PAGE TWO SUBSCRIPTION KATES City delivery, by mall or earner, yearly period, paid In advance..- $5.00 For ler periods, pall in advance, per week 10c By mall to all parts of Northern and Central British Columbia, paid In advance for yearly period 3.00 'By mail to all other parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid In advance, per year - $6.00 By mall to all other countries, per year .... , L 9.00 ADVERTISING KATES Transient display advertising, per inch, per Insertion ... i.4i Classified advertising, per Insertion, per word Local readers, per insertion, per line fcegal notices, each insertion, per agate line .....j, , j Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations Contract rates on Application. Editor and Reporters' lelepnone Advertising and Circulation Telephone DAILY. EDITION TOLMIE'S VICTORY Rupert Motors Dodge & Plymouth Dealers Phone 566 We specialize in complete overhaul jobs and all kinds of automobile repair work Night Calls: 1C1 LUAL Buy the real Coal-our famous Edson and Casildy-WeJlLogton in any qnanUtlee. Also Bulkley Valley Hay. Grain and Kobin Hood Hour Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONES 68 AND S58 ..from 82.." SG 98 and many other changes and Improvement! for your comfort and convenience. 320 view room . all with bath. Special low weekly and monthly rates. V A X COI V Klt'S It R V TII-'I'L Westinghouse Washing Machines Vacuum Sweepers Flat Irons Mazda Lamps, etc. McHAE HROS., LTD. JtXMl? PAfi Hiran my Steam Cleaning and Pressing Alterations Made Collection and Delivery Treet LING THE TAILOR 817 Second Ave. Phone C19 .02 .25 .lb Thursday, Dec. 3 1931 Premier Tolmie seems to have won at least" a temporary victory at the annual meetintr of the B. C. CnnsprvntivA Say, these Troyans have a lot of gall looto at this! Interfering with a player Is what Jt amounts to. It all occurred at a recent University of Southern California gathering. SMOKER IS ENJOYABLE fence. au performers of the eve- Association at Nanaimo. There was no ooen rebellion nr. the meeting although there was said to be plenty of rumb- j The" oX etTwT cleverly the corridors of the ling in convention hall. and keenly contested although the 1 o jus opponents tne rremier spoKe very plainly. He i by we caued upon at short no told how he had been pressed into the sen-ice of the party at the Kamloops convention, how he had given up his Ottawa PJIVPPr in Ofmo In tVia raonna n-f Uia ... D . 1- n 1 w "1- .... 10 ?V 1,1 "V"8" I Barne. timekeeper for the box- viuuiuia cum icrtu lueiu victory, men ne aareti tnem;ing evenu. openly and told them he would carrv on until the timo niv : Bin stone reeained the citv lived X$r another election when they could choose any .'championship in barrel boxing, by "0the"r perSuJl tliey Wished to lead them. ' I defeating Linstead and Frizzell. AUj It seems clear that Dr. Tolmie aim nut a winnr a oiner pu"c even y that his stock has gone up since the time of the convention. While he said this was no time for an election he did not commit himself except to say that the government still had two years during which it might continue to carry on. In spite of this the opinion still prevails that if terms can be arranged for anything like a satisfactory disposal of the P. G. E. in the near future, the government will then ask the people of the province to endorse or reject the scheme, f hat it would have a strong appeal in the south is expected but whether it could overcome the growing opposition to the government is another matter. Many think it could not. Much will depend upon the happenings of the next few months. The electorate is fickle at all times and no one can forecast with any degree of certainty what people will do. no-decision exhibitions, The evening's program was as follow: 0 Canada, audience. Opening selection, Balagno's Vocal solo. "Allouette." aillisi Couture. Cornet sola Emil Hudema. Humorous recitation, Harry As-tori. Violin solo, J. Campbell. Monologue, Joe Cook. i Boxing, three rounds, Hlckey vs. i Holm. ; Address. Angelo Astori. Boxing, three rounds, Wendle vs. j Bagshaw. Selection Balagno's Orchestra. Drawing for $5 gold piece, No. 21. I Barren boxing, Linstead vs. ! Stone; Frlizell vs. Stone. Clog Dance. Joe Cook. I Selection. Balagno's Orchestra. There were about two hundred persons present. Floor stewards were F. Ellison, F. Fitzgerald, C. Chrlstoff. E. Smith, Bert Peacock. P. Boykin. C. V. Symes, W. Rothwell, Len Brewerton and H. Smith. James Brown and Q. A. Hebb presided at the door. The committee in charge of the affair consisted of Angelo Astori, James Sturgeon and Oeorge Brooke. NEW CHURCH AT SIMPSON Building to Kcplace One Burned Expected to Be Erected Before Long Word Is being awaited from missionary headquarters of the United Church of Canada, where all insurance papers were kpt, before plans are made for building a new church at Port Simpson to replace Grace Church which was recently destroyed by fire. In the near future, the expectation is that a suitable new church will be erected. Meantime. Rev. Victor Sansum, the pastor. Is