“as have b Open Day and Night New Management ————~ yor x NO 7090. Victory Loan Final Returns Show $673,199,590 Subscribed He Dai I ly Netus > PRINCE RUPERT PRINCE RUPERT, B. G., TUB British Columbia well to the Fore with $35,000,000; Outline wo billion dollars. 50,000,000 to $800,000,000. broad improve very materially, Allocation 5,000,000 for housing. This 22,445. LF MILLION VicTORY LOAN District Subscribed Liberally, Each Point Exceeding Quota Very Considerably. lhe Prinee Rupert district has ubseribed over half a millten dol- fs to the Victory Loan. The mitt figures are $522,900, ex- hive of Anyox, whieh reports wt to Vancouver. At the last \nyox had $250,000, but Mably the amount is higher by OW, There is another subseription “heeled to arrive in the mail to- “tow Which may raise the hee Rupert district to $537,900. very point in the disiviet ex- *eded “its quota and the whole matriet Made a very good show- ". Japanese in Prince Rupert Mdscribed $10,000 and the Chi- ne 8 urn (00. The complete re- urns for the city and district are 8 follows: prince Rupert $320,100 — Owe w' erate 85,000 lien... 51,800 ro Essington Jan 46,000 ‘Ot Simpson ... ; 15,000 Pacific... |. 5,000 otal 8 00 .. .8522,900 NW BAY REPORTED MENACE TO SAFETY AL las q at t night's council meeting * WAS » i ’ Labop ¢. S84 from the Central oune . ‘| urging the repair i \ ik an the plank noad lead- Thing A, he steam Plant from mid _— to Cow Bay. It was Mfety ‘* @ menace to publie May op aeealty at night, The Doperiy that it was het on cily Y bu . eee ; lerved t the matter was re- the Board of Works. Atheia becial me 0 Canada eeting of the Bons day “ Will be held on Thurs , p.m Business Omen 8A 5 Auxiliary eg Wil] Dl ary, SPee to form All mem be on hand, A Passe Cay ~ MVitati, Nadis Ry dian Women ¢ . INGON gy 0 join, D,'} Seeretapy or0 Ladue: Ru mith Coal, “eet The best. Prince ™pany, Phone 15. 'N 18 given to all Heavy Borrowings. “when it is estimated that every cent of Canada’s borrowing prior to the war was made in foreign markets, some idea of the astness of the loans floated within our own boundaries since en may be gained,” said the Minister of Finance. “‘The success { the present loan exceeded expectations. To sum up, | estimate during the next twelve or eighteen months, including unfor- capital expenditures or further expenditure that may be ovided by Parliament, it will be necessary to arrange by borrow- y, including the present Victory Loan, sums aggregating from Unless the financial conditions these amounts will have to be ned frove the Canadian people. of Loan, “Expenditures which the amount raised by the present loan e intended to meet, partly at least, include $529,122,445 pro- ided for under capital account in the estimates for 1919-20, to ich must be added $15,000,000 to cover interest and deficits the Grand Trunk Pacific; $125,000,000 for credits to Great itain and allied countries; $5,000,000 for Halifax relief, and makes a grand total of $669,- ~ IBENNY LEONARD GIVES — QUIETUS IN SECOND Lightweight Champion Knocks Out Jimmy Duffy of ° Lockport. (special by 8. T. P TULSA, Okla., Nov. 18-—Ben- ny Leonard of New York, the lightweight champion of the word met Jimmy Dully of Lock- port last night but the go was a short one. Duffy went down . the second round and at the vount did not rise to continue the fight. BLACKHEATH BEATS OXFORD AT RUGBY (Special by G. ft. P. Velegrapns.) LONDON, Noy. 17.——In the rug- by games played on Saturday af- ternoon Oxford University showed forward work, but quarter backs were The university tean Blackheath by a Telegraphs.) some clever their three very weak. was beaten by score of 8 to 3. WHEAT BOARD VERSUS BOARD OF COMMERCE irpectal eta t oo lelegiaphs PORONTO, Nov 18. rhe re- fusal of the Canadian Wheat Board to reduce the price of bran and shorts is seriously hamper- ne the Board of Commerce in its efforts to grapple pith the cost of foodstuffs, it is officially stated here. TITTON] AGAIN WANTS TO RESIGN POSITION (Special via G, T. P. Telegraphs. ) ROME, Novy. 17.