g -ay?s Weather ' P 9 -pert-Overcast, calm; bare :30; sea smooth. & "4 a Cold Storage rays $1200 For 30,000 Pounds Frozen Stock of United Pacific Fisheries Plant Sale Delayed Claims of $1,000 to Be Satisfied Large Crowd at Bidding At an auction sale held by Sheriff S. A. Kickerson at the Fish Exchange yesterday afternoon for the purpose of satisfying the claims of creditors of the United Pacific Fisheries, which for a while at the first of the season endeavored to handle halibut on a co-operative basis, some 30,000 pound of frozen fish 20.000 first class and 10,000 second was bought in by the Canadian Fish it Cold Storage Co. for $1200. The upset price was $1100 and there was but the one bidder al though all other fish buyers of the port as well as a large crowd of spectators was on hand. Although an offer of $50 for a winch had been bid by the Canadian Fish St Cold Storage Co, it was n tclded.T at the request of oncof the creditors, to postpone for two weeks the auction of machinery and equipment in the warehouse which had been prepared by United Pacific for the handling of halibut Claims at Prince Rupert against United Pacific Fisheries aggregate about $4,000 including some $1000 In wage claims. Vancouver Stocks tOcurteM S. D. Jobottou Oo.) Big Missouri, 20c nil, Duthle Mines, till, 5c. Oeorge Copper, 40c, nil. Oeorgla River. 2 tic 3 He Oolconda. nil, 18c. Grand view. 3c 4c. Independence, nil, 4c. Indian Mine, lc, lvic. Kootenay King, nil. lc. Morton Woolscy. nil, 2V4c. Nat. Silver, nil. 2 lie. Noble Five. 4c, 5c. Oregon Copper. 4c. nil. Premier. 70c. 72c. Porter-Idaho, 4c. 5c. Reeve Macdonald, 20c, 25c. Ruth-Hope, nil. 5c. Sliver Crest, lVfcc. Sc. Snowflake. 2c. 2Vfcc. Woodbine, nil, lc. OILS Consolidated, 15c, 16c. Mcrland, 8c 10c. Mercury. 19 Devenlsh, nil, 5c. Fabyan, Hie, nil. Home Oil, 54c, 60. United. 9c, nil. Royallte. 650, 7.2S, Eastern Stocks Noranda. nil. $18:00. Inter Nickel, 11.50. 11.85. C.PJl. dlv.. 27.00. 28.00. Y0SHIHARA CONTINUES Japanese Aviator to Resume His Flight to America This Month TOKYO, June 5: Seljl Yoshl-hara. Japanese aviator, will resume hi intrrrunted flight to North Am erica from here on June 25 with a new plane, following the samel budget," Hon. J. L. Ralston, defence, said in the House ot commons yesterday, tie moved an amendment which is a straight want of confi dence motion against the government Col. Ralston declared that the budget shifted taxation from those most quali TRIP FOR PLEASURE i I Col. Cha.i. Lindbergh Talks About Forthcoming Flight to Orient WASHINGTON. D.C, June 5: Speaking last night of the flight he and his wife are planning to make to the Orient, Col. Charles A, Lindbergh stated that it would be purely a pleasure trip. "We simply want to see the Orient," the famous aviator said. Col. and Mrs. Lindbergh will leave Los Angeles about July 4 and will fly via Seattle. British Columbia, Alaska and Siberia to Japan. They will take no chances with weather and will try no nonstop records. The baby will be left at home. Terrace Mans Brother Dies In Vancouver . Chester W. McNeill, aged 41, died in Vancouver last week. He was a brother of D. L. McNeill of Terrace, besides whom he la survived by his mother and a sister. The funeral took place at Parksvllle. THE WEATHER Daao Tree Point Clouy, light temperature. 54; sea smooth.. Triple Island-southeast -Misty rain, frech wind; sea moderate. Racing Season season, undn auspices of Amer. an Y&bt club off Itye. of first ti " of season With boats jpekeyin? ir position. Burden of Taxation Shifted Erom Those Most QuaMea-to Pay to Former Minister Moves What Those Who Are Less Able of Confidence Vote Against Bennett AdministrationStevens Blames Liberals OTTAWA, June 5 : "The Bennett budget is a rich man's Foulc " ne thelwuthwrst wind; barometer. 30:30; cmp m KurUc Islands. He will probably not reach the Canadian coas Deiore well on in July. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, JUNE Yacht Interclub yachts m first race oT Photo shows the start is in Effect Straight Want former minister of national fied to pay to inose leasi aDie. u imade nomenUon of unemployment. Hon. H. H. Stevens, minister ot trade and commerce, replying to Col. Ralston, laid much of the pre sent trouble at the door of the former Liberal administration. RECORD IN BOND SALE Oversubscription of United States Issue Set Up New Record NEW YORK. June 5: It Is claimed in Wall Street that the oversubscription within three days after announcement of Secretary of the Treasury A. W. Mellon's $800,000,000 United States government bond issue was a record over subscription for the country and, possibly, for the world. The issue was oversubscribed to $6,000,000.