D. & W. GIBB'S FINE SOAPS Cold Cream Soap Superfatted, small she, cake 25c Cold Cream Soap Superfatted, bath size, cake' 35c "Noomle" Lemon Soap Large size, each 35c "Otto dc Rose" Soap Cake 50C Hose Geranium Soap IJath size, cake 35c Shaving Cream Tube 40c Shavlns Stick In new patent holder case, stick 50c Ilbony Shaving; Howl Each , 51,00 Shaving Bowl Refills Each 50C Glbbs Dentifrice Per tin 15c anti 25c Ormes ltd. ZtftQ Pioneer Druggists Phones 81 & 82 Third Ave. & Sixth St TIIKEE GRADUATE PIIAKMICISTS ROOSEVELT Lamb. Miss Hilda Beale. Miss Kathleen Duncan and Mrs. Frank Warne. Cashier was Mrs. B. O. Beale. Mrs. J. W. Moorehouse and Mrs. no inbound train after that un til next Wednesday when the train IH arrive at 1:30 p.m. after which there will be the six trains a week. mm Rupert East Tickets Are Tea and Sale i Going Well For Was Success j The Beauty Shop ! A very successful tea and sale was The committee of B. P. O. Elks In held yesterday afternoon by the charge of the financial end of their Ladles' Aid of Rupert East United presentation of, "The Beauty Shop" Church in the church, llieT&tfifac- in the Capitol Theatre on Tuesday tory sum of $47 being realized as a of next week, are very much pleased result of the affair. with the manner in which the pub- ' Oursts were received by Mrs. Ro- He is purchasing tickets for this bort Murray, president of the La-j outstanding theatrical event. The dies' Aid, and Mrs. C. E. Molte, wire ' local Elks spend a considerable of the pastor. The tea room was In amount of money throughout the charge of Mrs. J. R. Murray and year In their charitable work and Mr.v A. J. Squire and Mrs. T. Ross their annual Flag Day affair at Mackay poured. Servlteurs were which every kiddle in' town Is their Mr.. Robert Wilson. Mrs. Ilolden ! guest, means the expenditure of Mrs Arthur Lelghton. Mrs. M. M. quite a sum and every citizen of Prince Rupert knows what this means to the youngsters of the city. Their offering at this time of "The Beauty Shop" is being made in or- S L Peachy had xharge of the. der to raise funds for this work and borne cooking table and Mrs. A. Frc- by so doing the committee feels bourg. the ice cream. A novelty art they are not asking a penny in the Callrry was in charge of Mrs. Jas. light of charity as the show Is worth Watt and Mrs. W. Rolls. twice the price being asked for the During the afternoon, there was ( tickets. A matinee performance will a delightful musical program which included vocal solos by Mrs. Ernest Anderson, accompanied by Mrs. A. H Klelback, readings by Mrs. Charles Lord and piano solos by Mrs J B. MacKay. CUTTING DOWN ON SERVICES Sloping and Dining Cars Will Be Opcratcl Only Four Days a Week Under New Schedule Sleeping and dining cars will be operated on only four days a wecjs outbound and Inbound In connection with 'ihev dally train service which starts out of here next week on the Capstan National Railway. There wili be no sleeping or dining cms on trains going out Tues-'di'V tuid Thursday or on those com-'ng in Sundays and Fridays. Pas-ent:ers may get their meals at station lunch counters. Under the dally train service, trains will arrive at 1:30 every day except Tuesday and1 leave every day " 1- 30 noon except Tuesday. The regular train will come in at 3:30 on "he coming-Sunday and there will be given at 3:30 for school children and those who cannot attend the evening performance at 8:15. New Charges For Priests Father Leray O. M. I., who for the past