PAG2 FCuR THE. DAILY NEWS . CARDS HAVE Lpndos - Steele Wrestling Match College Athletes GOOD LEAD At Chicago Defeated Giants Yesterday Both : . New York Teams Lose NEW YORK. June 5: St. Louis Cardinals got back their, former lead of J wo and a half games In tht National yesterday by defeating the.JS'ew YOrk Giants. Chtcagc Cubs came close to second place by defeating the Brooklyn Robins. In the American League. Philadelphia Athletics and Washington Senators won their games while the New York Yankees dropped, another to the St. Louis Browns. The Cleveland Indians won again and are close to , the Yankees' third place position.' Yesterday's scores: ! American League. St. Louis 8, New York 6. Philadelphia 4, Chicago 1. Cleveland 10. Boston 2. Washington 9, Detroit 1. National League Chicago 6, Brooklyn 4. Cincinnati 5, Philadelphia 2. St. Louis 6, New York 5. Pittsburg 2, Boston 1 (thirteen innings). Baseball Standings National League W. L. Pet St. Louis .28 12 .C84 New. York .24 15 .615 Chicago .23 16 587 Boston .20 20 .500 Brooklyn ........20 22 .476 Philadelphia .19 22 , .464 Pittsburg 19 23 . .452 Cincinnati J1 32 256 American League W. L.- Pet. Philadelphia .31' Washington 26 New York .23 Cleveland 23 Chicago 17 Detroit 18 St. Louis ..15 Boston -,4.15 10, 17 18 20 24 29 23 27 Leads Ford Salesmen .756 .605 E. C BROWN pONGRATULATlpNS are fcelng paid to E. E. Brown, of Loo don, Ont, for cli achievement la leading in sslei Volume. all other Ford aW-men ia Csnsda during ltxO. Not con-teat with, being tbe champion ForJ Suleiman in Canada, Mr. Brown also Was Second highest In North America, bis record being turpatiied only by a Ford salesman In New York City, who led the London man by only ten cars. FLOWER SHOW TO BE HELD Activities R. S. Sargent is Elected President HAZELTON. June 5: The Hazel-tin Horticultural Society will continue its activities this year and th date of -the 1931 Flower Show will be announced later. Qfflcers have been elected as follows: President, R, S. Sargent. Vice-President. Dr. L. B. Wrlnch. Uncle QK&hZvs u coming! ""Ray Steele proved himself a bit llexible ariH bowed to ways of Jim Londos. In wrestling match at the Madison Square Garden, New York, rexently. when referee got In way Ray Steele hurdled over him to get a' Londos. PLAY FOR DAVIS CUP Lott, Van Ryn, Shields and Wood Are Named on United States Team i NEW YORK. June 5: Oeorge M. Lott and John Van Ryn of Phila-. delphla and Francis X. Shields and ted States against England. Lott and Van Ryn are already overseas while Shields and Wood are leaving today. 1 SPORT CHAT Sam Currie'a Merchants, who ce- 551 lebrated their entry in Senior Foot Judge F. A. E. Hamilton, distin guished Winnipeg juvenile court Jurist. If children could get thfV, little things they want, they would not take what doea not belong tr-k them." he believes. MERCHANTS' TEAM Secretary - Treasurer. William The Merchant will firfri th fni USE SMALL Freddie Wood have been named will carry SEAPLANES J35 ball on Tuesday night by downing Ihlele in the world. Whispers of 400 the Canadian Legion, which won ;mU" P hour are in the air. Quiet 3 53 ... ... , . and confident members of the "high J95 the opening gambol the season last l8peed whkh pUot .357 Friday from the. Regiment, .wlll; rnachines lend strength to the ("meet the "Regiment In the third i rumont . " game Of the Gllhuly ' Cup Series this 1 Three Contestants Postmaster J. R. Morlson sailed lne If d hQlS. COod. the last night on the Prince Rupeu onk, xhouid he able to add ,! " 'LU."'' "1"' a. . 4i , tr. ...... . . j auu r ranee wui participate in fbr Vancouver. a trip to a second victory to their list but ., .... fortunately, such things don't al- known of the utter two countries. ways follow and it is not necessarily j entries for the race, going to be so tonight. In fact, the British team is at Calshot at Regiment team is counting on glv- i present, undergoing the special tag a much better account of Itself framing necessary to fly the fast, on this occasion and Is quite confi- machines. Six different types of! dent that it will be able to take the fMt alrpfcn are bemg used for measure of the Merchants tonight. the praeuce. Three of them are If the Regiment wins, the race will ;pure jpee dcraft built primarily for be tied up three ways with each ; nartlelpetton in the Schneider con-team having won and each having teeU of 1927 and 1929. They are the lost a game. A win for the Mer-jaior IV biplane of 1927, modi-chants, however, would give them , fled e the contet at Venice that a lead which would probably prove iyear to mke it more suitable for very embarrassing