SSI On. YOU provide extra silver, extra dinner pieces and extra linen in case of need, Keep extra lamps too. For you know from experience how inconveni ent it is not to have "extras" to replace burned-out lamps. Edison Mazda glare-free Lamps give the full ealut of current contumtd. Buy a handy r carton, today. . Hoop title to Be Decided in Seattle Games SEATTLE, Feb. 5: Crucial games in the interstate basketball series for the championship of the north west will be played here Friday and Saturday evenings this week between Oregon State College and University of Washington teams. Should Oregon or Washington take both games, that team tould have the title on Ice. ' The games will be played in the University of Washington Pavtljonj here. SCHEDULE OF WHIST February 5 Wanderers vs. Moose. I.O.O.F. vs. Grotto Ramblers. Six Musketeers vs. Caa Legion Grotlp vs. Dry Dock. Leif Erlckson vs. Seal Cove. February 12 Seal Cove vs. Dry Dock. Canadian Legion vs. Grotto. Leif Erikson vs. Moose. Grotto Ramblers vs. Wanderer Six Musketeers vs. 1.0.0 J". CRIBBAGE SCHEDULE February 9 Eagles vs. Grotto. Seal Cove Sawmill vs. Kts. of Columbus. ID.OJ1. vs. Hawks. Moose vs. To? H. Operators vs. Elevator. Six Musketeers vs. P. R. Hotel. L-10 EDISON MAZDA LAMPS A. CAjslADJAN GENERAL ELECTRIC PRODUCT Northern British Columbia Power Company Photo shows a little colored lad of the sunny south, day dreaming with Bobby Jones, "the king of the links." in an unusual pose of the great golfer taken at Augusta, Georgia. BRITISHERS COME OVER Women Golf Champions From Old iu cn5aBe in .aicnes in nonaa , NEW YORK, Feb. 5: Led bv Diana Fishwick. British open champion, a delegation of a dozen or so British women golfers arrived n the United States vesterdav. They go from here to Florida to en- i iage in a number of chamDionshlD eyents. Co-ineident with the arrival of I tMi$s Fish wick, who defeated her In the final of the British open last i yepr, pienna uouett, former champion, I J announced that she would , not be a contender for ehamplon- inlp honors this year. OFFICERS INSTALLED Moose Lodge Ccremonirs Conduc ted Last Evening by B. 31. Simpson and G. Royer Installation of 1931 officers of the Moose Lodge was conducted last nloht bpfnro mamhsn nf K Hodge, Ladles of the Mooseheart Legion and friends, by B, M. Simp-, son, who acted as installing- officer Gillls Royer assisting in the capa city of supreme sergeant-at-arms The Installation ceremony was fol lowed by a number of speeches bv i the officers and then delicious re freshments were served, with Mrs. Charles Edwards in charge in th? kitchen. Dancirw brought the nro- ceedlngs to a close, music being furnished by an orchestra comprising Mrs. J. S. Black. Walter Jio-warth. James Sturgeon and Bert Cameron. Gillls Royer was matter of ceremonies. The 1931 officers of the Moos Lodge are as follows: Past Dictator D. C. Schubert. Dictator W. B. McCUnm. Vke-pictator Ray Ingram. Prelate Cecil Morrison. Treasurer Jack Preece. Secretary Percy Cameron. Trust Ted Rorvik. Sergeant-at-Arm-Chas. Lemon Inner Guard William Logan. Outer Guard N. S. K. Brewer. 1 Musician Wlljiam Beaumont. Bugler Freii Hardy. Orator J. M. Morrison. i ADVERTISING COPY MUST HE IN EARLY t 4 i Copy for display advertise- wntc shmin he In the hands of the printers not later than - P ;n. iru day prior to publi- t cation. Tills is nocessary to en- able best positions to be sc- cured. 4 ) fags roTO Tv:r Fhr , LECTURES SPORT NEWS ! ON MINING Emil St, Goddard Repeats His 7 Rog Derby Feat of Last Year At Ottawa; Russick is Second ' OTTAWA, Feb, 5: Emil St, Goddard of The Pag, Man., yesterday repeated his victory of last year in the Ottawa International Dog Derby by capturing $1000 first prize money and the Chateau Launer bold Challenge Cup. Shorty Russick of Cranberry Portage won yesterday's lap in three hours, nine minutes and 44 seconds, more than three minutes better than St. God-K dard's time, but the lead held by the I latter from previous heats was enough to give him the victory. St. Goddard's elapsed time for the 10-mlle route was nine hours. 