fA8BTHR WEEOND CANDY SPECIAL Assorted Chocolates, 35c per lb. Nut Buds, 20c per lb. Ormes Ltd. TTliQ Pioneer DriiQtvsls Phones 81 & 82 Third Ave. & Fulton St. HOTEL ARRIVALS Savoy Hotel prince Rupert's leading, family hotel. Hot and cold water In all rooms. A, J. PRUDIIOMME. Prop. C ir of Fraser and Fifth SU, SAVOY Mr and Mrs. Sam Olson, Jap In let C B, Letnes and T. Shlkatam port Exsington. New Royal Hotel THE HOTEL WORTH WHILE Hot & Cold water: Steam Heat 75c. PER DAY AND UP J. Zarelll Trlephnn VI ROYAL E. Erlcndson, Osland. C. N. TRAIN For the East-Mondays. Wednesday and Saturdays 12 30 noon. From the East Sundays. Tuesday and Thursdays 1 30 pm Moose Dance Is Enjoyable Men Prom II.M.C.S. Skeena Much In Evidence at Happy Affair , Last Night Men from II.M CS. Skeena were much in evidence at the dance held ; Jast night by the Moose Lodge. There were about 150 persons pres- . jend and a delightful evening was ir pent by all. I The hall was suitably decorated I for the occasion with flags ' and , bunting. Fine mustc was furnished by the Premier Orchestra. The affair was in full swing from 9 pjn. until 1:30 ajn., and at mid night delicious refreshments were served. J. Jeans was in charge of the refreshments. . Charles Lemon was chairman of the committee in charge of the dance. B. J. Bacon was a genial master of ceremonies and Ray Ingram and Ted Rorvick presided at the door. During the supper hour intermission Mr. Ford, a visitor to the city, entertained acceptably with songs and banjo solos. EVERY comfort, luxury and convenience known to modern railroad travel is yours on the "Continental Limited". Radio, valet service, library buffet-observation can, and the famed C.N.R. personal service. Trains leave Prince Rupert Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays, at 12.30 p.m., connecting with this crack flyer. Far luftrmmtl nil mt writ Uttal f ml f ii. M. n ix, n.r r.A. V-1II Mm Rapcrt. B.C. 0 i HNESTLE'S- A PRODUCT OrCANADV NESTLES ..,r. a I r 11 U ' '' : 1 Canadian National (The. JLarqat faikun if Jliitcm. itc crfmenccL. i MILK -mm c l EvsrOfi 57 JN u pure, safe cow's milk with all useless water removed . . . then stenlued and sealed lit airtight tins. Twice as rich as ordinary bottled milk. It goes farther because of its double richness. Use it for cooking and baking ts a beverage or with tea, coffee and cocoa. Results alwsys in added flavor and appetizing Harness. r Oa baby size NESfCE'S World's Largest Producers and Sellers of Condensed ana Evaporated Milk Alt UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Steamers rr Prlnre Hupert f or Vancouver CATAI.A EVERY TIT.SDAY, 1 JO P.M. . Via Ocean Falls, arriving Vancouver, Thursday Morning. T.. CAUDKNA EVEKY IIUDAY MIDNKHIT Arriving Vancouver eunaaj mianifni py. weesjv mUIuis to Port BUnpaon, Alice Arm, Aiijoa. PRINCC IllirfcKT A.m:v: see " Stewart and Naa Rlvtr tiDta. Sunday, s.oo p.m. further information regarding all aallingi and tlckeU at - Amine. Phone MS Local Items Football Sunday. Legion vs. Merchants for Stuart Shield. Dlnnerware, cnTna, crockery, glassware, Ueilbroner's Store. Dr. Stanley Mills of Terrace ar rived in the city from the Interior on last evening's mixed train. Thomas McMcckin, who has been on a business trip to Ocean Falls, returned tQ the city on the Prin cess Mary yesterday, afternoon from the paper town. Miss Henege of Thetis Island arrived In the city from the south on the Princess Mary yesterday afternoon and Is the guest of Mrs. J. A. Hlnton, Hays Block. Written applications will be re ceived until Sept'. 