to the other two ;praettee frying; the Supermarine teams. Incidentally, the final heat, 35 monoplane, winner of the 1927 in the 100-yurd dash, started lastevent; and the Glo$ter VI bullt ,n Friday, will be run off between per- ' im. The other machines are iods tonight. iRalrey service biplanes on floats; j oldest of them being the justly cele- Louie Shcneldert winning car brated "Flycatcher." for several crossed the finish line last Satur-!"6 the gtancUrd shlpflghter of day nine seconds ahead of that lthe Alr Arm and nowadays driven by Fred Frame In the 500-the nlh Pllot' usual tro- mUe IndlanapolU Speedway race, lt'duetlon to seaplane fighting. The was ruled this week by the Amert- !other Fairey craft are a "Fleet-can Automobile Association. The ! " two flwt lhter. and a ruling was announced when Harry "firefly," single seater, both of 'Ha'rtiilteU Protest aglnst .Jhe "iS0"1?4."1 new milne aWaMm'dflv-Tn'answer 'tTn- whichln their fofjftetlve classes are other protest regarding third to amen6 tn world's fastest and most finish, the board ruled that Ralph j"cient airplanes. Hepburn of Los Angeles nosed out Members of the high speed crew ; Louis Meyer of Southgate. Oal.. by enthusiastic about their chant ' 16 seconds. 'Allowance of Five I r . nr 1 1 o. Lents Would otop Theft by Children WINNIPEO. Jane S Five cents a week an allowance from Dar greatly in preventing petty thefta Society at Ilaselton to Continue Its among Juvenile, in the opinion of ces Physically and mentally, they measure up to the finest type of British airmen. No attempt is made to impose rigid dietary or other re strlctlona on them. They are simply expected to keep fit. Smoking is al most entirely given up, and alcohol Is usually dropped, BASEBALL POSTPONED On account of rain, last night's Senior League baseball fixture be tween the Elks and Sons of Canada en U to their children would ait'! postponed. Weather perml. ting, n win te played on Sunday af BRITISH GOLF TITLE Grant. ! lowing team to meet the Regiment j utrokes Xor 106 72 nt)lea- Executive. Mrs. R. S. Sargent and j tonight: Vic Menzles. Douglas, J Mrs. W. W. Anderson. ! Stiles, McKay, Currle, Hill. Chen-1 joskl. S. Dickens. A. Dickens, II Dickens, Les Amor ternoou. AMERICAN WINS OPEN CARNOUSTIE, Soot. June 5! Tommy Armour, United SU,tos star, who holds the Oa nadlan ouen coif chamnlon ihip, today won the British ! open UUo with u total of 296 Uncle OAZAZliS is coming! "; Meet Seventy-Eight Universities and Cop-leges Represented at Track and Field Sports CHICAGO. June 5: Athletes representing 78 universities and colleges throughout the country started today in the preliminaries' of the tenth annual .intercollegiate track and field meet at Stagg Field here. GUN CLUB , HAS MEET I 'Reversion Bark to Former Season j For Shooting Migratory Birds Is Beinr Asked I The Prince Rupert Rod & Gun Club held its annual meeting last ; night in the City Kail and elected t officers as follows for the ensuing ' year: Honorary President, Game War- j deh Thomas Van Dyk. i i President, J. E. Boddle. I Uritain's Attempt at Third Victory, Vice-President. A. A.McEwen. in Seaplane Race Will be Made ! Secretary-Treasurer. F. W. Grtm-With New Type of Ships ble. I Executive. Oeorge W. Johnstone : and A. Ivarson. LONDON. June 5 :-Two tiny little : SpV.rn, r--ni1Itint,. wr seaplane each bearing the some-, fwp submission to the Oame Com-what ordinary appellation of "S7." mlssiQrH. nrtnpln:1, nnp Mntr the Union- Jack in the !, ur.u ,, i . Shcnelder Cup Races, emblematic of the seaplane championship of the world, on September 12. And each of the tiny speedsters will, by the time they are ready for the race, w 1 4VJ MMik Alll&l 41 J bird hunting season be changed back from September 15-December 31 to October 15-January 31. The club originally asked for the earlier reason but 'has found that it was have cost Great Britain many thou- jnot Hctory as was expected. I The two ships, Supermarine mo- jnoplanes, are being built for the i contest alone. In them will be em bodied all the lessons learned by airplane and engine designers in preparing for previous contests, and one of them seems likely at the mo ment to prove itself the fastest ve- SOFTBALL CHALLENGE Team Which Defeated C. N. IL Re-cently is Vanquished The High School Softball team, which won from the C. N. R. on' Wednesday, was promptly challenged by another team at the school on Thursday. A keenly contested game resulted. The last inning found the score eight all. Two extra innings were forced before the challengers were finally able to win by a score of 12-11. Domlnato and Church comprised the challenger's