a. sit RICE KRISPIES in 6 RICE KRISP1ES PPETITE, if stf listen! Srrvlce CHEVROLET and DUICK "Open Day and Night Phone 52 ThlrB Avenue IT MAKES you hungry just to hear Kellogg Rice Krispies pop anil crackle as you pour on milk or cream. . . . And what a delicious taste when you dip in your spoon! Toasted rice. Crisp and crunchy. You'll like Rice Krispies for breakfast or lunch, with fruits or honey added. Great for children's sup pers. Nourishing and so easy to digest. Try a health ful dish when you're hungry late at night. Kcllogg's Rice Krispies take the place of nutmeats in macaroons, candies. Use for making delicious ice cream sundaes. Duller and serve like pop corn. Order from your grocer. Be sure to ask for genu ine Kcllogg's Rice Krispies in the red-and-green package. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. The only cereal to critp it cracklet in cream. You'll enjoy Kellogg's Slumber Music, broadcast ever wjr and associated nations of the N. B. C. every Sunday evening at 10.30 E.D.S.T. Also n Los Angeles, komo Seattle at 10.00, and s.Ok Denver at 10JO. SHINGLES! No.l-3xatperM $3.25 No.l-5xatperM $3.75 No. 2 -at per M $2.75 SUrrOUT HOME INDUSTRIES MADE AT MASSETT HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 I'll ONE 580 The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED LAG Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, 1I.C. Kaien Motors Limited General Garage and Station TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN IlAIilY FOU SKEENA BRAND Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FKF.SII PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM DAILY Early Delivery Throughout the City CENSUS MAN FORESTALLED TERRACE, June 5 The stork ! which hovers around Terrace now ! and again must have got his opth centered pretty strongly on the census man during the week-end. for he certainly put In a big spell of overtime, four or five new residents coming in by way of nature's carriage. Betides Mrs. j Mills, there were Babies born to Mrs. W. Jordan nee Gladys Ken- neyi, Mrs. E. Haugland and Mrs O. Graham. Dr. Mills had a busy time for a few days. SPECIALS! SATURDAY ONLY T-Bone Roast Beef )! per lb Sirloin Roast Beef QCst per lb Rump Roast Beef 2QC per lb, Sirloin Tip Beef per lb Pot Roast Beef per lb Pork Roast per lb Round Steak- . per lb, .... Pork Steak per lb Stew Beef per lb Phone 10 We Deliver 25c 15c 20c 25c 25c 10c Thone 2 m 7' FAQS BIZ THE DAILY NEWS ft GOLD KEY TO SITUATION Value of Trospcctor In Economic Life o( Country is Stressed By Dr. Mandy J Gold holds the key to the present ' economic situation and the discov- 'cry of hew cold mines is that key, I according to Dr. J. T. Mandy, resident mining engineer, who addressed the Prince Rupert Rotary Club I at Its weekly luncheon yesterday I afternoon. According to the same 'authority, the prospector Is the man on whom the country depends and every encouragement should be given him in his work. Dr. Mandy gave a most interesting r,nd. at times, humorous sketch ' nf life in the wilds of B. C. in connection wi'h mining. His stories of jproswetors wore intensely amusing. JAftrr getting his audience Into a god humor, ho proceeded to quote iminins figures to show how impof-tani ;s the mining Industry. He staii d that iliere was a world shortage nf gold :md Canada was "the bright and scintillating star" In the I mining firmament and the prospector was the ninn to whom they looked to rclicvr the situation, j In South Africa. Dr. Mandy .-aid. ; there was a reserve supply of gold ! bearing ore of about 500.OOb.000.000 tons of whk-h 31,000,000,000 tons was being mlnd yearly. Very soon this would be depleted and the world would look to Canada for a supply. British Columbia had the mhvr- ' allied area although It was diffi cult to prospect. Because of the difficulty, there was hope that eventually mines would be found that would become world famous. The department of mines at Victoria was centcrfrtgn gold at present as one of the great factors that might re licve the present depression. ductton was on the Increase and this year .Canada should be second only to South Africa In gold production, panlng the United States In the race for supremacy. Again and again Dr. Mandy rever ted to the plea that the prospector was the man to whom to look and urged that he be given every In a special Industrial supple ment to last Monday's Issue U mark the 'tail to the coast of Ca nacllan Manufacturers' Association delegates to the convention in Victoria, the Vancouver Province describes many Industrial enter prizes In the province. The pulp mill at Ocean Falls and mining and smelting plant at Anyox art among the industries described and pictured. Uncle GAZAZUt . coming! Week-End Specials Swift Pure Lard 5-lb. tin 90c Malkln's Best Sliced Peaches llZr ! 1 Una A.tfj m a, tkiiw Malktn's Best AprlcoU 2's 2 tins Malkln's Best Pears 2's 2 tins 45c 45c Dutch Maid Salad Dressing Jgg u-vh jat Cowan's Perfection Cocoa fW - Insto Hand Cleaner-large tin .