25th for posi tion of bandmaster for Prince Ru pert Boys' Band. W. H. Tobcy, Sec retary-Treasurer, P. R. Boys' Band Br forming now, rich bloocl Dr. Chaw's Nerve Food restores th exhausted nerves and removes the causa of Sleepless-ium, Irntabiiitv Headache and. Nervous Indiestirm. mm tf Frank Poc, who drove from the United States In, his Nash roadster as far as Hazelton. bringing the car on here by train, sailed last night cn- the Cardena for Vancou ver. A. Sutherland, boiler Inspector, Vancouver, arrived in the city on the Princess Mary yesterday af ternoon from the south and pro ceeded by train to Terrace on off iclal duties. John Stark, manager of one of the suburban branches of P. Burns and Co.. Ltd. In Vancouver and Mrs. Stark were passengers aboard the Princess Mary yester oay afternoon, making the round trip north on the vessel. Wallace Brennan, who has been vlsltlnK here for the past two weeks with his uncle and aunt Mr. and 'Mrs. H. B. Stiles, Fourth Avenue East. left by today's train on his tetttrn to his home In Bran don, Manitoba. Tnjiydr' Weekly Herald, with the collaboration of the Hyder, Chamber f Commerce, has toast Is sued a vefy"attractlve special Icdi tion "to further the construction of the proposed Pacific-Yukon Alaska Highway." There is descriptive reading matter of Hyder, Stewart and many other northern points and the tweive-page special editlor is embellished with many new and interesting pictures. I lIslsssM' II rmmn FROM MONTREAL TO GLASGOW -BELFAST-LIVERPOOL ftopt 25 Oct aa. DtuJwvB of Richmond Oet. 8 .' Diichew of Bedford Oet 1ft Due hew of Yort Nov. 8 Montciaro TO LlVKUrOOL Brat It Duooeaa of Bedford tOct. rSefraT .... DuensM of AthoU avla Olaagow-DelfMt. To Havre-London-Antwerp Oct. 1, )1 Mowtrota FROM QUEBEC TO CHERBOURG-SOUTHAMPTON B,pt. IB Bmprea of AiMtral'j Sept. 30. Pat.. 14 .... Empmw of DrtUin FROM VANCOUVER To lfjiill.J.iMin-t'lilnu-riillli'lnf iSept IS xNov. 7, Em pre w of Oanad Bept.M, Nov. 31 EroprM of HumU xOrt. 10 Etnpreaa of Japan Oct. 14 w, Emprtaa of AU alnofudlng oall at Honolulu. Aoad.v to Arenta emrwhere or it lOHSlEK Steamship Onl, O i & Station Pass. Atent Vancou vr. lephone Trinity 1151 Teie THE DAILY NEWS Saturday, September 12, 1931 CHOLERA INFANTUM THE FATAL DISEASE OF CHILDREN Is a valuable preparation that has been od the market for the past eiRhtyyears. It has no equal for off-aetting the vomiting, purgbg and diarrhoea of cholera infantum. Price, 60c. a bottle nt all dromra a or dealers: put up only by The T. Milburn Mn. II. S. Kelsar and Mrs. P. H. King of Inverness were overnight visitors in town. T. R. Wilson, of Inverness can nery was an overnigni visitor in town on business. T. Rlsenberry of Bella Coola Is visitor In the. city, having arrived on the Cardena last evening from down the coast. Miss Cathie Irvine of the Dally News business office staff will sail tomorrow night on the ss. Prince George for a holiday trip to Van couver. ' Mrs. John McRae returned to th? city on yesterday afternoon's mix ed train from Terrace, where she acted as a Judge at: the Fair this week. Southern papers announce the engagement of Miss Mabel Mildred lone Qulnn of Vancouver, to Alan Harold Eden of Fort.St. John. The homes of both bride-elect and groom-elect are In Vancouver. James Loane and William Flem lng. who arrived In the city Thurs day evening from Stewart, where they had been employed at the Big Missouri mine, left on today's train for Montreal where' they will embark September 18 aboard the ss Ansonla for the Old Country, the former going to Olasgow, Scotland, and the latter to Belfast. Ireland. . i Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Wilcox, who