-—Foreign Min- ister Tittoni has again expressed a desire to resign as the compli cations on the Adriatic Sea are beyond his control, MONTEAGLE ARRIVED VANCOUVER, jJast of the British troops to leave Siberia on the 8.8. Monteagle ing 1126. Nov. 17 The Imperial anrived number B. ©. Undertakers. Phone 41. of where money will go; G.T.P. to cost $15,000,000. (Special to The News via G.T.P. Telegrapns. TORONTO, November 18.—Final figures for the Victory Loan een received here giving a grand total for the Dominion of $673,199,590. This is made up as foilows: Ontario, including Toronto, $454,624,500; Quebec, including Montreal, $161,102,- 200; British Columbia, $35,000,000; Alberta, $16,181,000; Sas- katchewan, $20,000,000; Manitoba, $40,452,000; New Brunswick, $19,750,000; Nova Scotia, $28,000,000; Prince Edward Island, ; city of Toronto, $146,379,500; city of Montreal, $126,102,700. OTTAWA, Nov. 18.—The loan just consummated in Canada prings domestic borrowings since the war to the total of over TIFF DENTON BREAKS BILLIARD RECORDS (Special via J. T. P CLEVELAND, rhe world's felegraphs.) November 147. records at three- cushion billiards were broken on Saturday.in the billiard tour nament held here. Tiff Denton, of Kansas City, scored fifty points in 35 innings, breaking the pre- vious record of the same number of points in 36 innings. Denton also made the wordd’s highest run record by scoring 17 pots in the fourteenth inning. YUDENITCH RESIGNS RUSSIAN COMMAND (Special via 6. T. Pe& Telegrapos.} LONDON, Nov. 17. Yudenitch has resigned command of the Russian Northwestern Army following his defeat by the Bolsheviks and the capture of a good part of his army. General STRIKERS AND STEEL (Special via G.T.P. Telegraphs.) Youngstown, Ohio, Nov. 17.- Minor clashes between strikers and steel workers oecurred here. Six thousand men filled the streets near the mills, CHAMPION SCULLER CHALLENGED BY PADDON LONDON, Nov, 17.—James Pad- don who was beaten by Barry in 1913 has challenged Fulton for the world’s championship sculling title. Fulton won the title from Barry last week. Northern and Central British Columbia’s Newspaper . ae SDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1919. WESTERN FUEL CO. THREATEN TO CLOSE DOWN Objection Taken to the Canadian Government Embargo on Ship- ments from This Country. (Special via G. T. P. Telegraphs.) VICTORIA, Nov. 18.—(Noon). the Western Fuel Go. may close flown its mines at Nanaimo if the | Canadian Government persists in |placing an embargo on’ Britis& Columbia shipments of coal to the United States, it is announced by offitials of the company. The Western Fuel and’ vepre- fsentatives of other companies haye been in conference here and thé@y declare the embargo will work a hardship on the B.C, minés. They have promised Ot- tawa offfials that if export is permitted they will undertake to see that local consumers are supplied. NEW COMPANY STARTS TO SHIP FRESH FISH Sea Products Co. Buys up Catches of Boats at Fish Sale Today The Sea Products Co. which has just begun fish handling in this city bought their first fish for fresh shipping this morning. Theme were only two boats. the Liberty and the Neilson, in and the new company bought both catches, The National Independ- eot Company are taking care of the fish at the government dock as the Sea Products Company have not their plant ready for icing just yet. The Liberty sold her catch of 55,000 Lbs. at 16.f¢ and 12c, while the Neilson sold 15.000 ibs. at 15.8e and 10¢e. PRINCE ARRIVES Spectal via G. 7. P. Telegraphs.) NEW YORK, Nov. 18.—~The Prinee of Wales arrived here this | , fmorning. Steamship Service B.C. with Australia No More Help For we TA XI Phone 75 and 35 We Never Sleep PRINCE RUPERT AUTO 707 Becond Avenue , MH. LARGE | PRICE FIVE CENTS eee na wsooae —— Anti-Bolsheviks Lloyd George says Other Countries bet. ter able to Help than England; Un- able to Continue Financing. (Special to The News via . T. P, Tetegraphs.) LONDON, Nov. 18.