWtugtmwia, iat they M a miasion to reform wtstetv wgum vmum tt res. , the world but only ajlezen or so made any permanent finding of the M bylaw and the mark on it Most of Mem never reformed anything except intwwietten ad paaaage a a m themselves. As they grew older they discovered that the one ,uwow foundations of the customs, habits, religions and thoughts 1 1 wrahipujoitttoit of the world lay deeper and on more solid ground than the work abouid be haw up. He was they had thought. Even Christianity was to some extent lneKned to believe, however, that grafted on the religions that went before so that today we ! the ihic eHe would lend have "Sunday," the day set apart for the worship of the ffStLS- SU"', . ' ... . . . . ,r ther. he pointed out that the peti- This sun worship is again gaming strength. Many peo-: tion in support of Mr. Brootabenk's pie on Sunday leave everything and go out to the open ; request to withdraw from the as-f ields, the sea beaches, the parks, the various places where pii"c sidewalk bylaw was not suf-they can enjoy the sun unhampered by the walls of build- flclent,y "to1"1- inrro fVio mnnVi5r.afin.lo f man Tha fnvnao nf nnf.ivn ' Aid. Ruddetham Stated that SS a triumph over the petty efforts them. prom the sun tpey, cured from diseases that af : an artistic paint. of those who would oppose pp,,, what wtnted ta. health and Strength, are , such cases as this but. In the present And' are adorned by it with Instance, he was not in favor of : granting the request. What guaran The genius is a man who creates new ideas. A practical man is one who evolves the idea that somebody else has created. RUPERT'S INFERIORITY'' COMPLEX There is a prevalent idea in Bpirie .quarters that Prince Rupert cannot compete with other parts of the world ; that Prince Rupert people are not as clever as those in tee was there, if Mr. Brooksbank's request were met, that the new bylaw providing for the work would go through? He was not in. favor of rescinding the asphaltlc sidewalk bylaw but, instead, would 'go right ahead with the work as now provided for. As a matter of fact, Mr. Brooksbank's requirements could be met with the asphaltlc sidewalk. Aid. Colls rt saw no good reason why all the rest of the people con cerned should forego their sidewalk for the sake of Mr. Brooksbank. In answer to a question by Aid. other places and that everything f oreijm is better than that ! Rudderham City Engineer F. N. produced right here. This is a totally wrong idea. Prince !oood expressed the opinion that an Hupert can hold her own anywhere in the world. To quote an instance: Recently the Daily News sent out a circular letter in connection with its business. One of these went to a man in New York who on receiving it wrote at once: "The story which you have presented anent the Daily News and Prince Rupert in text, in typography, prees work and the stock upon which it is printed is splendid and tells in a gripping way facts of interest." The letter was written locally, printed locally and dealt with local affairs, yet U gets the unstinted commendation of a man of affairs wno is closely connected with newspapers in New York City. 'Surely that should bo sufficient to indicate that PrinceRupert workmen in Prince Rupert shops can compeic in quality and excellence of workmanship with anyone in the world. Many of our best intentions were written in invisible ink and never developed so that the world never knew that we had them. asphaltlc sidewalk would not interfere with Mr. Brooksbank's plans. It was moved by Aid. Rudderham and Aid. Black -that the Brooksbank petition be not entertained. Aid. Limey and Aid. Brown moved an amendment that the city engineer confer with Mr. Brooksbank with a view to arriving at some arrange ment. Aid. PuUen explained how he had come to sign Mr. Brooksbank's pe tition. He had done so ueuevlng thai the rest of the work would not be endangered by meeting with Mr. Brooksbank's wishes. lie certainly would hate to see the other work held up. It waa suggested that Mr. Brooksbank be called to the meeting to talk the matter over with the council but It turned out that he was not