- Eggs Fresh Extras In cartons, 3 doz. Christies Zephyr Cream Sodas, per pkg. Christies Chcoee Wafers- large tin Christies Reception Wafers lCn olloH tin V Christies Butter Wafers per tin Sunnybrook Creamery Butter, 3lb. brick SunkUt OrariEce 5 doz. .L.i i Sunlight tfoarf- 2 pkgs. . Princess Soap Flakes 2 pkgs - P. GAMULA. l lfth Street 25c 95c 25c 45c 45c 85c 95c 45c 45c Alberta Market Proprietor Phone 208 Lovely Skin Vegetable Pills Did What Creams Couldn't "I find (Tit J Mis E. T. Clapfiam) that Carter's Little Liver PiUs will do more to keep the complexion clear and the skin free from blemishes than all the face creams 1 have used." Dr. Carter's Little Liver Pills are no ordinary laxative. They are ALL VEGETABLE and have a definite, valuable tonic action upon the liver. They end Constipation, Indigestion. Biliousness, Headaches, Acidity. All druggists. 25c and 75c red package. Brief Story of The Beauty Shop However, the ugly duckling Is made beautiful by Dr. Budd. she refutes him and marries a village yokel The girl's father gives the doctor a Pro- I fortune for making his daughter so beautiful and the play ends hap- oily with the entire cast singing a Broadway song. At the Capitol Theatre. Tuesday, June 9. Inspector John Macdonald. pr;-, vinclal police, returned to the ctivi m yesterday afternoon's train i rom a trip to the Smlthers' dlv' trict on official duties. WHY IS IT Your neighbor has a Rank Account? BECAUSE He deals at MuTsallcm's Cash & Carry Stores Snap The ideal hand cleaner -- per tin Cow Brand Soda Soda l'a, per Pkg. Abbey s Fruit Salts per bottle Arm Hammer Washing Soda, 2 pkgs. Aylmer Peas Size 3 per tin Aylmer Corn on Cob 38 3 tins Malktn's Best Tomatoes 2' Vs. 3 tins Malkln's Best Black Currant OCp U3J Toll., t,v Itnltla Malkln's Best Baking Powder, 2Vi's Ginger Snaps per lb 3 lbs Sweet Biscuits per lb 19c 13c 85c 23c 15c 85c 40c 75c 15c 40c 20c Royul City Golden Bantam QIZe OUV Corn. 2'a, 2 for B. C. Strawberries 2 for Fresh Blng Cherries per lb Fresh Hhubarb 6 lbs M Cauliflower per head Hothouse Tomatoes per lb 35c 35c 25c 15c 25c Economy Cash and Carry Stores . "Where Dollars Have More Cents" 319 3rd Ave. 417-433 Sth Ave. Telephones SCO and IS OF LOCAL INTEREST Locale of Picture "Silver Horde" Was at Ketchikan Some of Actors Were Here i The picture "Silver Horde," which ; Is offered for this week-end jjt the Capitol Theatre, will be of more than usual local interest In view Of the fact that the locale for the film was found last summer In and around Ketchikan. Practically all the outdoor photography was taken there. Incidentally, Louis Wolhelm and somd of the other actors in the film 'passed through Prince Rupert, If long hours of hard Work, an .pending a day here on the way abundance of pep and enthusiasm south. Wolhelm. it will be remem- and a determination to make good, bered, died at Hollywood this sprln?. cqunt for anything, then the forth- ne was known as the "beloved vll- comlng production of that tuneful iajn" 0f the screen, musical comedy "The Beauty Shop," The story, of course. Is from Ilex should prove an outstanding sue- Beach's book of similar name and cess. The large cast and chorus of j8 a tale of the salmon fisheries, mire than sixty ladies and gentle- Evelyn Brent takes the part of the men are busy from early morning famous character, Cherry Mallottc. until almost midnight perfecting themselves In their various parts and it looks as though this is going to be "the talk of the town" for many weeks to come. The first act of this unusualcom- Whq Not Appeal to Americans For Help? A United States senator complains edy opens in a New York beauty Uiat Canadians and Englishmen shop run by Dr. Arbutus Budd. who, will not help Uncle Sam to enforce plagued by his creditors, la In tit- ' prohibition. Windsor Border Cities palr when a cablegram comes from star. Corsica telling of the inheritance of mmmmmmmmm a dead uncle's estate. The big scenes of the play are shown In Corsica where Dr. Budd Is practically forced to the point of marrying; Corsica's homeliest daughter to ave himself from the vendetta. II JgL Ik ii mm JB IP - , gjrm Friday and SaturdJ TWO Slimvs . .mM EVELYN I5RENT Pltl CHERRY MALOTTE I 'The Silver Hori With Inni. ... . MV ...... u,nein ii Arthur and Many other vl "ex Beach'i Masterpiece Rrourlit . on me &rrrin n.-i. rcai Aiasna sa ftiftn ti FILMED NEAR KETCHIKAN Spnrtli;ht-T.L!Dlxc PROCURABLE CII WHISKY CHEST IN FINEST ICHLANO MALT B1I Crm A Son limitM OWnMdi h ir law A Cllfaw, KrMln4. This advertisement i- not published or lipl;iy l I Control Board or the Government of British i I.; ijliiiiii.il a- iirrir t ....... Added Attrai tion at j 1 1 1 1. i i a YM 1- - 1 1 i Feature Starts at 7 10 t SATUKDAY MATINEE v: 15c 8c 10c Feature Slat auueu Attraction at ,t MONDAY ONLY "BODY AND SOU I HLBEST Our Prices Will Please You Come In and let us show you how little it rt to equip your ear with GOODRICH SILVLE TOWNS. A complete Garatc Service Distributors Dodge Can and Trucks RUPERT MOTORS "1" Night Calls: Thone 161 CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Ul'EHATINU U. T. I'. 20,000-TON FLOATING IKVI0CK tnglneers. Machinist Ilollermakers, lllacksmlths, I'stlem Mskers, Founders, Woodworkers Ktc EI.ECTKIC AND ACBTVLENK WELDING Our Plant Is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WOKK I'UONES 43 AND 385 NATURAL PURE Fresh Milk Free from any preservative or treatment whatever. Milked and delivered dally from our own cows. Four successive years Government Orade A certificate Health and Sanlta-Hon. A trial solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. PRINCE RUPERT DAIRY Box 8D3 , phone 287 SUITS Made to Your Order $27.00 TOP NOTCH TAILORS One price through'''1' Your measure tak' ti tr. ' LING-TUB TAILOR 817 Second Ave, rhone V