18 minutes and 42 seconds. Russick was almost four minutes behind. Old Country Soccer English League First Division Leicester 2, Arsenal 7. BILLIARDS POSTPONED Owing to contestants being busy! at their work, three postponed Billiard League games in the match between Grotto and Canadian Legion, scheduled for Tuesday night, have been further postponed until , next Sunday. i GOLF POSTPONED No games were played last night In the C. N. R. Miniature Golf League, all matches being postponed until tonight. Billiard Averages F. Bray (E) 1 250 250 C. P. Bajagno IE) 16 3891 243 A. Murray (CD 14 3401 243 Don Brown G) 6 1455 243 J. Smith E 10 2408 241 1 O. P. Tinker (CL) 14 3320 237 ' F. Zieman CL) 12 2796 233 O. Howe G 18 3669 229 M. McLachlan 1G) ..15 3419 228 W- E. Willlscroft IE) 9 2031 226 O. Waugh (G) 15 3352 223 J. May (G) 8 1767 221' C. Baptle (CI,) 9 1964 2J8 M. E. Young (E) ...16 3445 215 W. Mitchell (E) 16 3438 215 A. Macdonald (CL) 7 1499 214 M. Andrews (CD ...16 3364 210 J. Andrews (O) 14 2912 208 F. H. Stephens IE) .. 5 1026 205 CL. Youngman (CL) 4 814 204 T. Clough (O) 3 599 200 W. Murray (E) 7 J342 192 J, Scott (CD 1 172 J72 John Bulger (G) .... 1 169 169 not have extra LAMPS too NEW HALL IS OPENED Knights of Columbus Staged Fine Smoker Last Night With Large Crowd Attending The formal opening of the new hall of the Knights of Columbus took place last night, taking the form of -a smoker in which a great deal of enjoyable entertainment of various forms was provided including musical selections, boxing bouts land addresses. The new hall is completely equipped and $hould prove a very popular rendezvous for members of the order. There was a large attendance at the "smoker last night. In addition to the program, eats and smokes were provided in abundance and were equally enjoyed, p. C- Arseneau, grand knight, was jn the chair and the program was as follows: Opening selection, Busslnlch Or chestra. Opening address. Bishop Bunoz. Song, 11. Astori. Selection, Bussanich Orchestra. Three-round boxing bout, John Murray vs. A. Letourneau. i Address. Alex. McDonald. Violin solo, Mr. Oligny. Barrel boxing, Wildcat Astori vs. Battling Letourneau. Banjo solo, Joey Arseneau. Orchestra selection, Balagno's Orchestra. i SongaKRt James. , . Irish. Jig, Peer Byrne. Three-ourtd boxing bout, Red Glllis vs. Young Comadlna. Selection. Bussanich orchestra. Duet. James Arseneau and Joey Arseneau. Barrel boxing, Tiger Henri Letourneau vs. K.O. Baggen. .Accordion solo, Mr. Colussi. Boxing bout, 3 rounds. Bearcat Parents vs. One-Round Walls. Orchestra selection, Bussanich orchestra. Adair Carss Chapter Has Annual Meet Adair Cars Chapter. Imperial Order. Daughters of the Empire, lift night ejected officers for 193) as follows: Honorary Regent Mrs. Alfred Carts. Regent Mrd J. A. Teng. First Viqvliegent Mrs. W. H Bmeeton. Second Vice-Regent Mrs. Vie (ouston. Secretary Mrs. F. Barber. Treasurer Mrs. E. Brewerton. Educational Secretary Mrs. V. M. Crosby. Echoes Secretary Mrs. W. W. C. O'Neill. Standird poorer Mrs. S. V. Cox. A pally News classified advertisement will do that business for you. I Belore boxen were permitted to participate In army champlon-j ships ut Poi tobello to ranks Dublin, they were subjected to a I severe medical test for fitness. Good Audiences Hear Taks by I)r. '. . -V. ,V.,SmitlierngaJe I About -25 persons were present i at Dr. W. V. Smlthertngaje's mln-ilng lecture yesterday afternoon J The speaker's subject related ehk;f , ly to copper ores and types of pc-currence. These, in addition to the! native or practically pure metal.) are chalcopyrite, bprnlte, chalco-j eite, covelite, tetrahedrlte, tennan- j tlte. enarglte. malachite, azurite i chryscolla and cuprite. Each variety was described by j the speaker and specimens were, passed about. Meteoric and hydro- thermal types of metal deposition) were explained. Contact metampr-; phlc ore deposits were also refer-1 red to. By a free use of the blackboard the relative properties of rnetal patent percentage, hardness and specific