four years has also ministered to Pacific, Usk and Terrace In addition to his duties at Stewart, has now been appointed resident priest for the Stewart-Hyder district, it is announced. Father Champagne O. M. I., formerly In charge at Anyox, dlseome and McBride, has been appointed resident priest for the Terrace Jeanne Wimbles Is May Queen Prince George PRINCE GEORGE, June 5: The rrna-tiinc of Prince George's sixth May Queen. Miss Jeanne wimDies, took place here last Saturday, the hentlre town being en fete for the ITInrhllffe. ucuaaiuu. aiv". mw" . j minister of education, was among the visitors In town for the cere-I mony. iiMinN KTRAMSHITS LIMITED Strnmm lrTr Prlnfe Utiiwrt r or Vntnurr: T.H.X. CAT 1 1 A EVKRY TIKSKAV. 1.30 P.M. Arrtrln V.ncouwr. vu 0-n Full-. Thursctnj Noon appro. T.H.R. CARIIENA BVERV FRIOAY MlllMOHT Arrlvlna V.ncoiwr Sundr midnight apfrox. Allw Arm, Anyox, SMwsrt nd Nm Wkl, Miin to Port BUnpson. River polnu Sunday. 8:00 p.m. PrthAr information wgardlng all wlltngg and ttrket., at l'lllNOK Ul l'F-KT AtiKNCV: Sf uml Atfliiif. I'liunt 5fig Local Items Dlnnerware, china, crockery, glassware, ileilbroner's Store. Furs remodelled, cleaned and repaired. An experienced cutter Goldbloom's Fur Shop. tl Mrs. M. P. MCQaffery sailed last .night on the Prince. Rupert for a I trip to Vancouver and Victoria. t Spiro Gurvlch sailed last night on the Prince Rupert to Vancou iver end elsewhere In the south. ' Mrs. Glllia Couture sailed la.) ! night on the Prince Rupert for a 1 trip to Vancouver and Victoria. . JiShenton, inspector of mine; salts ionight on the CarOna for a trip to Bella Bella on official buslrieaf. The Montreal Importers are running shoes for ladies misses, boys and children at a Breat sacrifice. 131 Wm. II. Dahl, who was brought lien iruui xjsci ycau-'iuay, niont in city police court Uih morning on a charge, of burglarlz in-.! Jm Brown's store and was remanded for eight days. ' C.PJl. steamer. Princess Mary r i;it 8 K. nrav. arrived In port 1 12 noon todiy from the soutn m;l is suliujr this afternoon fjr K't?hlkan whence she will return hero tomorrow morning and sai' at 9- a.m. on her return to Vai- f ivr nnd wayp'ilnts. I. I i.ZAM-BUK. 1 H HERBAL OINTMENT Ml S3 a MPnmiNAi cnADll Mussiallern s Meat Market Shoulder Pork 6 lbs. Fresh Side Pork 7 lbs Loin Pork Chops per lb Sirloin Steak 2 lbs Round. Steak 2 lbs Good Pot Roast Beef 8 lbs. Boiling Beer 2 lbs Shoulder Roast Veal 5 lbs $1.00 $1.00 25c 55c 45c 75c 25c $1.00 Shoulder Roast Lamb QQ Sirloin Tipper lb. Rump Roast Beefs' lb. Sliced Bacon per lb Ayrshire Bacon per lb. Beef Dripping 3 lb - Pork Sausage 2 lbs. Spare Ribs 3 lbs Leg of Veal per lb 25c 81.00 35c 30c I 25c 35c 50c 25c SAILINGS FKOM PUINCE KUPEItT To Ketchikan, Wrangclt, Ju-ncau and Skajjway June 8, 15, 10, 22. To Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle Juno 13, 20, 24, 27. For Ilutcdalc, Ocean Tails, Namti, Alert Day, Campbell Ulver, Vancouver, Victoria-Friday, 10 p.m. Full Information from W. C. Orchard, General Agent Cor. 3rd Ave. & 4th St. Phone 31 THE DAILY NEWS ITT Uncle OAZAtfU8 Is coming! Glasses "fitted Ttf registered optometrist at Ileilbroner's store. M. R. Dafop.sailed last night on the Prlnce'tRiipcr for a ,trip to Vancouver. Football tonight at 6:45, Regiment vs. Merchants. Final for dash at half-time. Scandinavian' Dance, Metropole Hall Saturday night at 9 o'clock Admission 25c. 'and 50c. Everybody welcome. . 