Baturday, September 12, 1931 - THS DA1LT NSW8 ; FAQS FZVS The Daily News " Classified" is the Poor Mail 's Advertising Column A Few Words in this section is the Cheapest Way of Reaching the Mass of the People. CLASSIFIED ADVER' For rent, for sale and all other email advertisement. In this section, charged at the rate of 2 cents a word pT Insertion with, tlx Insertions for the price of four. By the month the charge is 25c a word.- No advertisement taken for less than 50c. FOR RENT FOIl KENT Furnished 4 room flat with bath. Phone 547. tf FLATS FOR RENT 5 and 6 rooms and bath on Sixth Avenue West. Phone Bluff 802. ; tf FOR BEN'S Clean well-furnished room. hot. and. cold water. Palmer Apartments.' Phone Red 444. tf - ' ..I. PUR KENT Pianos, phonographs sewing machines and can, Walker's, cor. .Second Avenue and Fourvh Street tf ion HUNT Clean, .well furnished two room suites. $10 per month. half-block from Post Office, 83i Second Avenue West Phone 290. . 22-J FOR RENT Choice 6-room flat $35 Modem 4 -room Hat Clapp Block. Monarch- Range $25. 3 rooms down town, suitable lot rooming house $25. Westenhaver Bros. tfi FOR SALE FOR SALE .Franklin Heater. Phone Red C01. - 214 BEDS and Carpet for sale cheap. Apply 230 3rd Avenue. 217 for SALE Kindling. Me. rark Apply 600 th Ave. West. i l iiSIAN LAMB COAT for Sale. .nod condition. Phone 581. 217 FOR 3ALE Good ujed ars at right price. Kalen Motors Ltd. f For Sale wicker Taby buggy. Con be seen at Daily News building. upstairs. U FOR SALE Household goods In-luding Kitchen Cabinet and other utensils, cut glass, mat tress, etc Apply 408 8th Ave. W.. after 10 ajn. or Phone Blaek 518. 215 WANT LI) TO BUY V ANTED to buy Sewing Machine Hood condition. Phone Red 911. 214 HELP WANTED HUNDREDS of Postmen. Clerks, .Stenographers, Customs Examiners, etc., In the Canadian Civil Service awe their Jobs to ouri correspondence courses. The old-. mi in Canada. Our Free Booklet on request. .We employ n agents. The MC.C. Civil Service School Ltd., 401 Kensington Bldg.. Winnipeg. tf VIOLIN TUITION WORD has been received that Professor Pryce will not resume work here. Miss N. Lawrence is open to take several new pupils for similar work. Phone 177 tf The Dally News can be pur chased at Post Office News Stand. 325 Oranville St- Vancouver. Karl Anderson. Prince George. B.C. R. W. Riley, Terrace. B.C. Oeneral Store, Anyox. Smithers Drug Store, Smith- ers. B.C.' Miss D. Hogan ;r of Piano -4 . Thompson & William Method Phone IJluc 329 CHIROPRACTIC Sunshine and Red Ray Treatments Nervous, Female and Children' Diseases Specially Treated v W. C. ASPINALL (Graduate Chiropractor) C and 7 Exchanre Block Green 211 Black 2S3 Public Stenographer MIMEOGRAPHING, Muriel Morris. Phone 782. (O-l) TRANSFERS B. St R. TRANSFER. Cartage, an1 Furnltur- Moving. Phone 204. ti NEWS AGENTS ANY Publications on Earth, Benrr News- Stand. s Jl CORRESPONDENTS WANTED LADIES and Gentlemen In South Africa, Europe, etc., seek Correspondents. Write Bona tide Correspondence Bureau, Postbox 1G6?, Johannesburg. 