-000 even before the securities were actually offered to the public. Plane Is Off to Ketchikan Northern B. C. Airways Ship Lcav Ing For North With Capt. W. P. Armour on Board- ciano Btlas. Filipino steerage pas-Thc Northern B. O. Airways plane senger. stabbed two Chinese mem-Is leaving this afternoon for Ketchi- j bers of the ship's crew to death and kan. having on board Capt. W P. wounded 29 others. Armour, manager of the Pacific Salvage Co.. who has had a hurried M.Vn iitw TVt hlans tirlll Jturn this evening. 5, 1931 Opens N.Y. NAUTILUS CROSSING Sir Hubert Wilkins' Submarine on Atlantic en Route to North Pole NEW BEDFORD, June Si The Lsubmanne t". "h Sir Hu- bert Wilkins' North Pole exploration party on board, left at 11 o'clock last night to cross the Atlantic Ocean to Bergen, Norway, en route to Spitsbergen where the final base will be made before dashing under the ice to the North Pole. It is 720 miles from Spitsbergen to the North Pole. Before leaving Cape Cod, the Nautilus ran final tests with complete satisfaction. As the Nautilus proceeds across the ocean, the Graf Zeppelin is being prepared at Frledrichsha-fen, Germany, for its trip to the North Pole to keep rendetvous with the submarine. ntOVINCETOWN. Mass, June 5: The submarine Nautilus was plowing the North Atlantic today on its way to test the feasibility of reaching the North Pole under the ice. The first port of call will be London. England. On board are Sir Hubert Wilkins and 18 men. RAN AMOK ON VESSEL YOKOHAMA, Japan. June 5: (Running amok shortly before the sieamer ranpreas oi uanaaa aocxea here today from Vancouver, Gran- Ship's officers, with armed revol- vers, finally cornered Bllas and nln rvs4 ViIm In Ixtftnsf 17 twill K (rlvn trial on arrival In Hong Kong. Tomorrow's Tides -. Saturday, June 6, 1931 High .. 4:48 ajn. 17:4 ft 19:21 pjn. 17:0 it. Low 11:35 ajn. 5:2fL "RICH MAN'S BUDGET SA YS RALSTON DO-X FINALLY MAKES ATLANTIC OCEAN CROSSING SAFELY GRITS HAVE FINE MEET Great Enthusiasm Shown by Party at Smithers L. II. Kenney Is President 8MITIIERS. June 5: The largest unci moat enthUslaltlc meeting ever held by the Smithers Liberal Asso-( latum took place last Friday r'eht. Vacancies on the executive were tilled and many questions concerning party organization and welfare of the district came up for attention No action for the present was tukrn In the matter of a nominating convention since It was conceded that Dr. H. C. Wrtnch. the sitting member of the legislature, will be nmnated. . U. Kenney wu elected pretl-drnt to sueeffd Oeorge Oulton. who I, is been absent from the town for i K.ng time. II. D. Johnson was el-pi -ted vice-president. ROAD TO THE PAS orthern Manitoba Town To Be Connected. With Outside World W1NNIPEO. June 5 Oradlng of the first road that will link The l-is with the mt of Canada, as tar as automobile travel Is oon- ' tTied. will start this summer. R. W McKlnnon. provincial govern -mont engineer has stated. During the winter a small arm i'f men cleared 50 miles of dens bush and muskeg and thick growth i timber, slashing a trail which extend from the Sasketehewan ri'er to Turnberry on the Manitoba-Saskatchewan border. With the completion of the Saskatchewan section between Hudson Bay Junction and Turnberry automo bile travel between Winnipeg and The Pas will -be a reality. Capt. Dollar Back at Work Noted American Shipping Magnate Feeling Fit After Serious ' Illness SAN FRANCISCO. June 5:-Capt. Robert Dollar, 87-year old shipping magnate whose condition ' three weeks ago was considered so serious itiat aunteons were afraid to per form an operation, was back at vrk again at his deck yesterday imd declared that he felt good Hmugh for many more years yet. Seattle Child Loses Life By Lake Drowning SEATTLE, June 5: After a 24-liour search, Louis Moreno of this 'ty yesterday found the lifeless body of his seven-year old daugh-' r Lorraine, In the water of Lake Union. The child had been last seen t iding on a scooter near the lake. St. Louis Hotel Visited By Fire