132 Mrs. D: C. McRac sailed last night on" the" Prince Rupert for a brief ,tr)p to Vancouver. Mr McRac is already In the south. Louis Smith will play the part of "Phil" in the Elks' Show, "Th3 Beauty Shop," at the Capitol Thea tre Tuesday, June 9. James Morrice of Stewart was a passenger aboard the ss. Prince Rupert last evening going through for a trip to Vancouver and Cal v pary. W. O. Harold of the ON.R. city ticket office has been taken 111 with a mild attack-of appendicitis. He expects to be around again within the next few days. Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Aves will sail on the Princess Mary tomorrow I morning for a holiday trip to Vic-' torla. accompanied by their chll-! dren. Mr. Ave is a member of tthe Court House staff here. W. H. Wrigh, of the Ocean Falls Hotel and formerly of this city returned to the paper town down the coast on the Pftncess Mary last night after having made the round trip on that vessel to Vancouver. Robert Cromtc of Vancouver, who is billed to lecture here tomorrow evening, Is due to arrive from the south tomorrow morning. He will remain over until Monday and will address the ttudents of the High School and the 'senior students of the public schools in Booth Auditor ium Monday morning before leav ing on his return to Vancouver. Fraser Lake Couple Wed In Prince George PRINCE GEORGE, June 5: The marriage took place in Connaught Hill Lutheran Church here Tuesday evening of Miss Carolina Valfridsen and Lars Dahlgren, both of Fraser Lake. The bride was given in marriage by L. Strom. The bridesmaid was Miss Anna Dahlgren and the raald-of-honor Miss Bertha Dahl- uen. Little MlssiKathleen Manson was flower girl. The groom was at tended by J. J. Quinn and Lloyd Harper. ritlNCE GEOROE WOMAN L.MI) TO HEST SUNDAY PRINCE OEORQE, June 5: The funeral took place here on Sunday of Mrs. T. Beatty, who had passed away the Wednesday previous. There wai a large attendance at the obsequies. TENDERS WANTED Tenders will bo received for minting at the Public Library. LowetJt or any tender not necessarily accepted. Full particulars may be obtained from the Librarian. 131 r W 17 SPRAINS Rub Mm reft In ntly, It pntritrt tor lictitntt, a I lay a inif immatitt tih, hceila. Puts you on your ftttl SATURDAY SPECIAL Two-Layer Lemon Marshmallow Cake, 30 cents The Elccri? Uakcry Wc Deliver- Phone GG7 fllll The air of Smlthers and railway headquarters Interested in every thing from the standard of spikes to the highest officials, is surcharg ed with rumor In regard to drastic alterations in the administration of the Canadian National Railways, says the Interior News. Everyone is on edge; even the car sweepers are suffering from Insomnia due to the possibility of a "bump." The lowest ar.d the highest quite understand that the head that wears a crown is very uneasy. A dally bulletin of the rumors would read like a comedy column but there is always the fact that anything may happen. One fact which finds the railway employees In general agreement Is that there will likely be a drastic cut either in wages or in hours and maybe both. But from this point the "stove pipe" executive will tell you that the entire office force and dispatching staff may be done away with in Smlthers. That's bad. But after all have felt blue about it there Is the sunshine following, which tells of the possibility of the entire force located at Prince Rupert being shifted east to Smlthers. Which Is something! They tell us, too, that Mr. Tobcy's office may be abolished and this