8. Africa. tf PALMISTRY MRS. JAMES CLARK. Palmistry and Crystal Reading. Federal Block. Phone Oreen 701 BOARD AND ROOM ROOM AND BOARD. Phone Red "129. HIE INLANDER Board or roon Phone 137. AUCTIONEER PRINCE RUPEPT AUCTION MART We buy. vO or exchange any1 kind of furniture or household' goods, musical instruments, machinery, etc. Oeneral repairs, crating, packing and shipping. Workmanship guaranteed. Just phone BlacK 120 and we will call. G. J. DAWFS. Auctioneer. Federal Block tf SHOE REPAIRS MAC SHOE HOSPITAL. Shoes repaired. Second Avenue West tf SHOE REPAIRS Best materials- . flnet work prices reasonable. Sharman Co, opposite Post Of fice. " SALVAGE & T0WING 11 It's on or under the water r do it." Pacific Salvage Co. Ltd. Fully Equipped ror Diving autf General Salvage Work Agents for EASTllOrT. KNGINfiK Boats and Scows of all descrip tions for Charter Row Boats and Canoe for Hire BARGAINS IN GAS ENGINES Northern B.C. Distributors Coolldge Propellers Sand and Oravel In any quantity delivered anywhere by water phone Day or Night 564 P.O. Box 1564 "TILL1E THE nSEMENTS QUEEN CHARLOTTE SHINGLES BEST IN aC. Our Prince Rupert Prices: No. 1 5x per M $3.75 No. 1 3x put M . 125 No. 2 per M 2.75 ROBERTSON Si SIMPSON Massett, B.C. Agent: Hyde Transfer. Phone 580 HUGH L. DICKEY, M.I). SPECIALIST Eye, Ear. Nose and Throat Eyes Tested Glasses Fitted No. I Royal Hotel Miss Margaret McCafFery A.T.C.M. TEACHER OF PIANO Tel. 585 Beginners Preferred Silversides Bros. PAINTS WALLPAPERS GLASS Third Avenue Typewriters for Rent by day. week or month Rose, Cowan & Latta Phone 234 MISS S. OLAFSON A. T. C. 51. Associate Teacher of Miss Way Teacher of Piano, Theory, Harmony, Counterpoint Telephone: Red 390 Your Figure Studied Lines Symmetrical Arranged MRS. THOMASSON Dressmaker 8c Ladies' Tailor 415 Green St, Phone Bine 901 C. TOOMBS Radio Service Radio Sales and Repairs All makes of radio work guaranteed. Phone Blue 901 508 4th Av. E. Mrs. Hickcy B. M. Beauty Parlor 121 Second Avenue Finger and Water Waving, Marcelling, Electric Facials, Scalp Treatment fiff falling hair and dandruff. Permanent Waving by Mrs. , Stephens. Fair Week Only. Phone Red 251 TOILER" . . j Steamship Sailings ! For Vancouver S0nday--ss. Pr. Oeorge ....10 pjn. j Tuesday ss. Catala 1:30 pjn. I Thursday ss. Pr. Rupert 10 pjn. I Friday ss. Princess Mary 10 pjn. i S3. Cardena, midnight. Sept. 14 ss. Prin. Louise 5:30 pjn. Sept 23 ss. Prin. Louise 5:30 p.m. From Vancouver Sunday ss. Catala 4 pjn. Wed. ss. Pr. Rupert ....10:30 ajn. Friday ss. Princess Mary 4 pjn. Friday ss. Cardena pjn. Satur. ss. Pr. George .10:30 ajn. Sept 10 ss. Prin. Louise . 3 ajn. Sept. 19 ss. Prin. Louise 9 ajn. Sept. 30 ss. Prin. Louise . 9 ajn. For Naas River and Port Simpson 8unday ss. Catala ... 8 pjn. From Naas River & Port Simpson- Tuesday ss. Catala ....11:30 a.m. For Stewart and Anyox Sunday ss. Catala 8- pjn. Wednesday ss. Pr. Rupert 4 pjn. Saturday ss. Pr. George ....4 pjn. .From Stewart and Anyox Sunday ss. Pr. George 8 pjn. Tuesday ss. Catala ....11:30 ajn. Thurs. ss. Pr. Rupert 8 pjn. For Ocean Falls Sunday ss. Pr. George ...10 pjn. mesaay ss, uaiaia i:au p.m. Thursday ss. Pr. Rupert 10 pJn.B. C. Gravensteins, lb. Friday ss. Princess Mary 10 pjr. ("rum Ocean Falls Wed. ss. Pr. Rupert .10:30 ajn. ; Friday- ts. Cardena pii ss. Princess Mary 4 pjt i sai. ss. ft. ueorge ....iu:ou ajn, For Queen Charlottes-Sept 24 ss. Prince John 10 pjn. From Queen Charlottes. : Sept. 22 ss. Prince John jun For Alaska sept. 10 ss. ran; Louise 11. ajn. ! piums lb Sept. 19-ss. Prin. Louise 11 ajn.jpea,okanagr;;''doz.i5c Sept. 30 ss. Prin. Louise 11 ajn.'lElberta peaches, doz. . From Alaska Sept. 14ss. Prin. Louise . 