conducting his services in nearby halls. Man in the Moon T j It's not only the tires of a car , Eagles Genial Hosts Last Night that get punctures. Many a man Boxing Features Program ! punctures his chances of success , 1 almost as soon as he starts on the 1 The benefit smoker, including so- j Journey of life. j ciai ana ooxuig tournament, suigea 1 last evening by the Eagles' Lodge in the A,erie Hall yas a genial affair and all present had a very enjoyable time. The different items on a varied program were well presented and heartily applauded by. a large aud- tjee to perform. George Brooke acted as chairman, DougUa Frizzell was referee and It'll be a great thing to have that radio-telephone system working. When somebody in Vancouver nays br writes something that annoys us, it won't be necessary to take it out on our neighbors. We can just ring up the offending person in the south and pour out our complaint into his unwilling ear and It will cost one about fire dollars to do it. That'll be better than spoiling the gay for all our neighbors and friends. The difficulty with some folk Is that they can't go straight. They are always dodging fact. It's great fun to be in the minor ity. You can kick all you want and nobody seems to take any notice pf you. Jake says he has been trying to get ahead by the underground route and all he got was a head ache. Bagpipe selections, Sturgeon's wuuuac- j The best place to live is Just in-!.tlde your income. There are lions : ...i.U. Pipe Band. ; Boxing, three rounds, Chenoskt WheQ thp P"Pht "AU men vs. Fong. ' are Uars" ne was abut rl8ht but Selection, Balagno's Orchestra, i1 ialIed to option that even a BoxiM. three rounds. Parent v.i lmlrror WW Mmetlmei lie. Healy. C. N. It. TRAINS Mondays, Wednesday and Frl- days : s p.m. days 10:40 a.m. The Dally News can be pur- chased at Post Office News Stand. 325 Oranvllle St.. Vancouver. Karl Anderson. Prince George, B.C. B, W. Riley. Terrace. B.C. General Store. Anyox. f Bmlthers Drug Store. Smith- ers. B.C. . Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating three Dry Docks Total rapacity 20,00.0 tons Shipbuilders and Ship Kepalrers for Sieel and Wood Vessels Sawmill and MiningMachinery Repaired and Overhauled Iron and Brass Casting Electric and Acetylene Welding 50-ton Derrick for Heavy Lifts Thursday, December 3. 193f Had Eczema Interferes With A Player 1 All Over Her Body Mr. Leo Wardler, Springford, Ont., Prices in Fifteen Years Ml 3 writea:--"For long while I was Lowest ! troubled with eciema all over my body. It would burn and itch eo at night I could nqt reut. . 1 "ified different remedies but of no avail. 1 was advised to tale Burdock j Wood Hitlers, aud after taking five bottle my blood wa Completely cleared of the ecieiua." Far t 11 trurnd (enrrl lor; inanuMtrd, (or tb put S3 jwn, nly br Tb T. Milbura Co , Ltd.. Twontu, Out. THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Publlsherl Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited, Thin4. Avenu- H F. PTJLLEN . - - Managing-Editor a NINTH ANNUAL Following the announcement of our Annual Temptation Sale with its wonder ful bargains, a large number of Prince Rupert people have taken advantage of the opportunity to stock up before Christmas. Others have been buying ( 'ht-i.-i -mas presents here for their men friends. There are still plenty of bargains in men's wear left'. New goods at much reduced prices. Everything in the store slashed to enable even the noos. : The latest in styles and the best in quality, our sale is a real opportunity, a temptation to those who have the cash. In addition to the men's and boys' wear goods, we have -a few high qualilv 1 n left over from the Arctic Fnr sale. These are going at very low prices to dea Men's Overcoats in Blue Chinchilla and Barryraore Cloths; in the very latest models; reg. value $37.50. S24.50 Boys' Corduroy Toreador style Pants all sizes, regularly priced $4.25 Mr 2.95 Boys' Suits, Navy Blue Serge, 13-ounce pure wool, with two pairs of SifprTr".13"0". $19-50 NO CREDIT Men's Suits in. the latest Fall M-xl . Pin Stripes and Checks, and a rv lot of assorted shades, reg. Temptation CQ-I CA Sale Price tyALAV A nice lot of Assorted Cap?, nea . all sizes. Temptation ' QCJfa Sale Price Turnbull's Wool Underwear Ur all sizes. Regularly priced at H Temptation C9 Off Sale Price Hudson Seal Coats 2 Only HUDSON SEAL COATS. Balance of Arctic Fur QOOg 00 stock. Reg. value $150.00. To clear pittJjJ Wc have Icfl a few Red Foxes, Silver Foxes and Slink, which would make a nice gift. Going at low prices. The Acme Importers THIRD AVEMfc These Prices For Cash Only Mail Orders carefully and promptly filled at these prices 4ainSiMSHlSliHSVHPSSHMiiiiBiHliMiMNiVBiHtVHHiSBiHitMHSa'a' Hg I If You are one of the few People Who do not already Take the Daily News We suggest it would he a good thing to get in line with progress. Telephone for the hoy lo call and then pay him a dime a week and live happy & ovnr nflorivnrla rv Be an optimist. Subscribe to the paper that radiates .optimism. THE DAILY NEWS Telephone 98 Third Avenue