would bring the necessity of finding another Job for Mr. Tobey. I That's bad. It's hard to see Mr. To-i bey on a chain line or Mr. Olay i clouting spikes, nr things like that. Friday, June 5, 1S3I Announcing the PRIZE WINNERS in the DOMINIONjLINOLEUM Pattern Selection Contest In announcing the winner of the Dominion Inlaid Linoleum Pattern Selection Conteit, we wish to extend to them our sincere congratulations nd, at the tame time, to thank all of the many thousands of participants who showed such interest and enthusiasm in the contest. We also take this opportunity to thank the eight Interior Decorators who collaborated with us, lor their interest and valuable aid. Miss Cecile Perron, of Shuter Street, Montreal, was closest to eight correct selections. She has therefore been awarded first prue of $500. Sixty-six contestants were tied for 2nd place and in accordance with rules of contest we have divided the remaining prize money of It.tqp between the sixty-six second place winners. Complete results are as follows: 1st Prize $500 MISS CECILE PERRON, 3473 Shuter Sired, Montreal 2nd Prizes 1100 divided equslly between lh following eonttjlsnUi Albrcchl, Emma. Stony Plain, Alta. Anderaon. C. A., Grand Forke. B.C. Arthur, Mrs. John, Milton, Oat. Hell, Mra. R. S..Campbellford,On. Bonneville, Miu Thereae, Sutton, Qua. Brailr, Miu Maria K., J tliaaheth St., St. Thoroaa. Ont. Puqilai. William, Hanover, Ont. Carter, Miu I laid, 41 Upper Prince St., Charlottrtown. P.E.I. Connota, Mita Marr, 93 Maple St., London, Ont. Copelaod. Mn. R. C, 25 I layman Court, Wellington, St, London, Ont. Crawford, Mrs. S.. Madoc, Ont, Croft. Rov E. B., Bloomingdale. Ont. Covle, Mrs. w. J., . J Aberdeen St., Kingwon. Ont. Debrone. Mrs. Henry. Boa 69. Wallace St., Wallaccbur. Ont. Enu'im. Mra. T. I.. 2 Oaford St. W London. Ont. Erin, Mra. II., Box lot. Gull Lake, 5ik. Even, Mra. r.. Boa 277. Ilumbolt, Saak. Fielders, Miu Qie, 72J George St., Fredenctoo, N.B. Fccbea. Mra. J. G., 2049 Maplewood Ave.. Apt. a A, Montreal, Que. FMbee, Mm M. t., M Mackar Ave., Toronto, Ont. GiMon. Mra. Albert, River View Farm, Paitlev, Ont. Hallmaa, Julia, 111 Aiaumption St. Windier, Ont. Haitow, Hunter, laaea, una. Ilarver, George, Trail, B.C. llawkini. Mita v., 1) O'Neil'a Court, IloJaoYriarl-, ijppel Derby. N.B. Irvine. K. . P.O. Boa 4J. Mllltow., N.B. JohnMoo. Miaa Dorii, 10 Montcreit Blvd., Toronto, Ont. Kirk. Viola N.. Boa 474. Bracebridae, Ont. Lachaine. Mrs. Patrick, 1021 LacaiM Sc., Montreal, Qua. landryv Euiebe, St. Lin, Que. Landry. Mra. J. Henri, St. Grexoire, Que., Co. Nicolet Leifthfield, Mra. Andrew, Brownavillc, Ont. Mackin. Mr. Patrick. 335 Bleeckera St., Toronto, Ont. Maynard, Nellie, Georietown, Ont. Merrier. C. M., 39 rue Deaiel, Levis, Que. Metcalfe, Mra. M., 31 Malikotf St., St. Thomai.Oat. Millar. Mra. J. F.. Box 396. Eaaex St., Godcrich.Oot. Moquin, Melle. Mary, Pleiaiaville, Que. Morxan. Clara. 321 Church St.. Frederiaon, N.B. Morley. Miie E. Ulliio. Mill Sc.. Milvenon, Ont. Morriaon, Charlea M., Lucknow. One. MoKrop. Mra. Myrtle, SH90 Dunbar St., Vancouver. B.C. MacNeill. Mrs. C. t., 7S Steadman St. Monctoo. N.B. McDonald. Miaa Lillian, Box 281, Richmond, Qua. McNeil, Mia Marguerite. 5 Sooth St.. Glace Bay, CB. N.S. Parker. W. R., . . 456 Brant St, Woodwork. Ont. Pedncaud. Mra. Goniaaue, Box 46. Buckingham, Que. Poulin. Fern and, t Bennett Sc., Thetford Mines, Que. PrieK. M. C, 2tS Darling St., Branrford. One. Pyera, Mra. L., Yeomam, Si.k. Rane, Mra. Elie, 91 Aieaaadre, Sherbrocka, Que. Rayoe. Mra. A. E.. 65 Hydro Sc.. London. One. Reid. Mra. Adam C, Vinemnunr, Ont. t Renter. Mra. E.V., Cheiley, Ont. Sanuel, Melle. Jeanne. 