available. Aid. Black was In favor of getting the work done and, furthermore, he thought it would be better to have It uniform not a patch of concrete here and a patch of asphalt there. On a vote of four to three, the amendment was passed after some further discussion. It Is. felt that Mr. Brooksbank will fall In line and accept the asphaltlc sidewalk since, if he fails to do so, resultant formalities will prevent the work from being proceeded with this year and Perfect dyeing so easily done! DIAMOND DYES contain the highest Quality anilines money can I buy! That's why they give such true, l bright, new colors to dresss, drapes, lingerie. I The anilines In Diamond Dyes make I them so easy to use. No spotting or streaking. Just clear, even colors, : that hold through wear and washing. Diamond Dyes never give things i that re-dyed look. They are just 16c at all dealers. When perfect dye. ' Inv mata no mnn ii ta eav whs experiment with makeshifts! DiamondoDyes' Highest Quality for 50 Years provided. TH DAILY NKVvS Tuesday, Septe moer WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, and FRIDAY SEAT SALE Onne's Limited, Druggists tip Miss Mickey Lawlor may endanger the whole new sidewalk project. Later Mr. Brooksbank met the council and after some discussion, agreed to proceedings as at present INSPECTION OF BRIGADE Prince Itupert Included In C. N. U. For teffk iency Tests WINNIPEG!. Sept. 16: Final tests if efficiency of fire prevention nethods at the Canadian National shops In the Winnipeg district were made yesterday when V. Mewman. assistant wpervlfier of fire pfeven-lon inspected the Tranacona shops brigade In a speed competition. The "tot Rouge team was inspected a :ew days ago whe na similar com petition was arranged. The time made by the brigades' in the test of unreeling and coup-1 ling up a line of hose one hundred ; yards from the fire hydrant and ! irlnglng water to play on a given joint Is reserved until the competi-1 inn rt t amta n t ntUm nAlwb I. . V... I region by Mr. Newman. Fire brigades at both Trarucona and Fort Rouse are composed of volunteers From all sections of the shops. The Tranacona team was organised and '.rained by W. Tuller, and the Fort Roupe team by A. Campbell. Other points where inspection will be made by Mr. Nowman this month ire Edmonton. Dauphin, Kjunloops, Neebing, Prince ittfpqrt. Tort Mann hop8 at Vancouver, Sioux Lookout, Port Arthur, Edon"tlnd Nuttna shops at Saskatoon. The city council, at its sitting last night, finally . econsidered and adopted losal Improvement bylaws providing for the construe -Hon of a new sewer on the lane between First and Second Avenues from Eighth to Ninth Street! and an asphaltlc sidewalk on the rforth side of Second Avenue from Sixth to Seventh Street's? " ' Prince Rupert Elks' Show "QUEEN OF H 50 People - 50 Sl'KCIAI.OUCIIHSTKA NKW SCENERY ? ' GORGEOUS COSTUMES SONG HITS NIFTY DANCES Two Hours of Fun Quaker Puffed Wheat EARTS'-' SEAT SCALE Adults $1.60 Children ,i N'o Mtra charge for rrttrvation CURTAIN AT 8:1$ P.M. Mrs. F. W. Allen Astonishing Guns Shoot Food to Eat Wheat and rice grains given their most nutritious form HERE are wheat inJ rice grains shot from guns ! To give thrm a new dclkiousnc! . , t more perfect digestibility. First the choice, plump grains ire scaled in gunt Tlicn revolved in fiery ovens. Then fired. This causes 12) million explosions in every gram. It pjastj opci every tiny food cell. Thus cxrj particle of the grain is made as completely digestible as though it had heen cooked for hours. And so Puffed 2heat and Puffed Rkc attain the virtual nouriihment of hot cooked cereals. And what new fUvoriness . . . what delicious, crisp crunchiness . . . this wonderful invention brings to wheat and rice. Tlie grains ire puffed to B times normal size. They taste like sweet new nutmcats. They entice as grain foods never have before. . $crve Puffed Wheat ind PuffcU Rice every day in every way you can. Your family deserves this finer kind of nourislimcnt. Your grocer h Puffed Wheat snd Puffed Rice. The Quaker Oats Company. 5757 and Puffed Rice NMV mm i 1 Do you read the classified advertisements?