—Premier Lioyd George, speaking in the House of Commons during a debate on Russia, dwelt on the com- plexity of the Russian problem. “In whichever direction we go,” he said, “we are marching into fox.” Returning to the general question of Russia, the Premier re- ferred to the operations of Admiral Kolohak and emphasized the organization difficulty of England helping Kolchak. “There are countries,” he declared, “better able to help Kolchak than we. These powers are next door. 1 do not wish to be considered as criticising, but if there has been failure it is not our fault.” The Premier declared that with Great Britain’s own burdens, it was quite impossible to go on financing a civil war in Russia indefinitely. “Our own country is our first concern,” he said, “and there is no surer road to Bolshevism at home than financial oankruptey. We have contributed more to anti-Bolshevik ele- ments in Russia than France, Japan and America put together. ! boast of that’because it was an obligation of honor for us.” Lioyd George admitted the accuracy of the report that France and England were in agreement to withoid further supplies from Russia because it was impossible to burden French tax-payers. No More Help LONDON, Nov. 18.—(Noon). The London morning news- papers express disappointment with Premier ‘Lloyd George's statement regarding Britain’s policy towards Russia. aRLS PLAY FAST NICK GURVICH wes sre» sm en) LIQUOR CHARGE Coaching is Needed. Pleads Not Quilt ‘ The first basketball match be- solves Itself oa tween the schoolgirls of the city f Between Bran- took place in the Exhibition Hat! 21d and Rye. last evening. > we FAVORS IMPORTATION REFERENDUM (Special to The News via GT. P. Telegraphs.) TORONTO, November 18.— Premier Drury expressed himself in favor of the Ontario Government holding a referendum on the suestion of the importation of liquor into Ontario, When asked if the voters of Ontario would be called upon at ihe next election to vote under the proportional representation system, Mr. Drury said: ‘| should say it was altogether probable that at the next Ontario election the present system will be super- Most certainly there is leaded by the one you have mentioned, room for electoral ‘reform in this provinee, team; Defense. Annie Kelly and) Marjorie Roberts; centre, Mary McLennan: right, Margaret Lind- say; left, Caroline Mitchell, The same teams will meet next Mon- Aday evening. COAL PRICES UP Western Fuel Co. of Nanaimo In- creases Charge a Dalior a Ten. (Special via G.T.P. Telegraphs.) VICTORIA, Noy. 18.—The price of coal in British Columbia was increased a dojiar a ton by the Western Fuel Co. of Nanaimo to- day. This brings the price here to $12.50 a ton. 2 CAR ACCIDENT Wind Biew Car Aimost off Road- way This Morning. ~The Ford delivery auto of the Central Cash Market met with an accident this morning when a gust of wind caught it and, skidding it on the slippery stmeet, blew it nearly off the roadway. Fortu- nately, it was stopped before it got entirely over. The accident took place on Fourth Ave. near McBride in front of Geo, White's house and had the car left the roadway altogether a nasty wreck would have ensued. There is a steep grade off the side and the road is built om a hillsid®. No one was hurt but the springs over the front wheels were Dbnoken and the rear wheel bent. “Poor Boob"’——a ‘five-reel fea- ture and a two-reel comedy at the eal drug store labelled brandy. onstable Adams said that when he got the bottle it did not con- tain rye whiskey. On making further investigation the constable found two smaller bottles on the prem- ises containing liquor. . H. nme gave evidence and said that the bottle produced in court was the same as he had sold the ac- cused on prescription but he could not swear as to whether ‘he contents were whiskey or brandy as he had sold. Chief , Vickers tasted the contents and without hestitation said it was rye, The aceused then gave evi- dence. He said the present con- tents of the bottle were exactly what he had got from the drug store. He asked that brandy be got from the drug store and comparison be made. On this comparison he was willing to be found guilty er not gullty. He knew nothing about the two smaller bottles. They may have belonged to roomers. Adjourn- ment was taken in order to make the comparison. e GERMANY IN POWER (Special via GT. P. Telegraphs.) COPENHAGEN, November t7.— Philip Scheidemann, former Ger- man Chancellor, writing to Vor- waerts, says he considers Cer. many is really in the power of the reactionaries, Toys, blocks, games, dolls, trains, children’s books, mechani- eal toys, at Tite's Santa Olaus’ Westholme tonight, headquarters, tr brandy but was decidedly \ °