have been spending the past cou pie of weeks in the "city and dis ¬ trict, left on today's train fo Prince Oeorge whence they wjll motor to their home in Vancouver. In her capacity as worthy grand matron tor British Columbia. Mrs. Wilcox paid an official, ylt to Be-Ust Chapter, Oroe? fif tHe Eastern Star here last evening. The city police have an inquiry 'from John Thomas Neville of Montreal, able seaman on the S3 Auranta. seeking information as to the whereabouts of his sister, Mrs. Mary P Sloane, and her husband, ; Frederick P. Sloane, who have not jbcen heard of since they were re-j ported here some five or six years ago aDoara a cinema producer a steam yacht of which Sloane was captain. Public Meeting Public mass meeting, under auspices of Unemployed Association will be held In the Moose Hall Sunday. September 18. at 8 pm. Representatives from other organisations specially Invited. 214 NOTICE . Pursuant to the Municipal Elections Act all persons desiring to be entered on the Voters' List for the forthcoming Municipal Elections as Householders or Holder i nf Trade Licenses must register their names with me City Clerk during the months of September or October oh a statutory form to be supplied by the city Ctok, The City Clerk's Uifflm2'.bp open from 9 a.m. untlDpHjKflth and every day during thenfibnths Of September arid Or'ober with the exception of Saturday,, when it will be open from 9 ajn. until 12:30 pm. E. F. JONES City Clerk Announcements Eagles' Carnival d ince September 18. Ladles refreshments; Gems 00c. IIIJ1 CO 1.0.D.E; October 30. Moose Carnival 12 and 13. Bridge and dance and Dance No. Rupert East Sunday School re opens Sunday at 1:30. Glasses fitted bf" registered, optometrist at Ueilbroner's 'store. Miss P. Youmay arrived in the city from Vancouver on the Prin cess Mary , yesterday1, afternoon to loin the service of Dr. R. G. Large here. Paul Zygmunt and William Bash. charged with vagrancy through creatine a disturbance on the streets, were each fined $10 by Magistrate .McClymont In city police court this morning. Northland Navigation Co.'s mo-torshlp Bellingham arrived In port at ,8 o'clock this morning from Ketchikan with two carloads of frozen fish for transshipment East over the Canadian National Mr. and Mrs. Oiler Besner and daughter left on this morning' train for Montreal. Mrs. Besner end daughter will resume residence In Montreal for the next year while Mr. Besner will return to the city later. C.NJI. steamer Prince George Capt4 Hell McLean, arrived In port at 11. o'clock this morning from Vancouver, Powell River and Oc can Falls and will sail at 4 o'clock thl saiternoon for Stewart and Ketchikan whence she will re turn here tomorrow evening south bound. Union steamer Cardena, Capt. Andrew Johnstone, arrived in port at 5:40 last evening from the south sailing at 8 pjn. for Port Esslngton and other Skeena River points whence she returned here at o'clock this mornlne sailing soon thereafter on her return to Van corner and way points. UNEMPLOYED RETURNED SOLDIERS It is requested by the minister of public works that all unemployed returned soldiers register at the local Canadian Legion giving rcgl mental number, name, unit1 enlis ted in, place of discharge, married or slnzle. The registration Is addttlonaL.ri the Provincial Registration. A. J. MATHESON. 