4 pjn. Sept. 23 ss. Prin. Louise .4 pjn. From Skeena Hivrr - , Fridays ss. "Cardena pin. Mail Schedule For the East ' Monday, Wednesday and Saturday '.. - 11:30 a.ra. From the Et Sunday, Tuesday and Thurs- I day .1:30 pjn. : For Vancouver J Sunday 9 pjn. Tuesday .12:30 noon Wednesday, 4:30 pjn, Thursday -...9 pjn. Friday 11 pjn. Saturday -.4:30 pjri From Vancouver i Sunday 4 pjn. Wednesday 11:30 ajn. Friday pin. Saturday .10:30 ajn, j For Stewart and Anyox Sunday .7 pjn, j Wednesday 4 pjn. I Saturday 4 pjn. From Stewart and Premier-Sunday 8 pjn. Tuesday 11:30 ajn Thursday .. 8 p.m. Saturday ..i.6 pjn. For Naas River and Port Simpson-Sunday - 7 pjn. From Naas River and Port Simpson Tuesday 11:30 ajn. From North Queen Charlottes-Thursday ... 10:30 ajn. For Queen Charlottes Sept. JO and 24 10 pjn. From Queen Charlottes Sept 8 and 22 ajn. For Alaska-Sept. 10, 10, 30 .... 10 pjn. FronfAlasks Sept, 2, 5, 14, 23 .... 4:30 pjn. u wVT' tt 6 TVNA3 OCLOCK TZ. 1 T , I" jafc I rTlS rSUCH A AMD PJeONAIfvE-D MAC I'D I W WJ BtAUTlPUU EC back !s4 C-PMiCE, , J -t W TO DO ., . T. OHO . ' gLsf J WVTHiWG THE MARKET Market prices current today are as follows: - Vegetables ; i B. C. New Potatoes, 15 lbs -25 sack : 100 B. C. Beets, bunch, 1 for . .15 Parsiey. bunch '.10 B.C. Celery, head, j. .15 Vegetable Marrow, lb. .05 Spinach, B. C, lb. .10 Garlic, Imported, per lb .40 Wax Beans, lb .10 Green Beans, lb. ..... JO Cabbage, green .07 B.C. head lettuce, nead .10 Victoria hothouse tomatoes .... .2 lbs. Zi Field Tomatoes, lb. .08 Green Peppers . 2 lbs. .?.5 Rhubarb, outdoor, lb. JOS Egg Plant, lb 25 B.C. Cauliflower, hd... 15c to .25 B. C. Bunch CarroU JOS Outdoor cucumbers; each 5c to .19 Pumpkin, lb ,. Hubbard Squash, lb m Sweet Potatoes, 2 lbs a J2S Green Onions, 3 bunches .10 Radishes. 3 bunches, 10 Onions, 5 lbs i 1. .25 Imported Spanish Onions,' lb.. .10 Apples Green Cooking Apples, lb. 4c. to .6 .10 wealthy, 3 lbs. . J2S ! Fruits ' Valencia Oranges - 20c to .70 Lemons, Amsterdam, large .... 5J jcal'fornia Orapefrult ...74c to 40 Bananas, lb .15 j Calif. Seedless Grapes, lb. J. .20 CaL Malaga Grapes, lb, 25 jCaL Rebiere Grapes, lb. .. 20 Canteloupes, Oliver . 10c: to 15 Pears, doz 45c to .15 JbO .45 ! Watermelons, lb . Italian Prunes, crates ,.,r 1.00 Dried fruits Fttiracted .honey, per. Jar 'JJ5I Comb honey .. .., 25 Oatej, bulk. lb. ; 12 Raisins, bulk. lb. , , . .15 Lemon and orange peel - , , 20 alack cooking flzs. lb. .15 Currants, lb. .15 Citron peel 25 White lies. 1U. 15 Apples, dried , 30 Peaches, peeled J2Q ' Apricots, lb. - . J2Q t Prunes, 60-70; Jh. .... .10 Prunes, 30-43, lb. j '.,.,," .13 Prunes, 40-50, lb. . MY, Guide to Correspondents The Dally News welcomes correspondence on live topics of the day or any other subject of public Interest but letters must be brief and to the point. The long-winded correspondent has no place In modern