RT. LOUIS, June 5 Seventy-flvu "itoU were forced to take to the treet In their night attire early witerday morning when fire swept Beards Hotel here. The hotel ruined considerable damage. AUCTION OF FISH Giant German Flying Boat Lands on Coast Of Brazil Last Night Had Good Passage Across at Kate of 160 Miles Per Hour; Engines Functioned Perfectly; Will Make Tour of Cities on Atlantic Coast PERNAMBUCO, Brazil, June : The riant German I filing boat DO-X reached the coast of Brazil safely last j night after its crossing of the Atlantic Ocean from Cape .Verde Islands, it was announced here. After numerous I delays the great ship finally got away from Cape Verde I yesterday morning. Twelve motors, all functioning per- 1 fectly, drove the machine across the miles per hour. The DO-X, after a rest here, will probably visit other South Amerl-j can points before proceeding to New iYork and elsewhere on the United States coast. t NATAL. Brazil. June 5: The' tOerman seaplane DO-X arrived here at 2:10 pan. today from Fer- nando Noronha Island. Brazil, com- pletlng Its trans-AUantlc voyage. Today's leg consisted of 200 miles. me tnormourflnp -ignagd' arrefgeltywalting the visit of the nando Norohna last night, com- pletlng a 1400-mile flight from Porto Praia. Cape Verde Islands. Thirteen persons are on board. Halibut Sales llted Glasgow, when they opened i Kelvin Hall and the new bridge over American j the Clyde at Oswald Street. Addington. 11.000. Cold Storage.! The Shieldhall Dock is an and 3c. 1 ment of the biggest harbor exten- Discovery, 8,500, Royal, 7.1c and 3c. j Viking, 9,000, Cold Storage. 72c and 3c Marks, 11,000, Royal, 7.5c and 3c. Canadian Selma, 4,500, Cold Storage, 6c and 3c. Aleve, 2,000. Royal, 6c and 3c. Gibson, 11.000, Cold Storage, 6c and 3c. Helen n. 13.000. AUln. 6c and 3c. BICYCLE HIT CAR Automobile Did Not lilt Boy on Wednesday Car Had Kight-of-Way City police are in agreement with the contention of William Stuart in connection with the eoHlslon of an ! automobile at the Intersection of : Sixth Avenue and Fulton Street on ! Wednesday afternoon, that it was ' the boy with the bicycle that hit the 'car and not that the car hit the y. Stuart had the right-of-way, it Is explained, and the boy had evi- 1 denUy Intended to pass at the rear of the car but for some reason hit , the car Instead. The father of the boy also agrees that the accident occurred through , no fault of Stuart's. BOND FIRM SIGNS OFF Fleming & Marvin of Toronto (Jult Standard Stock and Mining Exchange TORONTO. June 5: The broker- age firm of Fleming and Marvin, member of the Standard Stock and Kflnlrif V?VVk a n tf MilffnaH ffnm the exchange yesterday. PRICE FIVE CENT! KlNl A T Ixll 1 VJ XTL 1 . - I A Vf I llA VJlJllU V W IT Scottish City Eagerly Awaiting Visit of His Majesty in July j To Open New Dock - GLASGOW. June 5: Glasgow ts King and Queen on July 10 when the King will open the new dock at Shieldhall. The visit will take place during the period when Their Majesties will be In residence at Holy-rood, Edinburgh. It is four years since the King and Queen last vis- sl0n scheme ever undertaken In Glasgow. The Dock will have a wa ter area of about 20 acres and a quay length of over 5.760 feet Tht total cot of the present project will amount to nearly $10,000,000. The Glasgow Harbor Trustees have powers over about 700 acres of land on the south side of the Clyde, possessing a river frontage of about two miles, for further extension. Hearst On Trip To Old Country American Newspaper Publisher to Visit England and Germany NEW YORK. June 5 William Randolph Hearst, wealthy American newspaper publisher sailed from here Wednesday night for a vacation trip to England and Germany. FISHING ON SKEENA The salmon glllnetters on the Skeena River, who have been offered five cents a pound for their red springs, are standing out for eight cents and are at present not fishing until the question of price , i setUed. rOI'E SENDS NOTE TO FASCIST GOVT ROME. June 5: II Duce having refused to receive the first, the Pope, was reported to have sent a second note to the Fascist government de- : mandlng punishment on those who have Insulted him Owing to the strained situation, all Corpus ChrLstl parades have been called off by the church. An open breach between Vatl- can and government appears to be more and more Immln- ent 4 4' J 44 ! t