214 Secretary e Jong's Cash and Carry Week-End Savings 933 TELEPHONE 953 Phone Us Your Order We Deliver $2.00 or Over Free Sunlight Soap Per pkg M. D. Prunes Medium size. 2 lbs Robin Hood Oats With chlnaware Tomatoes Per basket Green Cabbage Per lb. ....:... Celery Per head Cantaloupes 2 for Tokay Grapes Per lb WM 1M VM'SM 'UJMtMSMXM J 18c 21c 26c ALYMEK VEGETABLES Spinach, Daby Beets, Peas (sieve 3), Cuf Wax Deans, Extra special, per 8-ounce tin MALKIN'S BEST FRUIT Apricots, Sliced Peaches, Fruit for Salad, Per 8-ounce tin .' Malkln's Best Tea-lib', pkg Malkln's Best Plum Jam 4-lb. pall 10c 13c 45c 45c We Carry Only the Best of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables 35c 4c 10c 25c 25c :it:bxixi New Carrier Collection System i In view of the depression and to make it as easy as possible for people to pay, the Dally News Is to be sold on a weekly basis, payable in advance. Starting Monday next, several of the routes In the west end of the city will be turned over to the carrier boys as independent merchants. The boy will collect each Friday evening for the week following. He buys the papers and sells them to the customers, so there will be no credit given. The boy cannot afford it. Tlease do not ask him to return for the weekly payment. Have it ready for him. Customers now in arrears will pay the amount owing at the office, but this will have nothing to do with the regular collections made by the boy. He will be doing business on his own, and if he docs not make his own collections will not deliver the paper. Those paid in advance will continue to receive the paper until the subscription expires. Any wishing to continue the yearly payments may do so, and we pay the boy. The price of the paper will, be 10c a week, payable strictly in advance. That means six papers for ten cents. It will take a few weeks to get the new system running smoothly, and In the meantime we ask for the co-operation of the readers of the paper. The routes not going orthe new system this week will do so just as soon as the lists are made up and the boys properly instructed. Help the boys to set up in business for themselves! CHURCH NOTICES FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Minister, Rev. W. D. Grant Holllngworth. DjV. Organist, John E. Davey 11 ajn. Subject, "HERESY HUNTING." 12:15, Sunday School. All classes. 7:30 pm. Subject, "WHAT MEN CALL FAILURE.' Anthem by the Choir. FIRST UNITED CHURCH Pastor. Rev. A. Wilson, Bv A. ..,.. Morning Worship at 11 o'clock Subject, the first in a series, of great works In religious experience, "RESTORATION." Sunday School at 12:15. Evening Worship at 7:30 Subject: "SALVATION IN THE PRESENT." . CHRISTIAN SCIENCE (Christian Science Society, 215 Second Avenue West) This Society Is a branch of the Mother Church, the First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Doston. Mass. Sunday service at 11 o'clock. Subject, "SUBSTANCE." Sunday School at 12:15, Testimonial Meeting, Wednesday at 8 pjn. Reading Room, 245 Second Avenue, open on Mondays and Thursdays from 3 to 5. ST. ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL (Church of England) ' Very Rev. J. a Gibson. Dean Morning prayer and sermon at 11 am. Preacher, Rer. W. E. Colllson Sunday School at 12:30. Evening prayer and sermon at 7:30. Preacher. Rev. W. E. Colllson. WE AKE OFFERING: DISCOUNT ON COAL For Cash at the Rate of 50c Per Ton Alberta Lump, $13.50, for cash, $13.00 Alberta Egg, $12.50, for cash, $12.00 Pembina Egg, $12.50, for cash, $12.00 HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 lnONE 580 Car Owners Our repa'lr service 'is prompt, efficient and courteous. RUPERT MOTORS Distributors of DODGE St PLYMOUTH CARS Phone 5C6 Night Calls 1C1 CLEANING & , PRESSING Ladles' and Gentlemen's Tailoring Reasonable Prices M. T. LEE CO. 3JI 3rd Ave. Vf. Phone 663 Next Benson Studio