Journalism. Every letter must be signed by the writer, riot necessarily for publication but as a matter of good faith and courtesy. All unsigned documents go to the waste paper basket. Letters of a caustic character must have the signature appended for publication. Letter should be written on one side of the paper only. Correspondents must avoid personalities and the language should be such as would be allowed In the ordinary rules of debate. A Painful Excuse .Meats-Fowl, No. 1, lb Roasting Chicken, lb Ham, sliced, first grade . Cottage, rolls, lb. Ham, picnic, first grade Bacon, side, sliced, best Tork, shoulder Pork, loin ..... - Pork, dry salt grade Pork, leg Ayrshire bacon, lb. . ... 35c to Veal, shoulder VeaL loin, Beef, pot roast ...... 15C to Beef, boiling , lCc to Beef, roast, prime rib 20c to Lamb, shoulder Beef, steak 25c. to Lamb, leg - Lamb, chops . 35c to Mutton, .shoulder Fish SmokecT kippers, lb Salmon fresh, lb Halibut, fresh, lb. . Egg- B.C. fresh pullets, doz. B.C. fresh firsts, doz B.C. fresh extras, doz Local, new laid, Bntter Fancy cantoned, lb Nil 1 Creamery, 3 lbs. A cAre tjou buijins? the Package or One POWERinside? T N SIZE, odtrr radi batttrie may rrMnkU Evertady Layrrbilti, but inadc thrrc'i tretaendoua dilfertnc. And in opcritioa, diarc'a a (till greater dirtinrtion, for Errrcady Laycrbilt employ i a new cowl ruction that packa fT more power into every "battery. That apella longer life, greater dependability, far greater economy. Choox a battery for what it will do, and youll find the mst for your money in EverVrady Layerbilt. Your dealer hat it in three aite. SU t RsJio Stoitl trtryuhtrt. 1 1 rwmtn mvmmimmn S1MONDS Inserted Point Saws Thetpccial steel used is made in the SimonJs plant and is the same wcar-rcsitting steel that is used in the most expensive cutting tool. Simonds Saw Bits hold their sharp edge under the moat strenuous use and give exceptionally long service. SiMONO Canada Saw C. Lto. . MOWTMAL VANCOUVtft ar. j.if If your paper docs not Floor 1 ' ' Flour, 49's NO. 1 ;hard, wheat Pastry Flour, 10 lbs JO .40 .45 Sugar .23 fellow, 100 lbs .25 White, 100 lbs. M Lard- PUTf .18 Compound .28 .30 Wheat, No. 3 Alberta 20 No. 5 Alberta 50 Oats .... :it Bran ... 25 81iorts , .. i , 20 .14 Middlings . J2S Barley 22 Laying Mash .. 35 Oyster .Shell .33 Beef Scrap .40 Ground Oil Cake .20 Pine oat chops .Crushed oats . .15 Pine barley chop J2S : Nuts J2Q Almonds, shelled Valencias -.. 'California soft shelled walnuts 25 Walnuts, broken shelled 21 Walnuts, shelled Jialves AO Peanuts , ,5 Cheese-Ontario solids 20 Stilton, lb. 0 vlouqucfort , CANADIAN NATIONAL CARBON CO, LIMITED Calairy Vancouver TORONTO Montreal Whulatf eVEREADy Radio Batteries , . hi V T i r-.-i- 1 1 . that jsrurry ci-ficb -SUf?E TO GIVE E. A HEADACHE, AMD A PERSON CAMT DO Akry VMORK V WHILE. "THClf? .mZIT L-S I I hcaDAChe. - you cxpwjkj it to ',1 J 1 111 THE. BOSS COME OVER TOTXB vM r I I If I HOU THte tVENWJCa AMD TCi-U m I I wL me HOvvt3o rfif I I I f sK'iMl. I v- v j sjbk unnsKi twi' EVH?yrlJsl.: 1.70 J&0 5.10 5.63 17Vi ,173 175 1.53 1.C5 1,43 1.50 190 1.C5 2A0 1.80 3.75 3.45 1.75 1.75 1.75 RB 9 arrive, telephone the oWcm By Westover- 2C M 2S .45 JitS If Jim