gravity were placed befpre his hearers. These properties, in turn, were referred to in describing other more or less important features of the variqus ores or minerals with copper as a chief content. At the close of 'the lecture a number of rtuestionf were asked These developed Ul further effort on the part of the speaker to throw more light on the subject Among other topics were the processes of metal deposition, the sol vent agencies of surface and primary (magmatlo water as they bear the minerals In solution on apd on and on whether by an upward and compelled flow or by the familiar movement of streams or groundwater, the mlgrjty forces forever straining and which have for ages disturbed the earth's crust, the question of magmatlc fusion of the crust and (ike topics. Evening Lecture , About 40 listeners -were present to hear Dr. Smltheringale's discourse on rock classified Hon in the evening. He took hU hearers with him in a brief and instructive manner through descriptions of the great rock or earth crust divisions, viz.: Igneous, sedimentary and metamorphlc. le reviewed with them the aeld." intermediate and basic sub-classification of igneous rocks, developing the ideas concerning crystallization, fine granular mass, the variations of temperature, and rapidity of change, the so-called flow rocks! corresponding to the Intermediates and basics and other interesting phases. Under the head of sedimentar-ies. descriptions of conglomerate sandstones, shales, limestones ana other rocks of similar origin followed by descriptions of, origin c-i and forces that produce the familiar class of rocks known as the metamorphlcs among which arj quartzltes, schists and gnelse. Questions that followed related to the formation of quartz veins, ;he matter of discoloration by foreign matter. Other questions related to argillaceous rocks, ete. Very great interest was shown. In the audience were men of varied experience and age and train ing and a little more of the story of the rocks was told. The Letter Box nULKLEY VALLEY COAL Editor, Dally News: j I am glad to note you are doing , What yog can to blng tp the atten-, tlon..of the public the existence of a local Industry under development, namely the Doekrlll coal mlie, advertized locally as Bulkley Valley cpa. i We have a supply of this coal on hand and are offering It at Alberta coal prices, J12P and $13.50 per ton. ( CASEY CARTAGE FUEL CQ. HAVE YOU TRIED A CLASSIFIED? More and more people are turning to the classified coi-umns of tlte Dally News tp find what they want. Used cars, furniture for sale. lo,sl apd found, houses to rent or for sale, positions wanted. All sorts nf things arp advertised there, If you do not read the classified rage, get the habit now. Try H foday. Stewart Property Valued at Near Half Million STEWART. Feb. 6 The assessed value of Stewart property, sub.'ect to the court of revision, in $433. !7p. Of this amount $347,500 is fo. Improvements. The Improvement, can only be taxed on fifty per cent, of th assessed value. There has been an irvrase in the total assessed value of property of 39.-93. Improvements how' an in-crease ' of School taxes for 1931 are reduced from eight to six mills a reduction of twenty-flw per cent. Stewart News. LOCAL NEWS This afternoon's tram, due fnr the East at 3,30, was reported earl: this afternoon to be on time. B. J. MeJllsh was the speaker at tary Club tnd.n a the weekly luncheon of the Ro- subject of Bankn.i: IT PArS TO PAY FOR QUALITY HENN Add Nourishment to Kiddles' Mtal Ktrtt bp without s tm o( OXO Qibi for OXO thould be I parr ,,f e,ttJ child's roid-dif mtilttnt M bouillon idd to icupj, gratiti and itcwj for that extra Douriihment ihn rot am itrooy, bcahbjr At Ytur Grten'f la tint of 4 and to cutxi If YOU suffer froJ biliousnJ or iiiclincstioi there is nothing belter lid Beeeliaiii Pills fiJtti BRING HLVf BRAN ESSK THREE STAR THE SAFEST SPIRIT ALL EMERGENCIES BOTTLED AT COGNAC, FRANCE This advertisement is not published or diapl'i,J W Liquor Control Hoard or by the fJovernrrtP"1 llt British L'oluriibla.