43) Roalyn Avc.,V('eHmaunc.Qu. Sheppard. Miaa M. Inn, 155 Neville Park Blvd., Toronto, One. Smith, Mrs. K. L, 1 Brjce Apu, Winnipeg. Man. Spellman. P., 1021 Lacane Sc.. Montreal. Que. Ste. Marie, Mra. Irene, 3707 Bordeaux, Montreal. Que. Vogan, R. (J- J49 St. limn Sr.. Inndoo. Ont. Warren, liH Florenca B., 190 VCeamouih St . Uiarlonrtown, P.E.I. Warren, Miaa Flora C, 62 Holly St.. Toronto 12, Ont. White. Emannet C. 146 State Sr.. Wetland. Ont. Willard, Mra. Charlri. 312 Jobnoo St.. Klngeton. One Wrigleiworth, Mabel, 3213 Fleming St, Vancouver, B.C. Dominion Inlaid Linoleum, for ft try room, . it sold bj . Hons Fnmisbinf - I. - tnd DtparlmtnlJl Slorei tvtriubttl. a nttat in ynaaa oj lb makm of lb ftmout Dominion BallUtbip linoleum. DOMINION OILCLOTH & LINOLEUM COMPANY LIMITED MONTREAL CHANGES RUMORED Disqulctous Talcs Are Circulated of Retrenchment in Canadian National Management Dut meantime the rumors are Up and down the mountain divi sion, and an air of expectancy hovers over all classes of workers. Nothing official has been received here, and the basU for the stories is believed to come from newspaper reports of drastic economies which must be effected by Sir Henry Thornton and his staff In their management of the government system. However, It all leaves us wondering what, if anything, will happen, and when. HOTEL ARRIVALS Savoy M. Janksen, city. Ito.val Wah Rom. invents. S Brnii'i walte. Edmonton; E Ewns. tltv SPECIAL Food Values for Friday & Saturday Nabob Coffee Vacuum packed, per 1-lb. tin Red Arrow Sodas Family Package, per pkg Red Plums K. B. No. 2V4 tins, 2 tins Bulk Macaroni Ready cut 3 lbs Aylmer, per tin 47c 19c 27c 22c Chateau Cheese It spreads f Oat or slices, per li-lb. pkg v v Regal Salt Plain or iodized "J Hp Graham Wafers Fresh stock. 2 lbs Princess Soap Flakes For all uses, per pkg Saur Kraut Llbby's No. 2V4 tins, per tin Puffed Rice per pkg Nabob Jelly Powders per pkg Ensign Crabmcat Packed In Prince Rupert, per tin Plum Jam Empress per 4-lb. tin Orange Marmalade Empress, per 4-lb. tin Royal City Poas Choice Sieve 4, 2 tins Red Pitted Cherries 43c 21c 15c 18c 5c 24c 50c 49c 25c 21c Ginger Ale Felix Dry 04 in finnrkllne. rlnz. nlnts . ...V v New Green Cabbage per lb v. Hothouse Tomatoes por lb New Potatoes-r 4 lbs B. C. Head Lettuce 2 heads 6c 27c 27c 15c Watts' Grocery PHONE 55 I'llONFa 56 THE BEST FOR LESS" ANNOUNCEMENTS Eagles Social and Smoker, Friday, June 5. Elks' Show The Beauty Shop," Capitol Theatre, June 9. Variety Concert under the auspices of the Boys' Band, Thursday, June 18 In Moose HalL H2S) Moose picnic, Dlgby Island, June 21. - Canadian Lesion Picnic July 12. Presbyterian Banar November 5. 154 HOTEL ARRIVALS Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading family hotel. Hot and cold water in all roonu A. J. rilUDIIO.MME, Prop. Cor. of Fraser und Fifth Sts. New Royal Hotel I. Zarelll. Prop THE 11(11 KL HOKTII WHILE Hot Si Cold Water: Bttam Heat 75c PKK DAY AND UP Telephone tXt Knox Hotel Are Our MEALS Good? Our Guests Say They Are. YOUR BABY Requires Milk of Quality Pure, Frwh, Raw Milk Handled in a mojt sanitary way. Come and see our modern plant. Genuine satisfaction guaranteed. Phone Red 608 for Free Sample No obligation whatever DOMINION DAIRY P, O. Box 475 l Si ' r , i, 'It t'.fa' V f m " : ' ftlH 4