battery, Allen and Vance acted for the others, ChaUengers, Morrison. Weile. Domlnato, Arney, Church,. Kanaya, Bussanlch. Obata, Blake. O tills. Other team, Allen, Thurber. W. Tobey. C. Smith, Moxley, Unger, Vance, Stlnech. Hanson. Scorer, Murdoch. Stewart Hyder Planning For Celebration STEWART, June 5: Plans are going ahead for an International celebration between Stewart and Hyder on July 18 and 19. Visitors from all parts of Northern British PHOENIX LAGER . . . Healthful . . . Refreshing . . . Pure. - Packed in Handy Sealed Cartes of One Dozen Bottles DOOM OF BIG FIRS Will Not Last More Than Twenty Years Minister Believes VICTORIA, June 5. Within 20! Twenty Years Ago In Prince Rupert June S, 1911 6. Leussos, seaman on the steamer British Columbia, sustained serious injuries this morning when the boom of the vessel snapped and vKirn tiiP nniv hi nmwttfs tir i.n 'struck him on the head. He is be ta British Columbia will be found tag attended by Dr. C. A. Ecgert in parks, according -to Hon. Nels Ldugheed. minister of lands and j ThecMc ewirt of revision on the for many years prominent as a iog-rnunie,Pal assessment roll, conskt- er inthls province. lng of Mayer Manson, AW. V. W. jseetng the Indtan wot-: If 'trade S011U1- AW- J- A- KirxpauteK. Aid.; choice heads home ti hi UUI our ext)ort CAJIUlk uuc In ui xywuKH Douelas i, . ... - ....... . B.Clayton and Aid. J. H. flr50ntiriu ? Ijildltoh. to expand as it has In :ecent years, the doom of the big trees will be even earlier," Mr. Lougheed predicted, adding that 15 years was probably not a too liberal sitlmate. Mr. Lougheed slated that plans were being considered to expand the export trade in hemlock, cedar and pine, by interesting foreign timber buyers In varieties which ;an satisfactorily replace Douglaa fir. "The Conservation Committee of 1912 estimated the annual growth Ci timber at 6,000.000,OOOJeet. There ?oulr-not be a more misleading (statement. A fores 1 grow: to matur ity and stands theic. It may stand for a million years but thete would be no Increase in the board measurement available after :uc maximum capacity ol the soil ha.., been attained," he pointed out. Columbia and. Southeastern Alaskaiwoods into consumption." he warn- was quoted " are'expectea'f or the occasion. d. . exchange mge tc III w IS tltW UJ BCpktUil. iiit UIHI1U liUllft. Pacific Railway Co. has appealed all Its assessments on the grounds that they are "grossly excessive.' Fifty-three local laborers, who will be witnesses for the defence at this morning on the Prince George j for the south. OAKS RACE . RUNT0DAY Brulftte First, Four Course Second and Links Tor Third EP60M DOWNS. Eng.. June 5 - We need trade extension to nro- lUtUt. Col. C. W. Blrkln s fUly Bru- lonir die life of -lur atanri Dpvi H lUtte won the Oaks Stakeshare to- Otdtri f ir mtni Umt4 u ,aw vMffTB This advertisment is not published or displayed v i.n uor t oir i- of British Columbia FISH GLUE . la la II. BI as M iAKft 11 Vancouver Province Writes Editorkl About Research Work Here Of what use is a f fish Skin? Not very w. fiah needs it no loni: to .say. though ih:is " about canneries accoum oy irugai i uoku e Vancouver Province e&: From Ottawa, h mw word in a fteherlf n that fish heads and vk: Ing a place In lndu t ;. showing the way I", n HtHfk aallnna nf trhif ' 14 111 in vmis vi iuwi .vrwyear fom c0(j ril on charges rilng out of the re- In Bmish c, .... cem uawie ei neuy s t;ut. sauea 1 no manufactu- of f. ' j'jmnv rrlal seakv 'h aents have been w. ;u xntriU of salmon r, ar, the greatest micc b1ilned from thr i ' made at the Fisheries F station at Prince R ip-iheer ttrength or nsoo uroare Inch when t'-! st ProducU LiiboiTt" ersity of British da,1 British Columbia 'uced abou' 2C.00H w 1 llbut and 216.(KKi 11W ilmon last vr.r Ho' flr. If we can push hemlock into 1 he Towc Course was second andjut neat,s there foreign market we can extend thei""8 iw, mira. r iiieen norses ran. noWi now, but but there v.-or. won life of our Douglas lr reserves. " " - There Is nothing surer tlmn that 1 Vancouver Wheat these Douglas fir forests :ire Roins ' to disappear unless we oush dUie, VANCOUVER, June 5: Wheat at COV4C on the local today. i augh to make a good n af glue. Ihe fishf rw 17.000.000 salmon As fw the prospectivt : idfli Imports snmethiM 003 pounds of glut .1 by far the greatest value FORTUNES hsve been made by gting QUALITY for 5c take the Arsbela Cigar ... so fragrant, so satisfying . . . each cigar wrapped separately to seal in the fragrant aroma and fresh goodness until it reaches you. Try tht pocket pack . Ul I ' NV 12 bee If : 11 bt--i. tu. nc . .oa- ARABELA cigars